This text is just an example to show you what the


Central Scotland POLICE

Your Community Policing

Rural South West Forum

1. Forth and Endrick Multi Member Ward Plan priorities

Antisocial Behaviour

Road Safety

Housebreaking and Theft

Community Engagement and Reassurance

Drymen PACT

(Drymen, Croftamie and Buchanan)

Community Constable – Tony Cummins

The PACT Resolutions for Drymen, Croftamie and Buchanan areas for February/March were:

Travelling Criminals committing Theft by Housebraking and other crimes of dishonesty.

We carried out proactive intelligence led road checks and reassurance patrols throughout the Drymen, Croftamie and Buchanan community council areas. This resulted in safer communities with only one Theft HB recorded over the full period. Two males were arrested for a “Bogus Workman” Fraud and another potential Bogus Workmen fraud was disrupted.

This priority now comes under the Forth and Endrick Multi Member Ward Plan and we will continue to target travelling criminals.

Road Safetyvehicles ignoring the “No Overtaking” signs on the A809 south of

Croftamie between the 40mph limit and Finnich Toll.

Following complaints and a formal request from Croftamie Community Council this matter was raised as a priority. Proactive enforcement checks and reassurance patrols along this stretch of the A809 were carried out at various times and days by both the local community and response police officers. There were no reported or observed incidents and this priority has been resolved, however a presence will be maintained as part of normal policing patrols.

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Central Scotland POLICE

Your Community Policing

Rural South West Forum

April/May 2013 Priorities

PC 717 Tony Cummins will be carrying out the following joint surgeries with local councilors prior to community council meetings:

Tuesday 7th May 1900 at the Drymen Hall with Councilor Murhead

Wednesday 8 th May 1900 at the Croftamie Nursery with Councilor Graham

Targetting of “Bogus Workmen” type travelling criminals.

This priority targets those who traditionally have come into the Drymen, Croftamie and

Buchanan Community Council areas to target the more vulnerable in our communities. It aims to deter, disrupt and detect offenders while reducing the fear of crimes particularly among the more vulnerable in our communities. As part of this priority Op Bionic will again take place. This is a multi agency operation involving Police, Trading Standards and Benefit

Fraud Investigators. Please continue to report suspicious incidents immediately. If a vehicle is involved note the registration number.

Our aim is to provide local high-quality policing and build trust, confidence and satisfaction in our communities. This report demonstrates this and we intend to continue in this manner.

Balfron (Balfron, Buchlyvie, Kippen, Gargunnock and Arnprior)

Community Constable – Andrew Faulds


Balfron Village has been relatively crime free over the past 2 months with one or two minor incidents in the village which have been detected.

There was vandalism to a wall in an estate near to Balfron and inquiries are continuing.

As per PACT priority a number of persons have been issued tickets for parking in and around the shops in Balfron and this will continue until drivers get the message.

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Central Scotland POLICE

Your Community Policing

Rural South West Forum


Again, like Balfron, there have been very little offences in the Buchlyvie area. An unoccupied house was broken into in Buchlyvie and residents should be vigilant to suspicious vehicles/persons in the area. A minor disorder incident was dealt with in


Officers are regularly stopping and checking vehicles in the west Stirlingshire area and many traffic offences have been dealt with in Buchlyvie and Arnprior area. Road safety remains a priority throughout the Forth and Endrick ward.

Kippen – The spate of vandalism in Kippen over the past months continues with the most recent being further damage to the stain glass windows of the church. This has happened on two occasions since the last SWF and police are keen to identify and prosecute those responsible. There is now a lead to follow and police are hoping this will be resolved. The school had an incident which will be detected although is a separate inquiry to church.

Gargunnock – There have been 3 incidents of vandalism over the past 2 months including

- the community hall in Gargunnock where a door was damaged and inquiries will continue into this.

- a vehicle had its wiper bent deliberately

- the continuing damage to the flags in the village centre

The new Community Officer, Andy Faulds, hopes to make himself known throughout the village in the coming months.

