The Impacts of E-Integration on Firms and Markets

Organizational and Individual Impacts
of Information Technologies
Course # INSY 704
Fall 2010
Alain Pinsonneault
McGill University
1001 Sherbrooke Street West
Montreal, Quebec
H3A 1G5
Tel: (514) 398-4905
Fax: (514) 398-3876
Organizational and Individual Impacts of Information Technologies
Alain Pinsonneault, McGill University
Organizational and Individual Impacts of Information Technologies
Professor: Alain Pinsonneault, McGill University
Few technologies have generated as much attention and have created as many debates as
information technologies (IT) have. For example, scholars have debated over whether IT would
lead to the end of work in general (Rifkin, The End of Work, 1995) and of middle management in
particular (Leavitt and Whisler, 1958; Pinsonneault and Kraemer, 1993; 1997. 2002); would
make the world flat (Friedman, 2005) and whether it would enrich or deskill work and lead to
higher or lower productivity (Attewell and Rule, 1984; Pinsonneault and Rivard, 1998). This
doctoral seminar addresses these issues by assessing the research conducted on IT and its effects
on organizations, groups, and individuals. By the end of this seminar, students will have an
understanding of the empirical research on IT and should be able to evaluate the quality of
different studies and assess their respective contributions.
To achieve this, research on IT impacts conducted over the last 30 years is assessed at four levels:
industrial structure, organizations, groups, and individuals. At the industrial structure level,
research on the impacts of IT (i.e., e-commerce, EDI) on the importance of markets and
hierarchies as inter-firm coordination mechanisms are assessed. Three main topics are discussed
in the section on IT and organizations: IT impacts on organizational performance, IT impacts on
structures (including form, virtual organization, virtual teams, and the number of employees), and
IT impacts on organizational communications. At the group level, the research on the impact of
IT on decision quality as well as on brainstorming is analyzed. Finally, the research on the IT
impacts on individuals includes such topics as the productivity paradox and managerial work.
This seminar favors the in-depth analysis and understanding of topics rather than an overview of a
large number of subjects. Students will be invited to actively participate in discussions and to
present their thoughts on different topics
Although this seminar relies essentially on the information systems literature, it is open to
students of all fields who are interested in understanding how IT affects organizations and work.
Further, some time will be devoted to discussing issues associated with the researcher’s job.
Conducting one class (choose two from weeks 4 to 12)
Epistemology of IT impact research: Analyze, compare, and contrast the
Technological determinism, structuration theory, and the sensemaking
approaches to studying IT consequences in organizations
(Submitted on week 4) (15 pages max)
2. Papers (3 pages) on weekly topics (Submitted on weeks 6 to 12)
3. Research Proposal on a topic related to IT impacts
(Presented week 13, November 30th; Due December 7th)
Organizational and Individual Impacts of Information Technologies
Alain Pinsonneault, McGill University
Ontological, Epistemology, and Theoretical Perspectives
Weeks 1 to 3
In these three classes, we discuss the epistemological and theoretical perspectives used in the
study of IT impacts in the field of information systems. The first class defines the field of
information systems and some key issues and classes 2 and 3 discuss the different ontological
epistemological and theoretical perspectives.
Week 1: Conceptualizing the IT artifact: Where do IT impact Studies fit in IS research
(September 7th)
Agarwal, R. and H. Lucas, “The Information Systems Identity Crisis: Focusing on High-Visibility
and High-Impact Research,” MIS Quarterly, 29 (3), 2005, 381-397.
Benbasat, I. and R.W. Zmud, “The Identity Crisis Within the IS Discipline: Defining and
Communicating the Discipline’s Core Properties,” MIS Quarterly 27 (2), 2003, 183-194.
Orlikowski, W., and S. Iacono, “Desperately Seeking “IT” in IT Research: A Call to Theorizing
the IT Artifact,” Information Systems Research, 12 (2), 2001, 121-134.
Rosemann, M. and Vessey, I., “Toward Improving the Relevance of Information Systems
Research to Practice: The Role of Applicability Checks,” MISQ, 32 (1), 1-22.
Seddon, P. “A Respecification and Extension of the DeLone and McLean Model of IS Success,”
Information Systems Research, 8 (3), 1997, 240-253.
Sidorova, A., Evangelopoulos, N., Valacich, J., and Ramakrishnan, T., “Uncovering the
Intellectual Core of the Information Systems Discipline,” MISQ, 32 (3), 2008, 467-482.
Further readings
IS Identity
Baskerville, R.L. and M.D. Myers, “Information Systems as a Reference Discipline,” MIS
Quarterly, 26 (1), 2002, 1-14.
DeSanctis, G., “The Social Life of Information Systems Research: A Response to Benbasat and
Zmud’s Call for Returning to the IT Artifact,” Journal of the AIS, 4 (7), 2003, 360-376.
Gallier, R.D., “Change as Crisis or Growth? Toward a Trans-Disciplinary View of Information
Systems as a Field of Study: A Response to Benbasat and Zmud’s Call for Returning to
the IT Artifact,” Journal of AIS, 4 (6), 2003, 337-351.
Ives, B., M.S. Parks, J.Porra, and L.Silva, “Phylogeny and Power in the IS Domain: A Response
to Benbasat and Zmud’s Call for Returning to the IT Artifact,” Journal of AIS, 5 (3), 2004,
Robey, D., “Identity, Legitimacy and the Dominant Research Paradigm: An Alternative
Prescription for the IS Discipline: A Response to Benbasat and Zmud’s Call for Returning
to the IT Artifact,” Journal of the AIS, 4 (7), 2003, 352-359.
Whinston, A.B. and X. Geng, “Operationalizing the Essential Role of the Information
Technology Artifact in Information Systems Research: Gray Area, Pitfalls, and the
Importance of Strategic Ambiguity,” MIS Quarterly, 28 (2), 2004, 149-159.
Organizational and Individual Impacts of Information Technologies
Alain Pinsonneault, McGill University
Rigor and Relevance of IS Research
Applegate, L. M. and J.L. King, “Rigor and Relevance: Career on the Line,” MIS Quarterly, 23
(1), 1999, 17-18.
Benbasat, I, and R. Zmud, “Empirical Research in Information Systems: The Practice of
Relevance,” MIS Quarterly, 23 (1), 1999, 3-16.
