References for further information

Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs Workshop on
Aid in a PRS context: References for further information
PRSP Origins, Approach
“Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs): A Rough Guide” (2003) Bretton
Woods Project
“Reducing Poverty - Is the World Bank’s Strategy Working?” (2002) Panos
World Bank website on PRSPs
IMF web site (PRSPs factsheet)
PRSP Monitoring and Synthesis Project
European Network on Debt and Development (includes a mailing list on PRSs)
Current status of PRSPs (including access to official PRSPs and JSAs):
World Bank
“Poverty Reduction and the National Poverty Process” David Booth in Colin
Kirkpatrick, Ron Clarke and Charles Polidano (eds.) Handbook on Development Policy
and Management, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar
“Bridging Policy and Research Case Study: The PRSP Approach” Karin Christiansen,
Working Paper, ODI, forthcoming May 2003
IMF website on HIPC
World Bank website on HIPC
Debt Relief International
Jubilee 2000/Jubilee Research
General overviews of experience
The World Bank and IMF conducted a Comprehensive Review in early 2002 - several
agencies made independent contributions to this review and the IMF and World Bank
produced syntheses of their contributions. These are available at
‘Are PRSPs making a difference?’ David Booth, Development Policy Review 2003, 21
(2): 131-159
The PRSP Monitoring and Synthesis Project has also produced some notes on
experience to date:
Experience with Poverty Reduction Strategies in Latin America and the
Caribbean (2003)
Experience with PRSPs in Transition Countries (2003)
National Poverty Reduction Strategies (PRSPs) in Conflict-Affected Countries
in Africa (2003)
PRSP Institutionalisation Study (produced for the Strategic Partnership with Africa):
 The full final report including full country case studies (Oct 2001)
A shorter version is “PRSP Processes in 8 African Countries: Initial Impacts
and Potential for Institutionalisation” David Booth, Helsinki: United Nations
University, WIDER Discussion Paper 2001/121
The latest and best version is “Are PRSPs Making a Difference? The African
Experience” David Booth (ed.) in Development Policy Review, Vol. 21, No. 2,
March 2003. Online access details are provided at
Domestic accountability and participation
Several northern NGOs (including Bread for the World, World Vision, Save the
Children and Christian Aid) made contributions to the comprehensive review that
outlined experience with participation. See for more
“Participation in Poverty Reduction Strategies: A Synthesis of Experience With
Participatory Approaches To Policy Design, Implementation and Monitoring”
(2000) Rosemary McGee with Andy Norton, Institute for Development Studies
“Assessing Participation in Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers: A Desk-Based
Synthesis of Experience in Sub-Saharan Africa” (2002) Rosemary McGee with
Josh Levene and Alexandra Hughes, Institute for Development Studies – full
study and synthesis note
“Influencing Poverty Reduction Strategies: A Guide” (2002) Oxfam
“From PRSPs to Budgets: Challenges for Civil Society in Monitoring the
Implementation of Poverty Reduction Strategies” Marritt Claassens and J Wehner
(eds.), IDASA, (forthcoming 2003)
“Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers: A New Convergence” D. Craig and D. Porter
World Development, Vol. 31, No. 1, Jan 2003
Aid Instruments, Budgets and the PRSP
Aid and public expenditure – a guide
“General budget support evaluability study, Phase I - Final synthesis report”
OPM and ODI, (2003)
“The Choices of Financial Aid Instruments”, Mick Foster, ODI working paper
158 (2002)
“Results Orientated Expenditure Management”, John Roberts and Tim
Williamson, ODI (ongoing – several outputs already available)
“What's Behind the Budget? Politics, rights and accountability in the budget
process”, Diane Elson and Andy Norton, ODI (2002)
“How, When and Why does Poverty get Budget Priority: Poverty Reduction
Strategy and Public Expenditure in Five African Countries” Tim Conway, Mick
Foster, Adrian Fozzard, Felix Naschold, ODI (2002)
“The Basic Budgeting Problem: Approaches to Resource Allocation in the
Public Sector and their Implications for Pro-Poor Budgeting” Adrian Fozzard,
ODI (2001)
PRS Monitoring
“The Debate on Globalization, Poverty and Inequality: Why Measurement Matters”
Martin Ravallion, World Bank (2003)
Monitoring and Evaluation: Chris Pain, joint donor staff training (presentation) April
2003: part 1 and part II
Report of a PRS Monitoring workshop for DFID Social Development Advisors
and background paper
‘Good Practice in the Development of PRSP indicators and Monitoring Systems’, ODI
Working Paper 172, David Booth and Henry Lucas
Finnish Aid - includes the Decision-in-Principle and access to
summaries of the PRSPs of Finland’s long-term partner countries
Also look out for the forthcoming OECD DAC peer review of Finland
Reports from Christian Aid
Various relevant publications from Christian Aid are available here, including those
listed below:
“Quality participation in poverty reduction strategies: experiences from Malawi,
Bolivia and Rwanda” Genevieve Painter (2002)
“Ignoring the Experts: poor people’s exclusion from poverty reduction
strategies” (2001)
“Too Hot To Handle? The absence of trade policy from PRSPs” (2003)
Christian Aid
Alignment and harmonisation issues
OECD DAC Guidelines on Poverty Reduction
‘Donor Alignment with PRSP. The Ethiopian Case’, Marchel Gerrmann, WBI
Attacking Poverty course, (presentation April 2003)
‘Aligning the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility (PRFG) and the Poverty
Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) Approach: Issues and Options’, IMF (March
OECD DAC Good Practice Document on Harmonising Donor Practices for
Effective Aid Delivery
High Level Event on Harmonisation (February 2003) and the Rome Declaration
on Harmonisation
“DFID’s engagement with PRSPs” (2002) PRSP Monitoring and Synthesis
Research and policy
Research and Policy in Development (RAPID)
Overseas Development Institute - independent think-tank on international
development and humanitarian issues.
Institute of Development Studies - a leading centre for research and teaching on
international development.
Oxford Policy Management – an economic and social policy consultancy.
Mokoro - consultancy/cooperative giving support for economic and social
development, and resource management.