FIELD NAME REF_NUM Generalized Field Description FGS/FSRI Assigned Reference Number Field Definition Consists of 2-digit DEP County Code and 3-digit Sequential Entry Number (Lookup table for County Codes = CO_CODES worksheet) TRUE_SINK DATE_ADD DATE_REV OMONTH ODAY OYEAR TIME LONG_DD LONG_MM LONG_SS LONGDEC LAT_DD LAT_MM LAT_SS LATDEC CO TWNSHP RANGE SECTION QTRSECT1 QTRSECT2 QtrConvert1 QtrConvert2 QtrQtrFGS Verified sinklhole Date Added Date Revised Occurance month Occurance day Occurance year Occurance time Longitude Degrees Longitude Minutes Longitude Seconds (decimal if known) Longitude Decimal Degrees Latitude Degrees Latitude Minutes Latitude Seconds (decimal if known) Latitude Decimal Degrees County PLSS Township PLSS Range PLSS Section Quarter section Quarter section Quarter section Quarter section Quarter section QUAD ONAME OSTREET OCITY OZIP EVTADDR OPHONE USGS Quadrangle Name Owner's name Owner's address Owner's city Owner's zip code Event address Owner's phone number Is the event a true sinkhole? Date information added to the database Date information revised in the database Month the event occurred Day the event occurred Year the event occurred Time the event occurred (if available) Longitude Degrees Longitude Minutes Longitude Seconds (decimal if known) Longitude Decimal Degrees Latitude Degrees Latitude Minutes Latitude Seconds (decimal if known) Latitude Decimal Degrees County of occurance PLSS Township PLSS Range PLSS Section Smaller of the two quarter sections Larger of the two quarter sections FGS code for smaller of quarter sections (Lookup table - QTRCODE worksheet) FGS code for larger of quarter sections (Lookup table - QTRCODE worksheet) Read Quarter of Quarter (QtrConvert1 of QtrConvert2) (Lookup table - QTRCODE worksheet) USGS 1:24000 (7.5 minute x 7.5 minute) Quadrangle Name Owner's name at time of occurance Owner's address at time of occurance Owner's city at time of occurance Owner's zip code at time of occurance Address where event occurred Owner's phone number at time of occurance FIELD NAME SIZDIM Generalized Field Description Dimensions SINSHAPE SINLNGTH SINWIDTH SINDEPTH SLOPE WATSIN WATBLS LIMVIS CAVVIS SUBRATE TRIGGERS COL_CODE Shape Length Width Depth Slope of Sides Water visible Water below land surface (FT) Limestone visible Cave visible Subsidence rate Triggering mechanisms Pre-collapse indicators PROPDAM REPAIRED PLANNED TOPO1 TOPO2 TOPO3 TOPO4 TOPO5 TOPO6 DRAINSTR LUCODE SOILTYPE NEARSIN OLDSIN COMMENTS ACCESS WITNAM WITADDRE WITCTZIP WITPHONE Property damage Sinkhole repaired Repairs planned Topography - FLAT Topography - HILLTOP Topography - SLOPE Topography - VALLEY Topography - DEPRESSION Topography - SEE COMMENTS Drainage structures present Landuse codes Soil type Near sink Old sinks Other comments Access to sink Witness name Witness address Witness city and zip Witness phone Field Definition How were dimensions of sinkhole determined (Lookup table - SIZDIM worksheet) Shape of sinkhole (Lookup table - SINSHAPE worksheet) Length (longest side) of event (FT) Width (shortest side) of event (FT) Depth (ground surface to bottom) of event (FT) Side slope angle of event (measured angle of incline) Is water visible in the event? Ground surface to top of water in event (FT) Is limestone visible in event? Is a cave or fracture visible in event? What is the rate of subsidence of event? (Lookup table - SUBRATE worksheet) What were possible triggers of the event? (Lookup table - TRIGCODE worksheet) What were the event pre-collapse indicators? (Lookup table - PRECOLLAPSE worksheet) Was there any structure damage with the event? Was the event repaired? Are repairs planned for the event? Topology codes for the event Topology codes for the event Topology codes for the event Topology codes for the event Topology codes for the event Topology codes for the event Are there any drainage structures within close distance to event? Landuse codes for property where event occurred Soil type where event occurred Is current event near another known or suspected event? Did event occur at or near an old event? Comments pertaining to event or updates How can event be accessed Witness/Investigator of event Witness/Investigator address Witness/Investigator city and zipcode Witness/Investigator phone number