SSAE 99 Stuttgart, November 17 - 19, 1999 AEROTHERMODYNAMICS DEVELOPMENTS FOR PLANETARY MISSIONS Ph. Reynier1, V. Marieu, L. Marraffa 2 ESA/ESTEC, Aerothermodynamics and Propulsion Division, Keplerlaan 1, 2200 AG Noordwijk AZ, The Netherlands 1 + 31 71 565 3161, 2 + 31 71 565 3907, ABSTRACT This paper focuses on the aerothermodynamics activities performed at the European Space Agency to prepare sample return missions to the inner planets of the solar system. In particular, predictions of trajectories, numerical simulations of the entry in the atmosphere of the explored planet and reentry in Earth atmosphere are discussed. In the framework of this contribution, computations of Mars entry have been performed and the results compared to those obtained using another approach. Numerical simulations with and without ablation of a small capsule entry into Earth atmosphere have been performed for Mercury sample return mission. A connected domain is the study of flows in hypersonic facilities in order to investigate their capabilities for experimental validation of the numerical results. With this aim in view, SCIROCCO capabilities have been studied for entry simulations in CO 2 atmospheres. 1. Introduction In the framework of planetary exploration, the European Space Agency (ESA) has developed several studies like Intermarsnet, Marsnet and missions like Huygens (see Marraffa et al. [1]), involving planetary entries. ESA has also studied sample return missions to comets (ROSETTA/CNSR), Venus and Mercury [2, 3]. These past activities benefited from the technological developments in the wake of the HERMES project. They induced also specific research in the field of aerochemistry [4],[5],[6]. In particular in the frame of ESA’s Technological Research and Development Programs (TRP), one has been devoted to aerochemistry and hypersonic flows [7]. The function of these TRP is to link the fundamental research and the technological studies. They prepare the ground, at assessment study and phase A level, for the use of new data, facilities and technologies in future projects. The European interest in new space missions triggered the development of new facilities, databases and computer programs or the adaptation of existing ones. The paper focuses on the different aerothermodynamics activities developed at the European Space Agency to prepare sample return missions. For Venus the scenario is complex. A sample return mission to Venus needs two Ariane 5 launches. The first launch brings to Venus an orbiter which contains communication capabilities and an Earth return vehicle. The orbiter stays in circular orbit around Venus. The second launch brings to Venus a lander which is slowed down by aerobraking and then by a parachute. At the surface, samples are collected and measurements performed. Then, a balloon takes off with the module and in altitude, a rocket containing the samples is launched. The rocket performs a rendezvous with the orbiter, and finally a return capsule brings the samples back to Earth. In the case of Venus and Mars, these missions are complex, they include the entry of a probe in the CO2 atmosphere of the explored planet and the reentry of a capsule containing the samples in the Earth atmosphere. Concerning Earth entry, the presence of high thermal fluxes induces severe constraints for the design of the thermal protection system. For a good prediction of fluxes, some phenomena like nonequilibrium, radiation and ablation of the shield have to be considered. To ensure the mission success, simulations of the entry using software and ground tests are necessary. However, before using a ground test facility with CO2, preliminary investigations are required to identify the necessary hardware modifications, to evaluate its performance envelope and to ensure its safety during operations. 2.5 - 1 - functions of temperature. To create a thermodynamic database for CO2 valid from 300 to 15000 K, the database of TINA is used as much as possible. When data were absent from TINA database, those of Esch et al. [12] have been employed. 2. Scirocco capabilities This part concerns the investigation on SCIROCCO (see Figure 1) plasma wind-tunnel capabilities to simulate a Mars or Venus entry. The first task was to investigate the species concentration at equilibrium for a large range of pressure and temperature in the arcchamber. The chemical composition of the mixture has an incidence on the evolution of the thermodynamic variables along the nozzle. In addition, a reacting flow of CO2 could produce toxic chemical species like CO. Figure 1: Scheme of SCIROCCO high-enthalpy wind tunnel [8]. 