File - City of Bloomfield

City of Bloomfield
City Council Meeting
Regular Session
April 25, 2011
6:30 P.M.
Mayor Scott Staggs called the meeting to order. Those present
were: Randy Supancic, Donna Deardorff and Donna Medlin. Patricia
Wilson was absent. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of
Allegiance followed by a moment of silence.
Public comments: Judd Hutchison was present and asked about the
water problems on Viola and Cape Road stating there was a hole in
the tin horn. Dennis Pleasant stated the horn is MoDot’s. It was
decided MoDot would be contacted to look into this.
Mr.& Mrs. Sonny Mays was present and stated the city horn on
Miller and Cape Road needed to be cleaned out to help with the
water flow. Ald. Medlin stated a program needed to be implemented
so that every street horn in the City would be cleaned out.
Stan Durham was present from the Bloomfield Nutrition Center and
stated the Center could be opened to those in need of a place to
stay that had to be evacuated from their area homes. Mayor Staggs
stated if the nutrition center got full City Hall could also be
Approve Minutes: April 11, 2011 - April 19, 2011 – Ald. Deardorff
moved to approve the regular and closed session minutes of April
11, 2011. Ald. Supancic seconded the motion. Ald. Supancic – aye,
Ald. Deardorff – aye, Ald. Medlin – aye.
Ald. Deardorff moved to approve the regular and closed session
minutes of the special meeting on April 19, 2011. Ald. Supancic
seconded the motion. Ald. Supancic – aye, Ald. Deardorff – aye,
Ald. Medlin – aye.
Merchant License: None
Building Permit: Ronald Williams – 105 N. Highway 25, Bloomfield,
MO. Ald. Deardorff moved to approve this license. Ald. Supancic
seconded the motion. Ald. Supancic – aye, Ald. Deardorff – aye,
Ald. Medlin – aye.
Old Bus: Ald. Medlin suggested the council adopt a new ordinance
to put signs up stating jake brakes prohibited on Highway 25
within the city limits of Bloomfield, Missouri. Mayor Staggs also
suggested adding the hours from 10 p.m. to 7 a.m.
Ald. Medlin made a motion to have City Attorney Robin Northern
draft an ordinance prohibiting the use of jakes brakes from 10
p.m. to 7 a.m. on Highway 25 within the city limits of
Bloomfield, Missouri. Ald. Supancic seconded the motion. Ald.
Supancic – aye, Ald. Deardorff – aye, Ald. Medlin – aye.
Mayor Staggs also suggested reducing the speed limit from AA out
to Cape Road and stated he would get with MoDOT to see if this
could be done.
Ald. Supancic stated he was getting prices together for a flag
pole to be put up in front of City Hall and would have them for
the next meeting.
New Bus: Mayor Staggs read proposed Ordinance #3241 Bill # 3241:
An Ordinance To Amend Sections 210.030: Chief Of Police To
Impound; When-Fees And 210.170: Penalty Of The Municipal Code Of
The City Of Bloomfield, Missouri. Ald. Deardorff moved to
dispense with the second reading. Ald. Medlin seconded the
motion. Ald. Supancic – aye, Ald. Deardorff – aye, Ald. Medlin –
Ald. Medlin moved to approve and adopt Ordinance #3241 Bill
#3241. Ald. Deardorff seconded the motion. Ald. Supancic – aye,
Ald. Deardorff – aye, Ald. Medlin – aye.
Mayor Staggs read two (2) Resolutions which added a new aldermen
and treasurer to the City accounts and also removed an alderman
and past treasurer from the accounts. Ald. Deardorff moved to
approve both Resolutions. Ald. Supancic seconded the motion. Ald.
Supancic – aye, Ald. Deardorff – aye, Ald. Medlin – aye.
Officer Cody Wheetley was present and stated the police vehicles
were in need of new switch boxes that controlled the lights and
sirens. Ald. Deardorff moved to approve the purchase of two (2)
switch boxes for the vehicles up to $700.00. Ald. Supancic
seconded the motion. Ald. Supancic – aye, Ald. Deardorff – aye,
Ald. Medlin – aye.
Mayor Staggs asked if there was anything further to discuss in
regular session, if not for a motion to adjourn and go into
closed session per Section 610.021 sub-section 3. Ald. Deardorff
so moved. Ald. Medlin seconded the motion. Ald. Supancic – aye,
Ald. Deardorff – aye, Ald. Medlin – aye.
Minutes recorded by:________________________________
Tonja Haubold, City Clerk
City of Bloomfield
Back in Regular Session
April 25, 2011
Mayor Staggs stated the council hired James Daniel Dew as a
reserve officer for the City at $8.00 per hour and on one (1)
year probation.
The City Clerk advised the council the meeting of May 9th falls on
a Holiday. The Mayor and Aldermen decided to have the next
meeting on Tuesday May 10th at 6:30 p.m.
Mayor Staggs asked if there was anything further to discuss in
regular session, if not for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ald.
Supancic so moved. Ald. Deardorff seconded the motion. Ald.
Supancic – aye, Ald. Deardorff – aye, Ald. Medlin – aye.
Minutes recorded by:____________________________
Tonja Haubold, City Clerk