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Opportunities for you to act on your Baptismal call
Roman Catholic Diocese of Buffalo
Each of us, through our Baptism, is called to live our faith, to serve
others and to build up the Body of Christ, the Church.
(This document in Word.doc format can be adapted for individual parish use.
Ministerial contacts and the types of available involvement differ from parish to parish.)
Children’s Liturgy of the Word Ministry
Members lead children to a separate area during mass where the Liturgy of the Word is shared with the
children from the Children’s Lectionary. Members must participate in the “Protecting God’s Children”
Program. If interested, contact [your parish] at
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Ministers distribute Eucharist to parishioners present at Liturgy and those who are homebound, in
hospitals or nursing homes. Ministers need to participate in a preparatory class. If interested, contact
[your parish] at
Greeting and Ushering Ministry
Ministers provide hospitality, warmth and friendliness to parishioners, assist in seating, help people
with disabilities find appropriate seating, and are expected to assist in gathering collections. Volunteer
greeters and ushers must come to Mass 15-20 minutes before the Mass begins.
If interested, contact [your parish] at
Lector/Commentator Ministry
Lectors proclaim the Word of God at masses in an intelligent and respectful manner. Ministers need to
be willing to attend training and spend time in preparing the readings.
If interested, contact [your parish] at
Liturgy Committee
Members plan liturgies, participate in continuing education about the liturgy and prepare the worship
environment. If interested, contact [your parish] at
Music Ministry
A love for singing and willingness to give of your time faithfully at rehearsals, learning music and singing
at specified liturgies throughout the year are desired qualities for people in this ministry. Sharing one’s
talent by playing an instrument is also welcomed. If interested, contact [your parish] at
Catholic Schools
Fundraising Volunteer
Assist with various fundraising projects such as bingo, candy sales, theme basket raffles to raise funds
for the school. If interested, contact [your parish] at
Volunteer with the Children
Assist on field trips, in classroom, monitor lunchroom or playground, read to children. Required to
participate in the “Protecting God’s Children” program. If interested, contact [your parish] at
Lifelong Faith Formation
Adult Catechesis
Members evaluate the needs for adult faith formation and schedule programs, select speakers,
distribute printed materials, offer information on parish website and establish audio-visual resources.
If interested, contact [your parish] at
Adult Scripture Study Facilitators
Facilitate weekly discussion in small groups to assist others to pray and study God’s Word.
If interested, contact [your parish] at
Catechist for Adults with Special Needs
Willingness to coordinate faith formation opportunities for adults with disabilities
If interested, contact [your parish] at
Intergenerational Faith Formation Team
Plans and executes events for faith formation for all ages. Events include learning about the
Catholic faith, offering reflection, prayer and activities for learning at home.
If interested, contact [your parish] at
Religious Education Aide
As an aide, assist the catechist in classroom activities like projects, attendance, classroom management
and organization of materials. You will need to attend the “Protecting God’s Children” program. If
interested, contact [your parish] at
Religious Education Aide for a Child with Special Needs
Assist a child with disabilities to be included in a religious education class or provide one on one
assistance as needed. If interested, contact [your parish] at
Religious Education Office Aide
Assist with office tasks such as answering phones, doing computer work, making copies,
preparing mailings or coordinating supplies. If interested, contact [your parish] at
Religious Education Teacher
As a catechist, share the Catholic Faith with youth (pre-school through high school) by preparing a lesson
and executing it according to the Diocesan Religious Education Curriculum. Those who are fully initiated
into the Roman Catholic Church and participate in liturgy and parish activities are welcome. Volunteers
must participate in yearly catechist training to grow in knowledge and enrichment and in the “Protecting
God’s Children” program. If interested, contact [your parish] at
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) Ministry
This team welcomes and prepares adults (catechumens) interested in becoming members of the Catholic
Church through weekly sessions. If interested, contact [your parish] at
Youth Ministry
All volunteers and employees who are working routinely with children need to participate in the
“Protecting God’s Children” Program.