2.1 Thermodynamic database Before performing numerical simulations of the flow along the nozzle of the facility, the first task is to develop a thermochemical model for the CO2. Two software have been selected to investigate the mixture composition in function of temperature and pressure: a NASA code developed by Gordon & McBride [9], and Chemkin [10]. As the temperature encountered during an atmospheric entry can reach 15000 K, Chemkin and Gordon & McBride thermodynamic databases are inadequate. Hence, two other databases have been tested, one incorporated in the software TINA [11] and the one proposed by Esch et al. [12]. The database of Esch et al. [12] is valid until 15000 K. Using these different databases, the specific heat at constant pressure Cp, the enthalpy H and the entropy S are studied for gaseous carbon. Figure 2 shows the curve fits of these quantities for temperatures between 300 and 15000 K. TINA and Chemkin uses the same coefficients from 300 to 5000K. This is not the case for higher temperatures. The database of Esch et al. [12] is valid until 15000 K. In figure 2, the curves show that the three databases are compatible between 300 and 5000 K. From 5000 to 15000 K the results obtained with TINA and Esch et al. [12] databases are in good agreement. For temperatures above 15000 K, TINA has coefficients which keep the specific heat constant and which interpolate enthalpy and entropy as linear Figure 2: Curve fits of gaseous carbon, using Chemkin, TINA and Esch database [12]. Cp: specific heat at constant pressure, H: enthalpy, S: entropy, R: universal gas constant. 2.2 Approaches used for the predictions Two methods have been chosen to predict the flow behaviour along the nozzle. The non-equilibrium flow solver, TINA, developed by Netterfield et al. [13] and Roberts et al. [11], is used to perform axisymmetric simulations. However, a complete investigation on the arc-heater envelope of SCIROCCO with a NavierStokes solver has not been performed, due to the cost of such calculations. For this reason, a quasi onedimensional isentropic approach at equilibrium has been developed. Such an approach does not require much computer time and allows an extensive investigation of the arc-heater envelope. This method described in [14] is coupled with Gordon & McBride subroutines, for the determination of the equilibrium composition. The equilibrium approach is valid when the chemical reaction time is short in comparison with the time needed by the flow to go through the nozzle. 2.5 -2- Therefore, equilibrium calculations are not adapted to high velocities and low pressures. A solution to improve the reliability of the numerical results is to freeze the chemistry above a given Mach number. To achieve this, the isentropic relations for a perfect gas have been implemented in the code: The chemical reactions are arbitrarily frozen when the Mach number reaches the value of 0.7. composition are compared to those predicted by TINA. As there are no experimental data available for SCIROCCO yet, these comparisons provide a first validation of the numerical results. They also give an estimate of the non-equilibrium effects on the flow behaviour. The computed case corresponds to the point of the envelope (see Figure 4) where the enthalpy is 10 MJ, and the pressure 5 atmospheres. Figure 5 shows the axial distributions of temperature and velocity, and Figure 6 of Mach number and density. The curves presented in these figures bring out the existence of two regions. Upstream of the throat, the results of the equilibrium approach are in agreement with those of TINA for all the quantities. Downstream, the various predictions show some discrepancies. In this second region of the flow the differences between the results obtained with equilibrium and non-equilibrium predictions are particularly obvious for the temperature. These results have been obtained for a low pressure and a high enthalpy in the reservoir. Here, the chemical reaction time is long compared to the time needed by the flow to cross the nozzle. The equilibrium assumption is not any longer valid and the gas can be considered as frozen. However, even with the frozen model there is still a large difference between nonequilibrium and equilibrium results. Figure 3: SCIROCCO nozzle mesh. Figure 4: SCIROCCO envelope and performance map for 75 mm throat nozzle. Fluxes calculated at stagnation point of MARS miniprobe nose ([15]). The nose radius is 300 mm. Initial composition: 95% CO2, 5% N2. To take into account the