Колекція Джона Карка


Колекція Джона Карка

001.89 Організація наукової та науково-дослідницької роботи.

001.89 Basic principles of scientific report writing. – 1968. – 14 p.

001.89 How To Write Good Essays and Critical Reviews. – London-

Toronto, 1967. – 78 p.

001.89 Jessup J.,Coakley R. A/ Guide to the Study and Use of

Military History. – Washinggton, 1979. – 508 p.

001.89 Outlines of rhetorie: Rules, illustrative, examples and a progressive course of prose composition/ Editor J. F. Genung. –

Boston; N.-Y.; Chicago; London. – 342 p.

001.89 The term paper: a manual and model/ By C. W. Cooper; E. J.

Robins. – California, 1947. – 36 p.

001.89 Turabian K. A. Manual for Writers of Dissertations. – Illinois,

1952. – 62 p.

001.89 Turabian K. A. Manual for Writers of Term Paper, Theses and

Dissertations. – Chicago; London, 1967. – 164 p.

016. Галузеві бібліографії .

016. Institute publications (1951-1968). Part 1: Publication Index. Part

2: Subject Index. Part 3: Author Index. – Munick, 1969. – 160p.

016:94(477) Publication of the Shevchenko Scientific Society. 1945-

1980. – N.-Y., 1980. – 48 p.

016:37 Slavic Serials in The Pennsylvania State University: An

Annotated Bibliography/ By W. Luciw.- Pennsylvania. – 210 p.

016.355 USSR: Strategic survey. A bibliography. – Washington,

1969. - 237 p.

14. Філософські системи та погляди

14.Wilson E. To the England Station: A Study in the Writing and

Acting of History. – N.-Y., 1955.- 504 p.

159.9. Психологія

159.9 Basic Human Physiology: Normal function and mechanisms of disease.- Philadelphia - London - Toronto, 1971. – 722 p.

159.9 Smith A. Powers of Mind. – New York, 1976. – 420 p.

159.9 The Living Body: A Text in Human Physiology. – N.-Y.,1952.

– 792 p.

159.9 Wolfe T. Of Time and the River: Young Taustus telemachus. –

N.-Y., 1965. – 318 p.

17. Філософія моралі. Етика. Практична філософія.

17.03 Ware J. Sayings of Confucius. – N.-Y., 1955. – 126 p.

26/28. Християнська церква в цілому. Історія церкви в цілому. Християнське віросповідування.

26. A. Thousand Years of Christianity in Ukraine: An Encyclopedic

Chronology/ Edit. O. Zinkewych, A. Sorokowski. – N.-Y. –

Baltimore – Toronto, 1988. – 312 p.

26:78. Religious Music of Ukraine: A Concert Commemorating 1000

Years of Christianity in Ukraine. – N.-Y. – Atlanta, 1988. – 20 p.

31. Демографія. Соціологія. Статистика.

31. Padoch J. The Indestructible Society: On the 110 th Anniversary of the Shevchenko Scientific Society. – N.-Y., 1983. – 24 p.

32. Політика.

32. Blank S. J. Russia and the Baltic: Is there a threat to European security? – 1993. – 26 p.

32. Blank S. J. Russian defense legislation and Russian democracy. –

1995. – 40 p.

32. Blank S. J. The New Russia in the New Asia. – 1994. – 36 p.

32. Blank S. J., Johnsen W. T. U. S. Policy in the Balkans: A

Hobson’s Choice. – 1995. – 32 p.

32. Dougherty J. E. Contending Theories of International Relations. –

Philadelphia – N.-Y. – Toronto, 1971. – 416 p.

32. Francq H. G., Pankiw M. (H.) The Dreyfus Affair. The Clique of

Saint-Dominique Street. – Sherbrooke, 1986. – 304 p.

32. Glazer N., Moynihan D. P. Beyond the Melting Pot: The Negroes,

Puerto Ricans, Jews, Italians, and Irish of New-York City. –

Cambridge – London, 1970. – 364 p.