C.A.P. (Consistent Adult Presence)
C.A.P.’s provide a visible adult witness to the youth of the parish. They serve as chaperones and drivers
for youth activities and events. If interested, contact [your parish] at
Young Adult Ministry Coordinator
Coordinate spiritual and social activities and events for young adults,18 to 35 years old, at a parish or
vicariate level. If interested, contact [your parish] at
Youth Ministry Activities Coordinator
Coordinators work with the young people to coordinate and lead various youth ministry social events,
fundraisers and activities. If interested, contact [your parish] at
Youth Ministry Commission
Comprehensive youth ministry requires a variety of opportunities for young people to connect with their
parish. Commission members assess needs, determine goals, identify strategies, and create a plan for
the parish’s ministry with youth. If interested, contact [your parish] at
Youth Ministry Service Coordinator
Coordinators work with the young people to plan and implement service projects. If interested, contact
[your parish] at
Youth Ministry Sports Coach/Coordinator
Coaches/Coordinators provide instruction in the sport and the spirit of Christian teamwork. They
coordinate the young people’s participation in games including transportation and permission slips and
provide adequate practice time for the team members. If interested, contact [your parish] at
Youth Prayer, Worship and Liturgy Team
This team assists young people with weekly prayer experiences and liturgies. They recruit, train and
schedule young people to serve as lectors, special ministers of Holy Communion, ushers and greeters. If
interested, contact [your parish] at
Youth Retreat Team This team of youth and adults plan and implement retreats for young people. Team
members facilitate discussions and activities, lead prayer and may give witness talks. Training is offered
by the Diocesan Youth Department. If interested, contact [your parish] at
Annulment Companions
Provide the extra support people need while going through a process that can be filled with
questions, doubts, fears, anger, emotional uncertainty and heartache. If interested, contact Barb at or 716-633-7786.
Baptismal Preparation Ministry
Members prepare parents/godparents for the Initiation Sacrament of Baptism for their child/godchild
through sessions to teach the theology of the Sacrament and the rituals involved. If interested, contact
[your parish] at
Bereavement Ministry (Lazarus Ministry)
Members of this ministry, like Jesus who wept at the death of Lazarus, share their compassion by
consoling people whoare mourning the death of a loved one. Tasks may include initial phone calls,
funeral home visit, wake services, ongoing support through visits and phone calls, organizing support
groups and planning a parish remembrance mass. If interested, contact [your parish] at
Bishop’s Committee Home Visitors
Assists parents in the religious and moral training of their pre-school children. As part of the prebaptismal class or at the baptism itself, free educational materials are given to the parents by a Visitor.
Visitors meet twice yearly for updating, mutual support, liturgy, sharing and a Day of Reflection. The
Bishop offers his encouragement and thanksgiving for this valuable ministry in the Diocese of Buffalo. If
interested contact Fran Kozminski at 716-684-4604 or Suzanne Jasinski @627-1239.
Catholic Women’s Discussion Program
A discussion group that meets once a month from October–May. Meetings are facilitated by trained
leaders and each meeting centers on a topic of a spiritual nature. Sharing takes place in an
accepting/confidential environment. Brochure and/or facilitator training is available. If interested,
contact Kathleen Mattar at 716-839-3776.
Cana II
A marriage preparation program designed for couples where at least one person was previously married
and is now free to marry again by reason of a Church annulment or the death of one’s spouse. This peer
ministry program is given by a trained remarriage team primarily on a couple to couple basis. The
resource utilized "A Redeemed State" deals with critical issues that include step-parenting, multiple sets
of in-laws, and the challenges of blending families. If interested, contact the Office of Family Life at 716847-2210
Catholic Daughters of the Americas
Following the motto of Unity and Charity, this women’s organization works on leadership, spiritual
enhancement, quality of life, youth, education and legislation at a local, state, national and global level to
create change. If interested contact Sally Rytlewski at 585-589-4534 or
A peer ministry specifically for and to those separated or divorced. Offers people time to deal with grief,
recover from turmoil and loss, rebuild their life again through the Levels program, open forum Rap
support groups, various workshops, family activities and spiritual and social events.
