1- Vit that help in absorption of iron = Vit C
2- Vit essential in DNA synthesis in cell division= Tetrahydropholic acid
3- Non- heme form of iron = transferrin
4- TIBC increased I = IDA Iron def.
5- Hemophilia a , absence in which clotting factor ?= VIII
6- Which facilitate activation and platelet aggregation = TXA2
7- Erythroblastosis fetalis happen when = mother Rh- and fetus Rh+
8- Drug that can bind to platelet and inhibit the function in 90% Abciximab < not sure of spelling
9- Adverse effect of aspirin > gastrointestinal bleeding
10- Most common cardiac manifestation in SLE= pericarditis
11- Dermatological manifestation of lupus erythematous= Butterfly rash
12- When body encounter infection for 1st time which of these will defend the body? = innate
immune system
13- Independent t cell antigen stimulate immune response due to bind to = B – lymphocyte
14- Antibodies in breast milk: IgA
15- Antibodies that can cross placenta: IgG
16- External chemical barrier in skin = lysosome and saturated fatty acids
17- Immunodominant epitope, determinants antigen = can stimulate a greater antibody response
18- NF- normal flora in prevent infection = competitive depletion of nutrients
Mode of inheritance in G6PD= X-linked recessives
Autoimmune hemolytic anemia of new born can be diagnosis of = direct coomb’s test
Microcytic hypochromic anemia = IDA
Hyper segmented neutrophil in peripheral blood filament seen in = megaloblastic anemia
Low MCV could be seen in = sidroplastic
Differentiate btw hemolytic anemia and aplastic= marked reticlosytosis
Path: 2 diagnostic criteria of SLE
Heme: 2 causes of normocytic normochromic anemia
Blood loss anemia (Acute bleeding)
Hemolytic anemia (except thalassaemia)
Aplastic anemia
Pure red cell aplasia.
Phsl: If person has blood group B+ enlist which group he can receive from!?
Same group B+\B- …. And O+\O- < universal donor
Immune: 2 components of innate immune system
Soluble mediators of innate immunity:
Proteins and enzymes: : C reactive protein (CRP), lysozymes, and defensins.
Cytokines : C reactive protein (CRP), lysozymes, and defensins.
type 1 interferons: IFN- α produced by dendritic cells
IFN-β Produced by fibroblasts.
Cells of Innate immunity:
- Monocytes and macrophages: blood stream and tissues
- Dendritic cells: lung, and GIT mucosa.
Granular leukocytes:
-Neutrophils, and eosinophils.
-Basophils and mast cells.
Natural killer cells (NK).