cowdenbeath, lochgelly, benarty & kelty localities

West Area Services Committee
12th June 2003
Agenda Item No.
This report highlights some of the work being undertaken in the
Cowdenbeath, Lochgelly, Benarty and Kelty localities under the themes
of the Fife Community Plan. The report has been compiled using
information gathered from a number of different partner agencies and
Council services
A thorough community planning mapping exercise will shortly be
undertaken to identify the full range of partnership activities being
progressed locally. This report gives examples of current activity, which
indicate the potential and scope to respond to community needs more
effectively, by adopting a partnership approach.
This report has been considered initially at the Area Liaison Meeting on
22nd May 2003. These meetings have been established to improve
communications between Members and Officers and provide better
support to Locality Managers, in addition to allowing discussion on the
development of Community Planning at a local level.
Department of Works and Pensions Surgeries - Following changes
within the structure of the DWP, they no longer have local offices within
Fife for clients to call in to seek advice and help with their pension
queries. As a result, the Benarty Local Office and the DWP are working
in partnership to deliver a weekly surgery from the local office. Initial
signs are that this is proving to be a success with customers
Housing Developer Recruiting Locally - Lomond Homes are shortly to
start a large development of family houses in Kelty and are planning to
recruit locally for apprenticeships and for tradesmen. They also intend to
be involved in helping the community to develop new facilities that would
link the Primary School and the Community Education facilities in Kelty.
Cowdenbeath and Lochgelly Credit Union - Volunteers are
progressing the formation of a Credit Union. In Cowdenbeath the
intention and agreement is to use the local office for collecting money
and interviewing clients. Fife Council staff, Councillors and community
groups will be approached to save with the Credit Union, once it is in
operation. Running a Credit Union requires commitment and dedication
from volunteers, but can be a major factor in reducing dependence on
irresponsible lenders. This vital work will be encouraged by the council
but local volunteers are vital. The Lochgelly CU will have office space in
the Regeneration Office.
Local Office Surgery within Scottish Co-operative Society premises
in Lochgelly - Local office services will be available within the shop one
evening per week. This will be a major benefit to the working public and
assist all residents. It is hoped that this initiative will commence
May/June 2003
The Kelty Families Initiative - This project has many facets that will
have very positive effects on families within Kelty.
 Social Work, Community Services and the Local Office have joined
together to not only raise awareness of diet and exercise but also to
give practical help to families, allowing them to make informed
choices for themselves. Fife Health Board links in with this initiative
with the Health Visitors playing a crucial role.
 A partnership between Social Work (Enquiry & Information) and the
Local Office allows an officer to work out of the Local Office full time
and receive clerical support, compared with being based in
Cowdenbeath. This has allowed Social Work (E&I) to take a more
Community Development approach to their work.
 Community Services will play an important part in both identifying
and providing the training and skills required to allow socially
excluded families to not only develop their own self esteem, but to
play a more positive role in their community.
 It is the intention of the partnership to link with Adult Basic Education
to encourage individuals back into education and hopefully full time
Cowdenbeath Tots to Teens - This local voluntary group has been set
up and been awarded a grant from the lottery to hold a playgroup. They
are currently operating in the Trinity Church in Cowdenbeath and are
expanding to open in Crossgates. The group are all volunteers but have
had assistance from Fife Council officers and Trinity’s development
worker in setting up. They intend to mix play and learning with health
and have interesting ideas for health promotion for both children and
Lochgelly Family Centre - This is the development of an integrated
family centre facility with public, voluntary and community services and
initiatives. Preparation has started on the service-based business plan.
Lochgelly New Community Schools - Discussions are being held to
produce a Health Education Policy for both primary and secondary
schools. There will also be the development of family work teams who
will be developing a Health Education policy for use in Nursery schools
Benarty Community Centre Community Development.
 The youth Forum have identified a number of projects and are
working with the Management Committee of the Centre and the
Community Council to carry out Environmental work in and around
the Centre. They have also worked with the Health board to produce
Health and Sex education information for the young people of Fife.
