Civilization Visual Arts 1105

US History 1325
Colonial America
US History I (Level 5)
Study Guide for test on Colonial America
Date of Test = Friday, September 19th
Materials to Study
Textbook pages: 66-89 (the test will focus primarily on issues we discussed directly. However,
you are still responsible for the remaining material in these pages).
Powerpoint notes on the Great Awakening
Powerpoint notes on Native Americans in the 18th century
Any additional class notes and class discussion that are less formal than powerpoint
Edwards, “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” sermon excerpt
Notes & discussion on the colonial regions: basic information plus similarities & differences
Notes & discussion of women and slaves in society
Additional readings and any associated discussion on: “Marriage,” “Courtship & Gender
Relations,” Foner’s Forever Free: pp 6-9, & “The African Slave Trade” reading by
The French & Indian War worksheet
Map & associated questions on Colonial America
Objectives for Colonial America -- Students will:
Identify & describe the political & economic relationships between the colonies &
England leading into the 18th century
Demonstrate knowledge of the factors that shaped colonial America by:
a. comparing & contrasting life in the New England, Mid-Atlantic, & Southern
colonies, with an emphasis on Massachusetts.
b. Describing colonial life from the perspectives of women and slaves. This
includes the rights & freedoms (or lack thereof), responsibilities & expectations
for their lives, & their treatment by society.
c. Analyzing the impact of colonial life on Native Americans.
US History 1325
Colonial America