Magnesium`s roles

We don’t get enough of it
Magnesium’s roles
Required for ATP synthesis and utilization
Blood clotting
Bone-assists in mineralization
– 50-60% of body’s Mg in bone
Muscle function
RDA’s for magnesium
Ages 19-30: 400 mg men, 310 mg women
Ages 31-70: 420 mg men, 320 mg women
BUT average US diet contains only about 75% of RDA
UL: 350 mg/day from supplements
Magnesium sources
Whole grains
Green vegetables (chlorophyll contains Mg)
Peanut butter
Cooked dried beans
Overt Primary Mg Deficiency is Rare
Can cause hypocalcemia because of depressed PTH secretion
Also causes hypokalemia
Also muscle weakness, loss of appetite, heart arrhythmias (irregular heart
Trace Elements
Required in quantities < 100 mg per day
Too little or too much of this good thing is hazardous to your health
Iron’s functions
Part of hemoglobin (in the humble RBC’s) and myoglobin (in muscle)
Myelination of nerves
Required for several enzymes
– Cytochromes in electron transport chain
– Catalase--breaks down peroxides (free radicals)
Iron and copper are transition metals
Iron can exist as +2 charge (ferrous) and +3 charge (ferric)
Copper exists as +1 (cuprous) and +2 (cupric)
This quality influences the way the body handles both nutrients
How iron chemistry influences biology
Ferrous (+2) iron supplements are better absorbed by the body
BUT most of functional iron in body is in the 3+ form
A copper-containing enzyme can convert iron between forms
Iron absorption
The gut is the main control point of iron status in the body
If someone has adequate iron, less will be absorbed into blood
– Intestinal cell can turn it away, OR
– Store iron until cell is sloughed off
Influences on iron absorption
Normal g-i function
Other dietary factors
– Increase-Vitamin C, “meat factor”
– Decrease-Dietary fiber, tannins, oxalate
Amount and form of iron in food
– Heme iron better absorbed than nonheme
– Fe2+ absorbed over Fe3+
Iron-binding proteins
Transferrin--transports iron in blood
– Delivers iron to cells by binding to transferrin receptor
Ferritin--storage protein
Hemosiderin--another storage protein
Once it’s in your body, iron is guarded greedily
Iron from dead RBC’s is recycled into new RBC’s
Men and postmenopausal women need less iron per day than women of
childbearing age
RDA for iron
Men and postmenopausal women: RDA 9 mg/day
Women of childbearing age: RDA 18 mg/day
Pregnancy: RDA 27 mg/day
UL: 45 mg/day
Iron Deficiency
A worldwide problem
The most common nutrient deficiency
Causes of iron deficiency
Low intake
Increased losses (bleeding in g-i tract)
Increased needs (pregnancy)
Premature infants
Lead poisoning
Stages of iron deficiency
Decreased stores
Decreased transport
Decreased hemoglobin synthesis
Iron deficiency anemia--microcytic, hypochromic
You need not have anemia to have consequences of deficiency
Reduced work capacity/fatigue can occur before anemia is obvious
How to measure iron status
Hemoglobin and hematocrit--only changes in full anemia
Transferrin saturation
RBC protoporphyrin levels
Iron toxicity
A major cause of poisoning in children
– Keep ALL supplements out of reach of children
Hemochromatosis--hereditary iron storage disease