Concentrations and Depth Areas Students in Option I must take either 48 units in one concentration or two 24-unit depth areas listed below. Students in Option II must take one 24-unit depth area selected from the list below. Students in Option III must take one 20-unit depth area from the list below. And students in Option IV must take one 24-unit depth area from those listed below, and may elect to choose a second 24-unit depth area provided they have passed all sections of the CSET. While the depth areas are open to all Liberal Studies majors, depth areas 3, 4, 5, and 8 have been designed specifically to meet California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC) standards for commonly taught subjects. A. Concentration in Science, Technology, and Medicine Studies (48 units) Drawing from the traditions of critical science studies scholarship in a wide variety of disciplines, this concentration examines the social and cultural dimensions of science and its technological and medical applications. While deepening students' knowledge of the sciences, the concentration explores the social and cultural imperatives that shape science and its applications. It also studies the influence of the sciences on social formations and cultural productions. The concentration is designed for students interested in sciencefocused careers in law, journalism, education, publishing, government, business, and nonprofit work. Students interested in careers in medicine should consult with the health careers advisement office (King Hall room D1044) to discuss the recommended courses and preparation appropriate for their career goals. No more than 12 units can be taken in any one department. Interdisciplinary Science Studies: Select two courses from the following (8 units) LBS 386 Gender in Science (4) LBS 420 Science, Culture, and Representation (4) LBS/AAAS 422 Asian Americans in Science and Literature (4) Technology Studies (4 units) Select one course from the following: TECH 250 Impact of Technology on the Individual and Society (4) TECH/ENGR 383 Ancient and Modern Technology (4) Medicine Studies (4 units) Select one course from the following: ANTH 444 Medical Anthropology (4) GEOG 448 Medical Geography (4) HIST 458 Sickness and Health in American History (4) HS 463 International Health (4) SOC 425 Medical Sociology (4) History and Religious Studies (4 units) Select one course from the following: ART/RELS 450 Art, Religion, and Technology (4) CHEM 380N/HIST/PHIL 380 Ancient and Modern Science (4) HIST 350 Evolution and the Modern World (4) HIST/POLS 358 Environmental Policy and Politics (4) HIST 401 Science, Religion, and Culture in World History (4) Science and Society (4 units) Select one course from the following: ANTH 361 Race, Racism, and Human Variation (4) ANTH 423 Material Culture (4) ANTH 450 Culture and Innovation (4) EDEL 454 The Science, Technology, and Society Curriculum, K-7 (4) SOC 432 Science, Technology, and Social Character (4) SOC 433 Bioethics and Sociology (4) Philosophy (4 units) Select one course from the following: ANTH/PHIL 385 Measurement of Human Difference (4) PHIL 427 Environmental Ethics (4) PHIL 428 Ethics and Genetics (4) PHIL 429 Bioethics (4) PHIL 485 Philosophy of Science (4) Global environment (4 units) Select one course from the following: CE/GEOG 358 Environment, Earth Systems, and Technology (4) GEOG 333 Environment and Development in the Third World (4) GEOG 341 World Resources