ONCOLOGY NURSING SOCIETY SIG COORDINATOR ANNUAL REPORT CHECKLIST (Submit with Annual Report) Enclosed is one copy of the completed Annual Reports due FEBRUARY 1, 2013. Please check: x Coordinator's Annual Report (due February 1) x SIG Minutes from Congress (previously submitted to C. DeMarco) Sincerely, Cynthia J Briola RB OCN CBCN Coordinator's Signature Radiation _ Name of SIG Betsy Collins SIG Council Representative 2-1-2013 Date PAGE 1 of 6 (Rev. 5/12) ONCOLOGY NURSING SOCIETY SIG COORDINATOR'S ANNUAL REPORT Radiation SIG of the Oncology Nursing Society. Reporting Period: JAN 1, 2012 to DEC 31, 2012. Please list the leadership team (Work Group leaders/regional editors, etc.) and include their office or position. Due FEBRUARY 1, 2013. Position Name Street Address SIG LEADERSHIP City, State, ZIP (optional) (optional) Email Address Phone Numbers 267-808-8637 (H) 215-829-7417 (W) 203-288-1121 (H) 203-789-3131 (W) Coordinator Cynthia J. Briola 1030 Byberry Rd Phila, PA 19116 cbriola@comcast.net Coordinator-Elect Vanna Dest 768 Pine Rock Ave Hamden, CT 06514-3815 vanna.dest@ynhh.org CO-Editor Stephanie Bino 95 Griggs Ave Teaneck, NJ 07666 binos@verizon.net 201-836-4351 (H) 201-541-6367 (W) CO-Editor Anne Marie Shaftic 33 Carter Road Haskell, NJ 07420 Anms310@aol.com 973-616-7239 (H) 201-227-6020 (W) Co-Virtual Community Administrator Sheila Wroblewski 18 Ashdown Pl Half Moon Bay, CA 94019-2275 moonbaysw@yahoo.com 201-563-9765 (H) 201-227-6020 (W) Co-Virtual Community Administrator Precious Rivera 32707 Folklore Loop Union City, CA 94587-8215 precious_rivera@hotmail.com 510-489-3426 (H) 408-851-8025 (W) Archivist/Historian Lisa Feldsien 5407 Pace Dr Paducah, KY 42001-9613 lfeldsien3@comcast.net 270-442-5186 (H) 270-575-2780 (W) Education Work Group Marilyn Haas 141 Sondley Pkwy Asheville, NC 28805-1150 mlyhaas@gmail.com 828-298-5687 (H) 828-712-5647 (W) Radiation Nurse Practitioner Work Group William (Trey) C. Woods 148 Lake Mannsdale Dr Madison, MS 39110-9405 wcwoods@umc.edu 601-953-4411 (H) 601-815-9602 (W) ASTRO Liaison Jeanne Sixta Batavia, IL jsixta@niu.edu New Member Liaison Mary Ellyn Witt LaGrange, IL 60525-6304 mwitt@radonc.uchicago.edu 324 S. Madison Ave 708-352-1646 (H) 773-702-0284 (W) PAGE 2 of 6 ONCOLOGY NURSING SOCIETY SIG COORDINATOR'S ANNUAL REPORT SIG PURPOSES: 1. To support the mission statement of ONS. 2. To provide and promote a dynamic network for subspecialized nurses within ONS. 3. To serve as a forum for communication within the interest area. 4. To identify and explore patient care issues within the interest area. 5. To address current trends and issues within the interest area. 6. To share educational resources and clinical expertise with other Special Interest Groups, various ONS Advisory Panels/Project Teams and the membership-at-large. Radiation SIG of the Oncology Nursing Society. Covering the period from JAN 1, 2012 through DEC 31, 2012. Due FEBRUARY 1, 2013. I. OVERVIEW OF THE PAST YEAR'S ACTIVITIES (as they relate to the purposes of SIGs): Please indicate number of purpose to which activity relates. Purpose Number (see above) Activity 1-6 Sig members in collaboration with ONS education planned and presented ONS’s 2012 virtual conference on Radiation Oncology Sept - 2012. Virtual Sig meeting was included in the conference format on Saturday, Sept , 2012 Communiqués from SIG leadership sent to SIG members The SIG Quality Improvement & Needs Assessment Survey Annual SIG Meeting 5-12 Collaboration with ONS Foundation establishing Scholarship for 2013 ONS Radiation eConference Shared experience ( good, bad and ways to improve) of involvement with the 2011 ONS Radiation Virtual Conference and SIG meeting with ONS SIG leaders during 2012 ONS Leadership Weekend Produced one newsletter. 2012 SIG Excellence Award Celebration at 2012 ONS Annual Conference Continued to promote sharing, partnership and communication with ASTRO Nursing Committee and membership through inclusion of updates in the newsletter, on the virtual community and during SIG meetings. Collaboration with ONS Membership and Nurse Practitioner SIG in establishing a subsubspecialty group (Radiation Nurse Practitioner) of a subspecialty group ( radiation and nurse practitioner) within the Radiation SIG with liaison to the Nurse Practitioner SIG Coordinator and Coordinator-elect both attended ONS SIG Leadership July 19-21, 2012 in Pittsburgh, PA. 1,2,3 1, 2, 1-6 1, 6 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 1- 6 1, 2, 3 2-5 1-6 1 1-6 Collaboration with Management and Program Development SIG. Developed and implemented staffing survey and presented joint 2 part educational session at 2012 ONS Annual Congress II. CURRENT SIG PROJECTS: If funded indicate source of funding. a. Completed since last annual report 1) Collaborative projects of education with ONS, 2012 virtual radiation conference and SIG meeting 2) Survey of radiation staffing patterns b. Ongoing projects (please indicate estimated date of completion) Identifying nursing sensitive outcomes in