32(73). Johnson R. T. Managing the White House: An Intimate Study of the Presidency. – N.-Y. – Evanston – San Francisco – London,

1974. – 300 p.

32. Knightley P. The First Casualty. From the Crimea to Vietnam: The

War Correspondent as Hero, Propagandist, and Myth Maker. –

N.-Y. – London, 1975. – 466 p.

32(477). Margolin A. Ukraine and Policy of the Entente. – Berlin,

1977. – 262 p.

32. Nixon R. 1999: Victory Without War. – N.-Y., 1988. – 336 p.

32. Rakowska-Harmstone T. Red Army as the instrument of national integration. – Pennsylvania, 1978. – 28 p.

32. Sellars R. W. Social patterns and Political Horizons. – Nashville –

London, 1970. – 408 p.

32. The People Shall Judge: Readings in the Formation of American

Policy. 2n 2v. – Chicago, 1950.

32. The Radical Left. The Abuse of Discontent/ Edit. W. P.

Gerberding, D. E. Smith. – Boston, 1970. – 366 p.

32(09). Zinn H. The Politics of History. – Boston, 1970. – 390 p.

33. Економіка. Економічна наука.

33(73) Energy and Hational Security: Procudings of a Special

Conference / Edit. D.J.Goldstein. – Washington, 1981. – 176p.

338 Hational Security Management.Management: Concepts and

Practice / Edit. R.Brown. - Washington, 1972. – 236p.

332 The U.S.S.R. and Eastern Europe. – Oxford. – 134p.

34.Право. Юриспруденція.

342.7 Emerson T. I. Political and Civil Rights in the United States : A

Collection of Legal and Related Materials. – N.-Y., 1952. –1208p.

35. Державне адміністративне управління. Військова справа.

355 Command Decisions. – Washington, 1971. – 565p.

35(73) Magruder’s American Government / Revised by

W.A.Mcclenaghan. – Boston, 1970. – 792p.

355 Military Affairs: the journal of military history, including theary and tehnology. – 1980. – V.XLIV. – N.Y. – 56p.

355 Soviet Military Pover. – Washington, 1983. – 108p.

355 Wright Q. S study of War. – Chicago-London, 1971. – 1628p.

37.Освіта. Виховання. Навчання. Дозвілля.

378.4 Cornell University Announcement. College of Architecture ,

Art, and Planing. – 1975-76. – 60p.

378.4 Cornell University Announcement. New Jork State College of

Human Ecology. – 1975-76. – 76p.


Cornell University Announcement. Scholl of Hotel

Administration. – 1975-76. – 76p.

378.4 Harvard Ukrainian Studies. – 1987. – V.XI. – №. 1/2; 1986 . –

V.X. – №.3/4; 1986. – V.X. – №.1-2; 1985. – V.IX. - №. 3-4;

1984. – V.VIII. - №.1-2; 1982. – V.VI. - №.1; 1981. – V.V. - №.3

37(477) Kolasky J. Education in Soviet Ukraine. – Ontario, 1968. –


378.4 Kortschmaryk F.B. The Kievan Akademy and its role in the organization of education in Russia at the turn of the seventeens century. – N.-Y., 1975. - 96p.

37.013 Lowman J. Mastering the techigues of teaching. – San

Francisco, 1984. – 244p.

50. Загальні відомості про математичні та природничі науки.

50 Standart Mathematical Jables / Edit. C.D.Hodgman. – Ohio, 1959.

– 524p.

510. Фундаментальні та загальні питання математики.

510 Nielsen K.L. Mathematics for practical use. – 1962. – 238p.

55. Геологія. Науки про Землю.

55 Krauskopf K.B. The Third Planet: An invitation to geology. – San

Francisco, 1974. – 524p.

572. Антропологія.

572 Fried M.H. Readings in anthropology. V.1: Readings in Physical

Antropology, Linguistics, and Archeology. – N.-Y., 1959. – 482p.

611. Анатомія. Анатомія людини та порівняльна анатомія.

