General direction - Transition and teach out

General direction: Transition & teach-out
This is a general direction made under section 28(1) of the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act
2011 (Cwlth) (the Act).
A general direction may be given by ASQA, as the National VET Regulator, on the way in which the VET Quality
Framework and other conditions defined in the Act are to be complied with. It is a condition of registration that an
ASQA RTO must comply with any such general directions.
The purpose of this general direction is to guide ASQA RTOs in implementing the requirement (refer Standards for
NVR Registered Training Organisations 2011 SNR 25) that they manage the transition from superseded Training
Packages and accredited courses. The general direction also guides RTOs in managing the transition from
superseded units of competency, and from deleted Training Package qualifications and expired accredited courses,
as well as describing arrangements to teach-out students enrolled in superseded or deleted qualifications or
superseded or expired accredited courses.
When assessing compliance, ASQA will consider an overarching principle that an RTO must deliver the current
(endorsed or accredited) training product to a student, unless the student would be genuinely disadvantaged in
undertaking that product.
Terms and Definitions
ASQA: Australian Skills Quality Authority
RTO: ASQA registered training organisation
National register:
New qualification: a new qualification or a new version of a previously endorsed qualification
Current student: a student who has enrolled and commenced training and/or assessment
Transition: all actions required to change the delivery operations of an RTO from an existing training product to a
replacement endorsed or accredited training product; including resourcing, registration and transfer of students
Teach-out: allowance to complete all training, assessment and qualification issuance of current students in an
inactive training product, following expiry of any applicable transition period of the training product’s replacement
Publication on national register:
for a training package, training package qualification, training package unit of competency or training package
skill set: the most recent “Release date” as indicated in the “Release history” on the national register for the
relevant training package, training package qualification, training package unit of competency or training
package skill set
for an accredited course: the “Currency period start” as indicated in the “Accredited course details” on the
national register for the relevant accredited course
Principles underpinning the general direction
The Standards for NVR Registered Training Organisations 2011, require registered training organisations (RTO)
to manage the transition:
from superseded Training Packages within 12 months of their publication on the national register
from superseded accredited courses
—so that they only deliver currently endorsed Training Packages and currently accredited courses.
General direction—Transition and teach-out, March 2012
An RTO that has individual units of competency on its scope of registration must transition from superseded
units of competency within 12 months of the publication on the national register. For minor changes where the
unit maintains the same national code but the version has been updated (for instance, from version “A” to “B”),
the RTO is not required to apply to ASQA to update its scope of registration on the national register as part of its
transition obligations.
An RTO must apply to have new Training Package qualifications, units of competency (except version updates)
and/or accredited courses added to its scope of registration (by submitting an Application to change RTO scope
of registration, accompanied by the required fee). An RTO may apply to have unit of competency version
updates reflected on its scope of registration on the national register.
RTOs must ensure that students are not enrolled in qualifications/courses that adversely affect their
opportunities for employment, residency status and/or future study pathways.
An RTO must provide timely and adequate advice and guidance to students if the qualification or course in which
they are enrolled is superseded/deleted/expired and ensure students are given the opportunity to transfer to
replacement Training Package qualifications and accredited courses or other currently endorsed Training
Packages or accredited courses.
Transfer of students must be undertaken in collaboration between the student and the RTO. Students must not
be required to transfer to new Training Package qualifications or new accredited courses where the genuine
disadvantage to them in doing so outweighs their continuing training in, and issuance with, a qualification or
Statement of Attainment for a superseded or deleted Training Package qualification or superseded or expired
accredited courses.
A registration application for a superseded or deleted Training Package qualification (or part thereof) or
superseded or expired accredited course (or part thereof) will not be considered.
An RTO does not need to apply to ASQA to teach-out a Training Package qualification, unit of competency or
accredited course in accordance with this general direction.
RTOs that are unable to comply with this general direction for a particular training product or cohort of students,
are not required to notify ASQA, however should be prepared to demonstrate, if requested, why exceptional
circumstances apply that would cause genuine disadvantage to enrolled students if made to transfer to a new
training product within the required timeframes (i.e. keep records of decisions and reasons).
The table below sets out the arrangements for transition and teach-out to guide RTOs in managing the transition
from superseded Training Packages and accredited courses.
