Step One: Mail 25 letters to 25 people in your farm area.
Sample Letter
Dear _______,
May I take this opportunity to introduce myself to you? My name is ______________, a
representative of ____________ Realty. I will be representing homeowners in your area
and will stop by today to meet you.
Step Two: Allow enough time for the mail to arrive then visit in person.
Knock, step back four paces and look at the street allowing the person answering the door
to look you over and convince themselves that they need not be afraid of you. Do not
turn around until the person who opens the door acknowledges you. Then say:
“Good morning, __________. My name is ____________. Did you receive my letter of
introduction? It should have arrived today. I just stopped by to personally make your
acquaintance. I will be the representative of ___________ Realty in this area. Would
you mind helping me? And for your help, may I please give you this little token of my
appreciation (hand her/him some small gift that’s related to your business)?”
Then ask a series of questions such as:
“Have you enjoyed living in this area? How long have you been here? Do you feel the
area is improving every year? How many children do you have? What are their names
and ages?, etc.”
Repeat Steps One and Two daily until you have canvassed your entire farm area.
You’ll find that people are eager to discuss the area and will want your views on the real
estate market. Continue contacting your farm (no more than once each month, no less
than once every four months). Someone will ask you to help them sell (list) their
property. When that happens, do step three.
Step Three: Announce the listing.
Mail a letter/postcard to your entire farm that says:
Dear ____________,
We have a neighbor moving out of the area. They have a lovely home. If you know of
anyone interested in moving into the area, I would certainly appreciate the opportunity of
helping them, so feel free to call for details.
Step Four: Announcing the sale.
When the listing has sold, mail a letter/postcard to the entire farm that says:
Dear ____________,
We have new neighbors moving into our area. _____________________ have just
purchased the ________________’s home at __________________. We feel that they
will be a tremendous asset to our neighborhood.
If you or any of your friends, relatives or colleagues needs real estate assistance, I would
sincerely appreciate your contacting me.
Repeat Steps Three and Four each time you obtain a listing or make a sale within
your farm area.
Step Five: Neighborhood Directory
During your next personal visit to everyone in your farm, offer to create a neighborhood
directory as a service to the farm. Say:
“Good morning, __________, it’s nice to see you again (hand the person your business
card). As a service to the people in this area, I am preparing a neighborhood directory.”
Then ask questions like: “Do you have a daughter who baby-sits or a son who mows
lawns who would like to let your neighbors know about their services? Do you have any
skills/services that you’d also like your neighbors to know about? Are you part of any
volunteer/social group that you’d like to invite your neighbors to join?”
Compile a neighborhood directory listing the names, addresses, phone numbers and the
above information, have it printed and distribute copies to your farm area. On the front
cover print, “Compliments of __________ Realty, (your name and phone numbers).”
Then, when someone in your farm area needs, for example, a doctor, plumber, lawyer,
carpenter, painter, baby-sitter, etc., they can call upon their neighbors. The directory
should be updated annually.
Step Six: Neighborhood Newsletter
Initially every other month and eventually every 3-4 months, create a newsletter that
contains news (always ask permission first) about people who live in your farm area as
well as data about home values, sales and listings. Offer ad space to the professionals
and trades people in your farm area to help pay the printing costs. Hand deliver the first
issue; after that copies can be mailed unless you prefer to hand deliver.
Key to Geographic Farming: Have between 400 and 500 properties that you know
better than any other real estate salesperson. Always remember:
Gail Lyons, L&S Handout #2