 The local councillor has initiated a link between the Centres at
Lochore and Crosshill for the delivery of a more joined up service to
the people of Benarty. A partnership approach by services and
different parts of the same service is the key to making inroads into
the deprivation suffered in Benarty, evidenced by the numbers of
families relying on benefits, or on low incomes, and under achieving
at school.
 Lochore Meadows and BRAG play a crucial role in the development
of our young people whilst encouraging the more mature members of
the community that you never stop learning and that the recreational
facilities we have on our doorstep should be used to the full.
Lochgelly FLATT project - This project commenced in January 2003.
It gives an overview/introduction on all aspects of housing to 14/15 year
olds on the Alternative Curriculum Project at Lochgelly High School.
This will hopefully enable them to sustain tenancies that are free from
debt and anti-social behaviour. Many services/agencies were involved
in this project which was extremely successful. It will be continued next
term at Lochgelly High School and we are currently in discussion with
other schools/managers who have an ACP in Fife. A CD-ROM is also
being developed in conjunction with St Andrew’s University, which will
interact with the user and target a wider audience.
Lochgelly Local Office Open Day - The objective of the day is to raise
awareness of the services available from the local office. It will
incorporate everything from marketing registration to visitors getting to
meet local staff. The intention is also to have other stands throughout
the building giving advice and information on pensions, housing, trading
standards, police, fire, community safety etc.
Kelty Community Garden - The Community Council Greening
Committee has developed a piece of land in partnership with Fife
Council, the result being a community garden that enhances the Main
Street in Kelty. Kelty also has other initiatives being lead by the
Heritage trails and again Fife Council plays a vital role in supporting this
group to make a positive effect on the area around and in Kelty.
Benarty Environment Group - The Environment group has won
several awards for their work in and around the Benarty area. Their
latest piece of work is the purchase, cleaning up and development of a
site called the Shank. This area of land has been an eyesore for many
years with the owners of the site allowing it to be used as a dumping
ground. Things are now under way to reclaim this land and make it into
a garden that will enhance the entrance into Benarty.
Cowdenbeath Environment Group - The Cowdenbeath Environment
Group continues to undertake improvements in the town. Gateway
improvements and the Millennium garden are the current major pieces
of work.
 Proposals for a further gateway enhancement at the A92 exit are
under consideration.
 In May the group are hosting young people from Granskogen
School in Norway for a half day. These young people are on a
twinning trip organised by Community Services and will undertake
some light gardening work in the Millennium garden.
 Hanging baskets and floral display improvements are organised and
the group welcome volunteers.
Dog Fouling and Litter - In an attempt to try and improve this problem,
the Lochgelly Local Office and Kingdom Housing will work in
partnership to increase the number of bins in certain areas, with
Kingdom Housing acting as our ‘sponsor’.
Lochgelly Footpaths Initiative - McGregor Avenue Plantation (phase
1) area was completed in April 2003. We are currently investigating
other routes to establish costs and funding. This project is to reestablish and improve existing areas and improve access for all
members of the community to footpath networks. Various services and
community groups are working in partnership on this project.
Lochgelly Gateway project - This project was developed as part of
the regeneration of Lochgelly and it was felt it would make a good
impression for the outskirts of the town. The first one is the
improvement of the roundabout at Auchterderran Road, including the
siting of artwork, which included community consultation.
Safety at Schools
 Both Kelty and Benarty have been working with the Police and
Transportation Services towards safety at schools. In Kelty there is
now a Pelican Crossing along with a barrier the length of the
pavement outside the primary school and barriers are also being
erected outside Benarty.
 The Safer Routes to School project is nearing completion at
Lochgelly South School, making the area around the school safer
for children. We are currently looking to develop this further.
Community Flats and Community Caretakers - Both Benarty and
Kelty have Community Flats and are recruiting Community Caretakers.
Tenants and Residents Associations have recently been established in
both Localities. This should lead to a more flexible approach to the
estate management issues that affect our communities. The Local
Offices will have monthly meetings with representatives from these
associations, to examine how we work together to resolve the issues in
these communities
Cowdenbeath Improvements - Substantial improvements to parking,
roads and lighting, fencing and garden improvements have been
undertaken throughout the locality from both the Local Office Initiatives
Budget and the Area Capital Allocation. There are proposals from
officers, councillors, public and groups as to the desired spending for
this financial year. These range from parking and lighting improvements
to fencing and environmental improvements.
