Milaca Independent School District Curriculum Map Teacher: Andrew Nelson Content Essential Questions September Content Area: October What do we know about rehearsal and performance etiquette? How do we apply counting skills to rhythm reading? How do you create good tone on your instrument? How do we use the smartmusic software for solo performance? What is the level of our pedagogical skills? What is an appropriate individual warm-up process? What areas of rehearsal etiquette do we need improvement on? Review - Classroom / rehearsal skills (1258) - Fundamental tone production (26) - Counting fundamentals (25) - Tempo pulse awareness (256) - Pedagogical skills (2) - Articulation review (26) Introduce - Fundamental concert repertoire (256) - Pep performance repertoire (2) - Solo lesson curriculum (256) Perform - Continued pep performance (2) Review - Simple duple counting (5) - Pulse awareness (26) - Rehearsal skills (12) Introduce - Solo curriculum lessons (256) - B flat, E flat, F flat, A flat scales (2) - Correlating chromatics (2) - Jazz, percussion ensembles (2) HS Band November How do we apply counting skills to more advanced time signatures? How do we use a tuner to assess our intonation…what can we do to adjust intonation? What do key signatures mean and how do we read them (review)? Course Name: December 8th Grade Band/Concert Band / Symphonic Band January February How do we execute concert performance? What are the elements of the MSHSL adjudication form? How do we apply the MSHSL elements to the performance of our contest repertoire? What scales have we mastered from the current curriculum? Which elements do we need added instruction or clarification on? Can we apply written counting skills to performance? What are the basic eras of music history? Perform - Continued pep performance (2) Review - Simple duple counting (5) - Simple triple counting (5) - Pulse awareness (256) - Rehearsal skills (12) Introduce - Continued solo curriculum (2) - Use of tuner (2567) - Intonation charts (2567) - Circle of 5ths (5) Perform - Winter concert (2) - Ensembles concert (2) - All-Conference Events (2) Review - Simple duple counting (5) - Simple triple counting (5) - Pulse awareness (256) - Rehearsal skills (25) Introduce - Complex duple/triple time (5) scales Rehearse - Concert music- CGD (2567) How do we identify intervals aurally? How do we apply eartraining to intonational skills? What ensemble should students perform in next year? Rehearse / review - Contest repertoire (256) - MMEA All-State Scales (25) - Ear training (6) Perform - All Conference Jazz (2356) Grade Level: March Can we perform 7 practical major and minor scales; which scales do we need continued improvement on? What progress is being made on Spring repertoire? 8-12 April May How many solo performances are we capable of? What do we need to perform for graduation and memorial day? Where are we on the solo curriculum progression and what are our future goals? What do we need to know to perform a summer marching program? Perform - Spring concert (25678) - Jazz concert (2356) Introduce - Fundamentals of marching (2) - Significant composers and performers (689) - Marching warm up format (2) - Graduation and Memorial day music. (25) Perform -Memorial day event (2) -Graduation (2) Rehearse - Fundamentals of marching (255) - Continued marching curriculum (25) - Memorized musical performance. (25) What is improvisation with a basic blues scale? Introduce Introduce - Continued solo -Marching Music (256) Perform curriculum (256) - Contest repertoire - Contest performance (256) (256) - MMEA All-State - Solo/ensemble Scales (25) contest (256) Review / Rehearse - 2 octave chromatic (25) - Spring concert Rehearse repertoire (25678) - Contest repertoire (256) - Solo/ensemble repertoire (256) - Basics of Garage Band (4) - Basic Music History Eras (89) Rehearse - Concert music (2567) Assessments Skills Fundamentals of Music Performance- Tone, Articulation, Intonation, Rhythm Skills, Dynamics, Phrasing, Watching, Listening, Ensemble Skill, Individual Practice and Performance (2567) Technique Tone Production General Pedagogy Rehearsal Skills Warm-up Skills Written Counting Time Signatures Smartmusic Software Rehearsal Skills Fundamental Scales Key Signatures Circle of 5ths reproduction Intonation skills Concert Performance Additional Scales Assess - Current level of ensemble performance - Current individual performance abilities - Seat ensembles appropriately Create appropriate lesson groups Assess - Counting & clapping - Rehearsal skills Assess - Music reading skills - Counting & clapping - B flat, E flat, F flat, A flat scales Chromatics -Written counting testing Assess - Fundamental time production & tuning - Solo performance #1 @ lessons - B flat, E flat, F, A flat scales - Chromatics - Concert attendance / performance Rehearsal skills Individual Performance Assessment Group Performance Assessment Additional Scales Music History Basic Presentation Assess - CGD scales - Chromatics - Written counting Reseat ensembles -Solo performance assignments by instrument Ear Training and application to intonation. Additional Scales Additional Scales Solo performance at Contest Written Theory (counting, key sigs, time sigs, ear training) Marching Fundamentals Marching Fundamentals Assess - Articulation skills - AE scales / chromatics - Placement exam - MMEA All State Scales Assess - 7 Practical majors and minors - Ear training - Key signatures Assess - Ear training - Counting skills - Solo performance Assess - Theory final - Marching fundamentals - Final solo performance - Concert participation - Final Band Placement In the above content areas, achievement is based on specific Band Levels. It is assumed that students in Symphonic Band will achieve mastery of all concepts throughout the year, while students in 8th grade band and Concert Band are continually in a developmental stage. Although specific months are indicated for certain tasks, this does not imply that a timetable is always applied. Skills and Benchmarks are applied as relevant curriculum is introduced (based on lesson book study and curricular music programming). Standards 1. Singing alone and with others a varied repertoire of music. 4. Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines 7. Evaluating music and music performances 2. Performing on instruments, alone and with others a varied repertoire of music. 5. Reading and notating music 8. Understanding relationships between music, the other arts and disciplines outside the arts Assessment of skills in band assumes that students us singing and vocalization skills to learn basic band concepts. 3. Improvising melodies, variations and accompaniments 6. Listening to, analyzing and describing music 9. Understanding music in relation to history and culture