radiation therapy Collaborative projects, presentations with other Sigs 1) Radiation Oncology Nursing Expert List- This list will serve as a resource to both new and seasoned nurses in radiation oncology. Identify potential speakers, writers and consultants for future radiation projects. Chair of work group Lisa Feldsien 2) Virtual Community and Social Networking improvements. As ONS moves forward to improve the virtual communities, the radiation sig has volunteered to pilot the new format. SIG members continue to update the vc page and will begin to include new areas were nurses can obtain additional information on rad onc events, conferences and webinars. Ongoing project, still waiting for ONS to move forward with new virtual community platform. 3) Radiation nursing sensitive outcomes work group- this group is in its early stages. It is exploring and trying to identify what are rad onc nsg sensitive outcomes. Discussions with Gail Mallory, ONS Research DirectorProject on hold- needs chairperson to move forward 4) Radiation Nurse Practitioner Work Group. Chair William (Trey) Woods III. Several radiation nurse practitioners, while networking during the 2012 ONS Radiation e-Conference, identified a gap in having their unique needs met. There are a large number of nurse practitioners in radiation oncology and it is anticipated that this number will only increase in the future. Although they (NP's) value both the radiation and NP SIGs, there is The NP scope of practice is different than the staff nurse in radiation and the focus of the NP SIG is highly concentrated in medical oncology. This workgroup was developed with the support of ONS Membership and both the NP and Radiation SIG leadership. This group will identify what are the needs and gaps, develop and implement a program to support the radiation NP. Looking to roll out program during the SIG’s annual meeting at Congress on Saturday 4-27-3013. 5) Re-organize and strengthen newsletter work-group. Difficult year recruiting authors for articles and meeting deadlines. Successful addition of 2 new co-newsletter editors with the possible addition of a representative from the radiation NP workgroup, which will be 4 co-editors in total. Goal is to produce 3 newsletters in 2013. PAGE 3 of 6 ONCOLOGY NURSING SOCIETY SIG COORDINATOR'S ANNUAL REPORT III. AWARDS: SIG Leadership Submitted Award Nomination: Award Name IV. Leadership Succession Planning This is critical to the future success of the SIG. a. Have you identified future leaders within your SIG? Yes No If so, who? Lisa Feldsein, Virginia Girard, Michelle Wallace If not, what is your plan to ensure future SIG leaders? b. What additional help from the Nominating Committee and/or staff do you require to help in this effort? V. EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES AT CONGRESS, INSTITUTES OF LEARNING, ETC. for 2012: Number of Congress Submissions Number of Institutes of Learning Submissions Number of Discussion Sessions Were any joint submissions? Number of SIG-Sponsored sessions, actually presented: Number of submissions for other conferences (Please indicate conference name) SIG Poster 1) Head and Neck Cancer Through the Continuum of Care 2)Cardiac Devices and the Radiation Patient 3) Staffing Ratios in Outpatient Oncology Settings 4) Radiation Induced Fatigue 0 0 1) Management and Program Development SIG Staffing Ratios in Outpatient Oncology Settings 2) ASTRO Nursing Group Radiation Induced Fatigue 1) Staffing Ratios in Outpatient Oncology Settings Saturday, May 05, 2012 2:30 PM - 3:45 PM 2) Head and Neck Cancer Through the Continuum of Care 1) ASTRO- Cardiac Devices 2) ASTRO- Radiation Induced Fatigue NO VI. LEADERSHIP COMMUNICATION: (3 time per year) Please list dates of communication: Conference Call: SIG leadership 2-15-12 Conference Call: SIG leadership, ONS E-mails SIG leadership too many to list (>100) Communiqué NP’s 10-16-12 e-Confernce SIG meeting: 9-812 Communiqué Management Survey: Communiqué SIG membership: 9-6-12 Communiqué SIG membership: 3-26-12 Membership 9-25-12 Conference Call: SIG leadership 8-22-12 Annual SIG Meeting 5-4-12 3-9-12 Communiqué SIG membership: 9-17-12 VII. SIG PROJECT FUNDING MONIES/SEED MONEY/GRANTED THIS YEAR: Requested funding for education proposal PAGE4 of 6 VIII. LIST WORK GROUPS AND CHAIRS FORMED/ONGOING SINCE LAST ANNUAL REPORT AND THEIR PURPOSES AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS: 1) Radiation Nurse Practitioner Work Group. Chair William (Trey) Woods III. Several radiation nurse practitioners, while networking during the 2012 ONS Radiation e-Conference, identified a gap in having their unique needs met. There are a large number of nurse practitioners in radiation oncology and it is anticipated that this number will only increase in the future. Although they (NP's) value both the radiation and NP SIGs, there is The NP scope of practice is different than the staff nurse in radiation and the focus of the NP SIG is highly concentrated in medical oncology. This workgroup was developed with the support of ONS Membership and both the NP and Radiation SIG leadership. This group will identify what are the needs and gaps, develop and implement a program to support the radiation NP. Looking to roll out program during the SIG’s annual meeting at Congress on Saturday 4-27-3013. 