The Physical Processing and Handling of Maps Procedure Physical

The Physical Processing and Handling of Maps Procedure
Physical Processing
Each map will receive a slide barcode, label, target and property stamp.
Flat Maps (Example 1)
In the case of flat maps, the cataloger will place the slide barcode to the lower left corner of the
map. The duplicate barcode will be placed in the upper right corner of the tagging.
Physical Processing will attach the target and label to the narrow end of the map so that the
target will remain flat when the map is rolled for circulation.
The property stamp will be place in a border or in a location that will not obscure important
Folded Maps (Example 2)
Catalogers will barcode the folded maps in the lower left corner of the map=s front panel. The
duplicate barcode will be placed in the upper right corner of the tagging.
Physical Processing will attach the target and label in the upper right corner of the map=s front
The property stamp will be placed on the back panel of the map, unless important information
will be obscured. If necessary information is located on the back panel, the stamp will be
placed on a portion of the map where no information will be obscured.
Example 1
Flat Map
The barcode will go in the bottom left edge corner and the call number will always be on the
short side pointing in this direction.
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Phy. Proc. Maps
Example 2
Folded Map
The barcode will go in the bottom left edge corner and the call number will always be on the
long side pointing in this direction.
Hints for Handling Maps
These tips will ensure the safety of the maps and the individuals pulling the maps from the Map
Folded Maps - It is necessary to keep the map folded as the publisher intended. When
examining the maps, do not attempt to flatten out the map by refolding the creases. This can
weaken the folds and cause them to tear.
Maps on Light Sensitive Paper - Maps on this type of paper are usually aerial photographs or
reproductions of photographs. They can also be blue print type drawings. If the map will not be
cataloged for several days, it should be turned over or covered with a larger map. This will
protect the images from the fluorescent lights, which can cause fading and discoloration.
Pulling Maps - When pulling maps from drawers, it is necessary to make sure that the drawers
are in a locked position. If the drawers are pulled out too far, they could fall out of the case and
injure the individual pulling the maps. The hinged dust covers must also be placed in a locked
upright position or it could fall on exposed fingers.
When pulling maps from the drawer, find the map, slide hand under the uppermost maps and
lift them up. Use the other hand to pull out the desired map. If this technique is not used, the
maps can be torn.
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Phy. Proc. Maps
Topographic maps in the hanging file (also called a vertical or plan file) should be pulled in the
following manner. The maps are stored alphabetically in folders that need to be pulled out
approximately 60% of the way in order to pull them out without causing damage. The maps are
in the files upside down. The title of the map is visible in the lower right corner of the map.
Once located, the map should pull out easily. Do no pull out the entire folder. It will be
extremely difficult to refile. To reinsert the folder, close the folder and push them back in
together. Pulling out an additional folder will readjust the weights that should the folders in
Addenda to the Physical Processing and Handling of Maps
Flat Maps
{unsure of what “tagging” is in first statement}
This will be marked by X--------------->. This indicates both the placement of the label and the
direction in which it should read. The maps librarian will place this on the map.
Targets can be no less than 2 : A in length. Any shorter and they will not activate the alarm
If maps should need repairing they are to be repaired during processing. This involves the use
of archivally sound tape place on the back of the main maps image. Tape place along the edge
of maps should not cover any cataloging information as they will need to be erased by the maps
Folded Maps
{unsure of what tagging” is in first statement}
{continuation of first statement}...indicated by X------------->.
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Phy. Proc. Maps
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Phy. Proc. Maps