Vitamins -

rda: 4,000-5,000 iu, adult; 2,000-4,000 kids; 1,400-2,000 infants (4,000 IU = 1,000 RE)
C/I: glaucoma; renal iinsufficiency; liver disease; gouty arthritis; pregnancy (teratogenic)
def: night blindness; perifolicular hyperkeratosis; xerophthalmia; keratomalacia; decreased immunity; allergies;
loss of tooth enamel; increased resp. infection; abnormal function of GI and GU tracts
exc: h/a; fatigue; skin peeling; hepatosplenomegaly; bone pain, thickening; constipation; dry skin; restlessness;
alopecia; night sweats; n&v; cheilosis; visual problems; brittle nails; bulging fontanelle (kids); carotenemia
ther: ( maintenance: 25,000 IU/d; therapeutic: 100,000-300,000 iu/d short term) epithelail integrity;
lysosomestability; photoreceptor/retnina, rhodopsin formation; mucus membranes; immunity; anemia
(increases Fe metabolism); PMS, menorrhagia; wound healing (with zinc); incr immunity; lupus; colitis; ulcers
food: fish liver oils; animal fats; liver; egg yolk ; B-carotene: leafy green vegs; yellow, orange fruits and vegs
rda: 200 IU/d adults; 400-600 pregnant & lactating women; 400 infants
C/I: heart problems
def: interferes with Ca ++ and P use in bone and teeth formation; irritability; weakness; osteomalacia;
exc: hypercalcemia; anorexia; weight loss; n&v; diarrhea; constipation; confusion; irritability; depression;stupor;
polyuria; renal failure; polydipsia
ther: (main: 400 IU; ther: 2,000IU) osteoporosis; kidney-related bone problems; hypoparathyroidism (Ca & P
absorption, resorption, mineralizaiton, & collagen maturation of bone)
foods: fish liver oils; fish-salmon, herring, tuna, sardines; egg yolk butter; light-sprouted seeds; (UV light)
rda: 15 IU/d adults; 7-12 kids; 5 infants
C/I: --def: dry skin; easy bruising; low HDL; easy clotting; eczema, psoriasis; PMS; inc. indirect bilirubin; inc. heavy
metals; cystic fibrosis; cataracts; poor wound healing; hot flashes; growing pains; creatinuria; hemolysis; anemia
in G6P def
exc: inc. infection; interferes with enzymes; prolonged bleeding, clotting times; hypertension; inc. TG; nausea;
diarrhea; gas; reduced intestinal absorption of vit K
ther: (main: 100-400 IU/d; ther: to 3,000 IU) intercellular antioxident; cell membrane integrity; nocturnal
cramping; intermittant claudication; restless leg syndrome;MS; Raynauds; PMS; dysmenorrhea; fibrocystic
breast dz; menopause; spontaneous abortion; scleroderma; herpatic lesions; post herpatic neuralgia; acne,
seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis; OA; allergy; thrombophlebitits; dec. platelet aggregation; dec. vascular fragility;
inc. HDL; anemia; Se metabolism; CF
foods: wheat germ oil; soy bean oil; seeds; nuts; grains; fresh wheat germ; green leafy vegs; egg yolk;
VIT K (K1= hytonadione; K2=menaquinone; K3=menadione)
rda: none
C/I: px on anti-coagulation therapy (?)
def: hemorrhagic dz of the newborn , from def. prothrombin; easy bleeding; osteoporosis
exc: no toxicity with natural vit K (K1 & K2); synthetic: flushing; sweating; chest constriction; in
infants:hemolytic anemia, kernicterus
ther: (main: 1 mg; ther: 1-10 mg) for blood coagulation; osteoporosis; floaters; n&v of pregnancy; fractures;
RA, inflammation; Ca oxalate stones; pruritis; cofactor in protein synthesis; for the elderly
foods: K1 in chlorophyll, turnip greens, broccoli, cabbage, beef liver; K2 made by intestinal bacteria (is fat
soluble) K3 is synthetic, water soluble
Vitamins, cont.