Davenport, To and M.L. Markus, “Rigor vs. Relevance Revisited: Response to Benbasat and
Zmud,” MIS Quarterly, 23 (1), 1999, 19-24.
Lee, A., “Rigor and Relevance in MIS Research: Beyond the Approach of Positivism Alone,”
MIS Quarterly, 23 (1), 1999, 29-34.
Lee, A., “The Social and Political Context of Doing Relevant Research,” MIS Quarterly, 24 (3),
2000, v-viii.
Lyytinen, K., “Empirical Research in Information Systems: On the Relevance of Practice in
Thinking of IS Research,” MIS Quarterly, 23 (1), 1999, 25-28.
Diversity: Threat or Promise
Benbasat, I. and R. Weber, "Rethinking "Diversity" in Information Systems Research,"
Information Systems Research, 7 (4), 1996, 389-399.
Robey, D. "Diversity in Information Systems Research: Threat, Promise, and Responsibility,"
Information Systems Research, 7 (4), 1996, 400-408.
Evolution of IS Research
Delone, W.H. and E.R. McLean. "Information Systems Success: The Quest for the Dependent
Variable," Information Systems Research, 3 (1), 1992, 60-95.
Delone, W.H. and E.R. McLean, “The DeLone and McLean Model of Information Systems
Success: A Ten-Year Update,” JMIS, 19 (4), 2003, 9-30.
Hirschheim, R.A. "Information Systems Epistemology: An Historical Perspective," Research
Methods in Information Systems, E. Mumford et al. (eds.), Elsevier Science Publishers,
North-Holland, 13-36, 1985.
Jonscher, C. "An Economic Study of the Information Technology Revolution," Information
Technology and the Corporation of the 1990s, T.J. Allen and M.S. Scott Morton (Ed.),
Oxford University Press, New York: NY, 5-42, 1994.
Vessey, I.,. V.R. Ramesh, and R.L. Glass, “Research in Information Systems: An Empirical Study
of Diversity in the Discipline and its Journals, Journal of MIS, 19 (2), 2002, 129-174.
Zmud, R.W. “Research in Information Systems: What We Haven’t Learned,” MIS Quarterly,
Editor’s Comments, 25 (4), 2001, v-xv.
Week 2: Epistemological Foundations of IT Impact Research (September 14th)
Giddens, A. “Elements of the Theory of Structuration”, The Constitution of Society, University of
California Press, chapter 1, 1984.
Griffith, T.L. “Technology Features as Triggers for Sensemaking,” Academy of Management
Review, (24:3), 1999, pp. 472-488.
Organizational and Individual Impacts of Information Technologies
Alain Pinsonneault, McGill University
Weick, K.E. "Technology as Equivoque: Sensemaking in New Technologies," Technology and
Organizations, P.S. Goodman, L.S. Sproull et al. (Ed.), Jossey-Bass, San Francisco: CA,
1-44, 1990.
Winner, L. "Engines of Changes," Autonomous Technology: Technics out of Control as a Theme
in Political Thought, MIT Press, Boston, MA, chapter 2, 1977.
Winner, L. "Technological Politics," Autonomous Technology: Technics out of Control as a
Theme in Political Thought, MIT Press, Boston, MA, chapter 6, 1977.
Further Readings.
Barley, S.R. "The Alignment of Technology and Structure through Roles and Networks,"
Administrative Science Quarterly, 35, 1990, 61-103.
Orlikowski, W.J and S. R. Barley, “Technology and Institutions: What can Research on
Information Technology and Research on Organizations Learn from Each Other?” MIS
Quarterly, 25 (2), 2001, 1465-165.
Winter, S.J. and Taylor, J.L., "The Role of IT in the Transformation of Work: A Comparison of
Post-Industrial, Industrial, and Proto-Industrial Organization," Information Systems
Research, 7(1), 1996, 5-21.
Week 3: Theoretical Perspectives (September 21st )
Goodman, P.S., T.L. Griffith and D.B. Fenner, "Understanding Technology and the Individual in
an Organizational Context," Technology and Organizations, P.S. Goodman, L.S. Sproull
et al. (Ed.), Jossey-Bass, San Francisco: CA, 45-86, 1990.
Jones, M.R. and Karsten, H., “Giddens’ Structuration Theory and Information Systems
Research,” MISQ 32 (1), 2008, pp. 127-157.
Markus, L. and D. Robey. "Information Technology and Organizational Change: Causal
Structure in Theory and Research," Management Science, 34 (5), 1988, 583-598.
Orlikowski, W.J. "The Duality of Technology: Rethinking the Concept of Technology in
Organizations," Organization Science, 3 (3), 1992, 398-427.
Robey, D. and M.C. Boudreau, “Accounting for the Contradictory Organizational Consequences
of Information Technology: Theoretical Directions and Methodological Implications,”
Information Systems Research, 10 (2), 1999, 167-185.
Further Readings
Jasperson, J., T.A. Carte, C.S. Saunders, B.S. Butler, H.J.P. Croes, and W. Zheng, “Power and
Information Technology Research: A Metatriangulation Review,” MIS Quarterly, 26 (4),
2002, 397-459.
Klein, H.K. and R.A. Hirschheim. "Social change and the Future of Information systems,"
Critical Issues in Information Systems Research, R.J. Boland and R.A. Hirschheim (Ed.),
John Wiley & Sons, 275-306, 1987.
Kling, R. "Social Analysis of Computing: Theoretical Perspectives in Recent Empirical
Research," Computing Surveys 12 (1), 1980, 61-109.
Lamb, R. and R. Kling, “Reconceptualizing Users as Social Actors in Information Systems
Research,” MIS Quarterly, 27 (2), 2003, 197-235.
Organizational and Individual Impacts of Information Technologies
Alain Pinsonneault, McGill University
Orlikowski, W.J. and J.J. Baroudi. "Studying Information Technology in Organizations:
Research Approaches and Assumptions," Information Systems Research, 2 (1), 1991, 128.
Orlikowski, W.J. and D.C. Gash, “Technological Frames: Making Sense of Information
Technology in Organizations,” ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 12 (2), 1994,
Orlikowski, W.J. and D. Robey, “Information Technology and the Structuring of Organizations,”
Information Systems Research, 2 (2), 1991, 143-169.
