Famous Explorers Speaker’s Series Research Project
Welcome to the Famous Explorers Speaker’s Series production company.
Each of you are going to become a time-traveling researcher, who will be
bringing a Famous Explorer back in time to speak about their past today.
Your job is to create an advertisement poster detailing the life and the
explorations of the Famous Explorer you have chosen.
Also, while you are completing your time-traveling research, you will need
to be thinking about what type of person the Famous Explorer you have
chosen was.
Famous Explorers Speaker’s Series advertisement requirements:
FACTS about the Famous Explorers: (find facts for each bullet)
early years, famous exploration, the importance of the trip, and life after the
famous exploration
MAPS about the Famous Explorers: (two maps)
1 map of the birthplace or homeland
1 map of the explorer’s travels
PICTURE of the Famous Explorer: (only one)
1 picture, drawing or painting showing the Famous Explorer
DECISION about the Famous Explorer:
Explain what type of person the Famous Explorer was and include facts
from your research to prove your opinion.
Famous Explorers Speaker’s Series Research Project
Important interesting information to be included in your research:
Remember, you must complete ALL of the following sections.
The explorer's early life: In this section include details about:
o When and where the explorer was born (This isn't always known.)
o What jobs did the explorer have in his early years?
o The family history - were explorer’s parents wealthy or poor
o Other interesting events that happen during the life of this explorer
Famous Explorers Speaker’s Series Research Project
Important interesting information to be included in your research:
Remember, you must complete ALL of the following sections.
The explorer’s trip(s) and later years In this section include details about:
o Who sent, hired or funded the explorer?
(a king/queen, a president, a private group, or was the explorer self-funded?)
o Where and when the exploration began
o What the explorer did
o The vehicles used in the exploration
o Other people on the exploration (how many?) (anyone famous?)
o Interesting events that occurred during the trip
o Where and when the trip ended
Famous Explorers Speaker’s Series Research Project
Important interesting information to be included in your research:
Remember, you must complete ALL of the following sections.
The importance of the exploration: In this section include details about:
o Why this exploration was important
o Did the exploration open trade routes or establish new territories?
o Did the exploration obtain wealth, create maps or set world records?
o Did the exploration advance science or something else?
Famous Explorers Speaker’s Series Research Project
Important interesting information to be included in your research:
Remember, you must complete ALL of the following sections.
Summarize the explorer: In this section include details about:
o What type of person this explorer was
o Give some examples from your research that explain or support what you think
o When and where the explorer died
o Whether the explorer published autobiographical information