rda: 60 mg/d adult; 45 kids; 35 infants
C/I: cystinuria; oxalate stone formers; Fe storage dz; before lab tests, esp. glucose, guyac
def: scurvy: listless, fatigue, weakness, SOB, muscle cramps, aching bones, joints, muscles, anorexia, dry
skin, feverish, hemorrhage; secondary infection; bleeding gums, pyorrhea, dental carries; dec. glucose tolerance
incr. cholesterol; anemia
exc: diarrhea; dysuria; flatulence;skin rash; inc. uric acid; rebound scurvy in pregnancy
ther: (main: 1-3 g; ther: bowel tolerance) inc. immunity; wound healing; schizophrenia; manic depression; CV
dz, dec. TG, dec. platelet aggregation; allergies; colds; cancer; cataracts, glaucoma; periodontal dz; infertility;
back ache; heavy metal toxicity; familial polyposis; Fe def anemia; pressurre sores
foods: citrus fruits and juices, esp. orange, tomato; in most fruits and vegs
rda: 1.0-1.4 mg
C/I: injected B1 can lead to anaphylactic reaction; insomnia, if taken at night
def: confusion; anorexia; muscle weakness; calf muscle tenderness; ataxia; indigestion; constipation;
tachycardia; palpatations; wet beriberi: edema begins on feet and ascends; dry beriberi: polyneuritis, muscle
wasting; Wernicke Korsakoff syndrome
exc: very little toxicity; m/b h/a, weakness, flushing, itching, irritability
ther: (main: 30 mg/d; ther: 10-200 mg) anemia; megaloblastic anemia; beriberi; MS; MG; alcoholism; herpes
zoster trigeminal neuralgia; dry sockets after tooth extraction; depression; anxiety; insomnia; sciatica; sensory
foods: brewer's yeast; sunflower seeds; beans, nuts, whole grains; green vegs; rice bran; wheat germ; yeast
organ meats; milk
VIT B2 (RIBOFLAVIN) needs gastric acid for absorption
rda: 144-20 mg/d adults; 9-18 kids; 6-8 infants
C/I: gout; severe DB; glaucoma; peptic ulcer; impaired liver function
def: pellagra (4 D's= dermatitis, < sun; diarrhea; dementia; death
exc: nausea; flushing; inc. AST, ALT; glucose intolerance; gastritis
ther: (main: 100 mg; ther: 100mg-6 g) atherosclerosis; anxiety; Bell's palsy; diabetic neuropathy;
dysmenorrhea; tardive dyskinesia; MS (niacin); OA (niacinamide); trigeminal neuralgia; hyperactivity
(niacinamide); schizophrenia; quit smoking (niacinamide); insomnia (niacinamnide); Raynauds (niacin); migraine
(niacin); hypercholesterolemia (niacin)
foods: beef liver, kidney; tuna; chicken; salmon, swordfish, halibut, cod; peanuts; sunflower seeds; almonds;
avocado brewer's yeast
VIT B5 (pantothenic acid)
rda: 5.0-10.0 mg adults; 3.0-7.0 kids; 2.0-3.0 infants
C./I: none known
def: insomnia; leg cramps; parasthesias; depression; low AB formation; easy fatigue; GI problems;
exc: diarrhea, in very high doses--15-20 grams
ther: (main: 50 mg; ther: 100mg-2g) OA; RA; contact dermatitis; acne, eczema, psoriasis; anemia; allergies;
stress; adrenal exhaustion; atherosclerosis; hypoglycemia; insomnia; epilepsy; MS; neuritis; fainting; depression;
cataracts; asthma; gastritis; indigestion;' nausea; duodenal ulcer
foods: brewer's yeast; wheat germ; wheat bran; royal jelly; whole grains; green vegs; beans; rice; peanuts; egg
yolk;' crude molasses; sweet potato; broccoli; organ meats
Vitamins, cont.
vit B6 (pyridoxine)
rda: 2.0-2.2 mg/d
C/I: patient on L-dopa or Sinemet
def: depression; n&v; seborrheic derm; mucus membrane lesions; peripheral neuritis; ataxia; hyperirritibility;
altered mobility and alertness; poor memory; poor utilizatrion of fat, protein, sugar; water retention; abnormal
head movements; convulsions; spinal degeneration; macrocytic anemia; glossitis; fatigue;achlorhydria; dec
lymphocytes, macrophages, PMN, phagocytes; still births if deficient during pregnancy
exc: ataxia; feet numb & tingling
ther: (main: 5 mg; ther: 50mg-3g) PMS; dysmenorrhea; nausea of pregnancy; toxemia of pregnancy; infant
seizures; tardive dyskinesia; paniculofibrositis; depression; dementia; hyperkinetic; acne; asthma;
anemia--sideroblastic, iron resistant, sickle cell; dec MSG sensitivity; kidney stones; diabetes
foods: bran; watermelon; banana; chicken; organ meats; yeast; whole grains; fish; legumes; blackstrap
molasses;leafy green vegs; (destroyed by cooking and food processing)
rda: 3 mcg adult; 2.0-3.0 mcg kids; 0.5-1.5 mcg infants
C/I: none known
