Katoshevski D.

Dr. David Katoshevski
Feb. 2003
Personal Details
David Katoshevski
Date and place of birth:
Marital status
Regular military service:
July 22, 1962, Haifa, Israel
Married + 3
Address at home
18 Irus St., POB 4045, Omer, Israel
Tel. +972-8-6466148
Address at work
Department of Biotechnology and Environmental Engineering,
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
POB 653, Beer-Sheva 84105, Israel
Tel. + 972-8-6479094,
e-mail: davidk@bgumail.bgu.ac.il
1984-1988, Technion IIT, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Cum Laude
1988-1991, Technion IIT, Department of Aerospace Engineering
Ph.D. (D.Sc.)
1991-1995, Technion IIT, Department of Applied Mathematics
Employment History
Senior Lecturer (Tenure Position), at the Department of
Environmental Engineering, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.
(Recently it has become Biotechnology and Environmental
Engineering Department.)
7/1998-3/2000 Lecturer, at the Department of Environmental Engineering, BenGurion University of the Negev.
Postdoctoral Researcher- on RESEARCH GRANT, Department of
Environmental Engineering, California Institute of Technology,
Postdoctoral Researcher- LESTER-DEUTSCH Fellow, Department
of Environmental Engineering, California Institute of Technology,
Postdoctoral Researcher- MINERVA Fellowship, Department of
Heat Transfer and Air Conditioning, Aachen University, Germany,
Teaching Assistant, Department of Mathematics, Technion IIT,
Teaching Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations.
Teaching Assistant, Department of Aerospace Engineering,
Technion IIT, Teaching Thermodynamics. Instructor in Laboratory
Professional Activities
Academic Administration
Chairman of the Undergraduate Teaching Committee, Department
of Biotechnology and Environmental Engineering, Ben-Gurion
University of the Negev.
Member of the Graduate Studies Committee, Department of
Biotechnology and Environmental Engineering,
University of the Negev.
Head of the Teaching Assistants, in a Technion-wide course
(Ordinary Differential Equations) with 10 Teaching-Assistants
under my supervision per semester.
Membership in Professional/Scientific Societies
ILASS-Americas, Institute for Liquid Atomization
and Spray Systems, North and South America.
Association for Aerosol Research.
Israeli Association for Aerosol Research. The Israeli Chapter of the
International Association for Aerosol Research.
ILASS-Israel. The Israeli Chapter of the Institute for Liquid Atomization
and Spray Systems.
AIAA - American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
SIAM - Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.
Israel Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
Teaching Experience
Courses Taught
Graduate Courses
1. Mathematical Modeling in Environmental Engineering, Course A.
2. Mathematical Modeling in Environmental Engineering, Advanced Course B.
3. Advanced Course in Air Pollution Control.
4. Introduction to Environmental Engineering.
Undergraduate Courses
5. Fluid Mechanics for Biotechnology.
6. Thermodynamics (Teaching Assistant).
Lab Experiments in Fluid Dynamics
Honors, Awards, Fellowships
(a) Honors and Awards
1987 Deans List, Dept. of Aerospace Engineering, Technion IIT.
1987 Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, Dept. of Aerospace Engineering, Technion IIT.
1993 Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, Dept. of Mathematics, Technion IIT.
1994 GUTWIRTH Technion-wide Award for Outstanding Doctoral Achievements.
1994 The Combustion Institute (USA), Stipend for young researchers, for presenting their
work at the International Symposium on Combustion, Irvine, California, Aug. 1994.
WOLF Technion-wide Award for Outstanding Doctoral Achievements.
1995 Technion-wide Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award.
1995 JABOTINSKY Award for
Mathematics, Technion IIT.
(b) Fellowships
1995-1996 MINERVA Fellowship, Awarded by the MINERVA Foundation,
Heidelberg, Germany, for Postdoctoral Research in Aachen University,
RWTH, Germany.
1996-1997 LESTER-DEUTSCH Fellowship, Awarded by the Technion to one
researcher per year for postdoctoral research at Caltech.
Scientific Publications
A. Journal Papers
B. Conference Papers
A. Journal Papers
1. Katoshevski, D., Frankel, I. and Weihs, D., (1993), “Viscous Interaction Between Parallel Radial
Streams”, Fluid Dynamics Research ,Vol. 12, pp. 153-161.
2. Katoshevski, D. and Tambour, Y., (1993), “A Theoretical Study of Polydisperse Liquid-Sprays in
a Shear-Layer Flow”, Physics of Fluids A, Vol. 5, No. 12, pp. 3085-3098.