611 Crouch J.E. Functional Humsn Anatomy. – Philadelphia, 1966. –


7. Мистецтво. Декоративно-прикладне мистецтво.

75 Barr D.H. Cubism and Abstract Art. – N.-Y., 1974. – 250p.

75 Barr D.H. Picasso: Fifty Years of His Art. – N.-Y., 1974. – 314p.

78 Goepp P.H. Great Works of Music: [symphonies and their meaning]. – N.-Y., 1913. – 862p.

7.03 Січинський В. Історія укроїнського мистецтва. Ч.2:

Архітектура. – Н.-Й., 1956.

81. Лінгвістика. Мовознавство. Мови.

811.111(038) An English- Chinese Dictionary of the Foochow

Dialech / Compiled by T.B. Adam, M.O. – 1891. – 384p.

811.111(038) Bernsteins Reverse Dictionary Theodore M. Bernstein with the collaboration of Jane Wagner. – N.-Y., 1975. – 277p.

811.111(038) Dubois Marguerite-Marie, Keen Denis I.,Shuey

Barbara. Larouses French-English, English-French Dictionary.

V.II. – N.-Y., 1968. - 260p.

811.111(038) Duff Charles, Stamford Paul. German fir beginners. –

N.-Y., 1969. – 360p.

811.111 Fernald James C. Funk and Wagnall’s standard handbook of synonyms, antonyms, and preposition. – N.-Y., 1947. – 499p.

811.111 Hornby A.S. The teaching of Structural words and Sentence patterns. – London, 1962. – 160p.

811.111 Kennedy Belle Cumming, Challgren Patricia, Halverson

Wilton L. The Basy speakers pocket practice boor. – N.-Y., 1943.

– 167p.

811.111(038) Pankiw Mary. A dissertation submitted to the faculty of graduate studies and research Ukrainian free university Munich, west Germany.

811.111 Westland Peter. Public speaking, Londonec 4., 1966. – 211p.

811.111(038) Dictionary of American Hang / Compl. And Edit. By

Went Worth, Harold Ph.D. – N.-Y., 1834. – 669p.

811/111(038) Webster A. Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. –

Springfield, Mass, U.S.A., 1948. – 1275p.

811.111(038) Webster A. Merriam Webster’s Biographical

Dictionary. – Springfield, Mass, U.S.A., 1967. – 1697p.

811.111(038) Tale Shore A dissertation submitted to the faculty of graduate studies and research Ukrainian free university Munich,

West German, 1978. – 306p.

811.111(23) Weres Roman. The Ukraine selected references in the

English language. – Western Michigan University, 1961. – 233p.

82. Художня література. Літературознавство.

82.84 Bartlett Gohn. Familiar Quotatiory. – Boston, Toronto. – 1750p.

821.111(23) Le Carre Gohn. The little drummer girl. – Toronto; N.-

Y.; London; Sydney, 1984. – 516p.

821.111 English poetry: V.II. From Collins to Fitzgerald. – N. -Y.,

1910. - 988p

1821.111 English poetry: V.III. From Tennyson to Whitman. – N.-Y.,

1910. – 1508p.

82-94 Grigorenko P. Memoirs. – N.-Y.,; London, 1982. – 462p.

821.111 Heller Joseph. Catch-22. – U.S.A., 1981. – 461 p.

821.111 Hilton Conrad N. Be my guest. – N.-Y., 1987. – 288p.

82.09 Magocsi Paul R. Ukrainian Heritage Notes. – Massachusetts,

1977. – 16p.

82.94 Malraux Andre Felled Oaks: Conversation with De Gaulle. – N.

-Y.; Chicago; San Francisco, 1972. – 128p.

82.09 Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn/Edit. With the introduction by

Marky Barry A. – Boston, 1965. – 108p.

821.111(23) Michener Games A. Alaska. – N.-Y., 1989. – 1073p.

821.111 Modern American Poetry. Modern British Poetry/ Edit. By

Louis Untermeyer. – N. -Y.; Chicago; Burlingame, 1962. – 541p.

