Tracking High Quality Professional Development Title II Requirements and Best Practices

Tracking High Quality
Professional Development
Title II Requirements and Best
Robert Mellace
Purpose of NCLB
• Increase student achievement and
close academic gaps between
economically advantaged students and
students who are from different
economic, racial, and ethnic
backgrounds as well as students with
disabilities –
• Student achievement is measured by
assessing annual yearly progress via
state testing.
Purpose of NCLB
Statements by George Bush at the time of
NCLB Reauthorization:
Core Subject Areas
Identified by NCLB
English and reading or language arts
foreign languages
civics and government, economics, history,
• arts (including music, dance, theatre, art, etc.)
• special education (because they teach core
subject area information to students)
Purpose of Title II, Part A
To increase academic
achievement by improving
teacher and principal quality.
NCLB Requirements for
High Quality Professional
Must be:
• Based on scientific research
• Based on the needs of the school district
• Sustained and ongoing training(s)
• Review collaboration is provided
Tracking Requirements of
Title II, Part A
Monitoring Standard 3.1
• The LEA must meet the state goal for
teachers receiving professional
development as defined by NCLB
– 100% of teachers must be engaged in high
quality professional development
– LEAs must present a calculation for the
percentage of teachers engaged in high
quality professional development in each
individual year of the three year
monitoring cycle.
Best Practices for Meeting
Standard 3.1
Summers County
Sarah Brown
Uses a spreadsheet based system of tracking
high quality professional development
• Has the ability to separate core subject
area teachers from all teachers
• Separates high quality professional
development from all professional
• A percentage is calculated manually for
each year of the monitoring cycle
• Still tracks the state required 18 hours
Lincoln County
Charlene Coburn
Uses an internet based system of tracking
high quality professional development
• Has the ability to separate core subject
area teachers from all teachers
• Separates high quality professional
development from all professional
• Automatically calculates a percentage
for each year of the monitoring cycle
• Still tracks the state required 18 hours
Contact Information
Robert P. Mellace III
West Virginia Department of Education
Coordinator of Title I, Title II, Title VI and Troops to Teachers
Office of Federal Programs
Building 6, Room 330
1900 Kanawha Boulevard East
Charleston, WV 25305
Phone (toll free): 1-800-982-2378
Phone: 1-304-558-7010
E-mail -
WVDE Title II and Title VI Homepage