3. Katoshevski, D. and Tambour, Y., (1994), “Effect of Drop-Size Dependent Spray-Injection
Velocity on Multisize-Spray Diffusion Flames in a Unidirectional Shear Layer Flow”, International
Journal of Turbo Jet Engines, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 327-336.
4. Katoshevski, D. and Tambour, Y., (1995), “Sprays in Radially Spreading Shear-Layer Flows”,
Physics of Fluids, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 530-538.
5. Tambour, Y. and Katoshevski, D., (1995) “Similarity Analysis of Spray Diffusion Flames in a
Unidirectional Shear-Layer Flow”, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Vol. 25, pp. 381-388.
6. Tambour, Y. and Katoshevski, D., (1995), “Asymptotic Analysis of Droplet Coalescence Effects
on Spray Diffusion Flames in a Unidirectional Shear-Layer Flow”, Atomization and Sprays, Vol. 5,
pp. 357-386.
7. Katoshevski, D. and Seinfeld, J. H., (1997), “Analytical Solution for the Multicomponent
Aerosol Evolution General Dynamic Equation - without Coagulation”, Aerosol, Science and
Technology, Vol. 27, No. 4, pp. 541-549.
8. Katoshevski, D. and Seinfeld, J. H., (1997), “Analytical-Numerical Solution for the
Multicomponent Aerosol Evolution General Dynamic Equation - with Coagulation”, Aerosol,
Science and Technology, Vol. 27, No. 4, pp. 550-556.
9. Katoshevski, D., Nenes, A., and Seinfeld, J. H., (1999), “A Study of Processes that Govern the
Mainenance of Aerosols in the Marine Boundary Layer”, Journal of Aerosol Science, Vol. 30,
pp. 503-532.
10. Katoshevski, D., (1999), “Sensitivity of Ignition Delay Time and Temperature to Changes in
Turbulence Expressed by Magnussen Parameters”, International Journal of Turbo & Jet Engines,
Vol. 16, pp. 223-229.
11. Katoshevski, D., (1999), “Evaporation and Coalescence of Spray Droplets, Comprised of TwoComponent Fuels”, International Journal of Turbo & Jet Engines, Vol. 17, pp. 171-177.
12. Zhao, B., Katoshevski, D., and Bar-Ziv, E., (1999), “Temperature Determination of Single
Micron-Sized Particles from Forced/Free-Convection, and Photophoresis”, Measurement, Science
and Technology, Vol. 10, pp. 1222-1232.
. Katoshevski, D., and Tambour, Y., (2000), “On the Combustion of Sprays of Liquid Fuels and
Liquid Oxidizers in a Diffusion Flame in a Shear Layer Flow”, Proceedings of the Combustion
Institute, Vol. 28, in press.
14. Katoshevski, D., Ziskind, G., Zhao, B., and Bar-Ziv, E., (2001), “Experimental Study of the
Drag Force Acting on a Heated Particle”, Journal of Aerosol Science, Vol. 32, pp. 73-86.
15. Katoshevski, D., and Tambour, Y., (2001), ”Evaporation of Polydisperse Sprays of Liquid
Fuels and Liquid Oxidizers in a Shear Layer Flow” AIAA-Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 17,
pp. 818-822.
16. Ziskind, G., Zhao, B., Katoshevski, D. and Bar-Ziv, E., (2001), “Experimental Study of Mixed
Convection From a Heated Sphere at Small Reynolds and Grashof Numbers, Part I: Cross Flow”,
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 44, pp 4381-4389.
17. Katoshevski, D., (2001), “Effect of Simultaneous Growth and Fragmentation on Particle Size
Distribution of a Multicomponent Aerosol”, Atomization and Sprays, Vol. 11, pp. 593-602.
18. Abramovich-Gottlib L., Katoshevski D, and Vago R., (2002), “A Computerized Tank System
for Studying the Effect of Temperature on Calcification of Reef Organisms”, Journal of Biochemical
and Biophysical Methods , Vol. 50, pp. 245-252.
19. Mograbi, E., Ziskind, G., Katoshevski, D. and Bar-Ziv, E., (2002), “Experimental Study of the
Forces Associated with Mixed Convection From a Heated Sphere at Small Reynolds and Grashof
Numbers, Part II: Assisting and Opposing Flows”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,
Vol. 45, pp. 2423-2430.
20. Bar-Ziv, E., Zhao, B., Mograbi, E., Katoshevski, D., and Ziskind, G., “On the Validity of the
Stokes Law at Non-Isothermal Conditions”, Physics of Fluids, accepted.
