COMP 110

COMP 110
First self help exercises: answers.
Write JavaScript code to do the following.
Answers. Code is enclosed in <script type="text/javascript">…</script>
1. Alert "Hello world."
alert("Hello world");
2. Read a number (using prompt) and display it using alert.
var n = prompt("Please enter a number.");
alert("Your number is "+ n);
3. Read two numbers and display their product.
var n1 = prompt("Please enter a number.");
var n2 = prompt("Please enter another number.");
alert("The product of "+n1+" and "+n2+" is "+ n1*n2);
4. Read two numbers and display their sum. What problem did you encounter?
var n1 = 1*prompt("Please enter a number.");
var n2 = 1*prompt("Please enter another number.");
alert("The sum of "+n1+" and "+n2+" is "+ n1+n2);
If you leave out multiplying the numbers by 1, you will get concatenation
instead of addition since prompt returns a string.
5. Read in two numbers and display the larger.
var n1 = 1*prompt("Please enter a number.");
var n2 = 1*prompt("Please enter another number.");
if (n1 > n2)
alert(n1+" is the larger.");
alert(n2+" is the larger.");
If you leave out the multiplication by 1, you will get strange answers since prompt
returns a string. For example, while the number 100 is greater than the number
99, the string "99" is greater than the string "100".
6. Read in two numbers and display then in ascending order.
var n1 = 1*prompt("Please enter a number.");
var n2 = 1*prompt("Please enter another number.");
if (n1 > n2)
alert(n2+" "+n1);
alert(n1+" "+n2);
7. Use a loop to display the numbers 0 through 5, each in a separate alert window.
for (var i=0; i<=5; i++)
8. Use a loop to display the numbers 0 through 5 in a single alert window.
var s=""; // Create empty string.
for (var i=0; i<=5; i++)
s = s + i + " "; // Add next integer plus a space.
9. Use a loop to display the numbers in the range 0…20 that are multiples of 3.
// Solution 1: Generate all numbers and test each.
for (var i=0; i<=20; i++)
if (i%3==0)
alert(i); // Display those that are
// divisible by 3.
// Solution 2: Generate only multiples of 3.
for (var i=0; i<=20; i=i+3)
alert(i); // Only multiples of 3 are generated.
10. Prompt the user for a number in the range 0…100. If the number is out of range,
display an error message and prompt again until a valid number is entered. Assume the
user enters a number each time.
// Solution 1: Put the test in the while statement.
var n = prompt("Please enter a number in the range 0…100");
while (n<0 || n>100)
alert(n +" is out of range. Try again.");
n = prompt("Please enter a number in the range 0…100");
// Solution 2: Put the test inside the loop.
while (true)
var n = prompt("Please enter a number in the range 0…100");
if (n>=0 && n<=100) break;
alert(n +" is out of range. Try again.");
11. Repeat number 10, but this time allow for the possibility that the user enters
something that is not a number. Hint: the built in function isNaN(x) returns true if x is
not a number. It returns false if x is a number. Sort of backwards, but that's what's
// Solution 1: put the test in the while statement.
var n = prompt("Please enter a number in the range 0…100");
while (isNaN(n) || n<0 || n>100)
alert(n +" is out of range or not a number. Try again.");
n = prompt("Please enter a number in the range 0…100");
// Solution 2: put the test inside the loop.
while (true)
var n = prompt("Please enter a number in the range 0…100");
if (!isNaN(n) && n>=0 && n<=100) break;
alert(n +" is out of range or not a number. Try again.");
12. Prompt for an integer, then display the sum of the integers from 0 through the number
entered. For example, if you enter 10, then display 55, which is the sum of
0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10.
// Solution 1: iteration.
// Get the upper bound.
var max = 1*prompt ("Please enter an integer.");
var sum = 0;
for (var i=0; i<=max; i++)
sum = sum + i; // Add i to the running sum.
alert("The sum of 0 through "+max+" is "+sum);
// Solution 2: Use Gauss' formula
// Get the upper bound.
var max = 1*prompt ("Please enter an integer.");
alert("The sum of 0 through "+max+" is "+(max*max+max)/2);