ROUGHLY EDITED FILE TECH SYMPOSIUM TECHNOLOGY AND DEAF EDUCATION NTID JUNE 21, 2010 ROOM 1310 3:00 PM ET SIGNED MULTIMEDIA STORYBOOKS: INTERACTIVE VOCABULARY INSTRUCTION PRESENTERS: EMILY WHITESIDE ON-SITE CART PROVIDED BY ALTERNATIVE COMMUNICATION SERVICES 800-335-0911 INFO@ACSCAPTIONS.COM * * * * * This is being provided in a rough-draft format. Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) is provided in order to facilitate communication accessibility and may not be a totally verbatim record of the proceedings * * * * >> Hi, everybody, come on in and have a seat. Welcome! My name is Clair, and I work here at NTID, and I am very happy to be able to introduce to you Emily Whiteside who is a speech pathologist from Georgia. She will talk to us about the work she does with elementary school students. She is going to talk about multimedia storyboards for interactive vocabulary development which something that I think will be very interesting. I have a nice handout that she has provided, so while she is presenting, I am going to pass it out. And then I am also going to pass out the evaluation form. I am going to ask for you to please fill that form out and give it to me on your way out the door. We use that information so that we can improve our next conference. thanked. So your input is really desired and Okay? So with that, I am going to pass it over to Emily. Thank you, Emily. >> EMILY WHITESIDE: Thank you, Clair. This is signed multimedia storybooks for interactive vocabulary instruction. As Clair said, I am a speech pathologist in Columbus, Georgia. I work mainly with deaf, hard-of-hearing students who are kindergarten through 5th grade. Currently I have 13 students. I am also an instructional technologist. degree from Valdosta State. I just completed a So I have a big interest in music technology to address instructional problems that our deaf students have. The way I see it, language acquisition is a huge problem for our deaf students. literacy. And the thing that we want them to have is That's the most critical component of early childhood. And of adulthood for that matter. And I am interested in how I can address these problems through my background in speech pathology and technology. And vocabulary, if you read any of the literature on literacy, vocabulary it the critical component. how literate a person will be. It's what can predict So that is one of the major areas that I address with my students. I just came up with a name for my research project. This is actually out of a research project that I did for my educational specialist degree, and I named it "Signed Multimedia Storybooks." They're hyperlinked, digital learning environments. animated videos of published books. They use And also live-action video with Sign Language interpretation. asterisk by the Sign Language. And you see the little Let me explain that a little bit. The school where I work has been the home for deaf instruction in Columbus, Georgia, for probably 40 years. They began using signed exact English, and then have evolved to trying to use ASL, and so what you are going to see is a pigeon. That's the way it is. We're working hard to improve skills, but we have not had interpreters who are accredited because there are none to be found. And the multimedia instructional activities and games. And I just want to go over a little bit about what we'll talk about today. I am going to rush through my research project because that's kind of the dry part, but to me it was the most fun. And the paper that is associated with it is on the symposium website. So you can get all of the nitty-gritty that you are interested in there. I'll also demonstrate project that I developed, signed storybooks, and give you some tips and basics of how to create them yourselves. So this is the intervention, multimedia storybooks with Sign Language interpretation and accompanying multimedia vocabulary instructional activities. The research project lasted over five weeks. The average student had 15 hours of -- 15 sessions, excuse me, and 10.5 hours of instruction with the storybook. in-tact speech therapy groups. They came in their So I have two or three students at time working. We set it up on that desk stop computer with a large-screen monitor. They shared one mouse. It was interesting. And we covered five books in five weeks, and had five words. It doesn't seem like a lot. And the books that I used were "Good Night Gorilla," and you can see it's a board book. I think that there are 10 words in there. "Rosie's Walk." The "Paper boy" my personal favorite. "Owen." And "Brave Irene" which was the most formidable to do. AR grade level of 3.9. It's The language in it is daunting. I had three measures -- or four measures that I use. I did a word pre-test which just presented the sign and the students had four pictures to choose from. When they saw the sign, they just pointed to the picture that they thought it was. The word meaning had a definition that was signed to them, and then they picked out the word. I also did a pre-test student perception survey that was of Likert style. They had to rate it a scenario given, and they had to rate it from very sad to very happy. And then during the five weeks I was a student participant -I mean, a participant, but I observed them and kept a teacher journal that was that thick (indicating), and then had to go back through it and try to make sense of that. And I have abbreviated the results for you. graphs and the numbers are all online. Again, the But what I found was statistically significant increase on both the word on the word meaning. Or vocabulary achievement. This was receptive vocabulary. They did not have to come up with a sign themselves. They had to recognize it in context. Their experiences were very positive. The most interesting thing to me was to watch the group interact. I had very low- level children academically and language-wise, and pretty sophisticated children. I had oral students, and those who use Sign Language exclusively. But from the most challenged student, I had one with autism, to the most sophisticated they were all able to contribute to the group interaction. experience. They each had something to add to this And another really neat thing was having the vocabulary instruction embedded in the storybooks. they got to see videos repeatedly of the story. Over a week So they learned it just as if you are working with a toddler, and reading the book to them over and over, they got to predict it and they would get real excited about it. And so there was a shared schema of the group that has lasted -- this was done in 2008 -- on through the school year. "Whiteside you remember perfect. Where they'll say, That was in Owen." It's really neat to see that I said that it was overall positive. There were some instances of grabbing the mouse and, "No I don't want to see it again. of thing. It's my turn," or that kind Generally it worked better with groups of two than three. And also it worked better when the books -- the videos were shorter. Their attitudes were positive. The biggest increase in positive attitude that I saw was on the item that said, "I enjoyed learning vocabulary from multimedia storybooks." So that made me happy. Interestingly, there was a negative shift on one that said "I learned with captions." And I think that as much as anything was a language barrier. I didn't have captions in there. I'm not sure about that. There were limitations. I did not think that the test that I created discriminated very well. There were some items that I thought they could get from the sign. Many of my students, the higher-level ones, already knew the vocabulary. I should have pre-tested them on that before I picked the words, but I didn't. As I said, I think that there was a language barrier for the survey, so they may not have really understood. may have just randomly guessed some things. They Extremely small sample size. And this was such a novel speech therapy experience I'm usually the one in control, and there's nothing quite this snazzy about our speech therapy. factor. So novelty may have been a And, of course, I could have shown bias being the observer. I think that I have gone over part of this. But when you are creating something that's so time intensive as this really was, you want to be very careful in picking out your vocabulary. And, of course, there are books out there that teach you how to pick out words that are relevant, and are going to be important to the student. And you want to do that, but when you have such a wide variety of students that you are teaching to, you want to be sure that you have something for that more challenged student, and something for the more sophisticated. I was thrilled to see the reaction of my students to instruction in their primary language. Because I had interpreters interpret for me, and my skills are very limited, I was able to provide them with an experience that they would not have gotten. And they were just ecstatic and asked for more. And I did see that they enjoyed a very rich, relevant context for learning rather than the typical throw the cards out on the table and say this word and what is this and moved on. were overwhelmingly enthusiast nick their response. They And they were also very curious about the technology and the video that they wanted to learn how to do it themselves. These are my references, and they are online. Would you like to see? I think we'll do "Good Night, Gorilla." It's a very big file so it takes it a minute to come up. This is all done in PowerPoint. and this was the neat thing. So it takes them to a menu, I could just sit back behind them after I had shown them how to navigate through one or two times, they were able to do that themselves. So the little mouse suggest as activity. There are five activities, and I had my own idea of the order that it should take, but they had other ideas. So the first one was word hunt. Peggy Rathman's book. These are scanned pages from And I did get her permission to do that. Now, if you are going to use it in your classroom, and you are not going to share it with anybody, and you are not going to put it on the web, you can use limited scans and authors for it. So the child would use the cursor and just move over the picture trying to discover where it changes into the hand. (Video) >> Lock. Lock (signing) >> EMILY WHITESIDE: word, no definition. And it will teach them and show them the And then if they wanted to see it again. (Video) >> Lock. Lock. Lock. >> EMILY WHITESIDE: having that power. (Signing) A very simple thing, but they enjoyed If they turned their head, which they often did in a group, "Oh, look, that's Mrs. Grant, " they could stop it and then they could go back. (Video) >> Steal. Steal. >> EMILY WHITESIDE: (Signing) So all five of the storybooks teach the five words just with the sign. And then this one that I call Sign with Me is just practice signing the word. (Video) >> Wife. Escape. Wife. Wife. Escape. (Signing) Escape. >> EMILY WHITESIDE: (Signing) She is from Alabama. (Laughter) And then this is the little dictionary. There is a picture in the top right-hand corner that's supposed to give them an idea of "escape." Some of these words were concepts that are really hard to depict. As I said, some of my students are oral, and they can hear, so I had some audio. (Video) >> Escape. To get out. >> EMILY WHITESIDE: To get away. I tried to write a very concise, very simple definition that was kid-friendly. (Video) >> Escape. To get away. To get out. (Signing) 'em chem you hear the definitions at all? (Video) >> Escape. Escape, escape. >> EMILY WHITESIDE: (Signing) And they enjoyed those. And then it put it in context of the story. (Video) (Music) And this was where I took a commercial animated story, "Good Night, Gorilla" which is available on discovery learner, and our school district, well, all of Georgia subscribes to discovery learning. It used to be called united streaming. you have to subscribe to it. license to re-mix that video. do what you want to with it. Do But though do give you the You can download it, and you can You cannot do it commercially. You cannot redistribute it. But you can use it in your classroom any way that you want to. So what I did was I sandwiched, I did not have picture-in-picture capability, and I was afraid that the cognitive load on the students would just be too much. I think that at the symposium there is actually someone who addressed that. I hope that I get to see that. But to have them watching the action of the video and then trying to see the signing in there, I was afraid that it was too much. You tell me what you think about it. It does not have the captions which I didn't know how to do at the time, but I've learned how to do that. (Video) (Music) >> EMILY WHITESIDE: Let's just watch a little bit. (Video) (Music) >> Good night, gorilla, by Peggy Rathman. >> Good night, gorilla, by Peggy Rathman. It's nighttime at the zoo. on a balloon. A mouse and a banana are floating They are going to the -- (Music) >> Look. swinging. There is the gorilla. He is in his cage. He's Here comes the balloon with a banana and a mouse. (Music) >> EMILY WHITESIDE: Okay. So you get the idea of that. Their favorite part was not that. to be what they liked. just a test. I thought that was going They liked the games. It was really They didn't figure that out, though. So I had it divided into three parts, and later on I added a fourth part. (Video) But the first was just the words. >> Gorilla. >> EMILY WHITESIDE: I know that's an alternative. that this is more prevalent. I think (Signing) So say they picked the monkey here instead of the gorilla, which would have been understandable with that sign. going to get a corrective feedback. choice. back. They're And then they had a They could go on to the next item, or they could go And I encouraged them to go back but didn't make them. If they picked the correct one, they got a little animation, or sometimes music which surprisingly they loved. (Video) >> Wife. (Signing) >> EMILY WHITESIDE: Another hard concept that they counts, but I knew that they would recognize Mrs. Obama. (Video) >> Across (signing) >> EMILY WHITESIDE: Really hard to show. So if they picked around, they would have gotten, oh, oh, and a clue there. One thing that I found was that any text that I had put on there, especially words that they probably would not have seen high fives, they would know that sign, but just incidental vocabulary that they are not exposed, to they loved. loved reading it. They And they would play these everyday. learned vocabulary that I had not intended. So they They learned incidentally. (Video) >> Escape. (Signing) >> EMILY WHITESIDE: Just simple animations. art, most of this was just from MicroSoft And the clip PowerPoint. (Video) >> Steal. (Signing) >> EMILY WHITESIDE: And they recognized this one. They loved these pictures. Okay. So that's "Good Night, Gorilla," the same type of thing. having to use it. sophisticated. and the others are And I would stay about a day ahead of So I learned as I went and got more This was the first one that I did. But it gives you an idea. I don't know how much time I have left, but I will go through -- 10 minutes? Okay. Some tips, some ways that I learned to -- as I muddled my way through doing this. The most important part is not the fun part, but I think as I emphasized earlier is really to analyze your audience and to determine beforehand what your specific goals are, what time constraints you'll have and financial constraints. And what type of media is available for you. Almost everything that I use was free. MicroSoft is the only thing that cost anything, and it came on the computer that the school district provided me. Pick your goals and objectives wisely, and your instructional strategy which, for me, were the activities that I used. then design your product. And Now, if you notice at the bottom, I created a template, and it's available on Slide Share. It's just a PowerPoint where I have gone through and taken out all of the actual pictures and the video. links. And that was the hard part. But it's got all of the It was designing all of the link-backs so that you had it interactive. And you are welcome to use that. That's available on the website, on the symposium website. And this is just a list of the different tools or softwares that I used, PowerPoint. And I picked that because it is so ubiquitous, and it's interactive. You can link through it. It's also easy to use. MicroSoft Movie Maker, and Discovery Education Streaming. You can go online and look for that. It used to be called United Streaming Video. CamStudio has a free demo that you can use to do screen captures if you need to show how to manipulate something on the screen. Audacity if you need to edit any sound which I use that a lot. And narrating the script, the sentences, and the words, and the game. Picnik, are any of you familiar with that? editing sharing site. It's really nice. It's a photo, You can get pictures on there. Picasa is also a photo sharing site. And Flickr. Flickr you can actually search for licensing where they'll let you use commercially, or Share and Share Alike. So you can use the word gorilla and use the photos that the author has allowed you to use commercially, and share and share alike, you are not going to profit from it but it will be free. And Wikimedia Commons has very good photography. those resources are listed on the handout. All of This is just saying that I used PowerPoint for those reasons. I created this manually. In other words, I created a great big ole flowchart that I put down on the floor and dared anyone in my house to breathe on or move by. It's just 3-by-5 cards that told, okay this slide will have this on it. have this video. This word. link to Slide 2000. was just my road map. for you to use. This picture. It's going to And it's going to And then it will also link back. So it That's what I turned in to the template You can do your own and create it like that, and then be sure to save it as a template. I tried to pick navigational icons that were cute, and also simple and made logical sense for the student. And I think that they did because they would yell out "Find another activity!" And they knew exactly where to go to get that. The fun part for me was actually creating the content, making the videos, collecting the photos, regarding the audio, and writing the script. Gorilla," If you notice for "Good Night, as I said it only has 10 words in it but because I wanted to extend their language, I rewrote it. I hope Ms. Rathman was okay with that just like you would narrate, okay, now we're going in here and doing this. If you heard her say that the balloon is floating down to the zoo, put the mouse on it, it just told what was happening. So I had to re-write that one. ""Rosie's Walk" I just used that. We tried to include as much richness of the language as we could, but also make it accessible to them so that it had to be tweaked a little bit. And I think I just went over this. photos. Where you can get great Those are available on the handout. And, again, the animated stories, you can just about you what want on Discovery Learning. Also, if you are into non-fiction, they really like the stories that are on there. Write a child-friendly script. And then be real sweet to your friends who are talented. I had to really lean on my buddies who can sign and asked them to do that. They were very nervous about me being here today. We used a quiet, well-lit room at the school, brought in extra lights, put up a backdrop, and used a solid shirt for the actual video. Audacity was the same way. I just wanted to demonstrate what I meant about remixing. It's going to show how I took "Rosie's Walk," wanted and added other things. took out what I You can also on the storybooks from the video pause it and capture just a screen shot from it so that if you need a picture of a gorilla and you don't want to do the video, you can just grab a picture and save it as a picture. You will see that in here. You download that video. You can also add subtitles. This is a still picture captured from Rosie's Walk. (Music) They come out named with numbers. So if you are going to be re-using it, you need to rename them something that you recognize. (Music) Take out you what don't want. there, you can take it out. do that. If you don't want the music in If you want to add sound you can And that, of course, was the video that I shot. Then, of course, you get to decorate your slides the way you want to. That was fun. And PowerPoint is so great because you can make it interactive and you can make it game-like. Most people know this, but I will just show you in case you don't. animations. You can add You can embed objects like sound. (Cheering) You can play a game with it. to what I did with the game. So what I did here is similar I just made both of those pictures link to another slide. the horse. So they were supposed to find They click on the goat, it goes to Slide whatever, and then you have to be sure to find a way to get back. import another active link. horse. excited. So you And then they can go back to the Put a picture up there and animate it, and they get all When you get through with it, just go through and -- about 100 times -- and make sure that every link is active. one nice thing about having that template. That's I am sure that they're not all correct, but you can find a few that aren't. And also sit behind a student and watch them use it. That will give you a good idea of what you can do to improve it. This is the template cheat sheet. And I think that's a good place to end. Questions? Thank you! (Applause) >> All right. So please complete your evaluation form and then just drop it with me. was very interesting. Thank you, thank you, Emily. That Thank you. * * * * * This is being provided in a rough-draft format. Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) is provided in order to facilitate communication accessibility and may not be a totally verbatim record of the proceedings * * * *