General direction—Transition and teach-out, March 2012
Transition and teach-out arrangements
Transition arrangements
RTO registration
Continuing Students
Teach-out provisions
New Students
Training package qualifications
Superseded Training
Package qualificationi
 If an RTO has a Training Package
qualification on its scope which has
been superseded by a new Training
Package qualification, the RTO
must apply to have the replacement
Training Package qualification
added to its scope of registration as
soon as practicable but no later
than 12 months from the date of
publication of the replacement
qualification on the national register
(if it intends to offer and deliver the
replacement qualification).
 ASQA will change a superseded
training package qualification on an
RTO’s scope of registration on the
national register to a ‘non-current’
status upon expiry of the 12 month
period following publication of its
 The RTO must transfer
continuing students of the
superseded qualification into
the replacement qualification
as soon as practicable but
no later than 12 months from
the date of publication of the
replacement qualification on
the national register, unless
they will be genuinely
 Once a replacement
qualification is published on
the national register, an RTO
may commence training or
assessment of the
superseded qualification to a
new student, for a period of 12
months or until it is registered
for the replacement
qualification (whichever
occurs first).
 A testamur for a superseded
qualification may be issued to
an eligible student until expiry
of the teach-out period (refer
column at right) applicable to
the qualification. Upon expiry
of the teach-out period the
RTO can only issue a
testamur for a superseded
qualification as a replacement
of a version previously issued.
 The RTO must commence
enrolments in the replacement
qualification as soon as
practicable but no later than
12 months from the date of
publication of the replacement
qualification on the national
 The RTO may continue to deliver training
and assessment services and issue
awards to current students of the
superseded qualification who would be
genuinely disadvantaged if required to
transfer to the replacement qualification,
for up to 6 months after the expiry of the
transition period for its replacement.
 Students who have not completed the
superseded qualification during this
timeframe must be transferred to the new
 If an RTO believes exceptional
circumstances apply that require it to
continue to deliver a superseded
qualification to one or more students
beyond this designated teach-out period, it
must be prepared to demonstrate, if
requested by ASQA, its reasons for
continuing and identify the students
affected and its planned delivery timeframe
 During the teach-out period, the RTO must
not enrol students and/or commence
delivery in the superseded qualification.
General direction —Transition and teach-out, March 2012
Transition arrangements
RTO registration
Deleted Training
 If an RTO has a Training Package
qualification on its scope and that
qualification is deleted from a newly
endorsed Training Package, there
is no qualification for the RTO to
transition its registration to.
 ASQA will change a deleted
training package qualification on an
RTO’s scope of registration to a
‘non-current’ status following
publication on the national register
of its deletion. The qualification will
then only appear in the ‘Display
History’ section of the RTO’s scope
on the national register.
General direction —Transition and teach-out, March 2012
Continuing Students
 There is no replacement
qualification for the RTO to
transition students of the
deleted qualification to.
Nonetheless, the RTO must
provide timely and adequate
advice and guidance to
students if the qualification in
which they are enrolled is
deleted, with the view to
transferring the student to an
alternative endorsed training
package qualification or
accredited course.
A testamur for a deleted
qualification may be issued to
an eligible student until expiry
of the teach-out period (refer
column at right) applicable to
the qualification. Upon expiry
of the teach-out period the
RTO can only issue a
testamur for a deleted
qualification as a replacement
of a version previously issued.
Teach-out provisions
New Students
 Once the national register
publishes that a training
package qualification has
been deleted, an RTO must
not commence any training or
assessment of the deleted
qualification to any new
 The RTO may continue to deliver training
and assessment services and issue
awards to current students of the deleted
qualification for up to 18 months after
publication of the version of the training
package from which the qualification was
 If an RTO believes exceptional
circumstances apply that require it to
continue to deliver a deleted qualification
to one or more students beyond this
designated teach-out period, it must be
prepared to demonstrate, if requested by
ASQA, its reasons for continuing and
identify the students affected and its
planned delivery timeframe completion.
 During the teach-out period, the RTO must
not enrol students and/or commence
delivery in the deleted qualification.
Transition arrangements
Teach-out provisions
RTO registration
Continuing Students
New Students
 If an RTO has an accredited course
on its scope and that accredited
course has been superseded by a
new Training Package qualification
or accredited course, the RTO must
apply to have the replacement
qualification or accredited course
added to its scope of registration as
soon as practicable but no later
than 12 months* from the date of
publication of the replacement
Training Package qualification or
accredited course on the national
register (if it intends to offer and
deliver the replacement Training
Package qualification or accredited
 The RTO must transfer
continuing students of a
superseded accredited course
into the replacement Training
Package qualification or
accredited course# as soon
as practicable after gaining
registration for the
replacement Training Package
qualification or accredited
 Once the national register
publishes that an accredited
course has been superseded,
an RTO must not commence
any training or assessment of
the superseded course to any
new student.