thermochemical nonequilibrium of the flow, numerical simulations have been performed using TINA. For the numerical simulations, a five species model CO2, CO, C, O and O2, which does not generate ions and electrons, is used. The characteristics of SCIROCCO nozzle geometry have been given by CIRA [4]. The geometry and the mesh are shown in Figure 3. The geometry extents from the reservoir to the test chamber. The mesh shown in Figure 3 has 139 cells in the axial direction and 44 cells in the radial direction. The length of a cell at the throat is 1 mm and its thickness at the wall is 0.1 mm. Then, the cell size is increased geometrically in each direction. More refined meshes have been used and the simulations showed the independence of the results from the mesh. The flow is axi-symmetric, therefore a symmetry boundary condition is imposed on the axis. On the wall, non-catalytic viscous conditions have been chosen. At the outflow, Neumann conditions are applied on the mean quantities. More details about computation conditions like the flow initialisation are available in [14], [16]. Figure 5: Comparisons between by TINA and quasi one-dimensional approach at equilibrium: temperature and velocity axial distributions. Dotted lines correspond to frozen flow calculations. To draw the performance map of the facility, the initial composition has been fixed at 95 % of CO2 and 5 % of N2. This is an average composition of Venus or Mars atmospheres. The chemical model used for the prediction at equilibrium accounts for ionisation. Since no envelope of the arc-heater is available for CO2, in a first approximation, the calculations have been performed with the envelope for air. A study of the electrical conductivity and radiation losses in the arc chamber for a CO2 mixture would present a high interest. It would allow the determination of the energy that the electric arc could transfer to the plasma, and therefore a better prediction of the stagnation 2.3 Results First, the results predicted by the quasi one-dimensional approach with and without freezing of the mixture 2.5 -3- conditions. Then, it would be possible to draw the archeater envelope for CO2. break the molecule of CO2 but not to split it completely into atoms. For higher enthalpy (45 MJ/kg), the level of CO decreases, this means that there the enthalpy is high enough to decompose the carbon dioxide and monoxide in a mixture of elementary elements. As a consequence, the carbon monoxide reaches a high level for the mid part of the enthalpy range. Of course, the prediction of the mass fraction of carbon monoxide depends on the chemical model and another one could lead to a different conclusion. Therefore, subject to the verification of the chemical model, the level of CO is high and a reprocessing might be required in the facility. Figure 6: Comparisons between TINA and the quasi one-dimensional approach at equilibrium: Mach number and density axial distributions. Dotted lines correspond to frozen flow calculations. Enthalpy (MJ/kg) 2 22.5 45 45 25 10.5 10 2 The performance map of SCIROCCO and the corresponding arc-heater envelope are shown in Figure 4. The performance map has been computed with the quasi one-dimensional method (without freezing) and with TINA. Since the computations with TINA take a lot of computer time, less points have been predicted than with the quasi one-dimensional approach. To compute the convective flux, represented in figure 4, the relation used by Rubio García et al. [15] to estimate the flux at the stagnation point of Mars miniprobes has been selected. This relation is given by: Qconv 1.156 10 5 ( H 0 Hw ) Pressure (atm) 1 1 1 1.5 7.5 16.5 4.5 10 Mass-flowrate (kg/s) 0.752 0.171 0.137 0.09 0.684 4.59 1.14 7.47 CO (massfraction) 0.5 10-3 0.58 0.12 0.11 0.58 0.33 0.29 0.16 10-2 Table 1: Mass fraction of CO and mass-flow-rate for the computed points of SCIROCCO envelope. 