and Environmental Issues (4) GEOG 415 Perspectives on Environment (4) HS 370 Environmental Racism (4) Electives (16 units) With major advisor approval, students select 16 units of upper-division coursework from the above courses or from related courses. B. Concentration in Women's and Gender Studies (48 units) The Women's and Gender Studies Concentration is an interdisciplinary program of study that takes as its central object of study gender in culture and society. This concentration draws from the traditions of feminist scholarship in a wide variety of disciplines, from the natural and social sciences through the humanities and arts. Although the field of women's studies has always looked at the construction of gender and gendered roles and representations, the use of "gender studies" makes the focus both general and specific: students critically analyze gender in the context of class, race, ethnicity, and sexual orientation, and explore gender as a category that structures power, as a set of cultural meanings to be interpreted, and as a set of bodily performances. Required Courses (8 units) WOMN 200 Introduction to Women’s and Gender Studies (4) WOMN 400 Women's and Gender Studies: Theories and Methods (4) Natural Science Perspectives (4 units) Select one course from the following: ANTH/PHIL 385 Measurement of Human Difference (4) BIOL 388N/PSY 388 Sex and Gender (4) LBS 386 Gender in Science (4) Social Science Perspectives (12 units) Select three courses from the following: ANTH 338 Gender Roles in Cross-Cultural Perspective (4) CHS 280 Chicanas and Latinas in Contemporary U. S. Society (4) CHS 480 Chicana Feminisms and Women's Movements (4) CRIM 370 Women and Crime (4) HIST 357 Gender in History (4) HIST 450 Special Studies in History (advisor approval required) (4) HIST 459 Sexuality in the Americas (4) HIST 485 US Women to 1877 (4) HIST 486 US Women 1877 to Present (4) KIN/WOMN 441 Gender, Sport, and Culture (4) PAS 405 Black Feminism (4) PAS 406 Black Women Leaders in Thought and Politics (4 ) PAS 412 Third World Women and Development (4) POLS 310 Gender, Politics, and Government (4) PSY 419 Psychology of Sex Roles (4) RELS 335 Gender in the Diversity of World Religions (4) SOC 341 Sociology of Gender Roles (4) SOC/WOMN 416 Feminist Theories and Contemporary Society (4) SOC 441 Theory and Research on Sex Roles (4) SOC 443 Diversity in Alternative Families (4) TECH 250 Impact of Technology on the Individual and Society (4) (pre-approval of advisor required) WOMN 203 Gender and Race in the United States (4) Arts and Humanities Perspectives (12 units) Select three courses from the following: COMM 475 Feminism and Communication (4) COMM 479 Sex Roles in Communication (4) ENGL 260 Women and Literature (4) ENGL/TVF 379 Gender and Sexuality in Popular Culture (4) ENGL/COMM 385 Sex and Gender in Language and Literature (4) ENGL453 Modern Women Writers (4) ENGL 470 American Women Writers (4) LBS 390 Race, Class, and Gender in the Classroom (4) PHIL 327 Philosophy, Gender and Culture (4) PHIL/WOMN 413 Issues in Feminist Philosophy (4) WOMN 454 Special Topics in Women's Studies (4) WOMN 491 Proseminar: Women's Studies (1-4) WOMN 499 Undergraduate Directed Study (1-8) WOMN 203 Gender and Race in the United States (4) Electives (12 units) With major advisor approval, students select 12 units of coursework from the above courses or from related courses. DEPTH AREAS In lieu of a concentration, students may select 24 units in each of two of the following depth areas to complete the requirements for Option I. For Option II (listed below), students select 24 units in one depth area. For Option III (listed below), students select 20 units in one depth area. For Option IV (listed below), students select 24 units in one depth area and may elect to complete 24 units in a second depth area if they pass the California Subject Examination for Teachers (CSET). 