21. Liat Abramovitch-Gottlib, L., Katoshevski, D. and Vago, R., (2002), “Responses of Stylophora
Pistillata and Millepora Dichotoma to Seawater Temperature Elevation”
Bulletin of Marine Science , accepted.
In preparation
Katoshevski, D., “A Theoretical Study of a Diffusion Flame in Shear Layer Flow”
B. Conference Papers (see also related section of conference presentations, on page 7)
1. Katoshevski, D. and Tambour, Y., (1993), “Effect of Initial Droplet Size Distributions on FuelVapor Profiles in a Shear-Layer Flow”, AIAA / SAE / ASME / ASEE 29th Joint Propulsion
Conference, Monterey, California, AIAA- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics,
Paper No. 93-1770, pp. 1-10.
2. Katoshevski, D. and Tambour, Y., (1994), “Similarity and Asymptotic Solutions for Spray
Evaporation and Coalescence in a Shear-Layer Flow”, ICLASS-94 Conference, Rouen, France.
ICLASS- International Institute for Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, pp. 568-575.
3. Katoshevski, D., Klingsporn, M., Hohmann, S. and U. Renz, (1996), “Investigation of Spray
Combustion Under Diesel-Like Conditions”, 36th Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences,
Tel-Aviv, Israel, published by the Technion, pp. 380-385.
4. Katoshevski, D., (1999), “Evolution of Multicomponent Particles Undergoing Simultaneous
Evaporation/Growth and Fragmentation”, EAC-99, European Aerosol Conference, Prague, Czech
Republic, extended abstract denoted as S509, Copyrights by ELSEVIER, Vol. 30, Suppl. 1, Sep.
1999, Journal of Aerosol Science.
5. Katoshevski, D., and Tambour, Y., (2000), “Evaporation of Polydisperse Sprays of Liquid Fuels
and Liquid Oxidizers in a Shear Layer Flow” ICLASS-2000 Conference, Pasadena, CA, USA.
ICLASS- International Institute for Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, pp. 981-987.
6. Ziskind, G., Katoshevski, D., Zhao, B., and Bar-Ziv, (Sep. 2000),“Heat Transfer-Drag Coupling
for a Small Particle in a Gaseous Environment” EAC-2000, European Aerosol Conference Dublin
extended abstract denoted as S678, Copyrights by ELSEVIER, Vol. 31, Suppl. 1, Sep. 2000,
Journal of Aerosol Science.
7. Katoshevski, D., Ziskind, G., Mograbi, E., Zhao, B., and Bar-Ziv, E.,(June. 2001), “Drag Force in
Mixed Forced and Natural Convection Flow Field”, ASPACC- The Third Asia-Pacific Conference
on Combustion, Seoul, Korea, pp.113-116.
8. Katoshevski, D, (June, 2001), “Effect of Flow Deceleration on a Diffusion Flame in Shear
Formed by Fuel and Oxidizer Spray Streams”, ASPACC- The Third Asia-Pacific Conference on
Combustion, Seoul, Korea, pp. 446-448.
Research in Progress
Katoshevski, D., “A Multi Layer Aerosol Model for Urban Environment”.
Katoshevski D., Ziskind, G. and Dudin, Z., “Particle Clustering”.
Supervision of Graduate Students
M.Sc. and Ph.D. Graduate Students
Vadim Luzansky: Ph.D., 2001-present,
Nadine Spitz: Ph.D., 2001-present,
Danny Marciano : M.Sc., 1999- 2001, “Development of a Model for the Behavior of Aerosol
Particles above an Urban Environment” (co-advisor: Prof. Eran Sher), submitted his thesis, Dec.
Liat Abramovitch : M.Sc., 1999-2002 , “Skeleton Properties and Thermal Processes Affecting
Corals” (co-advisor: Dr. Razi Vago).
Session Chairmanship at Conferences, and Membership of Conference Committees
Session Chairman (Atmospheric Modeling Session) at the 12th Annual Meeting of the Israeli
Association for Aerosol Research, Dec. 98, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel.
Organizing Committee Member of the 15th Annual Symposium of the Israeli Section of the
Combustion Institute, Dec. 9, 1999, Paradise Hotel, Beer-Sheva, Israel.
Paper-Committee Member of the 40th Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences, Feb. 23-24,
2000, Dan Hotel, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
Session Chairman (Combustion Session) at the 40th Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace
Sciences, Feb. 23-24, 2000, Dan Hotel, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
Session Chairman (Environmental Engineering Session), at the 28th Israel Conference on
Mechanical Engineering, June 14-15, 2000, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel.
