Application for Accreditation (Form I) Graduate & Post-Graduate Marriage and Family Therapy Training Programs Date: ___/___/____ Program Information Exact Title of MFT Program Seeking Accreditation:___________________________________________________ Degree / Certificate Offered: MA MS PhD EdD OTHER _____ Address I: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Address II: ___________________________________________________________________________________ City: __________________ State: ____ Zip Code: _______ - ______ Fax: (____) ____ - _______ Email: ______________________ Phone: (____) ____ - _______ Website: _____________________________ # of SDU’s to complete program (1 SDU = 3 credit hours): _____________________________________________ Is any portion of the program offered via a distance education instructional method? Yes No If Yes, Please Explain (attach additional documents if necessary): ________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ External Recognition The COAMFTE is recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) and abides by this organization’s guidelines. Please list the following information about the Institution in which the program is housed. Master’s and Doctoral degree programs: Name of Recognized Regional Accrediting Authority______________________________________________________ Is the Institution currently under any adverse action (action potentially leading to suspension, revocation or termination) by this regional accrediting agency? ______________________________________________________ Canadian programs: Is the Institution currently publically recognized by the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada? ______________________________________________________ Is the Institution currently a member in good standing? ________________________________________________ Post-degree programs: Is the program chartered or otherwise state licensed/enabled to offer educational certificates? ______________________________________________________ Does the program have a board of governance? ______________________________________________________ All programs: Is the program accredited by any other accrediting agency? Yes No Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Is the Institution currently under any adverse action (action potentially leading to suspension, revocation or termination) by this accrediting agency? _____________________________________________________________ Program Requirements How many Client Contact Hours does the program require?______________________________________________ How many Supervision Hours does the program require?________________________________________________ What is the advertised duration of the program? _______________________________________________________ What is the maximum amount of time a student can take to complete the program? ___________________________ ________________________________________ Name and Title of Institution CEO ___________________________________ Signature of Institution CEO ___/___/____ Date ________________________________________ Name and Title of Program Director ___________________________________ Signature of Program Director ___/___/____ Date COVER PAGE FOR SELF-STUDY (Form VII) Program Name Institution I. Introduction Provide a general introduction regarding the program. Include information on the creation of the program and how the program has evolved. Include the philosophy of the program and a brief overview of how the program trains its marriage and family therapists: from student selection through course completion. Provide a synopsis of how the program is managed and include the names of program faculty, clinical faculty and other personnel involved with the MFT program. II. Accreditation History Provide the COAMFTE accreditation history with regard to initial accreditation and current COAMFTE accreditation status. (Include dates.) III. Description of the Program Provide a description of the program and how it fits in with the mission and philosophy of the institution. Include information regarding the history and size of the institution and the population which it serves. Include the academic unit in which the program is housed. Provide information on other mental health/social work programs located within the department/school/college/institution and also what accrediting bodies, if any, accredit those programs. IV. Plans for Improvement Provide a detailed description of what you consider are the strengths of the program and areas that you consider opportunities for improvement or challenges. What is your vision for the program? Include proposed changes in the program and any future plans to change and/or improve the program. COAMFTE Self-Study Overview Template (Form SS1) Version 11 Accreditation Standards STANDARD I Institution’s Mission Program’s Mission Program Outcomes (ex. PO1, PO2, etc.) Faculty Outcomes (ex. FO1, FO2, etc.) Student Learning Outcomes (ex. SLO1, SLO2, etc.) STANDARDS II and III Educational Outcomes Understanding Version 11 Accreditation Standards Assessment Measures with Benchmarks for each outcome