1. Depth Area in American Studies (20-24 units) Required courses (12 units) INTERDISCIPLINARY APPROACHES (4 UNITS) SELECT ONE COURSE FROM THE FOLLOWING: COMM/LBS 395 SOCIOCULTURAL IMPACT OF GLOBALIZATION FOR THE DEVELOPING WORLD (4) LBS 390 RACE, CLASS, AND GENDER IN THE CLASSROOM (4) LBS 410 NATIONAL IDENTITY, RACE, AND POPULAR CULTURE (4) LBS/AAAS 422 ASIAN AMERICANS IN SCIENCE AND LITERATURE (4) LBS 454 SELECTED TOPICS IN LIBERAL STUDIES (IF TOPIC APPROPRIATE; ADVISOR APPROVAL REQUIRED) (4) SOCIAL SCIENCE PERSPECTIVES (4 UNITS) SELECT ONE COURSE FROM THE FOLLOWING: AAAS/CHS/LAS/PAS 108 COMPARATIVE ETHNIC STUDIES (4) AAAS 200 PACIFIC ASIAN CULTURE, PEOPLE, AND SOCIETY (4) AAAS/ANTH 415 ASIAN AMERICAN COMMUNITIES IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA (4) AAAS/CHS/LAS/PAS 408 COMPARATIVE DIASPORA STUDIES (4) ANTH 404 PEOPLES OF SOUTH AMERICA (4) ANTH 406 INDIANS OF NORTH AMERICA (4) ANTH 407 INDIANS OF CALIFORNIA (4) ANTH 408 PEASANT CULTURES OF MIDDLE AMERICA (4) ANTH 433 URBAN ANTHROPOLOGY (4) CHS 311 CHICANO CULTURAL HISTORY (4) CHS 403 COLONIAL TO MODERN CHICANA/O LITERATURE (4) CHS 405 THE MEXICAN PEOPLE AS IMMIGRANTS (4) CHS 406 HISPANIC COMMUNITIES IN U.S. SOCIETY (4) CHS 443 HISTORY OF THE CHICANO PEOPLE IN CALIFORNIA (4) CHS 444 HISTORY OF THE CHICANO PEOPLE IN THE UNITED STATES (4) CHS 445 HISTORY OF THE CHICANO IN LOS ANGELES (4) CHS/HIST 466A COLONIAL MEXICO (4) CHS/HIST 466B BUILDING THE MEXICAN NATION (4) CHS/HIST 466C THE MEXICAN REVOLUTION AND ITS LEGACY (4) CHS 480 CHICANA FEMINISMS AND WOMEN'S MOVEMENTS (4) GEOG 421 UNITED STATES (4) GEOG 427 MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA (4) GEOG 428 SOUTH AMERICA (4) GEOG 431 CALIFORNIA (4) GEOG 432 METROPOLITAN LOS ANGELES (4) GEOG 446 U.S. ETHNIC COMMUNITIES (4) GEOG 476 URBAN GEOGRAPHY (4) HIST 352 CIVIL RIGHTS IN THE UNITED STATES (4) HIST 383 RISE OF URBAN AMERICA (4) HIST/RELS 455 AMERICAN RELIGIOUS HISTORY (4) HIST 457A AMERICAN INTELLECTUAL HISTORY TO THE CIVIL WAR (4) HIST 457B AMERICAN INTELLECTUAL HISTORY SINCE THE CIVIL WAR (4) HIST 458 SICKNESS AND HEALTH IN AMERICAN HISTORY (4) HIST 459 SEXUALITY IN THE AMERICAS (4) HIST 461 LATIN AMERICAN: COLONIAL PERIOD (4) HIST 462 LATIN AMERICA: 1810-1914 (4) HIST 463 LATIN AMERICA: 1914-PRESENT (4) HIST 464 CENTRAL AMERICAN SINCE INDEPENDENCE (4) HIST 465 BRAZIL (4) HIST 468 HISTORY OF COLOMBIA (4) HIST 470 THE COLONIAL HERITAGE: THE UNITED STATES, 1607–1763 (4) HIST 471 ERA OF REVOLUTION: THE UNITED STATES, 1763–1815 (4) HIST 472 DEMOCRACY, DISSENT, AND DISUNION: THE UNITED STATES, 1815–1877 (4) HIST 473 THE UNITED STATES, 1877-1918 (4) HIST 474 THE UNITED STATES, 1918–1952 (4) HIST 475 THE UNITED STATES, 1952 TO PRESENT (4) HIST 476 ECONOMIC HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES (4) HIST 477 UNITED STATES SOCIAL HISTORY (4) HIST 478 HISTORY OF U.S. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS (4) HIST 479 CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY OF UNITED STATES (4) HIST 480 ETHNICITY AND IMMIGRATION IN AMERICAN HISTORY (4) HIST 481 SPECIAL TOPICS IN THE U.S. WEST (4) HIST 482A AMERICAN POPULAR CULTURE TO 1900 (4) HIST 482B AMERICAN POPULAR CULTURE SINCE 1900 (4) HIST 483 POVERTY AND ANTI-POVERTY IN AMERICAN HISTORY (4) HIST 484 CIVIL WAR AND RECONSTRUCTION (4) HIST 485 U.S. WOMEN TO 1877 (4) HIST 486 U.S. WOMEN, 1877 TO THE PRESENT (4) HIST 487 HISTORY OF U. S. WORK AND WORKING PEOPLE (4) HIST 488 CALIFORNIA (4) HIST 489 LOS ANGELES (4) HIST 490 INDIANS IN EARLY AMERICA (4) LAS 150 INTRODUCTION TO LATIN AMERICAN STUDIES (4) LAS 335 RACE AND CULTURE IN THE AMERICAS (4) LAS/PAS 342 CULTURAL IMPACT OF DEVELOPMENT (4) LAS 424 THE UNITED STATES AND LATIN AMERICA (4) LAS 425 LATIN AMERICAN RESPONSES TO IMPERIALISM AND GLOBALIZATION (4) LAS 450 SPECIAL STUDIES IN LATIN AMERICAN STUDIES (4) LAS 470 LABOR AND SOCIAL MOVEMENTS IN THE AMERICAS (4) PAS 369 RACE, ACTIVISM, AND EMOTIONS (4) PAS 401 TOPICS ON EDUCATION AND AFRICAN AMERICAN ADVANCEMENT (4) PAS 402 BLACK POLITICAL ECONOMY (4) PAS 403 THE BLACK INTELLECTUAL TRADITION (4) PAS 404 THE BLACK FAMILY (4) PAS 405 BLACK FEMINISM (4) PAS 414 AFRICAN DIASPORA: GLOBALIZATION, LOCALITY, COMMUNITY (4) PAS 416 PAN AFRICANISM AND WORLD POLITICS (4) PAS 418 AFRICAN AMERICAN RELIGION AS CIVIC CULTURE (4) PAS 420 AFRICAN FOUNDATIONS OF AFRICAN AMERICAN CULTURE (4) PAS 440 POWER AND AFRICAN AMERICAN COMMUNITIES (4) PAS 490 SPECIAL TOPICS IN PAN AFRICAN STUDIES (4) POLS 371 FOUNDATIONS OF AMERICAN POLITICS (4) POLS 400 POWER AND POLICY IN WASHINGTON: CONGRESS AND THE PRESIDENT (4) POLS 403 STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT (4) POLS 404 URBAN GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS (4) POLS 406 LOS ANGELES CITY POLITICS (4) POLS 409 MINORITY POLITICS IN THE U. S. (4) POLS 418 U. S. POLITICAL PARTIES, CAMPAIGNS, AND ELECTIONS (4) POLS 435 AMERICAN POLITICAL THOUGHT (4) POLS 451 LATIN AMERICAN POLITICS (4) POLS 458 POLITICS IN ASIAN-AMERICAN IMMIGRATION (4) SOC 331 THE DYNAMICS OF POVERTY (4) SOC 383 VIOLENCE IN AMERICAN SOCIETY (4) ARTS AND HUMANITIES PERSPECTIVES (4 UNITS) WITH MAJOR ADVISOR APPROVAL SELECT ONE COURSE FROM THE FOLLOWING: ART 341 THE AMERICAN LANDSCAPE IN ART (4) ART 441 AMERICAN ART (4) ART 446 ART OF LATIN AMERICA (4) COMM 473A STUDIES IN LITERATURE OF AMERICAN PUBLIC DISCOURSE TO 1860 (4) COMM 473B STUDIES IN LITERATURE OF AMERICAN PUBLIC DISCOURSE: 1860-PRESENT (4) DANC 477 MULTICULTURAL APPROACHES TO DANCE (4) ENGL 470 AMERICAN WOMEN WRITERS (4) ENGL 471 AMERICAN LITERATURE: BEGINNINGS TO 1860 (4) ENGL 472 AMERICAN LITERATURE: 1860–1914 (4) ENGL 473 AMERICAN LITERATURE: 1914 TO PRESENT (4) ENGL 475A THE AMERICAN NOVEL: NINETEENTH CENTURY (4) ENGL 475B THE AMERICAN NOVEL: 1900-1945 (4) ENGL 475C THE AMERICAN NOVEL: 1945-PRESENT (4) ENGL 476 ETHNIC LITERATURE IN THE U.S. (4) ENGL 477 BLACK AMERICAN LITERATURE (4) MUS 452 HISTORY OF JAZZ (4) MUS 458 MUSIC OF LATIN AMERICA (4) PHIL/WOMN 413 ISSUES IN FEMINIST PHILOSOPHY (4) PHIL 430 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHY (4) PHIL 433 LATIN AMERICAN PHILOSOPHY (4) PHIL 440 CONTEMPORARY PHILOSOPHY (4) TA 472 HISTORY AND ANALYSIS OF LYRIC THEATRE (4) TVF 220 INTRODUCTION TO BROADCASTING (4) TVF 250 MEDIA, CULTURE AND IDENTITY (4) TVF 328 FILM HISTORY (4) TVF 330 THE DOCUMENTARY IN BROADCASTING AND FILM (4) TVF 334 'RACE,' JUSTICE, & THE MASS MEDIA (4) TVF 420 RESPONSIBILITY AND REGULATION IN BROADCASTING AND FILM (4) TVF 424 CROSS-CULTURAL BROADCASTING AND FILM (4) TVF 454 SELECTED STUDIES IN BROADCASTING (4) ELECTIVES (8-12 UNITS) WITH MAJOR ADVISOR APPROVAL, STUDENTS SELECT 8-12 UNITS IN AMERICAN STUDIES FROM THE COURSES LISTED ABOVE OR FROM RELATED COURSES. NO MORE THAN 12 UNITS IN THE DEPTH AREA CAN BE TAKEN IN ANY ONE DEPARTMENT. 