Paper-Committee Member of the 41st Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences, Feb., 2001,
Dan Hotel, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
Session Chairman (Aerodynamics Session) at the 41st Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace
Sciences, Feb, 2001, Dan Hotel, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
Paper-Committee Member of the 42st Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences, Feb., 2002,
Dan Hotel, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
Paper-Committee Member of the 43st Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences, to be held in
Feb., 2003, Dan Hotel, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Reviewer for:
BSF- United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation.
Combustion and Flame- The Journal of the Combustion Institute.
Flow Turbulence and Combustion – a Kluwer Journal
Atomization and Sprays, Begell House Inc.
Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science.
Presentations at Meetings and Invited Seminars
Presentation of Papers at Conferences/Meetings
Katoshevski, D., Frankel, I. and Weihs, D., (May 1992), “The Shear Layer Between Two Radially
Spreading Axisymetric Streams of Unequal Velocity”.
The 24th Israel Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Technion, Haifa, Israel.
Katoshevski, D. and Tambour, Y., (Nov. 1992), “Evaporation of Polydisperse Fuel Sprays in a Free
Shear-Layer Flow”.
The 8th Annual Symposium of the Israeli Section of the Combustion Institute, Acre, Israel.
Katoshevski, D. and Tambour, Y., (Dec. 1992), “Fuel Sprays and Vapors in a Shear-Layer Flow”.
Workshop on Sprays, Technion, Haifa, Israel.
Katoshevski, D. and Tambour, Y., (June 1993), “Effect of Initial Droplet Size Distributions on FuelVapor Profiles in a Shear-Layer Flow” (see conference paper B-1).
AIAA / SAE / ASME / ASEE 29th Joint Propulsion Conference, Monterey, California.
Katoshevski, D. and Tambour, Y., (Dec. 1993), “Spread of Liquid Fuel Sprays and Fuel Vapors
Injected into a Quiescent Environment”.
The 9th Annual Symposium of the Israeli Section of the Combustion Institute, Ben-Gurion
University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel.
Katoshevski, D. and Tambour, Y., (July 1994), “Similarity and Asymptotic Solutions for Spray
Evaporation and Coalescence in a Shear-Layer Flow” (see conference paper B-2).
ICLASS (Institute for Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems) Conference at Rouen, France.
Tambour, Y. and Katoshevski, D., (Aug. 1994), “Similarity Analysis of Spray Diffusion Flames in a
Unidirectional Shear-Layer Flow” (see journal paper A-5).
25th International Symposium on Combustion, Irvine, California (UCI).
Katoshevski, D. and Tambour, Y., (Nov. 1994), “Spray Drop-Size Distributions Across a Free
Shear-Layer Flow”. Abstract in J. Aerosol Science, Vol. 26, No. 6, p. 1019, 1995.
8th Annual Meeting of the Israeli Association for Aerosol Research, Tel-Aviv University, Israel.
Katoshevski, D. and Tambour, Y., (Dec. 1994), “Analysis of Spray Diffusion Flames Resulting
from Various Multisize Sprays of the Same SMD”.
The 10th Annual Symposium of the Israeli Section of the Combustion Institute, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
Katoshevski, D. and Tambour, Y., (Feb. 1995), “Effect of Drop-Size Dependent Spray Injection
Velocity on Multisize-Spray Diffusion Flames in a Unidirectional Shear Layer Flow”.
The 35th Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences, Technion IIT, Israel.
Katoshevski, D., Klingsporn, M., Hohmann, S. and Renz, U., (Feb. 1996), “Investigation of Spray
Combustion Under Diesel-Like Conditions” (see conference paper B-3).
The 36th Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
Katoshevski, D., Nenes, A., and Seinfeld, J. H., (Dec. 1998), “Dynamics of Aerosols in the Marine
Boundary Layer”, 12th Annual Meeting of the Israeli Association for Aerosol Research, Ben-Gurion
University of the Negev, Israel.
Katoshevski, D., (Dec. 1998), “Modeling of Evolution of Aerosol Particles”, Workshop on
Environmental Issues with the Chief Scientist of the Israeli Ministry of Environment, Ben-Gurion
University of the Negev, Israel.
Katoshevski, D., (June 1999), “Evaporation and Coalescence of Spray Droplets, Comprised of TwoComponent Fuels”, Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, Antalya, Turkey.