Pozzebon, M. and A. Pinsonneault, “Challenges in Conducting Empirical Work Using
Structuration Theory: Learning from IT Research,” Forthcoming, Organisation Studies.
The Impacts of E-Integration on Firms and Markets
Week 4: The Impacts of E-integration on Markets and Consumers (September 28th)
This class assesses the impacts of electronic integration and electronic data interchange on firms
and inter-firm coordination mechanisms.
Foundations: Theoretical
Baki, H. and A. Pinsonneault, “A Model of Organizational Integration, Implementation Effort,
and Performance” Organization Science, 16 (2), 2005, 165-179.
Rai, A., Patnayakuni, R., and Seth, N., “Firm Performance Impacts of Digitally Enabled Supply
Chain Integration,” MIS Quarterly, Research Note, 30 (2), June 2006, 225-246.
Ranganathan, C. and C. V. Brown, “ERP Investments and the Market Value of Firms: Toward
and Understanding of Influential ERP Project Variables,” Information Systems Research,
17 (2), June 2006, 145-161.
Subramani, M., “How Do Suppliers Benefit From Information Technology Use in Supply Chain
Relationships?” MIS Quarterly, 28 (1), 2004, 45-73.
Venkatraman, N. and A. Zaheer. "Electronic Integration and Strategic Advantage: A Quasi Experimental Study in the Insurance Industry," Information Systems Research, 1 (4),
1990, 377-393.
Further readings
Bakos, J.Y. "Dependent Variables for the Study of Firm and Industry-Level Impact of
Information Technology," Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Information
Systems, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, December 1987, 10-23.
Barua, A., K. Prabhudev, A. Whinston, and F. Yin, “An Empirical Investigation of Net-Enabled
Business Value,” MIS Quarterly, 28 (4), 2004, 585-620.
Bensaou, M. "Interorganizational Cooperation and he Role of Information Technology: An
Empirical Comparison of US and Japanese Supplier Relations," Proceedings of the 14th
Organizational and Individual Impacts of Information Technologies
Alain Pinsonneault, McGill University
International Conference on Information Systems, Orlando, Florida, December 1993, 117127.
Brynjolfsson, E. and M. Smith, “Frictionless Commerce? A Comparison of Internet and
Conventional Retailers,” Management Science, 46 (4), 2000, 563-585.
Chen, P.Y. and L. M. Hitt, ‘Measuring Switching Costs and the Determinants of Customer
Retention in Internet-Enabled Businesses: A Study of the Online Brokerage Industry,’ ISR,
13 (3), 2002, 255-274.
Choudhury, V., K.S. Hartzel, and B.R. Konsynski, “Uses and Consequences of Electronic
Markets: An Empirical Investigation in the Aircraft Parts Industry,” MIS Quarterly, 22
(4), 1998, 471-507.
Chwelos, p., I. Benbasat, and A.S. Dexter, “Empirical Tests of an EDI Adoption Model,”
Information Systems Research, 12 (3), 2001, 304-321.
Gurbaxani, V. and S. Whang. "The Impact of Information Systems on Organizations and
Markets," Communications of the ACM, 34 (1), 1991, 59-73.
Kambil, A. and J.E. Short. "Electronic Integration and Business Network Redesign: A RolesLinkages Perspective," Journal of Management Information Systems, 10 (4), 1994, 59-83.
Lee, H.G., “Do Electronic Marketplace Lower the Price of Goods?” Communications of the
ACM, 41 (1), 1998, 73-80.
Lyytinen, K. and G.M.Rose, “The Disruptive nature of Information Technology Innovations: The
Case of Internet Computing in Systems Development Organizations,” MIS Quarterly, 27
(4), 2003, 557-598.
Malone, T.W., J. Yates, and R.I. Benjamin. "Electronic Markets and Electronic Hierarchies,"
Communincations of the ACM, 30 (6), 1987, 484-497.
Mukhopadhyay, T. and S. Kekre, “Strategic and Operational Benefits of Electronic Integration in
B2B Procurement Process,” Management Science, 48 (10), 2002, 1301-1313.
Raghunathan, S. and A.B. Yeh, “Beyond EDI: Impact of Continuous Replenishment Program
(CRP) Between a Manufacturer and its Retailers,” Information Systems Research, 12 (4),
2001, 406-419.
Straub, D.W. and R.T. Watson, “Commentary: Transformational Issues in Research IS and NetEnabled Organizations,” Information Systems Research, 12 (4), 2001, 337-345.
Subramani, M. and E. Walden, “The Impact of E-Commerce Announcements on the Market
Value of Firms,” Information Systems Research, 12 (2), 2001, 135-154.
Truman, G., “Integration in Electronic Exchange Environments,” Journal of Management
Information Systems, 17 (1), 2000, 15-28.
Zaheer, A. and N. Venkatraman. "Determinants of Electronic Integration in the Insurance
Industry: An Empirical Test," Management Science, 40 (5), 1994, 549-566.
Zhu, K. and K.L. Kraemer, “E-Commerce Metrics for Net-Enhanced Organizations: Assessing
the Value of E-Commerce to Firm Performance in the Manufacturing Sector,” ISR¸13 (3),
2002, 275-295.
Information Technology, Organization, and Virtual Organization
Classes 5 to 8
Organizational and Individual Impacts of Information Technologies
Alain Pinsonneault, McGill University
Numerous studies have been conducted over the last 30 years on the impacts of IT on
organizations. These five classes analyze the empirical evidence on the subject. The impacts of IT
on organizational performance are analyzed in classes 5 and 6. Research on the impacts of IT on
organizational communications are assessed in classes 7 and 8. Class 9 discusses virtual
Week 5. IT Impacts on Organizational Performance: IT, Firm Value, and Consumer Surplus
(October 5th)
Dehning, B., V.J. Richardson, and R.W. Zmud, “The Value Relevance of Announcements of
Transformational Information Technology Investments,” MIS Quarterly, 27 (4), 2003, 637656.
Dewan, S. and Ren, F., “Risk and Return of IT Initiatives: Evidence from Electronic Commerce
Announcements,” ISR, 18 (4), 2007, pp. 370-394.
