Teacher: Sarah McGraw

Teacher: Sarah McGraw
Lesson: Torn Paper Sunflowers (construction paper)
Grade(s): Kindergarten
 Day 1. Standard 4 (History) benchmark 2 (Purpose)
 Day 2. Standard 2 (Elements) benchmark 3 (Creates)
Objective(s): The student will be able to:
1. trace and cut out a circle.
2. add petals to a circle to make a flower.
3. share materials with other students.
4. tell you art can be made in celebration.
Learning Activities: Day 1: Introduce the concept of Kansas and the state flower. We are
making sunflowers in celebration of Kansas’ Birthday. Trace and cut circles on brown paper.
Share circles with table friends. Write name on circles.
Day 2: Tear varying yellow papers into petal shapes. Glue petals around circle
Students select background colors. Glue on flowers and possible stems and leaves.
Brief Procedure:
 Day 1.
o The first day we do an introduction to Kansas as our state sometimes this turns
into a discussion about what our country and city are for clarification. We talk
about how the sunflower is our state flower. Then we talk about how we can
create art for celebration. “We are going to create sunflower art in celebration of
Kansas Birthday.”
o We trace circles (about large coffee can size) on different colored brown
construction paper. A different color for each student at a table. I demo this for
them challenging them to fit 4 on a 12x18 sheet of paper.
o After they are done tracing they cut out their circles. We swap circles because I
would like the students to have different colored brown circles. The images look
best with three large flowers.
o If we have time that day I let them write their names on their circles. If not, I
collect the brown circles to pass out randomly later.
 Day 2.
o I start by demonstrating how to tear and put petals on; usually this involves
showing a fake flower so they can see how it looks. I pass out their brown circles.
I give the students mixed shades of yellow and let them tear and share.
o While the students work I let then choose the color they want to glue their flowers
to (12x18), I put their names on them.
o I let them work until time is up. If they get done early they can add stems and
leaves. About 10 min before class is up I make sure they have glued on their
flowers to the background and start the clean up process. This project ages on the
hall wall really well.
 Day 1. Can students tell one reason for creating art?
 Day 2. Did students put petal like shapes around their circles?
Adaptation(s): You need to be sensitive of students that do not believe in celebrating. They need
to understand that can be a reason for creating art. In consultation you and the students can pick a
different reason for creating their sunflowers (learning, fun, etc.) For students that are really
struggling and behind in tracing and cutting, I will let them use other students extra circles. It is
best if each student has an odd number of circles (3).