within each set of Outcomes Identify Describe STANDARD IV Data Gathering and Data Program Analysis related Improvement to each outcome based on within each set analysis of data of Outcomes Provide page #s in self-study where the information is located Educational Outcomes Template (definitions) (Form SS2) Educational Outcomes are: Program Outcomes, Student Learning Outcomes and Faculty Outcomes. Faculty Outcomes, Student Learning Outcomes and Program Outcomes must be measurable and inform the program’s mission, and link to each other. Institution’s Mission Program’s Mission Program Outcomes Student Learning Outcomes Faculty Outcomes COAMFTE Self Study Narrative Template (Form SS3) Accreditation Standards Version 11 Institution Program Director School Department Degree (ex. MA, PhD, etc.) Program Title (ex. Marriage and Family Therapy) Application for Accreditation (Initial/Renewal) The purpose of the Self-Study is to present information demonstrating program’s substantial compliance with the current Accreditation Standards. Programs applying for accreditation are reviewed according to this process and based on Version 11 Accreditation Standards. These standards are outcome-based and require that programs applying for COAMFTE accreditation identify and demonstrate the following: Educational Outcomes: Faculty Outcomes, Program Outcomes and Student Learning Outcomes Assessment process already in place to measure each set of outcomes (Faculty Outcomes, Program Outcomes and Student Learning Outcomes) Aggregated Data from each set of outcomes (Faculty Outcomes, Program Outcomes and Student Learning Outcomes) How the aggregated data from the assessment feeds back into the program to enhance and improve the program The purpose of the Self-Study Review is to identify gaps in the program’s Self-Study and to provide the program with feedback necessary to address those gaps. Resources for preparing a Self-Study are available on the COAMFTE webpage COAMFTE Self Study Narrative Template Standard I. Program Quality: Mission and Philosophy Educational outcomes of the program are congruent with those of the parent institution. Graduates will meet clear standards of achievement that are demonstrated through explicit assessment of performance. Expected student learning outcomes are congruent with the mission, philosophy, goals, and objectives of the program and the institution. These student-learning outcomes reflect marriage and family therapy philosophy, standards, and guidelines; consider the needs and expectations of the communities of interest; and recognize an understanding and respect for cultural diversity. Key Element I-A. The program will have clearly specified educational outcomes congruent with the institution and program’s mission and appropriate to the profession of marriage and family therapy. Narrative Appendices (List appendices that serve as supporting evidence to the narrative for this Key Element) Key Element I-B. Educational outcomes reflect an understanding and respect for cultural diversity. Narrative Appendices (List appendices that serve as supporting evidence to the narrative for this Key Element) Key Element I-C. Educational outcomes are reviewed periodically and revised to reflect professional marriage and family therapy principles, educational guidelines, the communities of interest, and the advancement of the program. Narrative Appendices (List appendices that serve as supporting evidence to the narrative for this Key Element) Key Element I-D. The program will be clearly identifiable as training students in the profession of marriage and family therapy. Narrative Appendices (List appendices that serve as supporting evidence to the narrative for this Key Element) Key Element I-E. Roles of faculty and students in the governance of the program are clearly defined and enable the program to meet stated educational outcomes. Narrative Appendices (List appendices that serve as supporting evidence to the narrative for this Key Element) Key Element I-F. Documents and publications accurately reflect the program. Any references to published or promotional materials to the program’s offerings, faculty and student learning outcomes, accreditation/approval status, academic calendar, admission policies, grading policies, racial and cultural composition of the faculty, students, and supervisors, degree completion requirements, tuition, and fees are accurate. Narrative Appendices (List appendices that serve as supporting evidence to the narrative for this Key Element) Key Element I-G. Policies of the program are fair, equitable, published, and are reviewed and revised as necessary. These policies include but are not limited to those relative to student recruitment, anti-discrimination, admission, retention, and graduation. Narrative Appendices (List appendices that serve as supporting evidence to the narrative for this Key Element) Standard II. Program Quality: Organizational Alignment and Support The program ensures that high levels of student achievement and student learning can be sustained on a continual basis through appropriate institutional organization, commitment, and