Katoshevski, D., (Sep. 1999), “Evolution of Multicomponent Particles Undergoing Simultaneous
Evaporation/Growth and Fragmentation”, EAC-99, European Aerosol Conference, Prague, Czech
Katoshevski, D., (Dec. 1999), “Effect of Evaporation/Growth on Size Distributions of
Multicomponent Aerosols Undergoing Coagulation or Fragmentation”
The 15th Annual Symposium of the Israeli Section of the Combustion Institute, Ben-Gurion
University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel.
Katoshevski D., (June 2000), “A Theoretical Study On a Diffusion Flame in a Shear Layer Flow”,
28th Israel Conference on Mechanical Engineering, June 14-15, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev,
Vago R., Abramovich L., Katoshevski D, Chadwick-Furman N. E., Satambler N., Illuz D., and
Dubinsky Z.(June 2000), ”Effects of Elevated Seawater Temperature on Reef-Corals”, (presented by
R. Vago),
28th Israel Conference on Mechanical Engineering, June 14-15, 2000, Ben-Gurion University of the
Negev, Israel.
Katoshevski D., “Spray Diffusion Flames in Shear Layer Flows”, (June 2000), Workshop on
Combustion, with Prof. Tom Fletcher, April, 2000, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel.
Ziskind, G., Katoshevski, D., Zhao, B., and Bar-Ziv, (Sep. 2000),“Heat Transfer-Drag Coupling for
a Small Particle in a Gaseous Environment” EAC , Dublin (presented by G. Ziskind).
Koren, M., Katoshevski, D. Sher, E., and Kholmer, V., (Sep. 2000), “Energy Consideration and
Experimental Study of Effervescent Atomizers”, 16th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and
Spray Systems, Darmstadt (presented by E. Sher).
Katoshevski, D., and Tambour, Y., (July 2000), “Evaporation of Polydisperse Sprays of Liquid Fuels
and Liquid Oxidizers in a Shear Layer Flow”, ICLASS-2000 Conference, Pasadena, CA, USA.
ICLASS- International Institute for Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems.
Katoshevski, D., and Tambour, Y., (Aug. 2000), “On the Combustion of Sprays of Liquid Fuels and
Liquid Oxidizers in a Diffusion Flame in a Shear Layer Flow”, 28th International Symposium on
Combustion, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Katoshevski, D., (Dec. 2000), “Shear Layer Flame Sheet”, The 16th Annual Symposium of the Israeli
Section of the Combustion Institute, Carlton Hotel, Tel-Aviv.
Katoshevski, D., Ziskind, G., Mograbi, E., Zhao, B., and Bar-Ziv, E.,(June. 2001), “Drag Force in
Mixed Forced and Natural Convection Flow Field”, ASPACC- The Third Asia-Pacific Conference
on Combustion, Seoul, Korea
Katoshevski, D, (June, 2001), “Effect of Flow Deceleration on a Diffusion Flame in Shear Flow
Formed by Fuel and Oxidizer Spray Streams”, ASPACC- The Third Asia-Pacific Conference on
Combustion, Seoul, Korea.
Katoshevski D., Ziskind G., Mograbi E., Bar-Ziv E., “Drag Force on a Heated Particle – Is the
Stokes Law Valid at Non-Isothermal Conditions ?”
16th Annual Meeting of the Israeli Association for Aerosol Research, Technion, Israel.
Katoshevski, D., and Tambour, Y., (Jul.2002), “Shear Layer Diffusion Flame”, 29th International
Symposium on Combustion, Japan.
Invited Lectures at Meetings
Dec. 2001
The UK-Israel conference on mathematical modeling in spray
combustion, “On Models for Fuel Sprays and Atmospheric Aerosols”,
Paradise Hotel, Beer-Sheva, Israel.
Seminar Presentations at Universities and Institutions
Jan. 1996
Aachen University, Germany, “Simulation of Spray Combustion Under
Diesel-Like Conditions”.
Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel, “I. Similarity
for Spray Flame-Sheets in a Shear Layer Flow.
II.Simulation of Spray Combustion Under Diesel-Like Conditions”.
Caltech, Pasadena, USA, “Solution of the Multicomponent Aerosol General Dynamic
Jan. 1999
Technion, Haifa, Israel, “Evolution of Aerosol Particles in the Marine
Boundary Layer”.
Nov. 2000
Ben-Gurion University, Department of Chemical Eng., “Aerosol and
Spray Modeling”.
Jan. 2002
Environmental Sciences, “On Fuel Sprays and Atmospheric Aerosols”