2. Depth Area in Cultural Studies (20-24 units) Required courses (8 units) ANTH 250 CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY (4) LBS 460 CULTURAL STUDIES: THEORIES AND METHODS (4) ELECTIVES (12-16 UNITS) WITH MAJOR ADVISOR APPROVAL SELECT THREE OR FOUR COURSES IN CULTURAL STUDIES FROM THE FOLLOWING. NO MORE THAN 12 UNITS IN THE DEPTH AREA CAN BE TAKEN IN ANY ONE DEPARTMENT. AAAS/CHS/LAS/PAS 108 COMPARATIVE ETHNIC STUDIES (4) AAAS 350 ANCIENT EAST ASIAN LITERATURE AND THE MODERN WORLD (4) AAAS/CHS/LAS/PAS 408 COMPARATIVE DIASPORA STUDIES (4) AAAS/HIST 418 HISTORY OF ISLAMIC CENTRAL ASIA (4) AAAS/LBS 422 ASIAN AMERICANS IN SCIENCE AND LITERATURE (4) AAAS/GEOG 479 HYBRID URBANISM: URBAN TRANSFORMATION OF CENTRAL ASIA (4) ANTH 432 ANTHROPOLOGY OF WEALTH AND POWER (4) ANTH 434 GLOBALIZATION AND CULTURAL CHANGE (4) ANTH 435 CULTURE AND THE INDIVIDUAL (4) ANTH 443 ANTHROPOLOGY AND EDUCATION (4) ANTH 447 ANTHROPOLOGY OF MEDIA (4) ART 460 MULTICULTURAL APPROACHES TO VISUAL ARTS (4) CHS/PAS 260 INTRODUCTION TO THIRD WORLD IMAGES IN FILM (4) CHS/ENGL/PAS 327 ETHNICITY AND EMOTIONS IN U.S. FILM (4) CHS 412 CHICANO/A POPULAR CULTURE (4) CHS 422 CHICANO/A FILM AND VIDEO (4) COMM/LBS 395 SOCIOCULTURAL IMPACT OF GLOBALIZATION FOR THE DEVELOPING WORLD (4) COMM/TAD 468 PERFORMANCE AND SOCIAL CHANGE (4) COMM 486 COMMUNICATION AND CULTURAL STUDIES (4) DANC 477 MULTICULTURAL APPROACHES TO DANCE (4) ENGL/TVF 324 THIRD CINEMA/VIDEO (4) ENGL/TVF 379 GENDER AND SEXUALITY IN POPULAR CULTURE (4) ENGL 451 FILM AND LITERATURE (4) ENGL 452 READING CULTURES: CULTURAL STUDIES AND ENGLISH LITERATURE (4) GEOG 155 CULTURAL GEOGRAPHY (4) GEOG 475 SETTLEMENT (4) HIST 439 INTELLECTUAL HISTORY OF EUROPE (4) HIST 457A AMERICAN INTELLECTUAL HISTORY TO THE CIVIL WAR (4) HIST 457B AMERICAN INTELLECTUAL HISTORY SINCE THE CIVIL WAR (4) HIST 459 SEXUALITY IN THE AMERICAS (4) HIST 482A AMERICAN POPULAR CULTURE TO 1900 (4) HIST 482B AMERICAN POPULAR CULTURE FROM 1900 (4) KIN/WOMN 441 GENDER, SPORT, AND CULTURE (4) LAS 335 RACE AND CULTURE IN THE AMERICAS (4) LAS/PAS 342 CULTURAL IMPACT OF DEVELOPMENT (4) LBS 386 GENDER IN SCIENCE (4) LBS 390 RACE, CLASS, AND GENDER IN THE CLASSROOM (4) LBS 410 NATIONAL IDENTITY, RACE, AND POPULAR CULTURE (4) LBS 420 SCIENCE, CULTURE, AND REPRESENTATION (4) LBS 454 SELECTED TOPICS IN LIBERAL STUDIES (IF TOPIC APPROPRIATE; ADVISOR APPROVAL REQUIRED) (4) PAS 369 RACE, ACTIVISM, AND EMOTIONS (4) PAS 417 HIP HOP AS POLITICAL EXPRESSION (4) PAS 421 AFRICAN AMERICAN MUSIC AS HISTORY AND CRITICISM (4) PHIL 327 PHILOSOPHY, GENDER AND CULTURE (4) PHIL/WOMN 413 ISSUES IN FEMINIST PHILOSOPHY (4) PHIL 447 HERMENEUTICS AND CRITICAL THEORY (4) PHIL 448 POSTMODERNISM (4) PHIL 459 RECENT PHILOSOPHY (4) PHIL 475 AESTHETICS (4) POLS 408 POLITICAL SOCIALIZATION AND PUBLIC OPINION (4) POLS 414 POLITICS AND THE MEDIA (4) TA/TVF 380 EMOTION IN THEATRE AND FILM (4) TVF 220 INTRODUCTION TO BROADCASTING (4) TVF 224 SURVEY OF FILM (4) TVF 328 FILM HISTORY (4) TVF 330 THE DOCUMENTARY IN BROADCASTING AND FILM (4) TVF 334 “RACE," JUSTICE AND THE MASS MEDIA (4) TVF 420 RESPONSIBILITY AND REGULATION IN BROADCASTING AND FILM (4) TVF 424 CROSS-CULTURAL BROADCASTING AND FILM (4) TVF 454 SELECTED STUDIES IN BROADCASTING (4) 3. Depth area in Language Arts (20-24 units) Required courses (12 units) ENGL 301 Introduction to Language (4) ENGL 340 Writing the Critical Essay (4) ENGL 430 Children's Literature (4) Electives (8 -12 units) With major advisor approval, students select 8-12 units from upper division language arts courses in English, Philosophy, Communication Studies, or related departments. 