2) Educational Workgroup- Submitted proposal to ONS education and membership for free CEU learning modules in the basics of radiation oncology (no able to get funded at this time). Submitted three topics for 2013 ONS Annual Congress, all three accepted. Work group chair transition. 3) Newsletter- re-structuring newsletter. One editor stepped down end of year. 2 new co-editors recruited and mentored. Currently looking for fourth. 4) New Membership Workgroup- Continues to update SIG new member welcome letter that all new SIG members receive when the join. 5) Historian- New chair this year. Organize SIG records into electronic files. SIG to have poster at ONS 2013 congress. IX. LIST ANY RESEARCH PROJECTS THE SIG IS CURRENTLY INVOLVED WITH - INCLUDE BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF EACH PROJECT: NONE X. PUBLISHED PLANNING MEETING MINUTES (year from last Congress): PUBLISHED PLANNING MEETING AGENDA (year prior to last Congress): YES YES NO NO XI. LIST STRENGTHS OF SIG: 1. Ongoing and building a strong relationship with ASTRO nurses. 2. Strong advocacy and increased communication with ONS Education to better meet the educational needs of members. 3. Presence and participation at SIG meeting at Congress; respond to participant feedback for planning future meetings. 4. The Radiation SIG is the first SIG to hold virtual SIG meetings. 5. Ongoing and developing more collaborative projects with other SIG’s XII. LIST OPPORTUNITIES FOR IMPROVEMENT WITHIN SIG: (State how you are addressing these.) Projects and educational initiatives have in the past been organized outside of the SIG by members or by broad ONS initiatives without the SIG being informed. Although strides to improve this have been made, this is listed here as a challenge in order to continue to work on improving communication and partnership between the SIG and other working groups, projects teams, etc. The continuing goal is to share information with members, promote participation and be aware of initiatives that affect SIG members or would be of interest to SIG members. Over the past 1-2 years the co-coordinators have advocated for increased communication, awareness of initiatives, active involvement of members on planning committees, etc. We feel the communication has significantly increased and encourage ongoing consultation with the SIG leadership team in relation to projects that impact SIG members. XIII. SIG VIRTUAL COMMUNITY – LIST HOW YOU HAVE USED YOUR SITE This year there has been a significant increase in postings and use of the VC including regular updates and postings of information. Posting radiation related published articles. Posting e-Conference SIG meeting slides and e-conference posters. Active discussion board. This is expected to continue and expand even more over the next year. XIV. COLLABORATIONS (ONS, SIGS, ETC.): There are several collaborations that the radiation sig is involved in 1) ONS Foundation fund raising efforts 2) ONS education and ONCC radiation certificate program 3) ONS education for the development and implementation of radiation topics and CEU’s 4) ASTRO collaborative Nursing Lecture at ONS Congress 2013 Washington D.C. and ASTRO Annual Conference 10-13 Atlanta, GA XV. ADDITIONAL: COMMENTS, QUESTIONS, PROBLEMS, AND SOLUTIONS: 2012 was a very challenging year for the SIG to produce 3 newsletters. For multiple reasons, the SIG only produced one newsletter. Through vigorous recruitment and networking, the Sig now has 3 co-editors with the possibility of a fourth for 2013. 2013 the SIG plans to continue to produce 3 newsletters in addition to sending regular e-mail communiqués to its membership. Karen Allen, RN, MSN, ANP-BC, OCN® article “Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy and Nursing Implications”, was submitted for the 2012 SIG Newsletter Best Article Award. It received Honorable Mention in the SIG Newsletter “Best Article” Award SIG members were very active during The 2012 ONS Radiation e-conference. The planning team was composed of all SIG members. Sig members presented educational topics, posters (all poster submissions were by SIG members), participated in active discussion sessions and networking and attended SIG meeting which was open to all conference attendees and SIG members. Having the SIG Coordinator Elect attend the SIG Leadership Workshop was truly valuable. SIG members continue to hold leadership positions throughout ONS. Completed by ONS Office Membership Number of SIG Members as of DEC 31, 2012 2480 Election in January 2012 YES Candidates: Vanna Dest SIG Leadership Workshop 2012 Attendance YES Attendee: Cyndi Briola Vanna Dest Last Revision date: 8/2012 SIG Strategic Goals (Rev. 5/12) PAGE 6 of 6