NIAAA Board of Directors Meeting # 1 Friday, December 12, 2014 – National Harbor, MD The meeting was called to order at 1:00 pm, by President Andy Chiles. Members present included: Phil Rison, CMAA, KY, Past President; Trish Witkin, CMAA, CT, Section 1, President Elect; Doug Killgore, CMAA, AR, Secretary; Karl Heimbach, CMAA, MD, Section 2; Paul Pendleton, CMAA, TN, Section 3; Ken Mohney, CMAA, MI, Section 4; Lane Green, CMAA, KS, Section 5; Sandra Howell, CMAA, TX, Section 6; Jean Ashen, CMAA, CA, Section 7; Carter Wilson, CMAA, GA, Region A At Large; Mark Horak, CAA, OR, Section 8; Mark Armstrong, CMAA, NE, Region B At Large; Tim Graham, CMAA, WA, Region C At-Large; Bruce Bowen, CMAA, VA, NEDC; Bruce Whitehead, CMAA, Executive Director; Mike Blackburn, CMAA, Associate Executive Director. President Andy Chiles presented the welcoming remarks and extended appreciation to all members for their attendance, contributions, support and encouragement. President Elect Trish Witkin distributed holiday CD’s for the board’s listening pleasure and edification. I II Introductions A Guests – Andy Chiles made the introductions 1 Incoming Board Members – Gary Stevens, CMAA, ME, Section 1; Jeff Sitz, CMAA, WI, Section 4; Sister Nancy Perlick, RSM, CMAA, AZ, Section 7 2 Region C At-Large Candidates – Karen Higel, CAA, CO, Section 6; Rich Barton, CMAA, UT, Section 7; Cass Herbst, CMAA, ID, Section 8 B Current Board of Directors provided self introductions. Action Items: A The October Conference Call Minutes were reviewed. On motion by Tim Graham, seconded by Ken Mohney, the October Conference Call Minutes were approved. B The November Conference Call Minutes were reviewed On motion by Trish Witkin, seconded by Karl Heimbach, the November Conference Call Minutes were approved. C Financial Reports – Bruce Whitehead presented brief summaries of the current financial conditions. 1 Bruce presented the financial reports of the association. The financial health of the association continues to be good with income and expenses slightly above and below (respectively) projections for the first quarter of the year. Excluding 2013-14 surplus spending, 2014-15 income exceeds expenses by about $25,000 for the year to date Income YTD $742,079 Expenses YTD $768,054 Endowment Fund $1,108,880.05 Reserve Fund $1,188,074.10 Reserve Excess $271,240 (In excess of 50% min required) 2 Mike Blackburn presented the financial reports for the: Retired Members Fund $1,803 Past Presidents $3,963.79 AAO Loan Balance of $3,339 Conference App Income $ 7,600 4 Gifts to State Associations. $49,000 has been distributed to state association for use in special projects at their discretion. On motion by Jean Ashen, seconded by Tim Graham, $1,000 will be distributed to Maryland for use in continued membership outreach efforts to Washington, DC, for the benefit or the DC athletic administrators. D Phil Rison made the recommendation to assume a change in health insurance obligations of approximately $6,000 less for the executive staff for the benefit of the association. On motion by Ken Mohney, seconded by Tim Graham, the NIAAA will modify insurance payments for the benefit of the association and executive staff. III Information: A Advocate Report – Terri Lakowski and Jason Marmon of Active Policy Solutions reported on their efforts representing the NIAAA and on progress in governmental affairs which have direct and potential effect on the association and its membership. Items highlighted included impact incumbent with election results and leadership changes. States may request involvement from APS to work to secure attendance by congressional legislative delegates at state events. Requests should be routed through the NIAAA office. B Strategic Plan Update – Rich Bechard, chair, presented a report on the progress of the formulation of the 4th Strategic Plan. Great consideration is given to the advances in the technology realm to better inform members on the activities and benefits of the NIAAA. Meetings are planned for the annual conference pursuant to a more complete and refined presentation at the February board meeting. IV Discussion/Action: A Grant Requests – Applications have been received from Maryland, North Dakota and Florida. On motion by Phil Rison, seconded by Jean Ashen, the Maryland Grant application was approved. On motion by Trish Witkin, seconded by Mark Armstrong, the North Dakota application was approved. On motion by Carter Wilson, seconded by Karl Heimbach, the Florida Grant application was approved. B Auditors Report – Bruce Whitehead presented a summary of the most recent auditors’ report. Auditor recommendations were