TRB COMMITTEE AFF40 DYNAMICS AND FIELD TESTING OF BRIDGES MINUTES OF COMMITTEE MEETING TRB COMMITTEE AFF40 DYNAMICS AND FIELD TESTING OF BRIDGES 84th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board Washington DC Marriott Hotel, Balcony C Tuesday, January 11, 2005 8:00 am - 12:00 noon 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Walther called the meeting to order at 8:00 am. 2. INTRODUCTIONS AND ATTENDANCE Chair invited attendees to introduce themselves and their affiliation. An attendance roster was distributed. Chair Walther requested persons wishing to join the committee as a member to so indicate on the attendance roster. Furthermore, Chair Walther asked if there is an interest in being a member, everyone is welcome (another 2 years rotation is coming up) even friends of committee. A copy of the attendance roster is included in Attachment A. 3. REMARKS - WALTHER Chair Walther distributed a copy of the Agenda (See Attachment B). 4. FORMAL PRESENTATIONS 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. Research Results from NCHRP IDEAS Program for Impact Echo Scanning of PostTensioned Bridge Ducts presented by Larry Olson, (Olson Engineering, CO.) Structural Analysis and Strength Evaluation of Suspension Bridge Cables Presentation by Dr. Khaled Mahmoud, (Hardesty & Hanover, NY.) Live Load Testing of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Decks presented by Eli Cuehlo, (Western Transportation Institute) 5. ON-GOING PROJECTS 5.1. 5.2. 5.3. 5.4. 5.5. Three Dimensional FEA and Experimental Analyses of a Cable-Stayed Bridge presented by Zhiyong Zhao (University of Louisville) Acoustic Emission NDT of Concrete Bridge Beams presented by Dr. M. Forde and Dr. S. Colombo (University of Edinburgh) Long Monitoring Activities at Iowa State University - An Update presented by Dr. Brent Phares and Dr. Terry Wipf (Iowa State University) Monitoring Delaware's Indian River Inlet Bridge presented by Michael Chajes (University of Delaware) Sustainable Bridge Program Undertaken by European Rail System presented by Dr. Herbert Wiggenhauser (BAM) TRB 5.6. 5.7. COMMITTEE AFF40 DYNAMICS AND FIELD TESTING OF BRIDGES NDT- CE Compendium Project presented by Dr. Herbert Wiggenhauser (BAM) and Mark Moore (WJE) (1 - 2 min) Various Static and Dynamic Testing Applications for Bridge Engineering Needs presented by Kirk Grimmelsman. (Chair Called for a Short break before starting the Business Portion of the Meeting) BUSINESS PORTION OF MEETING 6. APPROVAL OF 2004 MINUTES Chair Walther asked members if they have any changes to the minutes. Steve Chase moved to approve the minutes and motion was seconded by Dave Barret. Motion passed unanimously. 7. TRB ANNOUNCEMENTS (BY STEVEN MAHER AT 10:15 AM) 7.1. 7.2. 7.3. 7.4. 7.5. 7.6. 7.7. This year’s Annual Meeting has shown a growth in workshops (67). It is expected to have more than 9300. Appreciate timely review of papers: 2600 papers were submitted and peer reviewed in 2005 compared to 2500 papers in 2004 and only 2000 papers four years ago. 62% of the papers were presented at the 2005 TRB meeting. Also, TRB has 60 meet the authors sessions. Attendance should be about equal to or maybe even greater than last years however, attendance on Sunday is heavy. There is more emphasis on moving towards holding poster sessions due to room availability. Out of the presentations, 48% were papers and 15% in design group. Two sessions per committee with an exception for a third session. Also about 100-150 practical papers with implemental results are included in each CD. The 6th International Bridge Engineering Conference will be held at the Westin Copley Place, Boston, MA; July 17-20, 2005. Flyers were passed to members. The Conference is sponsored by the Structures Section Future Annual Meetings are: January 21-25, 2006, January 18-21, 2007, and January 13-17, 2008. 8. SECTION ANNOUNCEMENTS (MARY LOU RALLS – SECTION F) 8.1. 8.2. 8.3. It was announced that the session “Dialogue with Leaders,” sponsored by the structures section, was very successful and had a very good presentation by Prof. Katona. The Material section will sponsor the lecture in 2006 with two themes: 1) Accelerated constructions and 2) Quality of performance. US interstate HWY 50th anniversary theme in 2006 with a future theme “Maintaining 20/20 vision for the year 20/20”. Research problem statement: all members are encouraged to be pro-active in submitting statement and to get implemented by the owner. Deadline for the process are as follows: First copy to be submitted by March 15th Final draft is due to Steven Maher and to be reviewed by T-11 committee by March 31st. Statement need to be endorsed by 1 or more State DOT’s and an AASHTO member. Statement is to be reviewed by AASHTO Highway Subcommittee on bridges and Structures as well as AASHTO Standing Committee on Research. TRB COMMITTEE AFF40 DYNAMICS AND FIELD TESTING OF BRIDGES 9. REVIEW OF 2005 TRB MEETING/WORKSHOP 9.1. 