In the year 2007, I while in Reno IBM convention invited International President Phil Willmarth to Kolkata (formerly Calcutta). Phil accepted the invitation and came down to Kolkata to encourage the local IBM members and inject enthusiasm amongst non-IBM members to join the IBM. I personally and as the Vice President of IBM in India arranged a grand Gettogether under the banner of IBM Ring #83 in honor of the Int’l President were quite a good number of magicians from around the country congregated to teach, learn, perform and have fun in the presence of the IBM Int’l President. To commemorate this valuable occasion I had published a beautiful souvenir, which soon become a collector’s piece, and went all over the world to the magiclovers as a gift. BTW, I have set a trend of adding a section of magic effects whenever I publish a souvenir—the Ring #83 2007 Get-together souvenir was no exception. It included several offerings, from close-up capers to stage conjuring from the magic creators of repute from east and west, who understand their Art Apart from ‘A Greeting from the President’, in addition “Last few words’ the souvenir titled “Memorable Magic Moments” included: Phil Willmarth laudation by Jack White Chronicle of IBM Ring #83 recounted by Solyl Kundu Photographs of the Performers and Contributors in magic section In addition, the magic section included ‘Cornered’ by Aldo Colombini ‘Bang Gun - Balloon Antics’ by David J. O'Connor ‘Anti-Gravity Bottle’ by Gora Dutta ‘Centrifugal ESP’ by Max Maven ‘Elementary, My Dear Watson’ by Peter Marucci ‘Balls Across - Persistence of Vision’ by Paul Hyland ‘The Acrobat (new one hand knot)’ by Phil Willmarth ‘The Magic Coin Box’ by Samuel Patrick Smith ‘Cane to Plume’ by Solyl Kundu ‘Glass Backwards’ by Tom Craven ‘Thinking Inside the Square’ by Wayne Rogers Apart that there is an ad section comprising ads from various magic dealers and well-wishers of magic. I still get request for this Souvenir from the magical memorabilia collectors as well as magic lovers world over, however due to excessive postal charges find difficult to oblige all—what a pity! Therefore, I have published the first digital edition of the Memorable Magical Moments on May 22, 2013. For information for the enthusiasts, it is available from