82.09 Murrey Gilbert The Literature of Ancient Greece. – Chicago,

1957. – 420p.

821.111(23) North Oliver L. Under Fire: An American Story. –

Zondervan, 1991. – 446p.

821.111 William Shakespeare/ Edit. By W. George Clark and W.

Aldis Wright. – N.-Y. – 1420p.

82.09(73) The North Anthology of American Literature. Third edition:

V.I. – N.-Y.; London, 1945. – 2459p.

82.94 Haevska Sophia. Treasures of the Centuries. – N.-Y.; Denver,

1981. – 112p.

908. Краєзнавство.

908(73) American Mountain People. – Washington, 1973. – 200p.

908 Area Handbook for Cyprus. – Washington, 1971. –240p.

908 Area Handbook for Hungary. – Washington, 1973. – 340p.

908 Area Handbook for Romania. – Washington, 1972. – 320p.

908 Croatia: Land, People, Culture. V.2. /Edit. F.H.Eterovich. –

Toronto, 1970. – 568p.

908 Fodor’s Alaska. 1985 / Edit. D.Bernardi. – N. -Y., 1985/ - 218p.

91. Географія. Географічні дослідження Землі та окремих країн. Подорожі.

911(031) Hamlyn P. Larousse encyclopedia of world: Geography. –

London – N.-Y. – Sydney – Toronto, 1969. – 732p.

91(038) Webster’s New Geographical Dictionary. – Springfield, 1972.

– 1370p.

94. Загальна історія.

94(100) Brown J.F. The New Eastern Europe: The Khrushchev era and after. – N.-Y. – Washington – London, 1966. – 304p.

94(73) Brzezinski Z. Between two ages: Americas Role in the

Icchnetronic Era. – N.-Y., 1970. – 334p.

94(100) Burrows M. The Dead Sea Scrolls. – N.-Y., 1955. – 436p.

94(100) East Central Europe and the World: Developments in the

Post-Stalin Era / Edit. S.D.Kertesz. – Notre Dame, 1962. – 386p.

94(73) Ferris R.G. Explorers and settlers. – Washington, 1968. –


94(100) Heymann F.G. Poland & Czechoslovakia. – New Gersy,

1966. – 182p.

94(100) Hoffman G.W., Neal F.W. Yugoslavia and the new communism. – N.-Y., 1962. – 546p.

94(100) Johnson A.R. , Dean R.W., Alexiev A. East European

Military Establishments: The Warsaw Pact Northern Fier, 1980. –


94(100)”…/05” Lamb H. Hannibal: One Man Against Rome. – N.-Y.,

1963. – 276p.

94(47+57) Lewis R.A., Rowland R.H. Population Redistribution in the USSR: It’s Impact on Society 1897-1977. – N.-Y., 1979. –


94(73) Morison S.E. The Oxford History of the American People. –

N.-Y., 1965. – 1152p.

94(100) Nagy E.A. Crisis decision setting and response: The

Hungarian Revolution. – Washington, 1978. – 32p.

94(100) National Communism and Popular Revolting Eastern Europe

/ Edit. P.E. Zinner. –N.-Y., 1957. – 564p.

94(100) Peretz D. A Palestine entity? – Washington, 1970. – 120p.

94(470) Russia’s Conquest of Siberia: A documentary record 1558-

1700 / Edit. B.Dmytryshyn. – Oregon, 1985. – 540p.

94(4) Social-economic researches on the history of East-Central

Europe. - Budapest , 1970. – 232p.

929:94(477) Solomon I. Goldelman: A portrait of a politician and educator (1885-1974). A Chapter in Ukrainian Jewish Relations /

Edit. L.R. Wynar. – N.-Y. – Toronto – Muenchen, 1980. – 98p.

94(100) The Oder –Neisse problem: Towards Fair Play in Central

Europe. – Bonn – Brussels – N/-Y/, 1965. – 164p.

94(477). Історія України

908(477) The Ukrainians of Maryland / S.Basarab, D.Fenchak,

V.C.Sushko, and others. – Maryland, 1977. – 519p.