Grover, V. and P. Ramanlal, “Six Myths of Information and Markets: Information Technology
Networks, Electronic Commerce, and the Battle for Consumer Surplus,” MIS Quarterly,
23 (4), 1999, 533-542.
Hitt, L. and E. Brynjolfsson. "Productivity, Business Profitability, and Consumer Surplus: Three
Different Measures of Information Technology Value," MIS Quarterly, 20 (2), 1996, 121142.
Im, K.S., D.E. Dow, and V. Grover, “A Reexamination of IT Investment and the Market Value of
the Firm—An Event Study Methodology,” Information Systems Research, 12 (1), 2001,
Week 6. IT Impacts on Organizational Performance: IT and Firm Performance (October 12th)
Aral, S. and Weill, P., “IT Assets, Organizational Capabilities, and Firm Performance: How
Resource Allocations and Organizational Differences Explain Performance Variation,”
Organizatio Science, 18 (5), 2008, pp. 763-780.
Kohli, R. and S. Devaraj, ‘Measuring Information Technology Payoff: A Meta-Analysis of
Structural Variables in Firm-Level Empirical Research,’ ISR, 14 (2), 2003, 127-145.
Sambamurthy, V., A. Bharadwaj, and V. Grover, ‘Shaping Agility Through Digital options:
Reconceptualizing the Role of Information Technology in Contemporary Firms,’ MIS
Quarterly¸27 (2), 2003, 237-263.
Seddon, P. C. Clavert, an S. Yang, “A Mutli-Project Model of Key Factors Affecting
Organizational Benefits from Enterprise Systems,” MISQ, 34 (2), 2010, 305-328.
Tallon, P., and Pinsonneault, A., “,Competing Perspectives on the Link between Strategic IT
Alignment and Organizational Agility: Insights from a Mediation Model” Forthcoming,
MISQ, 2010.
Further readings
Banker, R.D., Bardham, I.R., Chang, H., and Lin, S., “Plant Information Systems, Manufacturing
Capabilities, and Plant Performance,” MIS Quarterly, 30 (2), 2006, pp. 315-338.
Organizational and Individual Impacts of Information Technologies
Alain Pinsonneault, McGill University
Banker, R.D. and R.J. Kauffmann. "Strategic Contributions of Information Technology: An
Empirical Study of ATM Networks," Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on
Information Systems, Minneapolis, Minnesota, December 1988, 141-150.
Barua, A., C H. Kriebel and T. Mukhopadhyay. "An Economic Analysis of Strategic Information
Investments," MIS Quarterly, 1991, 313-331.
Barua, A., C H. Kriebel and T. Mukhopadhyay. "Information Technologies and Business Value:
An Analytic and Empirical Investigation," Information Systems Research, 6 (1), 1995, 3-23.
Barua, A., C.H. S. Lee and A.B. Whinston, "The Calculus of Reengineering," Information
Systems Research, 7 (4), 1996, 409-428.
Bender, D.H. "Financial Impact of Information Processing," Journal of Management Information
Systems, 3 (2), 1986, 22-32.
Bharadwaj, A.S., “A Resources-Based perspective on Information Technology Capability and
Firm performance: An Empirical Investigation,” MIS Quarterly, 24 (1), 2000, 169-196.
Bharadwaj, S., Bharadwaj, A., and Bendoly, E., “The Performance Effects of Complementarities
Between Informaiton Systems, Marketing, Manufacturing, and Supply Chain Processes,”
ISR, 18 (4), 2007, pp. 437-453.
Brown, R.M., A.W. Gatian and J.O. Hicks Jr., "Strategic Information Systems and Financial
Performance," Journal of Management Information Systems, 11 (4), 1995, 215-248.
Brynjolfsson, E. "The Contribution of Information Technology to Consumer Welfare,"
Information Systems Research, 7 (3), 1996, 281-300.
Brynjolfsson, E. and L. Hitt. "Is Information Systems Spending Productive? New Evidence and
New Results," Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Information Systems,
Orlando, Florida, December 1993, 47-64.
Chismar, W.G. and C.H. Kriebel. "A Method for Assessing the Economic Impact of Information
Systems on Organizations," Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on
Information Systems, Indianapolis, Indiana, December 1985, 45-56.
Cron, W.L. and M.G. Sobol. "The Relationship between Computerization and Performance: A
Strategy for Maximizing the Economic Benefits of Computerization," Journal of
Information Management, Vol. 6, 1983, 171-181.
Devaraj, S. and R. Kohli, ‘Performance Impacts of Information Technology: Is Actual Usage the
Missing Link?’’ Management Science, 49 (3), 2003, 273-289.
Dos Santos, B.L., K. Peffers and D.C. Mauer. "The Impact of Information Technology Investment
Announcements on the Market Value of the Firm," Information Systems Research, 4 (1),
1993, 60-95.
Floyd, S.W. and B. Wooldridge. "Path Analysis of the Relationship between Competitive
Strategy, Information Technology, and Financial Performance," Journal of Management
Information Systems, 7 (1), 1990, 47-64.
Gattiker, T. and D.L. Goodhue, “What Happens after ERP Implementation: Understanding the
Impact of Interdependence and Differentiation on Plant-Level Outcomes,” MIS Quarterly,
29 (3), 2005, 559-585.
Jonscher, C. "Information Resources and Economic Productivity," Information Economics and
Policy, 1, 1983, 13-35. Harris, S.E. and J.L. Katz. "Organizational Performance and
Information Technology Investment Intensity in the Insurance Industry," Organization
Science, Vol. 2(3), 1991, 263-295.
Organizational and Individual Impacts of Information Technologies
Alain Pinsonneault, McGill University
Kauffmann, J.R. and P. Weill. "An Evaluative Framework for Research on the Performance
Effects of Information Technology Investment," Proceedings of the 10th International
Conference on Information Systems, 1989, 377-388.
Kudyha, S. and R. Diwan, ‘Increasing Returns to Information Technology,’ ISR, 13 (1), 2002,
Mahmood, M.A. and J.M. Mann. "Measuring the Organizational Impact of Information
Technology Investment: An Exploratory Study," Journal of Management Information
Systems, 10 (1), 1993, 97-122.