resources. The faculty serve as a resource of the program to develop and enable the achievement of educational outcomes of the program. Key Element II-A. The program resides in an environment that encourages faculty teaching, scholarship, service, and practice in keeping with the educational outcomes of the program. Narrative Appendices (List appendices that serve as supporting evidence to the narrative for this Key Element) Key Element II-B. Fiscal and physical resources are sufficient to enable the program to meet educational outcomes. These resources are reviewed, revised, and improved as needed. Narrative Appendices (List appendices that serve as supporting evidence to the narrative for this Key Element) Key Element II-C. Academic support services are sufficient to ensure quality and are evaluated on a regular basis to meet program and student needs. Narrative Appendices (List appendices that serve as supporting evidence to the narrative for this Key Element) Key Element II-D. The program director is academically, professionally, and experientially qualified and is vested with the authority necessary to accomplish the educational outcomes of the program. The program director provides effective leadership to the program in achieving its educational outcomes. Narrative Appendices (List appendices that serve as supporting evidence to the narrative for this Key Element) Key Element II-E. The program director, or whoever has or shares ultimate program responsibilities, will be an AAMFT Approved Supervisor or a State Approved Supervisor. Supervisory candidacy status or equivalency does not satisfy this element. Narrative Appendices (List appendices that serve as supporting evidence to the narrative for this Key Element) Key Element II-F. Program director responsibilities include oversight of the curriculum, clinical training program, facilities, services, and the maintenance and enhancement of the program’s quality. Narrative Appendices (List appendices that serve as supporting evidence to the narrative for this Key Element) Key Element II-G. Faculty members are academically, professionally, and experientially qualified and sufficient in number to achieve educational outcomes of the program. Narrative Appendices (List appendices that serve as supporting evidence to the narrative for this Key Element) Key Element II-H. The faculty roles in teaching, scholarship, service, and practice are identified clearly and are congruent with the educational outcomes of the program. Narrative Appendices (List appendices that serve as supporting evidence to the narrative for this Key Element) Standard III. Program Quality: Curriculum and Teaching/Learning Practices The curriculum is developed in accordance with clear statements of expected results derived from the educational outcomes of the program and the field of marriage and family therapy with clear congruence between the teaching/learning experience and expected outcomes. The environment for teaching, learning, and evaluation of student performance fosters achievement of the expected outcomes. Key Element III-A. The curriculum is based on and developed, implemented, and revised to reflect clear statements of expected student learning outcomes that are consistent with Professional Marriage and Family Therapy Principles and congruent with the program’s educational outcomes. Narrative Appendices (List appendices that serve as supporting evidence to the narrative for this Key Element) Key Element III-B. The curriculum is based upon a comprehensive and substantive understanding and foundation of human development, family dynamics, systemic thinking, interactional theories, traditional and contemporary marriage and family therapy theories, research, and the cultural context in which they are embedded. Narrative Appendices (List appendices that serve as supporting evidence to the narrative for this Key Element) Key Element III-C. The curriculum is logically structured to meet expected program outcomes. 1. 2. The master’s curriculum is clinically and empirically focused consistent with the educational outcomes of the program. The doctoral curriculum is based upon a foundation of research and teaching principles as well as advanced clinical and supervision training consistent with the educational outcomes of the program. The doctoral curriculum builds upon the foundation of the master’s curriculum. Narrative Appendices (List appendices that serve as supporting evidence to the narrative for this Key Element) Key Element III-D. Curriculum and teaching/learning practices are evaluated at regularly scheduled intervals to foster ongoing improvement. Narrative Appendices (List appendices that serve as supporting evidence to the narrative for this Key Element) Key Element III-E. The didactic and clinical teaching/learning practices and learning environments support the achievement of expected and actual student learning outcomes. Narrative Appendices (List appendices that serve as supporting evidence to the narrative for this Key Element) Key Element III-F. The curriculum and teaching/learning practices consider the needs and expectations