94(477) Dmytryshyn Basil. Moscow and the Ukrainian (1918-1953). –

N.-Y., 1956. – 310p.

94(477) Fedenko Panas. Ukraine: Her Struggle for Freedom. –

Augsburg, 1951. – 80p.

94(477) Fedyshyn Oleh S. German’s Drive to the East and the

Ukrainian Revolution (1917-1918). – New Jersey, 1971. – 401p.

94(477) Stefan Agustin. From Carpatho-Ruthenia to Carpatho-

Ukraine. – N.-Y., 1954. – 46p.

94(477) A History of Ukraine by Michael Hrushevsky / Edit. By

O.J.Frederiksem. – London,1948. – 629p.

94(477) Kolasky John. Two Years in Soviet Ukraine. – 1970. – 264p.

94(477) Land of Pain. Land of Promise / Translation by Harry Piniuta.

– Saskatchewan, 1978. – 217p.

32(477) Martovych Oleh. Ukrainian Liberation Movement in Modern

Times. – Edinburgh. –171p.

94(477) My Three Years with Eisenhower: The Personal Diary of

Captain Harry (Butcher, USNR Naval Aide to General

Eisenhower (1942-1945)). - N.-Y., 1946. – 911p.

94(477) Okinshevich Leo. Ukrainian Society and Government (1648-

1781). – Munich, 1978. – 145p.

94(477) Pinckuk Ben-Cion. The Octobrists in the Third Duma (1907-

1912). – Seattle; London, 1974. – 232p.

94(477) Rakowska-Harmstone. Red Army as the Instrument of

National Integration. – Pennsylvania, 1978. – 28p.

94(477) Rothschild Joseph. East Central Europe between the Two

World Wars. – Seattle; London, 1977. – 420p.

94(477) Staar Richard F. Communist Regimes in Eastern Europe. –

Stanford, 1977. – 302p.

94(477) Taking Command / Edit. By Hays Coloner S.H. – 1967. –


94(477) Yajecky Jeorge. The Cossack Administration of the

Hetmanate: V.I. – Massachusetts, 1978. – 394p.

94(477) Yajecky Jeorge. . The Cossack Administration of the

Hetmanate: V.II. – Massachusetts, 1978. – 789p.

94(477) The Development of the USSR: An exchange of views / Edit. by D.W.Treadgold, 1964. – 399p.

94(477) The Ukrainian Insurgent Army in Fight for Freedom. – N.-Y.,

1954. – 223p.

94(477) Stachiw Matthew. Ukraine and the European Turmoil (1917-

1919): V.I. – N.-Y., 1973. – 426p.

94(477) UPA in Western Europe: Edition 2. – N.-Y.; Paris; London,

1948. – 92p.

94(477) Stachiw Matthew. Western Ukraine: At the Turning Point of

Europe’s History (1918-1923). – N.-Y., 1969. – 324p.

94(477) Wojcik Zbigniew. Dzikie Pola w Ogniu: O Kozaczyznie w dawnej Rzeczypospolitej. – Warszawa, 1968. – 242p.

94(477) Антонович В. Про козацькі часи на Україні. – К.: Дніпро,

1991. – 238с.

94(477) Будівництво Рвдянської України: Збірник. Вип.1.: За

Ленінську національну політику. – Харків: Держ. Вид-во Укр.

– 268с.

94(477).08 Верига В.Галицька. Соціялістична Совєтська

Республіка (1920 р.): (Перша большевицька окупація

Галичини). – Н.-Й., 1986. – 200с.

94(477) Полонська-Василенко Н. Історія Укрвїни. В 2-х т. –

Мюнхен: Українське вид-во, 1972.

94(477) Полтава П. Хто такі бандерівці та за що вони борються. –

К.-Львів, 1950. – 32с.

94(477) Тихонова Є.А. розв’язання національного питання у державному будівництві європейських соціалістичних країн

(ЧССР, СРР, СФРЮ). – к., 1966. – 236с.