9.2. 9.3. 9.4. Session 107 Application of Health Monitoring for Bridges, Shoreham - Congressional A, Sunday, 8:30 AM–12:00 PM. (It was reported that the session went well, however, the seating and room for the session were not adequate. The sessions below were announced and members were encouraged to attend them) Session 727 Field Testing of Bridges, Shoreham – Ambassador, Wednesday, 7:30 PM–9:30, Moderated by Jeffery Schulz. Session 804 Condition Assessment of Concrete Bridges, Marriot - Maryland A, Thursday, 8:00 AM–9:45 AM, moderated by Terry Wipf and co-sponsored by AHD30 Structures Maintenance and AFF40 (1) NDE Subcommittee. Session 816 Field Testing of Bridge Strengthening Schemes, Marriot Maryland A, Thursday, 10:15 AM–12:00 PM, moderated by William (Randy) Cox. 10. REVIEW OF AFF40 PAPERS AND PAPER RECOMMENDATIONS For sessions at the 84th TRB 2005 Annual meeting: Number of papers reviewed: 10 Number recommended for presentation: 7 Number recommended for publication: 3 (Limited by TRB to 28%) List of papers designated as “Practice Papers”: 5 Recommended for award: 0 For the 6th International TRB Conference: Number of papers reviewed: 10 Number recommended for presentation: 9 Number recommended for publication: 9 REPORTS & COMMITTEE STRUCTURE AFF40-1, NDE Subcommittee Subcommittee A - On-Going Bridge Projects And Committee Meeting Presentations Subcommittee B - Annual Meeting Program Subcommittee C - Research Needs Subcommittee D - Triennial Self Evaluation (2005) Subcommittee E - Information Transfer 11. AFF40-1, NDE SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT Subcommittee Chair Glenn Washer reported on the 2004 SMT Conference sponsored by the American Society on Non-Destructive testing (ASNT) and that was held in Buffalo, NY, 2004. He mentioned that the Conference had about 15-20 exhibitors, 25 DOT, and 65 papers in proceedings which were also available on CD ROMs. He asked the chair about future sponsorship from TRB and Committee AFF40. A motion was proposed by Michael Chajes to provide sponsorship to the “NDE for Civil Engineering” conference by TRB and Subcommittee on NDE for Civil Engineering , Motion was seconded by Steve Chase and passed unanimously. TRB COMMITTEE AFF40 DYNAMICS AND FIELD TESTING OF BRIDGES Chair Washer also announced that ASNT is revising their handbook on ultrasonic testing and asked members to provide him with any info related to that document to be developed in the next 12 months He also noted that the Subcommittee on NDE will meet on Wednesday. Chair Walther asked Glen Washer for a copy of roster list of subcommittee. 12. SUBCOMMITTEE A, ON-GOING BRIDGE PROJECTS AND COMMITTEE MEETING PRESENTATIONS Robert Sweeny organized the presentations for the on-going projects and the overall presentation time was limited to 1.5 hour. Preference was given for a period of 5 minutes for each presentation. Jeff Shultz will help Bob Sweeny in organizing the 2006 On-Going Project presentations. 50-year Anniversary of Interstate Highway System Chair mentioned that each committee will identify a speaker who is willing to prepare a paper and present it. No other session will be held during that time and expects 200 people in attendance. Chair also noted that there is a need to think about an individual who might be a member of the committee. Steve Chase was asked to be that speaker. Steve Chase accepted and noted that he will need the collective thoughts of the committee to have ownership of the paper and that maybe Ivan Weiss’s paper can be a starting point. Chair will prepare an abstract for the session. Ian Friedland suggested a theme for the paper: “50-year design, 50-year life” and that previous designs are not a disaster and now bridge testing helped prove that bridges last longer than the 50-year design life. The Chair proposed to have typical historic photos for the sessions to be posted on the wall of the room and will need a volunteer to collect for historic photographs. David Barret and Bob Sweeney will handle the boards and photos with committee name and scope and maybe end up with a wall of photos. 13. SUBCOMMITTEE B - PRESENTATIONS 2006 Proposed Sessions for TRB Meetings Committee members were asked by Chair to present new session ideas for 2006. AFF40 has 8 committees and each committee will have 2 sessions. Cosponsoring sessions with other committees will not take away sessions. Chair also noted that the committee should try to fill two sessions and then co-sponsor a third session with other committees. Suggested Sessions Titles for 2006: 1- Monitoring and Testing of FRP Structures, to be co-sponsored by AFF10. 