discussed and solutions presented to align office procedure with desired outcomes. The audit report was a clean report with some recommended office procedural changes. C Athletes with Disabilities Task Force – Bruce Whitehead updated the progress of the joint task force. NIAAA responsibilities are nearly fulfilled; the association awaits additional action and recommendations of a general nature from the task force. Progress is continuing. Specific goals include support for: Sample Policies, Athlete Assessment Tools, Glossary of Terms, Informational Resources and Current Programs available for members and schools. D Life Insurance – Bruce Whitehead reported there will be no rate increase for the coming year. E Professional Development – Andy Chiles led discussion on the status of the program. 1 The proposed 2015 webinar schedule was considered. On motion by Trish Witkin, seconded by Doug Killgore, the Webinar Schedule was approved and will be posted as soon as confirmed. 2 Webinar Costs: Member & Non-member – Proposals were presented as developed by office staff. On motion by Doug Killgore, seconded by Mark Horak, a $30 increase for non-members for the webinar per-class fee was approved. 3 New Course Proposals – LTI 610 and 715 are submitted for approval On motion by Paul Pendleton, seconded by Tim Graham, the addition of LTI 610 was approved. On motion by Karl Heimbach, seconded by Mark Armstrong, the addition of LTI 715 was approved. 4 On-line state rebates were presented as documentation for state participation. F Clarification of Membership Categories – Mike Blackburn reported on proposed wording to describe the various membership categories. Additional consideration will be given to this subject for discussion at the February board meeting. G Andy Chiles expressed a question; if it was the desire of the board to view additional information from the Hall of Fame Screening Committee Ratings to provide for more informed decisions. It was suggested the information be available at the office should the board wish additional data for quality decision making. V Information: A Goals – 1 Board Goals – Trish Witkin presented the progress in fulfilling board goals as adopted in July. Continued attention will be given to the goals to facilitate completion and success. 2 Staff Goals – Bruce Whitehead presented the progress of fulfilling staff goals. Progress is ongoing and significant. B Incoming Board/At-Large Candidates – Andy Chiles addressed the upcoming needs and assignments as listed on the board candidate time line. Please be aware of deadlines for required documentation. C Membership Report – Mike Blackburn reported on the status and progress of items related to membership included history, commendations and statistics. D NEDC Agenda – Bruce Bowen briefly reviewed the agenda and business of NEDC activities. The 2015 summit will be in Williamsburg, VA. E 2014 Outreach Report – Mike Blackburn updated the statistics of the program. A total in excess of $146,000 has been awarded in the program. F PSA’s – Mike Blackburn reported on the themes and documents related to the PSA program which is funded through member service application of the surplus. The board listened to a sample of the new spots. A January date for distribution to the states is planned. G Member Benefits – Bruce Whitehead made the reports. 1 National Sports App – Progress is continuing with an emphasis on user friendly function as well as streamlining the sign up process. 2 School Name/ – Schools should seriously consider working with this program to protect information resources for use by schools. H Professional Development Video – Mike Blackburn reported on the progress of the video production. The length of the spot will be reduced to about 3-5 minutes; filming will commence during the conference. I International Outreach Grant Applications – Bruce Whitehead reported progress on the submission of an acceptable grant application for soliciting federal support for outreach programs in the international arena. Active Policy Solutions will work with staff to re-submit the grant application. J Connecticut Certification Issue – Bruce Whitehead reported on the status of a situation in Connecticut regarding the NIAAA certification process. Progress is on-going; the board will be fully informed as recommended by legal counsel and as expedient. K Blue Ribbon Panel – Mike Blackburn named the participants included on this year’s panel. L Conference Meeting Schedule – Andy Chiles outlined duties and obligations of board members at conference events. M Andy Chiles shared an appreciation note from the office staff for their bonus and