4. Depth area in Mathematics (20-24 units) Required Courses (16 units) MATH 102 College Algebra (4) MATH 103 Algebra and Trigonometry (4) MATH/ECON 109 Quantitative Reasoning with Statistics (4) MATH 206 Calculus I: Differentiation (4) Electives (4 -8 units) With major advisor approval, students select 4-8 units from the courses below or from related courses. MATH 310 Introduction to Computer Algebra Systems (4) MATH 325 Mathematical Notation and Proof (4) 5. Depth area in Natural Science (20-24 units) Pedagogy (4 units) Select one course from the following EDEL 451 Teaching Science in Elementary School (4) EDEL 452 Developing Critical Thinking Through Science, K-7 (4) EDEL 454 The Science, Technology, and Society Curriculum, K-7 (4) NS 461 Topics in Physical Science Content and Pedagogy (4) NS 462 Topics in Life Science Content and Pedagogy (4) Life Science (4 units) Select one course from the following: ANTH 361 Race, Racism, and Human Variation (4) ANTH/PHIL 385 Measurement of Human Difference (4) BIOL 384N Biology of Human Aging (4) BIOL 388N/PSY 388 Sex and Gender (4) HS/NURS 308 Psychophysiology of Substance Abuse and Violence (4) HS 370 Environmental Racism (4) KIN 345 Physiological Effects of Exercise During Aging (4) LBS 386 Gender in Science (4) NTRS 351 Adult Nutrition (4) NURS/PSY 307 Physiology and Psychology of Violence and Aggression (4) NURS 330 Human Reproductive Health (4) PSY 323 Psychology of Emotion (4) Physical Science (4 units) Select one course from the following: ASTR 360 Ancient and Modern Views of the Universe (4) CE 352 Technological Aspects of Urban Environment (4) ENGR/TECH 383 Ancient and Modern Technology (4) GEOG 310 Urban Climatology (4) GEOG 333 Environment and Development in the Third World (4) GEOL 351 Environmental Geology of Developing Nations (4) GEOL 357 Urban Geology (4) Electives (8 -12 units) With major advisor approval, students select 8-12 units from the above courses or from related courses. 6. Depth area in race and ethnicity studies (20-24 units) Required courses (8 units) AAAS/CHS/LAS/PAS 108 Comparative Ethnic Studies (4) LBS 410 National Identity, Race, and Popular Culture (4) Electives (12 -16 units) With major advisor approval, select three or four courses from the following. Students can also take upper division courses in Asian and Asian American Studies, Chicano Studies, and Pan African Studies. No more than 12 units can be taken in any one department. ANTH/PHIL 385 Measurement of Human Difference (4) ANTH 433 Urban Anthropology (4) ART 317 Visual Arts in Urban Contexts (4) CHS/ENGL/PAS 327 Ethnicity and Emotions in U.S. Film (4) DANC 477 Multicultural Approaches to Dance (4) ECON 350 Economics of Poverty and Inequality in the U. S. (4) ENGL/PAS 377 Literary Explorations of Justice and Racism (4) ENGL 476 Ethnic Literature in the U.S. (4) GEOG 446 U. S. Ethnic Communities (4) HIST 352 Civil Rights in the United States (4) HIST 480 Ethnicity and Immigration in American History (4) LAS 335 LBS 