Melville, N., K.L. Kraemer, and V. Gurbaxani, “Information Technology and Organizational
Performance: An Integrative Model of IT Business Value,” MIS Quarterly, 28 (2), 2004,
Menon, N.M., B. Lee, and L.Eldenburg, “Productivity of Information Systems In the Healthcare
Industry,” Information Systems Research, 11 (1), 2000, 83-92.
Mukhopadhyay, T. and R.B. Cooper. "A Microeconomic Production Assessment of the Business
Value of Management Information Systems: The Case of Inventory Control," Journal of
Management Information Systems, 10 (1), 1993, 33-55.
Mukhopadhyay, T., S. Kekre and S. Kalathur. "Business Value of Information Technology: A
Study of Electronic Data Interchange," MIS Quarterly, 19 (2), 1995, 137-156.
Nault, B.R. and A.S. Dexter. "Added Value and Pricing With Information Technology," MIS
Quarterly, 19 (4), 1995, 449-464.
Oh, W., and Pinsonneault, A., “On the Assessment of the Strategic Value of Information
Technologies: Conceptual and Analytical Approaches,” MIS Quarterly, 31 (2), 2007, 239266.
Palmer, J.W. and M.L. Markus, “The Performance Impacts of Quick Response and Strategic
Alignment in Specialty Retailing,” Information Systems Research, 11 (3), 2000, 241-259.
Ravichandran and C. Lertwongsatien, “Effect of Information Systems Resources and Capabilities
on Firm Performance: A Resource_Based Perspective,” JMIS, 21 (4), 2005, 237-276.
Ray, G. Muhanna and Barney, J., “Information Technology and the Performance of the Customer
Service Process: A Resource-Based Analysis,” MIS Quarterly, 29 (4), 2005, 625-652.
Sathanam, R. and E. Hartono, ‘Issues in Linking Information Technology Capability to Firm
Performance,’ MIS Quarterly, 27 (1), 2003, 125-153.
Smith, H.A. and J.D. McKeen, "How Does Information Technology Affect Business Value? A
Reassessment and Research Propositions," Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences,
10 (3), 1993, 229-240.
Tallon, P. and Kraemer, K.L., “Fact of Fiction? A Sensemaking Perspective on the Reality
Behind Executives’ Perceptions of IT Business Value, JMIS, 24 (1), 2007, 13-54.
Weill, P. "The Relationship Between Investment in Information Technology and Firm
Performance: A Study of the Valve Manufacturing Sector," Information Systems Research,
3 (4), 1992, 307-333.
Week 7. IT and the Nature of the Firm: IT and Organizational Communications (October 19th)
Media Theories
Organizational and Individual Impacts of Information Technologies
Alain Pinsonneault, McGill University
Carlson, J.R. and R. W. Zmud, “Channel Expansion Theory and the Experiential Nature of Media
Richness Perceptions”, Academy of Management Journal, 42, 2 (1999), 153-170.
Daft, R. L., R. H. Lengel and L. Trevino, “Message Equivocality, Media Selection, and Manager
Performance, ” MIS Quarterly, 11, 3 (1987), 355-366.
Dennis, A., R., Fuller, R.M., and Valacich, J., “Media, Tasks, and Communication Processes: A
Theory of Media Synchronicity,” MISQ, 32 (3), 2008, 575-600.
Ngwenyama, O.N. and A.S. Lee, "Communication Richness in Electronic Mail: Critical Social
Theory and the Contextuality of Meaning," MIS Quarterly, 21 (2), 1997, 145-168.
Week 8. IT and Organizational Communications (October 26th) 2/2
Organization communications
Constant, D., S. Kiesler and L. Sproull, "What's Mine is Ours, or is it? A Study of Attitudes
about Information Sharing," Information Systems Research, 5 (4), 1994, 400-438.
Constant, D., L. Sproull and S. Kiesler, "The Kindness of Strangers: The Usefulness of
Electronic Weak Ties for Technical Advice," Organization Science, 7 (2), 1996, 119-135.
Katz, A., Te’eni, D., “The Contingent Impact of Contextualization on Computer-Mediated
Collaboration,” Organization Science, 18 (2), 2007, 261-279.
Leonardi, P. M., “Activating the Information Capabilities of Information Technology for
Organization Change,” Organization Science, 18 (5), 2008, pp. 813-831.
Moon, J.Y. and Sproull, L.S., “The Role of Feedback in Managing the Internet-Based Volunteer
Work Force,” ISR, 19 (4), 2008, 494-515.
Further Readings
Euske, N.A. and K.H. Roberts, "Evolving Perspectives in Organization Theory: Communication
Implications," Handbook of Organizational Communications, I. Jablin and E. Fredric
(Ed.), Sage Publications, Newbury Park: CA, 41-69, 1989.
Galegher, J. and R.E. Kraut, "Computer-Mediated Communication for Intellectual Teamwork:
An Experiment in Group Writing," Information Systems Research, 5 (2) 1994, 110-138.
Hightower, R. and L. Sayeed, "Effects of Communication Mode and Prediscussion Information
Distribution Characteristics on Information Exchange in Groups," Information Systems
Research, 7 (4), 1996, 451-465.
Hinds, P. and S. Kiesler, “Communication across Boundaries: Work, Structure, and Use of
Communication Technologies in a Large Organization,” Organization Science, 6 (4),
1995, 373-393.
Huber, G.P. and R.L. Daft, "The Information Environments of Organizations," Handbook of
Organizational Communications, I. Jablin and E. Fredric (Ed.), Sage Publications,
Newbury Park: CA, 130-164, 1989.
Kiesler, S., J. Siegel, and T.W. McGuire, "Social Psychological Aspects of Computer-Mediated
Communication," American Psychologist, 39 (10), 1984, 1123-1134.
Kiesler, S., D. Zubrow and A.M., Moses and U. Geller, "Affect in Computer-Mediated
Communication: An Experiment in Synchronous Terminal to Terminal Discussion,"
Human Computer Interaction, 1, 1985, 77-104.