3. Aerocapture and aerobraking To achieve landing on a massive planet surrounded by an atmosphere, direct high-speed entry should be avoided. One option is to perform a first partial entry, transforming the initial hyperbolic trajectory into an elliptic trajectory around the planet: namely, to perform aerocapture. The resulting orbit may still be a high energy one and require further passes into the upper atmospheric layers, to erode it. Such a technique has already been successfully applied to the Russian mission Zond [17] around the Earth, bringing the velocity of a spacecraft returning from the Moon from 11 km/s to 7.7 km/s. It has been demonstrated [18] that aerocapture would provide important mass savings for large planetary missions, such as Venus or Mars sample return. The reason is obvious, when looking at the heat flux evolutions plotted in Figure 7 for orbital Venus entry and in Figure 8 for direct entry. New problems arise, related to guidance, navigation and control, configuration, thermal control, operations, atmospheric sciences but also to aerothermodynamics. The purpose of aerocapture and aerobraking is to decrease entry loads by dividing the severe direct entry into multiple, milder decelerations. This enables the use of lighter materials and concepts for the heat shield. However, the resulting trajectories are quite different from those studied so far, and maximum savings can only be achieved with a very accurate determination of U2 5 1.013 10 Rn where, Qconv is the convective heat flux, H0 the total enthalpy, Hw the enthalpy at the wall, ρ the density, U the velocity and Rn the probe nose radius. The performance map obtained has the same shape as the one for air obtained by CIRA [4]. Since a flow of CO2 is studied here, the flux and pressure values are different. The calculations made with the quasi onedimensional program and with TINA gave similar results, except for low pressure where the effects of non-equilibrium are more important. The control of the level of CO during the experiments is important for the safety of the test. A release of this gas in large quantities in the atmosphere is not desirable for the environment. Furthermore, due to its toxicity a high level of carbon monoxide would be a danger for the operating staff. The various calculations performed to draw the performance map of SCIROCCO allow the prediction of CO mass-fraction at the nozzle outlet. The results obtained on the nozzle axis are presented in Table 1. They show a large massfraction of CO (until 58 %) for the points of the envelope characterised by a medium enthalpy (10 to 25 MJ/kg). In this region, the enthalpy is high enough to 2.5 -4- the spacecraft environment, in exotic atmospheres and conditions. In particular, relatively lower entry velocities for Venus (or Earth) may lead to more important non-equilibrium effects in radiation. Figure 9: Comparison between various radiative flux correlation’s for Venus orbital entry (from [18]). 5. Mars entry In the framework of the MARS EXPRESS project, entry computations of a probe in a CO2 atmosphere have been performed with TINA. This work takes place in a study on the thermochemical simulation at the stagnation point for Mars probe made by Kolesnikov & Marraffa [20]. Figure 7: Venus entry trajectory from orbit (from [18]). TINA calculations have been performed to verify the results given by IPM simulations. IPM calculations rely on the assumption that the flow is at equilibrium except in the boundary layer. Case 1 Case 2 Nose Radius (m) 0.8 1.25 P0 (Pa) 5.2 8.27 T0 (K) 147 150 Figure 8: Direct Venus entry trajectory (from [18]). U0 (m/s) 5524 5163 4. Radiation Table 2: Nose radii and trajectory characteristics for the entry of a MARS EXPRESS probe. Radiation heat fluxes are the dominant contribution to the total heat flux reaching the heat shield of a spacecraft entering Venus atmosphere, or Earth atmosphere during a planetary return. Their determination represented a significant research effort in the HUYGENS program [19]. Figure 9 exhibits a large dispersion of radiative flux predictions for a Venus entry from orbit. They are in average of the same order as the convective flux. Heat fluxes at the nose of the probe are predicted for a non-catalytic and isothermal wall. Two cases have been investigated with different nose radii for two points of the trajectory. The conditions of these cases are listed in Table 2. For each case, three different calculations have been performed, for temperatures of 1200 K, 1500 K and 1800 K. 2.5 -5- mission is the entry in Earth atmosphere of a small capsule. In particular, an accurate prediction of the heat flux at the capsule nose during the entry is required to design the thermal protection system. A preliminary assessment is obtained using numerical simulations. Figure 10: Pressure field and flux at the wall. Case (1), Tw=1500 K (Tw is the temperature at the wall). Figure 10 represents the pressure field around the probe and the heat flux at the wall for the case at 1500 K. The curve of the heat flux at the wall shows a small decrease at the stagnation point. This result is not physics and is attributed to the Roe scheme used by TINA. This scheme is not adapted for viscous flow simulations at stagnation point. Tw(K) 1200 1500 1800 Case 1 - TINA 2. 