Youth Disorder - The police intend to use the Problem Orientated
Policing approach to try to reduce this problem. Clearly this approach
requires intensive involvement from the police and partner services and
organisations. Reports will be presented in future meetings.
Lochgelly Lighting Improvements
 Security lighting will be fitted over the summer at pensioner’s
properties in Drummond Square and Moffat Crescent. This will
improve safety for the elderly in their homes.
 Improved lighting at garage/garage sites is currently being
investigated. This will improve community safety not only for garage
users but also for the public passing through.
Homestart - Homestart give advice and support to families in need, for
as long as required. They will eventually be part of the developing
Family Centre in Lochgelly and have recently relocated to premises in
Cook Square.
Youth Forums - Both Kelty and Benarty have carried out consultation
exercises (The Youth Forums) to find out what the young people of
both these localities would like to see provided, not only inside our
centres but also at the Meadows. Once these results have been
analysed relevant programmes will be put in place.
Cowdenbeath Library Refurbishment - The library has moved back
from its temporary home in the Town House to the newly refurbished
library. Recent social events have been very well attended and the
“new” library praised by customers and staff.
Cowdenbeath Skateboard Park - The Skateboard Park is complete
and in use. Young people seem to be happy with it but there have been
problems at the entry to the Leisure Centre. Police and services are
currently liaising to try to resolve this.
Lochgelly Skateboard Park - The Skateboard Park has been
completed on schedule within the Town Park. This was developed in
partnership with a local young people’s group. We are hoping to use
the same forum to develop a Youth Shelter, which could go some was
to alleviating the youth problems.
Lochgelly Football Pavilion - The development is nearing completion
and will give another important area for community use.
Playparks at Timmons Park and South Street, Lochgelly Negotiations and investigations are ongoing regarding the improving
and developing of playparks in partnership with local groups and
appropriate services.
At the Area Liaison Meeting on 22nd May, Local Members approved the
following project for funding from the Area Capital Allocation in 2003/04
£ 10,000
The following bid was approved in principle for funding from the Area
Capital Allocation in 2003/04, 2004/05 and 2005/06, dependant on
sufficient match funding arrangements being provided.
Old Bus Waiting Room, Broad St, Cowdenbeath
Lochgelly Footpaths Initiative
£20,000 in each year
Other bids will be submitted to future Area Liaison Meetings for
Arising from discussions at the Area Liaison meeting the following items
will be progressed and reported over the next few months:
Playpark provision - The Head of Local Services will request that
Community Services provides members with details of playparks
refurbished using the 2002/03 Quality of Life funding, and details of
plans to utilise the current 3-year Quality of Life Funding
Play Strategy – The Head of Local Services will arrange for
members to be sent a copy of this report and request a progress
report on the action plan for implementation of the strategy.
Community Centres – The Head of Local Services will request that
Community Services and Finance and Asset Management Service
provides members with details of any current plans to improve
provision of services from community centres
Domestic Garden Refuse Uplifts – The Head of Local Services will
report back to members on the outcomes of the Best Value Review
and the steps being taken to address this issue.
Since the meeting, concerns have been raised regarding the on-going
maintenance of unadopted footpaths in council housing estates and
public parks. The Head of Local Services will arrange for a report on this
issue to be presented at a future meeting
Members are asked to comment on the local community planning
actions contained in this report.
Members are asked to note the decisions taken in section 9.0 regarding
the Area Capital Allocation
Members are asked to note and support the actions being taken by the
Head of Local Services to progress the local issues noted in section 10.0
Members are asked to request that Childrens Services provide a
progress report to West Area Services on the action plan for
implementing the Play Strategy
Fiona Forbes
Locality Manager
May 2003
Margaret Turner
Locality Manager
Sam Stewart
Locality Manager
(Kelty & Benarty)