work support. On motion by Trish Witkin, seconded by Doug Killgore, the meeting was adjourned at 4:30 pm. NIAAA Board of Directors Meeting #2 Tuesday, December 16, 2014 – National Harbor, MD The meeting was called to order at 7:40 am, by President Andy Chiles. Members present included: Phil Rison, CMAA, KY, Past President; Trish Witkin, CMAA, CT, Section 1, President Elect; Doug Killgore, CMAA, AR, Secretary; Karl Heimbach, CMAA, MD, Section 2; Paul Pendleton, CMAA, TN, Section 3; Ken Mohney, CMAA, MI, Section 4; Lane Green, CMAA, KS, Section 5; Sandra Howell, CMAA, TX, Section 6; Jean Ashen, CMAA, CA, Section 7; Carter Wilson, CMAA, GA, Region A At Large; Mark Horak, CAA, OR, Section 8; Mark Armstrong, CMAA, NE, Region B At Large; Tim Graham, CMAA, WA, Region C At-Large; Bruce Bowen, CMAA, VA, NEDC; Bruce Whitehead, CMAA, Executive Director; Mike Blackburn, CMAA, Associate Executive Director. President Andy Chiles presented the welcoming remarks and extended appreciation to all members for their attendance, contributions, support and encouragement. I Action Items: Phil Rison, Past President, directed the President-Elect process. Board members were informed of the guidelines. The two finalists for the position of 2015 President Elect were Lane Green, CMAA and Mark Armstrong, CMAA. President – Trish Witkin, CMAA, Glastonbury, CT President – Elect – Mark Armstrong, CMAA, Lincoln, NE Secretary – Doug Killgore, CMAA, North Little Rock, AR Past President – Andy Chiles, CMAA, Orlando, FL On motion by Andy Chiles, seconded by Lane Green, the 2015 slate of officers was approved. II Information Items: A Committee Reports 1 The Accreditation report was presented by Gerry Durgin. A visitation team will attend the Orlando conference in December, 2015. The committee will host and direct visitation activities at the conference. Progress has begun on addressing the standards with review to be ongoing commencing in January. An April 1 benchmark was adopted to gauge progress. Specifics to be addressed included: Mission Statement, Continuous Improvement, Surveys, and Progress Reports. Coordinated efforts may include meetings following the July board meeting and at the state coordinators conference. A completion date of October 1 was established. 2 Susan Robbins, chair, presented the Awards Committee Report. She related the desire of the group to standardized rubric utilization and to document that usage particularly relating to differences in rating. A request was made to move the conference meeting to Saturday morning to avoid some conflicts. Benefit was realized from the frequent use of the member portal. A plan to establish a mentoring program was adopted. A survey will be sent to assess member satisfaction and desires for ongoing activities. 3 Bobby Guthrie presented the Coaches Ed Committee report. A wealth of material relative to the NFHS Coaches Education and Certification Program was made available to board members. Many transitions were experienced for the benefit of the group. AIC numbers stand at 14,201. They adopted a goal for a 20% increase in participation for 2015. They intend to continue to publicize the program and inherent advantages all directed to increase marketing for the advantages of the program. 4 Bill Mayo presented the NEN Committee report. He reported seven of eight sections were represented at the conference. There were no disasters or accidents to address this year which is a good thing. All contact information was verified for accuracy. A request was made to pursue an app to facilitate access of information by members. 5 John Evers made the report for the Publications Committee. He commended the invitees for their potential contributions. Topics addressed included the Digital Age, indexing the archive (available on the website) and improving communication via the website. Continued use of surveys and evaluation tools will be employed. A wide variety of articles are being collected and adopted for use. A committee proposal was given to implement term limit principles to maintain a beneficial balance. 6 The Sports Turf Committee report was given by Hugh McReynolds. He requested that attention be given to fulfilling sponsor responsibilities. A field demonstration will be proposed for the 2015 conference. It was determined to eliminate the field renovation program; assets will be redirected toward more beneficial offerings. A field recognition program will be proposed for implementation in the future. B Committee Action Items On motion by Phil Rison, seconded by Tim Graham, the placement of Brenda Marshall, TX, as Section 6 Assistant for the NEN Committee was approved. C Conference Meeting Reports 1 Bruce Bowen presented the NEDC report. The slate of officers was announced as well as the site of the NEDC Summit, Williamsburg, VA, August 2 – 5, 2015. 