Accredited courses
accredited courseiv
[* Note: if the accreditation of the superseded
course is due to expire/or is cancelled prior to
the expiration of the transition period, the
RTO must transition to the replacement
Training Package qualification or accredited
course prior to the accreditation of the
superseded course expiring/immediately upon
cancellation of accreditation.]
 ASQA will change a superseded
accredited course on an RTO’s
scope of registration to a ‘noncurrent’ status following publication
on the national register of its
General direction —Transition and teach-out, March 2012
[# Note: RTOs need to ensure when
enrolling students in a new accredited
course that they abide by any transition
requirements within the accredited
course document.]
 A testamur for completion of a
superseded accredited course
may be issued to an eligible
student until expiry of the
teach-out period (refer column
at right) applicable to the
course. Upon expiry of the
teach-out period the RTO can
only issue a testamur for
completion of a superseded
course as a replacement of a
version previously issued.
 The RTO must commence
enrolments in the replacement
qualification or accredited
course# as soon as
practicable after it gains
[# Note: RTOs need to ensure when
enrolling students in a new accredited
course that they abide by any transition
requirements within the accredited
course document.]
 The RTO may continue to deliver training
and assessment services and issue
awards to current students of the
superseded course for up to 18 months
after publication of the endorsement or
accreditation of its replacement.
 Students who have not completed the
superseded course during this timeframe
must be transferred to the new
qualification or course.
 If an RTO believes exceptional
circumstances apply that require it to
continue to deliver a superseded course to
one or more students beyond this
designated teach-out period, it must be
prepared to demonstrate, if requested by
ASQA, its reasons for continuing and
identify the students affected and its
planned delivery timeframe completion.
 During the teach-out period, the RTO must
not enrol students and/or commence
delivery in the superseded course.
Transition arrangements
Expired accredited
RTO registration
Continuing Students
 If an RTO has an accredited course
on its scope and that course
expires, there is no qualification or
course for the RTO to transition its
registration to.
 There is no replacement
qualification or course for the
RTO to transition students of
the expired accredited course
to. Nonetheless, the RTO
must provide timely and
adequate advice and
guidance to students if the
accredited course in which
they are enrolled expires, with
the view to transferring the
student to an alternative
endorsed training package
qualification or accredited
 ASQA will change an expired
accredited course on an RTO’s
scope of registration to a ‘noncurrent’ status following its removal
from the national register.
[Note: An accredited course will expire if the
course proponent elects not to apply for its
reaccreditation or replacement. It is the
obligation of the course proponent to inform
all RTOs registered for the course about its
intention not to seek reaccreditation, prior to
expiry of the course.]
Cancelled accredited
 No transition arrangements apply
General direction —Transition and teach-out, March 2012
 A testamur for an expired
accredited course may be
issued to an eligible student
until expiry of the teach-out
period (refer column at right)
applicable to the course.
Upon expiry of the teach-out
period the RTO can only issue
a testamur for completion of
an expired course as a
replacement of a version
previously issued.
Teach-out provisions
New Students
 Once the national register
publishes that an accredited
course has expired, an RTO
must not commence any
training or assessment of the
expired course to any new
 The RTO may continue to deliver training
and assessment services and issue
awards to current students of the expired
course for up to 18 months after
publication of its expiry.
 If an RTO believes exceptional
circumstances apply that require it to
continue to deliver an expired course to
one or more students beyond this
designated teach-out period, it must be
prepared to demonstrate, if requested by
ASQA, its reasons for continuing and
identify the students affected and its
planned delivery timeframe completion.
 During the teach-out period, the RTO must
not enrol students and/or commence
delivery in the expired course.
 The nature of a teach-out provision in
respect of a cancelled accredited course, if
any, will be advised to each RTO with the
accredited course on its scope of
registration at the time of cancellation of
accreditation of the course.