If interested, contact the Office of Family Life Ministries at 716-847-2210 or
Elizabeth Ministry
Members minister to expectant women (as Mary reached out to Elizabeth) through phone calls,
prayers and visits to offer encouragement and support. If interested, contact Barb Shaughnessy at
Evangelization Team
This team assists the parish in discovering ways to deepen the faith, share the faith and invite others to
the faith. They are not the sole evangelizers. Their work is to be catalysts for the work of evangelization
to happen in the parish. If interested, contact [your parish] at
Holy Name Society
This group of men devoted to the most Holy Name of Jesus express their love by sharing faith with fellow
brothers at monthly Mass, meetings, spiritual meetings, retreats and social events and perform corporal
and spiritual works of mercy on a parish, diocesan and national level. For name of Parish Presidents,
contact Diocesan Holy Name Office at 716-847-2201. If interested in more information contact [your
parish] at
Hospitality Ministry
Ministers organize a social reception. Responsibilities include securing donations of food, set up, serving
and clean up. Members need to be reliable and sociable. If interested, contact [your parish] at
Junior Catholic Daughters of the Americas
For girls ages 6 through 18 who through message, service and community uphold the Christian motto
of unity and charity. If interested contact Sally Rytlewski at 585-589-4534 or email to:
Junior Ladies of Charity
A group for girls 12 and older who assist the Ladies of Charity in their charity ministries.
If interested, contact the Ladies of Charity at 716-895-4001
Knights of Columbus
The world’s largest Catholic men’s charitable and fraternal organization which is founded on the
principles of Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. Thirty men are needed to begin a council in a
parish. If interested, contact Charles Esposito at 634-8097
Knights of Saint John
A semi-military fraternal organization named after St. John the Baptist who witness their faith in God
through Jesus Christ in their daily works of charity in the Church, their community and their Commandery.
To begin a Commandery in your parish, you need 15 men between the ages of 16 and 55
If interested, contact Donald Kirsch at 716-893-0724
Ladies of Charity
Assist Catholic Charities case workers by providing: layettes for newborns, household items for fire and
abuse victims, Christmas gifts for children and shut-ins, outfits for First Communicants, clothing
referrals, school bags for students and reading programs. They also run a thrift store.
If interested, contact the Ladies of Charity at 716-895-4001
Legions of Mary
A group that gives people an opportunity to evangelize through their devotion to Mary and the Spiritual
Works of Mercy. If interested, contact [your parish] at
Marriage Preparation Ministry
This is coordinated by the Office of Family Life Ministries. There are a variety of program options. Call
the Office of Family Life for more information at 716-847-2210.
Martha Ministry (Bereavement Meals)
Following in Martha’s footsteps to tend to tasks, this ministry provides a meal for families after funerals.
Members may serve by preparing food for the meal or preparing the dining space, serving the food and
cleaning up. Servers may work 4 to 6 hours on the day of the funeral. If interested, contact [your parish]
The Ministry of Sacristan
These ministers maintain the altar and church by caring for the altar linens, vessels, candles, garments,
flowers and books. If interested, contact [your parish] at
M.O.M.S. (Ministry of Mothers Sharing)
Designed for moms by moms to support and affirm women in the many roles of life as mothers, wives,
daughters, sisters and friend bonded by their vocation and their Catholic faith gathering to share joys
and struggles. If interested, contact Deb Zgoda @ 716-634-3099 or
Outreach Ministry
Members of this ministry provide opportunities for the parish to help meet the needs of others through
their generosity of time, talent or treasure. Projects may include food pantry collections, giving tree,
clothing collections, leaf raking or snow shoveling for the elderly, projects for parishioners in nursing
homes and transportation for the homebound to parish activities. If interested, contact Catholic
Charities Parish Outreach at 716-856-4494 ext.3005.
