project application form.

BRC GOSomics Project Plan Proposal Form
GOSomics is a platform designed to provide advice and expertise with translational research in the area of
proteomics, metabolomics and lipidomics and is based in the ICH Biological Mass Spectrometry Centre. The expertise
of GOSomics and the BMS centre includes screening and identification of novel clinical biomarkers from primary
tissue and translation of markers to clinical tests.
GOSomics can perform small scale omics experiments for proof of principle purposes to contribute to translational
research focused grant applications but we do not perform large scale biomarker discovery experiments or develop
targeted proteomics assays. These types of experiments are performed and funded by joint grant funding with a
member of the BMS centre only.
Please fill out this form with a description of your project proposal. If not done so already a member of GOSomics will
contact you to discuss your proposal before it is presented to the GOSomics committee monthly meeting. BRC
GOSomics projects are focused on translational research utilising primary human tissue. Projects involving animal
tissue and cell culture will not be considered.
Please email an electronic copy of your completed form (and direct any queries, as appropriate) to either Dr Wendy
Heywood or Dr Jeremy Pryce
1. Principal Investigator Contact Details (Official Address for Correspondence)
Position Held
First Name
Contact Address
2. Proposed Investigation
Please include a brief background and what experiments GOSomics can perform or assist you with.
3. How will this Project benefit the patient?
Please briefly discuss the feasibility to translate the research into patient benefit and the potential impact of
the research on diseases / issues treated at GOSH
4. How do you intend to use the data generated by GOSomics? (i.e. grant proposal, to
contribute to a publication)
5. If the data is for a grant proposal what grant funding body are you applying to and what
agreement has been made with GOSomics regarding the use of the Biological Mass
spectrometry Centre?
Ie. Do you intend only small scale omics experiments for the grant and will only require the use of the BMS
centres proteomics service facility for protein identifications and quantitation
Or do you intend applying for a grant involving biomarker discovery and/or development of targeted
proteomic/metabolomics assays. Please note these experiments require significant expertise, bioinformatics
and instrument use and are only performed if a member of the BMS centre is a co-applicant on a grant.
Estimated costs and consumables (to be completed by GOSomics)
6. Declarations and signatures
Once your completed form is received by GOSomics the project will be discussed at the next monthly
GOSomics committee meeting. Projects are assessed based on their potential for translational impact and
practicality and time frame of the proposed experiments.
Signed: ………………………………………………… Date: …………………………………..