A STUDY ON PROJECT DELIVERY SYSTEMS USED IN THE OFFSHORE OIL AND GAS DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS AHMAD SHUKRI BIN ABD GHANI A project report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Science (Construction Management) Faculty of Civil Engineering University Teknologi Malaysia MARCH 2005 ii SUPERVISOR’S DECLARATION “I/We* hereby declare that I/we* have read this thesis and in my/our* opinion this thesis is sufficient in terms of scope and quality for the award of the degree of Master of Science (Construction Management)” Signature : ………………………………………… Name of Supervisor : Dr. Mohamad Ibrahim Bin Mohamad Date : …………………………………………. iii I declare that this thesis entitled “A Study On Project Delivery Systems Used in the Offshore Oil and Gas Development Projects” is the result of my own research except as cited in references. The project report has not been accepted for any degree and is not concurrently submitted in candidature of any other degree. Signature : ………………………………………. Name of Candidate : Ahmad Shukri Bin Abd Ghani Date ………………………………………. : iv Dedicated to my family and friends I am grateful to know and to learn from all of you. v ACKNOWLEDGEMENT In preparing this thesis, I was in contact with many people, academicians and practitioners. They have contributed towards my understanding and thoughts. In particular, I wish to express my sincere appreciation to my main thesis supervisor Professor Madya Dr. Mohamad Ibrahim, for encouragement, guidance, critics and friendship. Without his continued support and interest, this thesis would not have been the same as presented here. I am very grateful to my wife and children for their patience and understandings during my study. I wish to thank you to my childhood friend Ir. Mohd Khir and wife, for their support and hospitality they provided during my last semester of the course. My sincere appreciation also extends to all my colleagues and others who have provided assistance at various occasions, in particular, Mr. Paul Pandian (Sarawak Shell Berhad); En. Shamsudin Dosak, En. Wan Azhar Wan Abdullah and En. Nawawi Husaini (Nippon Oil and Exploration Ltd.); Pn. Rosnah Jamaludin (Malaysia Shipyard and Engineering). Their views and tips are useful indeed. vi ABSTRACT A project delivery system is a way of organising the contractual relationship and management of a development project. There is no perfect delivery method for every project. But, choosing and tailoring the right project delivery method to the needs of the user is a crucial task. In the offshore oil and gas development project, a project delivery method would mean organising the contractual relationship and management of the design, construction, transportation, installation, hook-up and commissioning of the offshore oil and gas platform facilities. Although the majority of the practitioners are satisfied with the performance of current approach, i.e. the ‘traditional’ method, a considerable numbers also feel that, in order to overcome some of the shortcomings, such as, long overall project durations, split responsibilities and the requirement of greater coordination and control. In theory, package deals (EPC) approach is capable of overcoming the aforementioned limitations of the traditional method. However, in practice, the weaknesses of package deals (EPC) approach are more apparent than its strengths. The main reason is mainly due to the structure of the industry, which is towards specializations, thus more suitable for traditional approach. As such, the Bills of Quantities (BOQ) contract or sometime known as ‘accelerated traditional approach’, would be more appropriate as alternative for improvement. The approach has the ability to shorten the overall project duration while maintaining the advantages of the traditional method. In conclusion, there is no absolute answer for the right choice of project delivery methods for used in offshore oil and gas delivery projects. In practice, variations exist across different projects. The choice is very much depends on the project requirements, particularly the schedule. vii ABSTRAK Sistem pelaksanaan projek merupakan cara susunatur hubungan kontrak antara parti-parti yang terlibat, serta pengurusan hubungan sesuatu project. Tiada suatu cara perlaksanaan yang sempurna dan tepat untuk setiap projek, tetapi pemilihan dan penyesuaian cara pemilihan projek yang baik dan mengikut keperluan pengguna adalah penting. Di dalam projek pembangunan minyak dan gas luar pantai, cara perlaksanaan project bermaksud mengatur hubungan kontrak antara parti-parti yang terlibat dan pengurusan plan dan reka-bentuk, pembinaan, pengangkutan, pemasangan dan pelaksanaan kerja-kerja awalan untuk segala kemudahan untuk pengeluaran minyak dan gas di luar pantai. Walaupun kebanyakan pendapat berpuas hati dengan pencapaian pendekatan sekarang iaitu secara ‘Tradisional’, namun terdapat juga sebilangan besar pendapat yang merasakan pendekatan sekarang perlu dibaiki dan digubah bagi mengatasi beberapa kelemahan, seperti, jangka masa projek yang panjang, pembahagian tanggung-jawab dan keperluaan kawalan projek yang besar. Secara teori, pendekatan ‘pakej’ (EPC) seharusnya dapat mengatasi kelemahan-kelemahan di atas. Namun, dari segi amalan, kelemahan pendekatan secara ‘pakej’ (EPC)’ adalah lebih jelas daripada kelebihannya. Ini mungkin disebabkan kerana struktur industri yang menjurus kepada pengkhususan, yang lebih sesuai dengan kepada pendekatan ‘Kontrak Bill Kuantiti’. Pendekatan ini mempunyai daya untuk menyinkatkan jangka masa projek dalam masa yang sama memelihara kelebihan pendekatan ‘tradisional’. Sebagai rumusan, tidak ada satu cara perlaksanaan kontrak yang sempurna untuk semua projek pembangunan minyak dan gas di luar pantai. Pilihan yang seseuai bergantung