DOC - OSU Alumni Association

Please return by Friday, October 30st, 2015 by 4:30 p.m. to the ConocoPhillips OSU Alumni Center
No late applications will be accepted!
Please type application; answer all questions and DON’T FORGET TO READ AND SIGN THE LAST
PAGE!!! Applications that are not signed will not be accepted.
All persons wishing to apply for the 2016 Homecoming Executive Team (including Executive Director) must
fill out an application in order to be considered for a position on the team.
To be eligible for selection a candidate must:
Have been a member of the 2015 Homecoming Steering Committee.
Have a 2.25 cumulative grade point average or better.
Be enrolled as a full-time graduate or undergraduate student at Oklahoma State University, Stillwater
Local Address:
Local Phone:
Permanent Address:
Permanent Phone:
Cell Phone:
Graduation Date:
GPA (2.25 min):
Please ensure that all of the following instructions are followed and checked off the list before turning in your
Have you:
Completed and turned in three copies of your application?
Answered and typed your responses to all questions completely and accurately?
Attached an UNOFFICIAL current transcript to all copies of your application?
Read and signed the last page of all copies of your application?
Circled or checked all appropriate answers and boxes?
Please complete all of the following sections as completely and as accurately as possible. Please do
not attach additional pages. Please read the application carefully to ensure that you are aware of all
responses that must be circled or checked.
Past Homecoming Involvement:
1. Were you a member of the 2015 Homecoming Steering Committee?
Yes or
If so, what committee did you serve on and what was your team role (chair, sub-chair, etc.)?
Team Role:
Please identify and explain what your specific responsibilities were and what duties performed (i.e. What were you in
charge of? What did you coordinate? etc.). Please include any new ideas or changes that you proposed and
implemented or attempted to implement.
2. Were you a member of the 2014 Homecoming Steering Committee (If no, please skip)?
If so, what committee did you serve on and what was your team role (chair, sub-chair, etc.)?
Yes or
Team Role:
Please identify and explain what your specific responsibilities were and what duties performed (i.e. What were you in
charge of? What did you coordinate? etc.). Please include any new ideas or changes that you proposed and
implemented or attempted to implement.
3. Were you ever a member of an OSU Homecoming Big Committee?
Yes or
If so, what committee(s) were you a member of and what years were you on those committees?
Please describe any other involvement you have had with Homecoming in any capacity at Oklahoma State University.
Desired Position for 2016 Homecoming Steering Committee:
There are three positions for which you may be applying: Executive Director, Executive Team Member, and Residentail
Life Executive Team Member. We will be selecting one executive director and eight other executive team members (this
number includes the Residential Life executive team member). The executive team will be comprised of nine people total.
To be eligible for the Residentail Life executive team member position, you must live in a residence hall or off-campus and
have no affiliation with a Greek living group. All persons applying for the Residential Life executive team member will
automatically be considered for one of the other seven executive team member positions in the event that they are not
selected for the Residential Life executive.
I am applying for (check all that apply):
Executive Director,
Executive Team Member,
Campus Life Exec.
Previous Committee and Student Organization Involvement:
In the spaces below, please list the three most significant leadership (outside of the Homecoming Steering Committee)
positions (committee chair, student organization president, living group executive officer, etc) you have held, what your
responsibilities were and who your supervisor/advisor was.
Their Phone Number:
How were you selected for your position and what were your responsibilities?
Their Phone Number:
How were you selected for your position and what were your responsibilities?
Their Phone Number:
How were you selected for your position and what were your responsibilities?
Essay Questions:
(Please use the next two pages provided – you will be given the chance to elaborate in your interview. However, you do
not have to fill the entire space and will not be docked for not filling the entire space.
1. Describe a time when you have had the opportunity to teach or motivate someone. What did you learn from
this experience?
2. How has OSU Homecoming touched your life and impacted your college experience?
3. Being a member of the Homecoming Executive Committee is a big responsibility and requires a large time
commitment. Why would you rather give your time and effort to Homecoming versus other
activities/opportunities for which you could apply?
4. What is your greatest weakness you feel that could affect you in this leadership position?
5. Describe your experience with public speaking outside of class.
Time Commitments:
Serving on the Homecoming Executive Team is a big responsibility and requires a large time commitment to perform
effectively. Please list anticipated activities and offices for the next two semesters (Spring and Fall of ’16). List specific
time commitments related to all activities (i.e. exec meetings, off-campus activities, etc.) You may attach additional
information for this section if you wish or is necessary to describe what your time commitments and responsibilities will be.
Leadership Role
Meeting Times
Anticipated hours of
Will you be working, interviewing for a post-graduate program or job or student teaching or have a strenuous class
schedule in the next two semesters? If so, explain the nature of the activity or schedule and number of hours per week. If
working or you will have a strenuous class schedule, please indicate whether or not your schedule is flexible enough to
accommodate the sometimes erratic schedules required of members of the Homecoming Executive Team.
Commitments and Verifications:
By signing on the line below, I (print name)
understand that if selected
for the 2016 Homecoming Executive Team I am committing myself to fulfilling the following responsibilities and
meeting the following expectations to the best of my abilities. I understand that failure to fulfill these
responsibilities will be grounds for dismissal from the executive committee. I understand that there will be
additional responsibilities added to this list throughout the year.
Responsibilities (including but not limited to the following):
All Executive Team Members:
 Overseeing specific committee assignments (does not include executive director)
 Attending weekly Executive Team planning meetings
 Preparing for and attending steering meetings
 Preparing for and attending Greek and residential life living group meetings
 Selecting the Homecoming theme
 Setting specific goals for Homecoming Steering
 Having the ultimate responsibility for the performance of their specific committees (executive director is ultimately
responsible for all committees)
 Ensuring that weekly committee reports are being written and presented
 Ensuring that their specific committees stay within the specified budgets
Executive Director (additional responsibilities):
 Oversee all executive members duties
 Planning and conducting weekly meetings of the executives
 Planning and conducting Homecoming steering meetings
 Represent Homecoming Steering at various campus and alumni meetings
 Collecting and compiling Homecoming records and files to be archived
 Act as the Homecoming Steering liaison to the Alumni Association
Campus Life Executive Team Member (additional responsibilities):
 Acting as the coordinator of all residential life and campus life involvement in Homecoming
 Overseeing the residential life involvement committee within the steering committee
Expectations (including but not limited to the following):
All Executive Team Members:
 Making Homecoming responsibilities and activities the first priority under academics and work (if applicable)
 Professional and responsible behavior as would be expected of any representative of the Alumni Association or
Oklahoma State University
 Making unbiased decisions regarding student competition structure and rules regardless of living group affiliation
or personal interests
 Bringing an enthusiastic and positive attitude to all Homecoming meetings and events
 Not making any major decisions affecting their event or competition without the approval of executive director and
 Attending and wearing orange to all Homecoming activities and events
I (print name)
, verify that I understand that being on the
Homecoming Executive Team is a big responsibility and requires a large time commitment. By signing below,
I understand that if selected, I am dedicated to fulfilling my responsibilities and committing my time for one full
year until Homecoming 2016 is complete.
I (print name)
, also verify that all information presented in this
application is honest and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I realize that providing false information is a
serious offense and that if false information is discovered, it will result in dismissal from the selection process
or dismissal from the Homecoming Executive Team if selections have already been made.
Applicant Signature: