SPRING 2003 – 11:
(38) In DNA, which of the following determines the traits of an organism?
F Amount of adenine
G Number of sugars
H* Sequence of nitrogen bases
J Strength of hydrogen bonds
APRIL 2004 – 10:
(21) DNA molecules separate into single strands, which are then used to construct two
identical strands of DNA. This process ensures that the —
A cytoplasm is in equilibrium
B mitochondria are genetically identical to the chloroplasts
C parent cells use little ATP
D* daughter cells are genetically identical to the parent cells
APRIL 2004 – 10:
(36) Which of the following nucleotide base sequences complements the section of DNA
modeled above?
APRIL 2004 – 11:
(25) Which of the following best describes the question this set of procedures was
designed to answer?
A* Can a substance from dead bacteria transform living bacteria?
B Can R bacterial cells survive heating?
C Can dead bacterial cells confer immunity to a living host?
D Can bacterial cells be isolated from a healthy host?
APRIL 2004 – 11:
(36) Coat color in mice varies greatly, ranging from black to grizzly gray, black-andwhite, spotted, or white. The nucleus from a body cell of a grizzly-gray mouse is fused
with an egg from a black mouse from which the nucleus has been removed. The egg
begins to divide and is then transplanted into a female white mouse. What will be the
most likely coat color of the offspring?
F Black
G Black with white spots
H* Grizzly gray
J White
JULY 2004 – 11:
33 All of the following are found in a DNA molecule except —
A* carbon dioxide
B deoxyribose
C nitrogen
D phosphate
JULY 2004 – 11:
45 Which molecule is most responsible for determining an organism’s eye color, body
structure, and cellular enzyme production?
A Complex starch
B Fatty acid
C Carbohydrate
D* Deoxyribonucleic acid
OCTOBER 2005 – 11:
35 Proteins are produced according to a special code found in the control center of the
Which of these molecules carries this code?
C Glucose
D Lipid
FALL 2005 – 11:
28 “Thymine—guanine—thymine—cytosine” describes —
F nucleotides within an RNA strand
G* a sequence of bases within a DNA section
H points of DNA separation during protein synthesis
J tRNA codons for specific amino acids
FEBRUARY 2006 – 11:
28 What do the results of this investigation indicate?
F This trait is determined by the Y chromosome.
G Red-eyed flies always produce red-eyed offspring.
H White-eyed flies have many phenotypes for eye color.
J* This trait is carried only on the X chromosome.
APRIL 2006 – 10:
41 The information in the box identifies some of the organs of the kitten. Which of the
following is identical for every cell in each of the four organs?
A Amount of ATP
B Function of cell
C Size of cells
D* Genes in DNA
APRIL 2006 – 11:
40 In all plant and animal cells, the nucleus contains long molecules of DNA. Which of
the following best describes the function of DNA?
F DNA provides the shape and structure of the nucleus.
G DNA packages materials for transport through the nucleus.
H DNA carries materials into and out of the nucleus.
J* DNA contains the blueprint for producing the whole organism.
45 Erwin Chargaff studied the DNA of organisms within a single species. Chargaff
discovered that the amount of adenine is about equal to the amount of thymine. Which of
these explains why the ratio of adenine to thymine is nearly 1:1?
A* Adenine and thymine pair with each other.
B Adenine binds with phosphates, while thymine binds with nitrates.
C Adenine and thymine are identical in chemical composition.
D Adenine bases contain a form of thymine.