Transition arrangements
RTO registration
Continuing Students
Teach-out provisions
New Students
Units of competency (applies specifically where an RTO has individual units of competency on scope of registration)
Superseded unit of
 If an RTO has a unit of competency
explicitly listed on its scope and the
unit has been superseded by a new
unit (excluding a version upgrade),
the RTO must apply to have the
replacement unit added to its scope
of registration as soon as
practicable but no later than 12
months from the date of publication
of the replacement unit on the
national register (if it intends to offer
and deliver the replacement unit).
 A student that has
commenced a unit but not
completed it by the time it is
superseded must not be
required to transition to its
replacement unit, however is
entitled to a period up to 12
months to complete the unit
and receive a statement of
 Once a unit is superseded on
the national register, an RTO
may train, assess and issue a
statement of attainment in the
superseded unit to a student,
for a period of up to 12
 If an RTO has a unit of competency
explicitly listed on its scope and the
unit has been superseded by a new
version of the same unit (eg.
version “B”), the RTO is not
required to apply to ASQA to
transition its registration. However,
the RTO may wish to apply for the
change to be referenced on the
national register.
 No further teach-out provisions apply.
 A student who has not completed a
superseded unit by 12 months following
the publication of its replacement must be
immediately transferred to the replacement
unit(s), if the RTO has registration.
 If an RTO believes exceptional
circumstances apply that require it to
continue to deliver a superseded unit to
one or more students beyond expiry of the
transition period following the publication
of its replacement, it must be prepared to
demonstrate, if requested by ASQA, its
reasons for continuing and identify the
students affected and its planned delivery
timeframe completion.
 ASQA will change a superseded
unit of competency on an RTO’s
scope of registration to a ‘noncurrent’ status on the national
register upon expiry of the 12
month period following publication
of its replacement.
When a new Training Package qualification replaces an existing qualification, the existing qualification is referred to as a ‘superseded Training Package qualification’. Example: BSB41907 Certificate IV in Business (Governance) is a
superseded Training Package qualification; it was replaced by BSB41910 Certificate IV in Business (Governance), released on 22 February 2011.
General direction —Transition and teach-out, March 2012
A student may be genuinely disadvantaged if transferring to a new training package qualification or currently accredited course would mean for the student, for example, but not limited to:
a requirement to undertake additional units of competency
an extension to the enrolment period
a fundamental change in the structure or content of the qualification or course
an additional financial expense
a significant change in training venue or delivery mode
a change to apprenticeship/traineeship contract terms
the outcome of the new/revised qualification or course is not recognised by an industry licensing/regulatory body 
a change to their residency visa status
When a new Training Package does not contain a qualification that existed in the previous version of the package, the qualification is referred to as a ‘deleted Training Package qualification’. Example: BSB31207 Certificate III in Frontline
Management is a deleted qualification; it was deleted from the BSB07 Business Services Training Package when the revised package was released on 22 February 2011.
The principal purpose of accredited courses is to address skill requirements for industry, enterprises and the community where these are not covered in nationally endorsed Training Packages and to address changes in skill needs in a
responsive manner. Therefore, accredited courses are frequently superseded by new nationally endorsed Training Package qualifications or units. Example: 30215QLD Course in General Safety Industry (Construction Industry) (a course
accredited in Queensland) was superseded by CPCCOHS1001A Work safety in the construction industry when it was published within the CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services Integrated Framework on 30 January 2009.
Accredited courses can also be superseded by new accredited courses. Note: ASQA will determine, in consultation with a course owner and any other relevant body such as an Industry Skills Council (ISC), if a new Training Package
qualification or a new accredited course supersedes an accredited course.
When the accreditation of a course expires (courses are accredited for a finite period) the course ceases to be nationally accredited and recognised within the Australian Qualifications Framework and is referred to as an ‘expired
accredited course’. Example: 40339SA Diploma of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) is an expired accredited course; it expired on 31 December 2006.
The accreditation of a course may be cancelled by ASQA by application from the course owner or on ASQA’s own initiative if it is satisfied that it is appropriate to do so. If a course has had its accreditation cancelled, the course is referred
to as a ‘cancelled accredited course’.
When a new unit of competency replaces a unit, the existing unit is referred to as a ‘superseded unit of competency’. Example: TAAASS402C Assess competence is a superseded unit of competency; it was replaced by TAEASS402A
Assess competence on 31 May 2010 when Version 1 of TAE10 Training and Education Training Package was published. This rule also applies to units of competency constituting a skill set.
General direction —Transition and teach-out, March 2012