2 Phil Rison reported on the Past Presidents meeting. The TEF nominee was determined and will be announced in February. Association activity continues to increase and is productive for the group. 3 Doug Killgore presented the report on the state presidents meeting. A compilation of comments will be available to board members. 4 Trish Witkin reported on the collection of section meeting business. Section 3 requested wifi availability at the conference. Section 7 requested the reduction of outreach quota minimums from 10 to 5 to secure a scholarship to the national conference. 5 Mike Blackburn summarized the Liaison/ED meeting. Thirty-seven ED’s were in attendance; all but two states having such were represented by liaisons. 6 Andy Chiles reported on the results Delegate Assembly. A floor request was lodged to secure attention of the advocate for investigation into the impact of health care initiatives on our profession and schools. D Annual Meeting assignments were reviewed. On motion by Phil Rison, seconded by Lane Green, the meeting was adjourned at 9:45 am. NIAAA Board of Directors Meeting # 3 Wednesday, December 17, 2014 – National Harbor, MD The meeting was called to order at 7:00 am, by President Andy Chiles. Members present included: Phil Rison, CMAA, KY, Past President;, Trish Witkin, CMAA, CT, Section 1, President Elect; Doug Killgore, CMAA, AR, Secretary; Karl Heimbach, CMAA, MD, Section 2; Paul Pendleton, CMAA, TN, Section 3; Ken Mohney, CMAA, MI, Section 4; Lane Green, CMAA, KS, Section 5; Sandra Howell, CMAA, TX, Section 6; Jean Ashen, CMAA, CA, Section 7; Carter Wilson, CMAA, GA, Region A At Large; Mark Horak, CAA, OR, Section 8; Mark Armstrong, CMAA, NE, Region B At Large; Tim Graham, CMAA, WA, Region C At-Large; Bruce Bowen, CMAA, VA, NEDC; Bruce Whitehead, CMAA, Executive Director; Mike Blackburn, CMAA, Associate Executive Director. Also attending were Gary Stevens, CMAA, ME, Section 1; Jeff Sitz, CMAA, WI, Section 4; Sr Nancy Perlick, RSM, CMAA, AZ; Section 7; Rich Barton, CMAA, UT, Region C At-Large President Andy Chiles presented the welcoming remarks and extended a hale and hardy welcome to the new members as well as appreciation to all members for their attendance, contributions, support and encouragement. I A Discussion/Action: Committee Reports 1 Certification – Sheri Stice and Ed Lockwood presented the report. Investigation continues on the benefits of a variety of testing methods to provide security and meet the needs of the membership. They also addressed certification requirements and limitations of opportunities available in states related to course offerings. Following research, no changes to the PDF requirements are planned. Recertification was also addressed; consideration is on-going. Ken Mohney commended the efforts of Sheri and Ed for their attention to both the progress and integrity of the program. 2 Endowment – Kevin Horrigan made the report on the group’s progress. He extended appreciation to Les Wright for coordinating efforts on behalf of the Retired group. He reported new records in the grant outreach program which benefited over 600 members with an investment in excess of $146,000. The auction was successful with work continuing for preparing for the 2016 Nashville event. The endowment fund remains above the $1 million mark. No POP Manual changes are requested at this time. Future goals include: Continuation of IAA submissions for publication, solicitation of additional outreach opportunities, securing auction items and preparing for future conferences. 3 Hall of Fame – The report was given by Larry Munksgaard. The committee continues to refine the nomination and selection process. He asked that the board be given the opportunity to view the Screening Committee Ratings in addition to the Rating Committee Ratings for consideration in the selection process. He noted the increasing pool numbers and excellence alluding to the possibilities of increasing the size of the induction class. And, due to the increasing pressures for members to return home, consider changing the timing of the awards banquet event to a weekend evening. Discussion ensured on the conference schedule regarding reassigning the banquet occasion and the resulting collateral changes of effort, personnel and events. Options will be given sober consideration. 