2- Hot Topic Session (suggestion: Inspection of post-tensioned ducts”) 3- or a session on Bridge Testing Glenn Washer suggested a workshop on durability issues and inspection. Jeff Shultz and Michael Chajes prefers to keep the session more broad along the lines of “Instrumentation & Emerging Technologies”. It was agreed to create a call to papers, one on Field testing and one on NDE with bullets on various topics needed for the sessions. Chair will submit the titles while Glenn Washer will do the NDE call for papers by March 31st and Mark Bowmen will do the call for papers for the session on Field Testing. A discussion on a title for the workshop was pursued afterwards. Ian Friedland suggested to check a FHWA report on inspection of ducts and to check with Ben Tang. Chair asked for a volunteer to lead the workshop and coordinate with FHWA. Larry Olson volunteered and he will work with Hamid Ghassemi on “Inspection and Evaluation of Cable Supported Bridges”. Khaled Mahmoud will also TRB COMMITTEE AFF40 DYNAMICS AND FIELD TESTING OF BRIDGES assist Larry Olson in his efforts. To defray the cost of workshop, all the authors were asked to prepare a paper and produce a CD with the paper and handbook. FHWA supported the cost of the production. 14. SUBCOMMITTEE C - RESEARCH NEEDS Chair presented the current research statement on “Remote Structure Monitoring Techniques for Health Monitoring” did not make it and that the committee should not re-submit current statements. Chair asked Steve Chase to present new Statements to 2006. Steve Chase mentioned the statement on the “Development of guidelines and example applications for the integration of field testing with bridges management” and explained that testing of bridges can be used for more than load rating and it can be used for making better decisions. He suggested to post the statement on the website. Chair asked members to also submit more statements (about 3 to 4) and to have them ranked by the committee. Chair also announced a NCHRP synthesis through the survey related to fracture critical bridges to fine tune fatigue calculation through field testing. Chair asked Robert O’Connor to send a copy of the synthesis for review by the committee. New Suggested Topics for Research Statements - Specifications to assess renewing fatigue life of fracture critical bridges - Development of relationship between out-of-plane distortion and stress concentration Chair also suggested possible topic for statements: - Residual Stress Measurement - Stress concentration Measurement Using Infrared Imaging - Power scavenging for Long Term Monitoring - Strategic R&D Plan for AFF40 Chair noted that there is a need for an AASHTO member to submit these statements and to try and get sponsorship with other committees. He also suggested making a separate document from the minutes and listing few topics and posting them by March 1st. The Committee will rank 3-4 topics and submit top one. Steve Chase will continue to serve as a collector of all statements. Timeline: - Solicit potential RNS by 31 Jan, 2005. - Electronic review by 15 Feb, 2005. - Discussion and vote on 20 Feb, 2005. - Revise and resubmit to TRB by 1 March, 2005. 15. SUBCOMMITTEE D - TRIENNIAL SELF EVALUATION Triennial Self Evaluation (2005) Chair asked members for all their info related to the TSE. He will send an email to remind the members to get the response by March 1st. 16. SUBCOMMITTEE E - INFORMATION TRANSFER Information Transfer: by Michael Chajes; TRB COMMITTEE AFF40 DYNAMICS AND FIELD TESTING OF BRIDGES 17. CONFERENCE ANNOUNCEMENTS 17.1. Integral Abutment Bridge Conference, to be held on March 16-18, 2005 in Baltimore, MD. 17.2. IABMAS'06: The Third International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, to be held on July 16-19, 2006, in Porto, Portugal ( 17.3. Dan Frangopol announced the establishment of a new journal “Structure and infrastructure engineering,” Journal related to structural testing and infrastructure. 17.4. Fourth Annual Bridge Workshop: Lessons Learned from the International technology Scanning Program at University of Delaware (announcement by Michael Chajes) 17.5. Bridge Conference in New York, Sept 12 – 13, 2005 17.6. The 4th Workshop on LCC4 to be held on May 8-11, 2005, in Cocoa Beach, Florida 17.7. Mike Forde announced the Conference on Structural Faults & Repair, to be held on June 13-15, 2006, in Edinburgh, Scotland 17.8. Glenn Washer announced the AST & NDT to be held on May 14th, 2006 in St. Louis in conjunction with the international conference on NDT. 18. OTHER DUSINESS Name and Scope of Committee: Discussion was made to remove the “Dynamics” from the name of the AFF40 committee. Also, it was suggested to include “NDE” in the title. Another suggestion was to include “Monitoring” in the scope. Also, the word “Field” needs to be addressed. Motion by Jeff Schultz to make the change to the committee name. The motion was seconded by Glenn Washer. It was agreed that Jose Gomez and Richard Walther will help to draft the scope and title for future discussion and committee approval. 19. MEETING CLOSED Meeting was adjourned at 12:05 pm.