kepada keperluan projek itu sendiri, lebih-lebih lagi trahadap jadual projk yang telah ditetapkan. viii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER TITLE PAGE DECLARATION DEDICATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ABSTRACT ABSTRAK CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 CHAPTER 2 INTRODUCTION 1.1 An Overview of Malaysia Oil and Gas Industry 1 1.2 Problem Statement 3 1.3 Objectives of the Study 3 1.4 Scope and limitation of the Study 4 1.5 Research Methodology 4 OFFSHORE OIL AND GAS PLATFORMS 2.1 Introduction 6 2.2 Offshore Oil and Gas Activities 6 2.2.1 Exploration 7 2.2.2 Development Phase 8 2.2.3 Production Phase 8 2.2.4 Summary of Offshore Oil and Gas Activities 9 ix 2.3 Offshore Oil and Gas Development Projects 10 2.4 Offshore Platforms 10 2.4.1 Drilling Platforms 11 2.4.2 Production Platform 12 2.4.3 Quarters Platform 13 2.4.4 Flare / Vent Platform 13 2.4.5 Bridge and Helideck 14 2.4.6 Self-contained Platform 15 Components of Offshore Platforms 18 2.5.1 Jacket 18 2.5.2 Piles 19 2.5.3 Topsides Facilities 19 2.5 2.6 CHAPTER 3 Sequence of Activities in Offshore Oil and Gas Development Projects 20 2.6.1 Design of Offshore Platforms 21 2.6.2 Construction of Offshore Platforms 22 Jacket and Piles Fabrication 23 Topsides Modules Fabrication 25 2.6.3 Transportation and Installation 25 2.6.4 Offshore Hook-up and Commissioning 27 PROJECT DELIVERY METHOD FOR OFFSHORE OIL and GAS DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS 3.1 Introduction 28 3.2 Definition of Project Delivery Systems 29 3.3 Importance of early selection of Project Delivery Systems 29 x 3.4 Type of Project Delivery Methods used in Offshore Oil and Gas Development Projects 30 3.4.1 Traditional Method 31 Advantages of Traditional Method 32 Disadvantages of Traditional Method 33 Implementation of Offshore Development Project based on Traditional Method 34 Organisational Relationship under Traditional Method 3.4.2 Package Deal Method 36 Characteristics and scope of responsibility 37 Advantages of Package Deal Method 38 Disadvantages of Package Deal Methods 35 39 Implementation of Offshore Development Project based on Package Deal Method 41 Organisational Relationship under Package Deal Method 3.4.3 Bills of Quantities (BOQ) Contracts Implementation of 43 44 Offshore Development Project based on BOQ Approach 45 Organisational Relationship under Package Deal Method 48 xi 3.4.4 Alliancing (Partnering) Benefits of Alliancing (Partnering) 3.6 CHAPTER 4 CHAPTER 5 50 Drawbacks of Alliancing (Partnering) 3.5 49 51 Selecting the suitable Contracting Strategy 52 3.5.1 Selection Criteria 52 3.5.2 Selection Process 53 Summary 54 METHODOLOGY 4.1 Introduction 56 4.2 Research Process 56 4.3 Identifying Problem Area 57 4.4 Literature Review 57 4.5 Questionnaire Survey 58 4.6 Data Analysis 59 4.7 Summary of Research and Methodology 60 DATA ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSIONS 5.1 Introduction 61 5.2 Response to survey 62 5.3 Survey Results and Analysis 63 5.3.1 Current / Common Approach of Delivery System 63 5.3.2 Criteria for Selecting Project Delivery System 65 5.3.3 Limitation of Traditional Method of Project Delivery System 68 xii 5.3.4 Alternative Delivery System 70 Effectiveness of Package Deal Approach in overcoming the disadvantages of Traditional Method 71 Performances of Package Deal Approach in Offshore Development Projects Acceptability of Package Deal Approach in Practice 74 75 Effectiveness of BOQ Contracts in overcoming the disadvantages of Traditional Method 77 Performances of Package Deal Approach in Offshore Development Projects Acceptability of Package Deal Approach in Practice 5.4 CHAPTER 6 79 Summary 81 82 CONCLUSION 6.1 Introduction 84 6.2 Major Findings 84 6.3 Conclusion 88 6.4 Recommendation for Future Research 89 REFERENCES APPENDICES 1 – 2 xiii LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. 5.1 TITLE Project delivery systems used in Offshore Oil and Gas Development Projects in Malaysia 5.2 76 Benefits of Bills of Quantities in offshore oil and gas development projects 5.8 74 Factors contributed to limitation of using package deal approach in offshore development contracts 5.7 72 Performance of package deal approach in previous offshore development projects 5.6 69 Extent of package deal approach in overcoming the traditional method’s weaknesses 5.5 66 Factors contribute to the concern of traditional method of delivery system 5.4 64 General criteria for selection of project delivery system for offshore oil and gas development 5.3 PAGE 78 Performance of BOQ contract approach in previous offshore development projects 80 xiv 5.9 Factors that limits the use of BOQ contract approach in the offshore oil and gas development projects 81 xv LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. TITLE 2.1 Summary of phases of offshore oil and gas activities 2.2 Typical steel-piled self-contained drilling / production platform 2.3 34 36 Typical offshore development project schedule based on package deal approach 3.4 21 Typical organisation relation based on traditional approach 3.3 17 Typical offshore development project schedule based on traditional approach 3.2 9 Typical project schedule for offshore oil and gas development projects 3.1 PAGE 41 Typical organisation relation based on EPCC package deal approach 43 xvi 3.5 Typical offshore development project schedule based on BOAQ approach 46 3.6 Typical organisation relation based on BOAQ approach 48 4.1 Five ordinal measure of Likert Scale 58 4.2 Flow-chart of Research and Methodology process 60 5.1 Composition of respondents by organisation 63 xvii LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX NO. TITLE PAGE 1 Response to unstructured interview 92 - 95 2 Data analysis of Questionnaire Survey 96 - 104