Light and Optics Vocabulary

Light and Optics
Vocabulary List
angle of incidence – (n) the angle of an incoming ray of light
angle of reflection – (n) the angle of an outgoing ray of light
block – (v) to stop light from passing through. When you block light a shadow is created.
concave - (n) the shape of mirrors or lenses that curve inward
concave lens
convex – (n) the shape of mirrors or lenses that curve outward
convex lens
electromagnetic spectrum - (n) the electromagnetic spectrum is a continuum of
electromagnetic energy ordered into seven regions by frequency and wavelength
illuminated - (v) to glow by reflecting light from a luminous source (example: earth’s moon)
light – (n) a special form of energy that can be seen by our eyes. It is also called visible
electromagnetic radiation.
luminous - (adj) emitting self-generated light (example: sun)
10. opaque – (adj) a material you cannot see through (e.g. wood)
11. optics – (n) the science that studies light, vision, and optical instruments
12. prism – (n) a triangular piece of glass used to split white light into the color spectrum
13. reflection – (n) light rays bouncing off a surface
14. refraction – (n) light rays being bent as they pass from one transparent material to another
transparent material
15. shadow – (n) a dark area that forms beyond an opaque object when it blocks out light
16. spectrum – (n) the range of colors that make up white light
17. translucent – (adj) a material that lets most light through it so you can see a faint picture
of the object behind it (e.g. waxed paper)
18. transparent – (adj) a material you can see through (e.g. clear glass)