Helpful Hints for Hosting Alumni/ae Events & Ideas for Activities in

Helpful Hints for Hosting Alumni/ae Events & Ideas for Activities in
Your Homecoming Tents
Steps to take when hosting an event
Best Practices for working with or planning events for alumni
_______ Chapter has an officer in charge of alumni relations
_______ Chapter distributes at least one alumni/ae newsletters per year
Chapters should look into sending both electronic and hard copies of these
newsletters. There may be some alumni who do not have easy access to
internet/email or are not fully comfortable with web-based publications. There
may be a level of comfort or feeling of nostalgia and tradition when receiving a
newsletter in the mail.
Don’t just use this as a vehicle to ask for things or money (“wish list”), be sure to
include updates on the chapter, other alumni, and campus. This is a perfect way
to re-engage alumni in what the chapter is doing.
Send a summer newsletter with plans for Rush/Recruitment/Intake
_______ Chapter sponsors at least one alumni/ae event
Partners who can help- Alumni Association, International and National Office
Alumni Event Ideas
Homecoming Events Suggestions