1.9 1.7 Case 1 - IPM 1. 0.88 0.76 Case 2 - TINA 1.05 0.93 0.8 Case 2 - IPM 0.88 0.76 0.64 Figure 11: Earth entry capsule temperature contours. The top half represents a frozen flow and the bottom half an equilibrium dissociated and ionized air flow. Here, the flow around a capsule has been computed using several thermochemical models. This allows an estimate of the modelling influence on the temperature predictions. The capsule has a weight of 20 kg and the nose radius is 0.4 m. The thermo-physical conditions of the point of the trajectory studied are listed in Table 4. Velocity (km/s) Pressure (Pa) Density (kg/m3) Temperature (K) 5 Table 3: Stagnation point heat flux (in 10 W/m2). Comparison between TINA and IPM calculations for three isothermal wall temperatures (1200 K, 1500 K and 1800 K). 14.17 8.7 1.32 10-5 185 Table 4: Upstream flow conditions for the numerical simulations of Earth entry. The heat fluxes at the stagnation point predicted by TINA and calculated at IPM are shown is Table 3. The results given by the two simulations are quite different in the case at high velocity and low pressure but closer in the case at low velocity and high pressure. The last case is indeed closer to an equilibrium calculation than the first one. Case (1) Frozen model, γ=1.4 (2) Air model (3) Non-equilibrium (4) Non-equilibrium with ablation 6. Earth entry Table 5: Computed test cases for a Mercury sample return mission. ESA has recently studied the scenario for a sample return mission to Mercury [3]. This mission would consist in a single ARIANE 5 rocket launch, and then the probe will fly to Mercury by electric propulsion. Since Mercury has no atmosphere, engines will be used to ensure the landing. Then a capsule, containing the samples will be launched for the return flight to Earth. Concerning aerothermodynamics, the main issue of this The different computed cases with the corresponding mesh sizes are summarised in Table 5. First, an equilibrium approach has been applied to the flow using the solver BLT [21, 22]. Two models have been used: a frozen model where the air is a mixture of perfect gas without chemical effects, and a reacting model where the dissociation and ionisation processes are taken into account. Then, the flow has been 2.5 -6- Code BLT BLT TINA TINA Mesh 80x59 80x59 60x80 60x80 simulated using the non-equilibrium solver TINA. The Case 3 corresponds to a non-equilibrium air model and the last case accounts for ablation phenomenon. projects. This work gives some indications concerning the adequacy of software and ground test facilities to planetary exploration. Concerning the numerical simulations, experimental data are needed to improve the reliability of the predictions. To achieve this, ground test facilities have to be adapted to simulate "exotic" atmospheres. Other improvements concerning in particular severe entry, radiation, microaerothermodynamics and aerobraking aspects are necessary to ensure the success of future missions. The technological efforts are within capabilities of Europe, which is ready to embark in successful exploration missions. In Figure 11, the temperature fields simulated with the two equilibrium models are shown. The temperature is much lower in case 2 than in case 1. This highlights the strong effect of dissociation and ionisation on the flow field. The predicted shock wave is closer to the capsule in the second case. The temperature fields predicted by the non-equilibrium solver are shown in Figure 12. These computations put in evidence the large influence of non-equilibrium on the results. The maximums of temperature are in between the perfect gas and the equilibrium air model predictions. This is consistent with the fact that in non-equilibrium only a part of the fluid is dissociated and ionised. Another aspect of nonequilibrium influence is the shock wave location. The shock wave location is close to the location predicted in Case 2. The last aspect is the influence of ablation on results of non-equilibrium simulations. The temperature predicted in the ablative case is lower than in the nonablative one. The shock wave is closer from the capsule in the ablative simulation. Therefore, ablation has a large influence on the non-equilibrium results. This process has to be carefully studied to design the thermal protection shield. These first predictions show that 1/3 of the thermal shield mass (see [3]) would be lost during an Earth entry. REFERENCES [1] Marraffa L., Giordano D., Huot J. 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