def: pernicious anemia; noise or light intolerance; achlorhydria; progressive peripheral neuropthy; fatigue;
depression; confusion; memory loss; psychosis; glossitis; impaired lymphocyte response; dec phagocytic and
PMN response; spinal degeneration; macrocytic cells (B12 is destroyed by large amounts of vit C)
exc: none known (may be toxic if given IM)
ther: (main: 100mcg; ther: 100 mcg-3 mg) needs intrinsic factor from parietal cells for max absorption in
terminal ilium; anemia; pernicious anemia; anemia of pregnancy (with Fe & folate) ; macrocytic anemia (w/folate)
allergies; asthma; contact dermatitis; atopic derm; canker sores; viral hepatitis; herpes zoster; psoriasis;acne in
adults; seborrheic derm; diabetic neuropathies; neuralgias; fatigue; bursitis; sciatica; insomnia;depression;
degeneration of long nerve tracts in spinal cord
(Shilling test: ingest B12 and IF; if B12 in urine=pernicious anemia ingest B12 and IF; if NO B12 in
foods: beef liver; meat; salt-water fish; oysters; eggs; milk; aged cheese; brewer's yeast; sea vegs
rda: 400 mcg; 800 mcg/500 mcg pregnant/lactating
C/I: may interfere with anti-convulsant drugs
def: poor growth; blood disorders; megaloblastic anemia; glossitis; GI problems; epithelial cells are most
affected; pain sensitivity; graying hair; dec resistance to infection; ulcers; low WBC counts; premature births;
neural tube defects; poor memory
exc: none known (masks neurological and GI sx of pernicious anemia)
ther: (ther: 800mcg-10mg) megaloblastic anemia; orofacial cleft and NTD prevention taken during pregnancy;
restless leg syndrome; cervical dysplasia; depression (esp. epileptics); malabsorption; GI inflammation;
increased chromosome fracture
foods: green leafy vegs; spinach; brewer's yeast; OJ; liver; black-eyed peas; romaine lettuce; beets;
cantaloupe; broccoli; brussels sprouts; egg yolk; wheat bran; organ meats
rda: 100-200mcg adults; 65-200 mcg kids; 35-50 mcg infants
C/I: loss during dialysis can lead to neurological sx
def: dermatitis (often starts near the eyes) with scaling or hardening; glossitis; anorexia; lassitude; nausea; hair
loss; muscle atrophy; inc glucose; inc cholesterol; anxiety; hallucinations; fungal infections in bowel; slight
anemia; sleepiness and lassitude
exc: none known
ther: (main: 200 mcg; ther: 300 mcg-3 mg) seizures; SIDS; diabetes; dermatitis; seborrheic derm in infants;
muscle pains; uremic px on dialysis
foods: liver; rolled oats; egg yolk; kidney; brewer's yeast; nuts; legumes; fish; vegs (also produced in the gut)
Vitamins, cont.
rda: not established
C/I none known
exc: none
ther: (main: 100-500 mg; ther: 500mg-8 grams) inc vascular integrity; dec histamine release; herpes I;
diabetes; bruising; edema; hot flashes; bleeding gums; CV--atherosclerosis, hypertension; arthritis;
rheumatism; ulcers; varicose veins; hemorrhoids; asthma; food allergies; hayfever; scurvy;
schizophrenia; colds
foods: buckwheat; fresh fruits and vegs; citrus fruits, esp white inner skin; rose hips
rda: not established
C/I: during depressive phase of manic-depression
exc: long term megadoses may lead to B6 def
ther: (1.0-5.0 g/d) hypertension; h/a; insomnia; atherosclerosis; liver damage; hepatitis; fatty liver; memory loss;
Alzheimers; manic depression; learning disorders
foods: lecithin; egg yolk; organ meats; green leafy vegs; yeast; wheat geerm; legumes
rda: not established
C/I: none known
exc: none known
ther: (250-6,000 mg)atherosclerosis; alopecia; constipation; memory loss; hypercholesterolemia; hypertension;
schizophrenia; prevent eczema; insomnia; demylination of nerves; heart palpitations
foods: lecithin; brewer's yeast; beans; raisins; wheat grem; crude molasses; peanuts; cabbage; citrus fruits;
whole grains, esp oatmeal, corn
PABA (para- aminobenzoic acid)
rda: none established
C/I: not given
def: eczema
exc: n&v; long-term magadoses may cause liver, heart, and kidney damage
ther: ( 30-100 mg tid) eczema; grey hair (w/pantothenic acid) ; sunburn (topical); reduces pain of burns;
wrinkles; anemia; constipation; alopecia; vitiligo; schizophrenia
foods: brewer's yeast; whole grains; eggs; milk; yogurt; wheat germ; liver; molasses; kidney (synthesized in gut)
Vitamins, cont.