Emotions and Learning

Emotions and Learning
Key Concepts:
A. The role of emotions in the thinking and learning practices
B. Why use the more emotionally laced learning?
C. Differences between emotions and feelings
D. Specific strategies for emotional engagement
A. Emotions drive attention, create meaning, and have their own memory
a. 3 discoveries paved the way
i. discoveries of physical pathways and priorities of emotions
ii. findings about brain’s chemicals involved in emotions
iii. link between pathways and chemicals and learning
B. Emotion helps reason to focus the mind and set priorities
a. Logical side says “Set a goal!”
b. Only our emotions get us passionate enough to achieve it
c. Popularity of Emotional Intelligence (Goleman, 1995) has elevated
emotions to reputable level.
d. Emotions as Mind-Body States
i. A state is moment composed of specific posture, breathing,
chemical balance
ii. Presence or absence of noradrenaline, testosterone, serotonin,
progesterone, dopamine and dozens of others affect your
frame of mind and body.
Students use money to change their ‘state’ (buy food get out of
hunger state, buy Nikes to feel confident or fit in, buy drugs,…)
C. Emotions Vs. Feelings
a. Emotions are generated biologically (ie., joy, fear, disgust, anger,
b. Feelings are culturally and environmentally developed responses to
circumstances. (ie. Worry, anticipation, frustration, cynicism)
c. Emotions are very REAL
i. Can be scientifically measured using tools like PET scan, EEG,
Pulse, Blood Pressure, etc.
d. General feeling states and intense emotions take different pathways in
i. feelings take long circuitous route
ii. emotions take “superhighway”
e. Chemistry of Emotion
i. “Gut Feeling” – release of same peptides in brain and
gastrointestinal tract.
ii. How we feel, is usually how we act
iii. The reason it is so powerful is that these peptides are
produced and received in almost all cells of the body
iv. National Institute of Mental Health says these peptides send
98% of the messages within the body
D. Practical Strategies
a. Engage emotions appropriately at every chance, along with learning,
not as add-on
b. Music, Games, Drama, Storytelling
c. Role Model – get excited!
d. Celebrations –acknowledgements, high fives, food, music, fun
e. Controversy – debate, dialogue, argument
f. Physical Rituals – clap patterns, team cheer
g. Introspection – journals, discussion, sharing, stories, reflection,
engage personally!
h. Make personal connections