Organizational and Individual Impacts of Information Technologies
Alain Pinsonneault, McGill University
Kwone, K.J., F.M. Jablin and L.L. Putman, "Communication Theory and organizational
Communication: Multiple Perspectives," Handbook of Organizational Communications,
I. Jablin and E. Fredric (Ed.), Sage Publications, Newbury Park: CA, 18-40, 1989.
Lea, M., T. O’Schea, and P. Fung, “Constructing the Networked Organization: Content and
Context in the Development of Electronic Communications,” Organization Science, 6 (4),
1995, 462-478.
Lind, M.R. and R.W. Zmud, “Improving Interorganizational Effectiveness through Voice Mail
Facilitation of Peer-to-Peer Relationship,” Organization Science, 6 (4), 1995, 445-461.
Olivera, F. Goodman, P.S., and Swee-Lin Tan, S. “Contribution Behaviors in Distributed
Enrivonments,” MISQ, 32 (1), 2008, pp. 23-42.
Orlikowski, W. J., A.Yates, K. Okamura, and M. Fujimoto, “Shaping Electronic Communication:
The Metastructuring of Technology in the Context of Use,” Organization Science, 6 (4),
1995, 423-444.
Matheson, K. and M.P. Zanna, "Computer-mediated Communications: The Focus is on Me,"
Social Science Computer Review, 8 (1), 1990, 1-12.
Matheson, K. and M.P. Zanna, "The Impact of Computer-mediated Communication on SelfAwareness," Computers in Human Behavior, 4, 1988, 221-233.
Schultze, U. and W.J. Orlikowski, “A Practice perspective on Technology-Mediated Network
Relations: The Use of Internet Based Self-Serve Technologies,” ISR, 15 (1), 2004, 87-106.
Siegel, J., V. Dubrowsky, S. Kiesler and T.W. McGuire, "Group Process in Computer-Mediated
Communication," Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 37, 1986, 157187.
Sproull, L, and S. Kiesler, "Reducing Social Context Cues: Electronic Mail in Organizational
Communication," Management Science, 32 (11), 1986, 1492-1512.
Straub, D. and E. Karahanna, “Knowledge Worker Communications and Recipient Availability:
Toward a Task Closure Explanation of Media Choice,” Organization Science, 9, 2 (1998),
Te’eni, D., “A Cognitive-Affective Model of Organizational Communication for Designing IT,”
MIS Quarterly, 25 (2), 2001, 251-312.
Weick, K.E. "Theorizing About Organizational Communication," Handbook of Organizational
Communications, I. Jablin and E. Fredric (Ed.), Sage Publications, Newbury Park: CA,
97-122, 1989.
Zack, Michael H. "Interactivity and Communication Mode Choice in Ongoing Management
Groups," Information Systems Research, 4 (3), 1993, 207-239.
IT and Groups
Class 9 and 10
Since 10 years, numerous studies have looked at the impacts of IT on group processes and
performances. This class assesses how group support systems (GSS) affect idea generation and
the quality of decision making in groups. We first analyze the problems associated with group
work and then look at how GSS are expected to alleviate them. The empirical evidence on the
subject will be assessed last.
Organizational and Individual Impacts of Information Technologies
Alain Pinsonneault, McGill University
Also, recently research effort has been oriented toward understanding the notion of virtuality and
its impact on organizations and team. Class 10 will be devoted to this topic.
Week 9: GSS and Group Brainstorming (November 2nd)
Issues in Group Work
Albanese, R. and Van Fleet, D.D., "Rational Behavior in Groups: The Free Riding Tendency,"
Academy of Management Review, 10, 1985, 244-255.
Diehl, M. and Stroebe, W., "Productivity Loss in Brainstorming Groups: Toward the Solution of
a Riddle," Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 53, 1987, 487-509.
Sutton, R.I. and A. Hargadon, "Brainstorming Groups in Context: Effectiveness in a Product
Design Firms," Administrative Science Quarterly, 41, 1996, 685-718.
GSS and Idea Generation
Chidambaram, L. and Tung, L.L., “Out of Sight, Out of Mind? An Empirical Study of Social
Loafing in Technology-Supported Groups,” Information Systems Research, 16 (2), 2005,
Dennis, A.R. and J.R. Valacich, “Research Note: Electronic Brainstorming: Illusion and Patterns
of Productivity,” Information Systems Research, 10 (4), 1999, 375-377.
Pinsonneault, A., H. Barki, R.B. Gallupe and N. Hoppen, "Electronic Brainstorming: The
Illusion of Productivity," Information Systems Research, 10, 2 (1999), 110-133.
Pinsonneault, A., H. Barki, R.B. Gallupe and N. Hoppen, "Research Note: The Illusion of EBS
Productivity: Theoretical and Empirical Issues," Information Systems Research, 10, 4
(1999), 378-380.
Further Readings
Anson, R., R. Bostrom and B. Wynne, "An Experiment Assessing Group Support System and
Facilitator Effects on Meeting Outcomes," Management Science, 41 (2), 1995, 189-208.
Connolly, T., L.M. Jessup and J.S. Valacich. "Effects of Anonymity and Evaluative Tone on Idea
Generation in Computer Mediated Groups," Management Science, 36, 1990, 689-703.
Connolly, T., R.L. Routhieaux, S.K. Schneider, "On the Effectiveness of Group Brainstorming:
Test of One Underlying Cognitive Mechanism," Small Group Research, 24 (4), 1993, 490503.
Dennis, A., A. Pinsonneault, K. McNamara Hilmer, H. Barki, R.B. Gallupe, M. Huber, and F.
Bellavance, “Patterns in Electronic Brainstorming,” International Journal of Electronic
Collaboration, October-December, 1(4), 2005, pp.38-57.
Dennis, A.R., J.R. Valacich, T. Connolly and B.Y. Wynne, "Process Structuring in Electronic
Brainstorming," Information Systems Research, 7 (2), 1996, 268-277.
Dennis, A.R. and J.S. Valacich, "Computer Brainstorms: More Heads are Better Than One,"
Journal of Applied Psychology, 78, 1993, 531-537.
Dennis, A.R., B. H. Wixom, and R.J. Vandenberg, “Understanding Fit and Appropriation Effects
in Group Support via Meta-Analysis,” MIS Quarterly, 25 (2), 2001, 167-193.
DeSanctis, G. and R.B. Gallupe, "A Foundation for the Study of Group Decision Support
Systems," Management Science, 33 (5), 1987, 589-609.