4 Leadership Training – Jim Watkins presented the report. More than 100 faculty members were involved this year in instruction resulting in an increase of energy and effectiveness. Nine new instructors were used. Thirty-seven courses were presented to more than 1400 attendees. Review and enrichment was noted on several courses over the year. Progress continues on both the revision and introduction of courses. Production work was begun on the PSA video. Secretary’s Note: Increase purchase of tech supplies: projectors, speakers, etc. The need for new instructors continues. The board was asked to be aware of possibilities and submit potential candidates to Jim Watkins. 5 Retired – Les Wright led the discussion. He expressed appreciation for permitting their involvement in the association and conference. The group focused concern on pre-1977 athletic administrators, their impact on the profession and appropriate Hall of Fame recognition for their contributions. The retired group would like to form and Old Timers committee to assist in securing nominees from the pre-1977 era for Hall of Fame consideration. (“We always want to help at the conference; we don’t want to do a lot….”) The committee continues to explore and request occasions to give back to the association. He requested permission to pursue acquisition, at no charge, of clothing items to present to the retired members. Tacit permission is granted and will be communicated. In addition to other functions, retired members worked the NIAAA booth. Discussion was given to the need for a reception. In lieu of the reception, a registration table solely for retirees was requested. This would better serve the segment and alleviate some crowding at the regular registration area. On motion by Trish Witkin, seconded by Paul Pendleton, the board approved pursuing a separate registration table for retired members. Implementation will be pursued at the conference advisory meeting. B Marketing Report – Walt Sargent, made his report to the board. Walt continues efforts to improve relationships with existing sponsors as well as work on securing new sponsors for the benefit of the association and its membership. He expressed difficulty in email delivery of call sheets due to technology complications. A complete progress report was given to board members. Members were encouraged to deliver any potential sponsor contact information to Walt for pursuit of mutually beneficial associations. II A Information: Annual Meeting Report – Andy Chiles briefly addressed the proceedings of the meeting. B Recognition of Outgoing Board Members – Mike and Bruce noted the accomplishments and significant contributions by those departing our midst. Appreciation was extended to Jean Ashen, Tim Graham, Ken Mohney and Phil Rison. C Passing the Gavel – Andy Chiles relinquished presidential duties to Trish Witkin with the passing of the gavel. Trish assumed direction of the meeting. D Presentation of the President’s Ring – Trish introduced Phil Rison for comments on Andy Chiles and his leadership role with the NIAAA. E Assignment of Mentors – Trish Witkin assigned mentors and committee liaisons. Mentor associations will be: Mark Horak and Sr Nancy Perlick; Paul Pendleton and Jeff Sitz; Lane Green and Gary Stevens, Mark Armstrong and Rich Barton. F Committee Liaisons were assigned as: AD Conference Advisory Bruce Whitehead, Mike Blackburn, Patty Conrad Certification Sandra Howell, Jeff Sitz Coaches Education Lane Green, Andy Chiles Hall of Fame Mark Armstrong, Mike Blackburn Professional Development Bruce Whitehead, Mike Blackburn NEDC Trish Witkin, Mike Blackburn, Bruce Whitehead Retired Doug Killgore, Carter Wilson Sports Turf Bruce Bowen Awards Mark Horak, Rich Barton Credentials Paul Pendleton, Sister Nancy Perlick Endowment Karl Heimbach, Bruce Whitehead Publications Mike Blackburn, Carter Wilson, Gary Stevens NEN Bruce Bowen Accreditation Mike Blackburn, Bruce Whitehead G Sub-Committee assignments are: (First name is chair) Finance: Mark Horak, Jeff Sitz, Bruce Bowen, Paul Pendleton Marketing: Karl Heimbach, Gary Stevens, Rich Barton, Mike Blackburn Office Policy: Andy Chiles, Doug Killgore, Carter Wilson, Lane Green Scholarship: Mark Armstrong, Sandra Howell, Sr Nancy Perlick H Board members were reminded to complete and submit Committee Chair Evaluations and forward them to the secretary by January 10, 2015. I February Meeting Dates – Trish Witkin informed the board of important dates involving the February meeting. Members are directed to make travel plans before the Christmas holiday. Plans should be made with Pat Gowan as directed. J Future Board Meeting dates were addressed according to established plans. III Once Around On motion by Phil Rison, seconded by Karl Heimbach, the meeting was adjourned at 10:35 am.