Patrols in the Kippen area to prevent detect anti social behaviour offences in targeted areas.

The good news is that Crime figures have decreased and detection rates have increased in the Forth and Endrick Ward area and it is hoped with the assistance of all, this will continue.

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Central Scotland POLICE

Your Community Policing

Rural South West Forum

Blanefield, Fintry, Killearn

Community Constable-David McNally

Things continue to be relatively settled in the Killearn, Blanefield and Fintry areas with levels of reported crime down on previous years. Despite this, crime types such as thefts of commodities have occurred and continue to be one of the main focus’ of policing in this area.

On 18 th February a large quantity of lead was stolen from the roof of Killearn Primary

School in the overnight period with the perpetrators making good their escape. On 1 st

March two males were apprehended after stealing a quantity of cast iron from a property at Glasgow Road, Blanefield.

In regard to the PACT priorities for the last quarter, the school janitor reports there have been no further incidences of anti social behaviour at Strathblane Primary

School. This may be in part due to the opening of the new community police office within the primary school.

The issue of teenagers throwing eggs at windows in the Killearn area was also successfully resolved after five youths were identified as being responsible. They were supervised as they cleaned up much of the mess they had caused.

Finally, in the last quarter thefts from agricultural premises was identified as a priority and although this can be closely linked to commodity thefts mentioned above there have been no recent thefts from farms in this area.

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Central Scotland POLICE

Your Community Policing

Rural South West Forum

Current PACT Priorities May/June 2013.

The main focus of policing the Blanefield, Killearn and Fintry areas as we enter the summer months will involve targeting the priorities identified for the new Forth and

Endrick Ward (Police Scotland).

These include continuing to conduct road checks on the west Stirlingshire road network in an effort to disrupt travelling criminals.

In an effort to improve road safety Balfron officers will continue to conduct speed checks in all villages. Please also remember to wear seatbelts when driving and do not use mobile telephones when driving.

Summer can also see a rise in anti social behaviour, particularly anti social camping.

Areas which have caused concern in previous years include Killearn Glen and

Craigend Farm, Mugdock. Checks of these areas will be markedly increased in an effort to prevent this type of behaviour.

More specifically, as we enter May, patrols of Mugdock Country Park and the surrounding countryside will be increased. This is to target and prevent the issue of vehicles being broken into at the various car parks around the park. PC McNally is already liaising with the country park rangers and management to ensure they assist with extra eyes and ears in this area.

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Central Scotland POLICE

Your Community Policing

Rural South West Forum

Pact Priorities Jan / Feb 2013

Carron Valley PACT

Community Constable

– Raymond Marr

Inappropriate criminal conduct in the North Third and Pirnhall Rd areas

This continues to be the PACT priority for this area. High visibility patrols in police vehicles and on foot continue to take place to disrupt and prevent inappropriate behavior. Recent patrols have revealed no issues at this time (up to the 1 st April

2013); however, this may be due to the change in weather and the extra patrols in the area. These high visibility patrols will continue in an effort to deter anyone considering acting in an inappropriate manner and to serve as a reminder that inappropriate criminal behavior will not be tolerated. The situation will be monitored as we enter the better weather, with a view to finalising this PACT, if the call demand remains at a low level. This consideration was discussed at the last Community

Council meeting (March 2013).

FLY TIPPING - The issue of fly tipping had been monitored locally, and with help of the Stirling Council, notices have been erected on the Easter Cringate Road which along with high visibility patrols seem to be having the desired effect.

MISSING PERSON – Local man Tom Robb remains missing.

Constable Marr has now moving on to a new role within the new Police Service of

Scotland and has asked that his thank are passed to all the members of the community council for Carron Valley and the local community for their help and support over the last ten months in policing Carron Valley. A replacement has yet to be identified however this is being progressed as a priority.

Pat Scroggie

Community Inspector

Dunblane Sub Area Command

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Central Scotland POLICE

Your Community Policing

Rural South West Forum

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