Organizational and Individual Impacts of Information Technologies
Alain Pinsonneault, McGill University
Gallupe, R.B., W.H. Cooper, M.L. Grisé and L.M. Bastianutti, "Blocking Electronic
Brainstorms," Journal of Applied Psychology, 79 (1), 1994, 77-86.
Gallupe, R.B., A.R. Dennis, W. Cooper, J.S. Valacich, L.M. Bastianutti and J.F. Nunamaker,
"Electronic Brainstorming and Group Size," Academy of Management Journal, 35, 1992,
George, J.F., G.F. Eason, J.F. Nunamaker and G.B. Northcraft, "A Study of Collaborative Group
Work with and Without Computer-Based Support, Information Systems Research, 1 (4),
1990, 394-415.
Gopal, A., and P. Prassad, “Understanding GDSS in Symbolic Context: Shifting the Focus from
Technology to Interaction,” MIS Quarterly, 24 (3), 2000, 509-546.
Jessup, L.M. and D.A. Tansik, "Decision Making in an Automated Environment: The Effect of
Anonymity and Proximity with a Group Decision Support System," Decision Sciences, 22
(2), 1991, 266-279.
Lea, M. and R. Spears, "Computer-Mediated Communication, De-individuation and Group
Decision Making," International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, 34, 1991, 283-301.
McLeod, P.L. and J.K. Licker, "Electronic Meeting Systems: Evidence from a Low Structure
Environment," Information Systems Research, 3 (1), 1992, 195-223.
Pinsonneault, A. and K.L. Kraemer. "The Impact of Electronic Meetings on Groups: An
Assessment of the Empirical Research," European Journal of Operational Research, 46,
1990, 143-161.
Pinsonneault, A. and N. Heppel, "Anonymity in GSS Research: A New Conceptualization,
Measure, and Contingency Framework," Journal of Management Information Systems,
14(3), 1998. 89-108.
Potter, R. and P. Balthazard, “The Role of Individual memory and Attention Processes During
Electronic Brainstorming,” MIS Quarterly, 28 (4), 2004, 621-643.
Sambamurthy, V. and M.S. Poole, "The Effects of Variations in Capabilities of GDSS Designs on
Management of Cognitive Conflict in Groups," Information Systems Research, 3 (3),
1992, 224-251.
Wheeler, B.C. and J.S. Valacich, "Facilitation, GSS, and Training as Sources of Process
Restrictiveness and Guidance for Structured Group Decision Making: An Empirical
Assessment," Information Systems Research, 7 (4), 1996, 429-450.
Week 10. Studying the Impact of Virtuality (November 9th)
Animesh, A., Pinsonneault, A.; Yang, S.B., and Oh. W., An Odyssey into Virtual Worlds:
Exploring the Impacts of Technological and Spatial Environments on Intention to
Purchase Virtual Products, Forthcoming, MISQ, 2010.
Boyer O’Leary, M. and Cummings, J., “The Spatial, Temporal, and Configurational
Characteristics of Geographic Dispersion in Teams,” MISQ, 31 (3), 2007, pp. 433-452.
Caya, O., Mortensen, M., and Pinsonneault, A. Understanding Virtual Team Performance: A
Synthesis of Research on the Effects of Team Design, Processes, and States,” McGill
University, 2009.
Kanawattanachai, P. and Youngjin, Y., “The Impact of Knowledge Coordination on Virtual Team
Performance over Time,” MISQ, 31 (4), 2007, pp. 783-808.
Organizational and Individual Impacts of Information Technologies
Alain Pinsonneault, McGill University
Majchrzak, A., Malhotra, A., R. John. 2005. Perceived individual collaboration know-how
development through information technology-enabled contextualization: Evidence from
distributed teams. Information Systems Research, 16 9-27.
Further Readings
Ahuja, M.K. and K.M. Carley, “Network Structure in Virtual Organizations,” Organization
Science, 10 (6), 1999, 741-757.
DeSanctis, G. and P. Monge, “Communication Processes for Virtual Organizations,”
Organization Science, 10 (6), 1999, 693-703.
Fritz, M. S. Narasimhan, and H.Rhee, « Communication and Coordination in the Virtual Office, »
Journal of Management Information Systems, 14 (4), 1998, 7-28.
Griffith, T.L, J.T. Sawyer, and M.A. Neale, “Virtualness and Knowledge in Teams: Managing the
Love Triangle of Organizations, Individuals, and Information Technology,” MIS
Quarterly, 27 (2), 2003, 265-287.
Jarvenpaa, S. and D. Leidner, “Communication and Trust in Global Virtual Teams,”
Organization Science, 10 (6), 1999, 791-815.
Kock, N. “Benefits for Virtual Organizations from Distributed Groups,” Communications of the
ACM, 43 (11), 2000, 107-112.
Kraut, R., C. Steinfield, A.P. Chan, B. Butler, and A. Hoag, “Coordination and Virtualization:
The Role of Electronic Networks and Personal Relationships,” Organization Science, 10
(6), 1999, 722-740.
Paul, D.L. and R.R. McDaniel, “A Field Study of the Effect of Interpersonal Trust on Virtual
Collaborative Relationship Performance, MIS Quarterly, 28 (2), 2004, 183-228.
Pinsonneault, A and M. Boisvert, “The Impacts of Telecommuting on Employees and
Organizations: An Assessment of the Empirical Evidence”, in Telecommuting and Virtual
Offices: Issues and Opportunities, Ed. Nancy Johnson, Idea Group Publishing, Hersey, PA:
USA, 2001, 163-185.
Pinsonneault, A. and O. Caya, “Virtual Teams: What We Know and What We Don’t Know,”
International Journal of E-Collaboration, 1 (3), 2005, 1-16.
Kraut, R., C. Steinfield, A.P. Chan, B. Butler, and A. Hoag, “Coordination and Virtualization:
The Role of Electronic Networks and Personal Relationships,” Organization Science, 10
(6), 1999, 722-740.
IT, Individuals, and Work
Class 11
Numerous studies have been conducted on the impacts IT have on individuals and on work.
These two classes assess the empirical evidence on the subject. Class 11 is devoted to the impacts
of IT on the work of managers.
