Gathering details and writing a two-part Essay. WESTBOROUGH HIGH SCHOOL SOCIAL STUDIES DEPARTMENT MR. GALLAGHER Gathering Details for Essays Writing About a Person When writing about or describing a person, make sure you collect plenty of information. The following guidelines will help you collect specific details for your writing. Observe If possible, carefully watch the person. Maybe the person laughs in a special way or wears a certain type of clothing. Investigate Talk with your subject. Before the talk, write down a few questions to ask. Then listen closely to the answers. Remember Recall a story that tells something important about your subject. Compare Could your subject be compared to some other person? Writing About a Place When describing or writing about a place, use details that help readers understand why the place is important to you. The following guidelines will help you collect the best details for your essay. Observe Study the place you plan to write about. Use photos, postcards, or videos if you can't observe the place in person. Remember Think of a story about this place. Analyze What is the most important thing about this place? When is the best time to go there? Compare Compare your topic to other places. Writing a Definition Put the term you are defining (coyote) into a class or category of similar objects or ideas (wild member of the dog family). Then list special characteristics that make this object different from other objects in that class (lives in a variety of environments). Term - A coyote Class - is a wild member of the dog family Characteristic - that lives in a variety of environments. 2 Writing About an Object When writing about an object, tell your readers why this object is important or special to you. Use the following guidelines to collect ideas and specific details for your writing. Observe Think about these questions as you study your object: How is it used? Who uses it? How does it work? What does the object look like? Research Learn about the object. Try to find out when it was first made and used. Ask other people about it. Define What class or category does this object fit? Writing About an Event When writing about or describing an event, include enough details to make the event come to life. Focus on the important actions or on one interesting part. The guidelines below will help you collect details. Observe Study the event carefully. What sights, sounds, tastes, and smells come to mind when you think of this event? Listen to what people around you are saying. Remember When writing about something that happened to you, list or cluster as many of the event's details as you can recall. List Answer the who? what? when? where? and why? questions for the event. Writing an Explanation When writing an explanation, make your topic easy to understand. You may be asked to explain how to do or make something, how some¬thing works, or how to get from one place to another. The following guidelines will help you gather details for your writing. Observe If possible, either observe or follow the steps you plan to share in your writing. Pay close attention to the details so you can include them in your explanation. Ask Talk to people who know about your subject. Ask them questions about anything you don't understand. Research If necessary, learn more about your topic. Find out what makes it different or important. 3 Developing Two-Part Essays The most challenging expository essays contain two parts: problem and solution, cause and effect, comparison and contrast. The guidelines that follow will help you develop two-part essays. Collect your own thoughts and additional information about your topic. Use one of the graphic organizers included to keep track of your collecting. Create a starter sentence (thesis statement) for your essay after you have gathered enough facts and details. Below is a sample thesis statement from a cause-and-effect essay. The first part identifies the cause, and the second part identifies one of the main effects. Budget cuts in our school district (part 1: cause) have led to fewer extracurricular activities (part 2: effect). List ideas or write freely about each part of your starter sentence. Keep the ideas flowing for 5 minutes or more. Review your writing and mark any ideas that you would like to explore further or use in your essay. Write your essay by connecting the ideas you've marked to include in your writing. Revise and edit your draft after setting it aside for a while. 4 STARTER SENTENCES To develop a starter sentence for a two-part essay, complete one of the starter ideas below. For problem and solution essays: …could be fixed if . . . …won't change until… For cause and effect essays: Because of . . . we now… When . . . happened, I (we, they)…. For comparison and contrast essays: ____and____are both . . . , but they differ in. . . While____ and____have . . . in common, they also . . . For before and after essays: Once I (we, they, it) …. but now . . . I (we, they, it) ….until…. 5 Evaluating Expository Essays Use this rubric as a checklist to evaluate the qualities of your expository essays. The rubric follows the traits of effective writing. Assessment Rubric STIMULATING IDEAS The essay... contains an effective thesis statement. contains specific facts, examples, or quotations to support the thesis. thoroughly informs readers. LOGICAL ORGANIZATION… includes a clear beginning, a strong middle, and an effective ending. presents ideas in an organized manner. uses transitions to link sentences and paragraphs. ENGAGING VOICE… speaks clearly and knowledgeably. shows that the writer is truly interested in the topic. ORIGINAL WORD CHOICE… explains or defines any unfamiliar terms. contains specific nouns and active verbs. EFFECTIVE SENTENCE STYLE… flows smoothly from one idea to the next. shows a variety of sentence lengths and structures. CORRECT, ACCURATE COPY… observes the basic rules of writing. follows the format required by the teacher, or follows some other effective design. Kemper, Dave, Patrick Sebranek, and Verne Meyer, Write Ahead. Wilmington, Great Source Educational Group, 2003. 6