91627 Sample Assessment Schedule

NCEA Level 3 Design and Visual Communication 91627 (3.30) — page 1 of 1
Design and Visual Communication 91627 (3.30): Initiate design ideas through exploration
Assessment Criteria
Achievement with Merit
Achievement with Excellence
Use visual communication
strategies to show alternatives
and variations for the purpose of
exploring and re-generating
Use visual communication
strategies to show considered
alternatives and variations for the
purpose of analysing and reinterpreting ideas.
Use visual communication strategies
to show divergent and perceptive
alternatives and variations for the
purpose of extending and
transforming ideas.
Origin ideas use starting
experiences to generate ideas
and lead towards design ideas.
Origin ideas identify an emerging
train of thought that informs
design ideas.
Origin ideas challenge thinking that
informs and enhances design ideas.
Overall Level of Performance (all criteria within a column are met)
Clarification of Terminology
1. ‘Origin ideas’ refers to the line of thinking or point of view that functions as the precursor or underlying driver for
generating design ideas at an advanced level of creativity. At this level of thinking, origin ideas do not
necessarily have obvious connections to a brief context or address functional and aesthetic qualities
associated with design ideas. These can be quite symbolic or esoteric in expressing a narrative or perspective
that expands design thinking in terms of meaning and semiotics.
2. Visual communication strategies (including 2D, 3D, and 4D modes) that support the interrogation and regeneration of ideas may include: abstraction, re-combination, tessellation, exaggeration, rotation, inversion,
translation, translocation, deconstruction.
3. Experiences can be teacher or student selected and may include: natural and / or built landscapes, film clips,
music extracts, observational drawing, conceptual modelling, photography, language devices.