of the identified communities of interest. Narrative Appendices (List appendices that serve as supporting evidence to the narrative for this Key Element) Standard IV Program Effectiveness: Student Performance and Faculty Accomplishments The program is effective in achieving its educational outcomes. Satisfactory student performance and faculty accomplishments reflect achievement of the stated educational outcomes. Program effectiveness reflects an ongoing process of improvement. Key Element IV-A. Student performance in both coursework and clinical practice is evaluated by faculty and supervisors and reflects achievement of expected outcomes. Evaluation policies and procedures are defined, published, and consistently applied Narrative Appendices (List appendices that serve as supporting evidence to the narrative for this Key Element) Key Element IV-B. Programs will have policies and procedures specifying how to collect information about students, demonstrated achievements of graduates, and employer satisfaction. Student outcome data include, but are not limited to, graduation rates, national (or state) licensing examination pass rates, and job placement rates as appropriate. Narrative Appendices (List appendices that serve as supporting evidence to the narrative for this Key Element) Key Element IV-C. Program outcome data are analyzed to provide evidence of program effectiveness and are used to foster ongoing program improvement. Narrative Appendices (List appendices that serve as supporting evidence to the narrative for this Key Element) Key Element IV-D. Faculty outcomes demonstrate achievement of the program’s educational outcomes, and enhance program quality and effectiveness. Narrative Appendices (List appendices that serve as supporting evidence to the narrative for this Key Element) Key Element IV-E. The program has established policies and procedures by which it defines and reviews formal student complaints. Narrative Appendices (List appendices that serve as supporting evidence to the narrative for this Key Element) Insert Supporting Exhibits/Appendices here PROGRAM OF STUDY FORM (Form IX) Please outline the program of study that students encounter. FACULTY SUMMARY (Form X) In the table below, summarize information from each faculty member's current vita. Please provide information on each faculty member currently teaching in your program, including adjunct faculty, but only if they teach on an annual basis. If the program is submitting a self-study, vitae for ALL faculty members must be included but may be located in the on-site resource room. Experience MFT Credential Credentials Role in Program (Check all that apply) Faculty Member's Name Gender Ethnicity Highest Degree1 & Field2 State License3 CM4 AS5 1 5 2 6 Highest Degree = M.S., Ph.D., M.A., etc. Field = MFT, Psychology, Social Work, Counseling, etc. 3 State License=LMFT, LCSW, LPC, etc. 4 CM = AAMFT Clinical Member SC6 Other Years of experience teaching MFT7 Years of experience as an MFT8 Currently engaged in clinical practice? (Yes/No) Role in Program (list all that apply) Full-Time or Part-Time? PD=Program Director FAC=Faculty ADJ=Adjunct Faculty SUPER=Supervisor OTH=Other (please specify) F=Full-time P=Part-time AS = AAMFT Approved Supervisor SC = AAMFT Supervisor Candidate 7 Teaching MFT = educating students about marriage and family therapy 8 Experience as an MFT = practicing as a marriage & family therapist SUPERVISOR SUMMARY (Form XI) In the table below, summarize information from each supervisor's current vita. Please provide information on each supervisor currently supervising in your program, including supervisors at off-site practicum and internship placements. If the program is submitting a self-study, vitae for ALL supervisors must be included but may be located in the on-site resource room. Credentials Supervisor's Name and Location Gender Ethnicity State License1 Supervisory Credentials CM2 (Yes/No) AS3 (Yes/No) SC4 (Yes/No) Expiration Date (AS/SC) State Approved (Yest/No) Name: _______________________________________ Placement Site: ______________________________ Name: _______________________________________ Placement Site: _________________________________ Name: _______________________________________ Placement Site: ______________________________ Name: _______________________________________ Placement Site: ______________________________ Name: _______________________________________ Placement Site: ______________________________ 1 4 2 5 State License=LMFT, LCSW, LPC, etc. CM=AAMFT Clinical Member 3 AS=AAMFT Approved Supervisor SC=AAMFT Supervisor Candidate MFT Supervisor=supervising students in their work as MFTs 6 Experience as an MFT=practicing as a marriage & family therapist Experience Years of experience as an MFT Supervisor5 Years of experience as an MFT6 Currently engaged in clinical practice? (Yes/No) PROGRAM STRENGTHS AND AREAS OF CONCERN FORM (Form XII) In the space provided below, please summarize the programs continuing strengths and areas of concern. Briefly outline plans for improvement during the coming year (please type and attach additional pages if necessary).