Week 11 : IT and Work (November 16th)
Organizational and Individual Impacts of Information Technologies
Alain Pinsonneault, McGill University
Beaudry, A. and A. Pinsonneault, ‘Understanding User Responses to Information Technology: A
Coping Model of User Adaptation,’ MIS Quarterly, 29 (3), 2005, 493-524.
Beaudry, A. and A. Pinsonneault, “The Other Side of Acceptance: Studying the Direct and
Indirect Effects of Emotions on IT Use,” Forthcoming, MISQ, 2010.
Davidson, E. and Chismar, W., “The Interaction of Institutionally Triggered and TechnologyTriggered Social Structure Change: An Investigation of Computerized Physician Order
Entry,” MISQ, 31 (4), 2007, pp. 739-758.
Ragu-Nathan, T.S., Tarafdar, M., Ragu-Nathan, B.S., and Q. Tu, “The Consequences of
Tecnostress for End Users in Organizations: Conceptual Development and Empirical
Validation,” ISR, 19 (4), 2008, 417-433.
Swanson, B.E. and Ramiller, N.C., “Innovating Mindfully with Information Technology,” MIS
Quarterly, 28 (4), 2004, 553-583.
Further Readings
Attewell, P. "Information Technology and the Productivity Paradox," Organizational Linkages:
Understanding the Productivity Paradox, Douglas H. Harris (ed.), National Academy
Press, Washington, D.C., 1994, 13-53.
Butler, B. and Gray, P.H., “Reliability, Mindfulness, and Information Systems,” MIS Quarterly,
30 (2), June 2006, 211-224.
Brynjolfsson, E. "The Productivity Paradox of Information Technology," Communications of the
ACM, 36 (12), 1993, 67-77.
Brynjolfsson, E. and L.A. Hitt, “Beyond the Productivity Paradox: Computer are the Catalyst for
Bigger Changes,” Communications of the ACM, 41 (8), 49-55.
Carroll, S.J. and D.J. Gillen, "Are the Classical Management Functions Useful in Describing
Managerial Work?" Academy of Management Review, 12 (1), 1987, 38-51.
Davis, R.V. "Information Technology and White Collar Productivity," Academy of Management
Executive, 5 (1), 1991, 55-67.
Dewan, S. and K.L. Kraemer, “International Dimensions of the Productivity Paradox,”
Communications of the ACM, 41 (8), 1998, 56-62.
Gill, T.G. "Expert System Usage: Task Change and Intrinsic Motivation," MIS Quarterly, 20 (3),
1996, 301-329.
Goodhue, D.L. and R.L. Thompson. "Task-Technology Fit and Individual Performance," MIS
Quarterly, 19 (2), 1995, 213-236.
Goodman, P.S., F. Javier Lerch and T. Mukhopadhyay, "Individual and Organizational
Productivity: Linkages and Processes," Organizational Linkages: Understanding the
Productivity Paradox, Douglas H. Harris (ed.), National Academy Press, Washington,
D.C., 1994, 54-80.
Hiltz, S.R. "Productivity Enhancement From Computer-mediated Communication: A Systems
Contingency Approach," Communications of the ACM, 31 (12), 1988, 1438-1454.
Kelley, M.R. "Productivity and Information Technology: The Elusive Connection," Management
Science, 40 (11), 1994, 1406-1425.
Kimble, C. and K. McLoughlin, "Computer Based Information Systems and Managers' Work,"
New Technology, Work and Employment, 10 (1), 1995, 56-67.
Organizational and Individual Impacts of Information Technologies
Alain Pinsonneault, McGill University
Kraut, R.E. Technology and the Transformation of White-Collar Work, Lawrence Erlbaum and
Associates, Hillsdale: NJ, 1987.
Manning, P.K. "Information Technology in the Police Context: The "Sailor" Phone," Information
Systems Research, 7 (1), 1996, 52-62.
Millman, Z. and J. Hartwick. "The Impact of Automated Office Systems on Middle Managers and
Their Work," MIS Quarterly, 11 (4) 1987, 479-490.
Orlikowski, W.J. “Improvising Organizational Transformation Over Time: A situated Change
Perspective,” Information Systems Research, 7 (1), 1996, 63-92.
Panko, R.R. "Is Office Productivity Stagnant?" MIS Quarterly, 15 (2), 1991, 191-203.
Pentland, B.T. "Use and Productivity in Personal Computing: An Empirical Test," Proceedings of
the 10th International Conference on Information Systems, Boston, Mass., December
1989, 211-222.
Pinsonneault, A. and S. Rivard, "Information Technology and the Nature of Managerial Work:
From the Productivity Paradox to the Icarus Paradox ?", Management Information
Systems Quarterly, (22:3),1998, 287-311.
Robey, D. and S. Sahay, "Transforming Work Through Information Technology: A Comparative
Case Study of Geographic Information Systems in County Government," Information
Systems Research, 7 (1), 1996, 93-110.
Weber, R. "Computer Technology and Jobs: An Impact Assessment Model," Communications of
the ACM, 31 (1), 1988, 68-77.
Yoon, Y. and T. Guiamares. "Assessing Expert Systems Impact on Users’ Jobs," Journal of
Management Information Systems, 12 (1), 1995, 225-249.
Zmuidzinas, M., Kling, R., and George, J. (1990). Desktop Computerization as a Continuing
Process, Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Information Systems,
Copenhagen, DM, 125-137.
Week 12: Is the World Flat? (Reflecting back on broad IT impacts) (November 23th)
Gefen, D. and Carmel, E., “Is the World Really Flat? A Look at Offshoring in an Online
Programming Market-Place,” MISQ, 32 (2), 2008, pp. 367-384.
Friedman, T. L., “The World is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century,” Farrar, Straus
and Giroux, New York, NY, 2005, pp. 1-172.
Mittas, S. and Whitaker, J., “Is the World Flat or Spiky? Information intensity, Skills, and Global
Service Disaggregation,” ISR, 18 (3), 2007, pp. 237-259.
Weeks 13 and 14: Synthesis and Presentation (November 30th) (Longer session)
Webster, J. and R. T. Watson, ‘Analyzing the Past to Prepare for the Future: Writing a Literature
Review,’ MIS Quarterly, 26 (2), 2002, xiii-xxiii.