Parish Advocates for Persons with Disabilities
Members reach out to parishioners with disabilities (homebound, group home residents, nursing home
residents) and assist in their inclusion in parish activities. Persons with a compassionate heart are
needed. If interested, contact Sharon Urbaniak, Lifelong Faith Formation at 716-847-5514.
Prayer Chain Ministry
This ministry utilizes a phone tree to circulate parishioner’s requests for prayers. If interested, contact
[your parish] at
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Members pray for the sick of the parish while making prayer shawls. These shawls are presented to ill
parishioners. They provide a physical presence of being surrounded by the prayers of the parish family
and offer spiritual comfort. If interested, contact [your parish] at
Respect Life Ministry
Members work with the pastor and the Diocesan Office of Pro-Life Activities to implement the USCCB
Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life Activities, organizing activities that focus on the four key elements of prayer,
education, pastoral ministry, and responsible citizenship, thereby fostering a consistent ethic of life. If
interested, call your parish Respect Life Coordinator, at or contact the Office of Pro-Life Activities at 716847-2205.
Stephen Ministry
A team of well organized, well trained, highly motivated and well supervised caregivers who assist
pastors with the pastoral care of parishioners. They nurture and support people going through a crisis. If
interested, contact [your parish] at
Squires (Knights of Columbus)
A group for boys age 9 – 18 years of age, who witness to their faith in God through Jesus Christ in their
daily works of charity in the Church and in their community. If interested, call Charles Esposito at 6348097.
St. Vincent DePaul Society
The St. Vincent de Paul Society’s mission is to fulfill the two great Commandments – love of God and
love of neighbor. They seek out God’s needy, both materially and spiritually, and help where and when
they can. For name of parish presidents contact Mark Zirnheld at 716- 822-3360. If interested, contact
[your parish] at
Social Justice Committee
Catholic Social Teaching shows us that charity and justice are integral to living our lives as Catholics. A
Social Justice Committee within a parish would support charitable actions as well as education and
support to work for justice in our world. If interested, contact Department of Parish Outreach and
Advocacy of Catholic Charities at 716-218-1400, ext. 206 or the Office of Parish Life at 716-847-5531.
Special Events Ministry
Members plan, organize and execute various social or fundraising events within the parish. Tasks may
include publicizing the event, recruiting others to assist, decorating and clean up. If interested, contact
[your parish] at
Teams of Our Lady
A prayer and faith sharing group for couples who seek a way to grow in married love and holiness. For
more information contact Joe and Diane Manuel at 649-7118
Transportation Ministry
Parishioners offer transportation to mass and parish activities to those in need such as those in nursing
homes, group homes or home bound. If interested, contact [your parish] at
Welcome Ministry
Members welcome newcomers to the parish. They receive assignment from the parish secretary after a
new parishioner registers and arranges for and conducts church tours with new parishioners. If
interested, contact [your parish] at
Collection Counters Ministry
Counters open collection envelopes, count monies, tally amounts, fill out reports and prepare money for
bank deposit. If interested, contact [your parish] at
Finance Committee
Members utilize their financial expertise to advise the pastor on the parish finances. If interested, contact
[your parish] at
Groundskeeping Committee
Members may assist in maintaining the physical environment of the parish property by caring for flower
gardens, mowing lawn, making repairs or removing snow. If interested, contact [your parish] at
Office Ministry
Members assist in the parish office for various tasks such as inserting items in bulletins, stuffing
envelopes for bulk mailings and answering phones. If interested, contact [your parish] at
Parish Pastoral Council
Serve as a consultative board to the pastor of the parish. Members dialogue and discern the needs
of the parish, establish goals and priorities, foster parish unity, spread the Gospel, offer support and
encourage lay ministry. If interested, contact [your parish] at
Web master
Utilize technology skills to create a website that is informative, educational, inspirational and
invitational for schools or parishes. If interested, contact [your parish] at