390 LBS 454 PAS 369 PHIL 220 PHIL 323 POLS 409 POLS 428 POLS 442 POLS 458 SOC 330 SOC 460 SW 362 TVF 324 TVF 334 WOMN 203 Race and Culture in the Americas (4) Race, Class, and Gender in the Classroom (4) Selected Topics in Liberal Studies (with advisor approval) (4) Race, Activism, and Emotions (4) Contemporary Moral and Social Issues in a Multicultural Society (4) Human Diversity and Justice (4) Minority Politics in the U. S. (4) Asia and the Politics of Transnational Migration (4) American Constitutional Law: Civil Rights (4) Politics of Asian-American Immigration (4) Social Issues in the Urban Setting (4) Race and Ethnic Relations (4) From Institutional Racism to Cultural Competency (4) Third Cinema/Video (4) Race, Justice, and Mass Media (4) Gender and Race in the United States (4) 7. Depth area in Science, Technology, and Medicine Studies (20-24 units) With major advisor approval, students select 20-24 units from the courses listed above in the concentration in Science, Technology, and Medicine Studies. No more than 12 units in the depth area can be taken in any one department. 8. Depth area in Social Science (20-24 units) Required course; this course should be taken last in the depth area (4 units) SOCS 497 Issues in Teaching History-Social Science (4) World History (4 units) Select one course from the following: AAAS/HIST 418 History of Islamic Central Asia (4) HIST 311 Classical Civilization and the Modern World (4) HIST 410 Ancient Near East: 4000-323 B.C. (4) HIST 411 History of Ancient Greece (4) HIST 412A Early Rome, the Republic (4) HIST 412B The Roman Empire (4) HIST 413 Greek History: The Alexandrian Age (4) HIST 414A Traditional Sub-Saharan Africa (4) HIST 419 Classical Age of Islamic Civilization, 600-1258 (4) HIST 421 The Early Middle Ages (4) HIST 422 The Later Middle Ages (4) HIST 494A Traditional China (4) American History (4 units) Select one course from the following: HIST 470 The Colonial Heritage: The United States, 1607-1763 (4) HIST 471 Era of Revolution: The United States, 1763-1815 (4) HIST 472 Democracy, Dissent, and Disunion: The United States, 1815-1877 (4) HIST 473 The United States, 1877-1918 (4) HIST 479 Constitutional History of United States (4) Geography and Political Science: select one course from the following (4 units) AAAS/GEOG 479 Hybrid Urbanism: Urban Transformation of Central Asia (4) ECON/POLS 426 International Political Economy (4) GEOG 370 World Regions (4) GEOG 421 United States (4) GEOG 424 South and Southeast Asia (4) GEOG 425 Japan (4) GEOG 427 Mexico and Central America (4) GEOG 428 South America (4) GEOG 430 China (4) GEOG 431 California (4) GEOG 451 Historical Geography of North America (4) GEOG 478 Middle Eastern Cities (4) POLS 371 Foundations of American Politics (4) POLS 372 Foundations of Political Theory (4) POLS 373 Foundations of Comparative Politics (4) POLS 374 Foundations of Global Politics (4) POLS 404 Urban Government and Politics (4) POLS 431 Classical Political Theory (4) POLS 433 Modern Political Theory (4) POLS 435 American Political Thought (4) Electives (4-8 units) With major advisor approval, students select 4-8 units from the above courses or from related courses. 9. Depth Area in Women's and Gender Studies (20-24 units) With major advisor approval, students select 20-24 units from the courses listed above in the concentration in Women's and Gender Studies. No more than 12 units in the depth area can be taken in any one department.