Event Detection in Acoustic Undersea Sensor Networks Arsalan Tavakoli Department of Computer Science University of Virginia arsalan@virginia.edu Summary: In the past five years ad-hoc sensor networks have received a good deal of research attention, and one of the popular applications that has emerged is event detection services. This paper looks at acoustic undersea communications, and more specifically, event detection in undersea acoustic sensor networks. I first present an overview of acoustic undersea communications and event detection services, and then compare and contrast this with the terrestrial equivalents. The paper also presents a confidence level algorithm used to reduce false alarms, which is one of the main problems that currently exist in detection applications. Afterwards the details and the results are laid out for the simulation that tests the effectiveness and accuracy of the confidence level algorithm. The simulator uses both self-generated data as well as realworld acoustic sensor data from a Navy experiment. Finally, the paper concludes by presenting an analysis of the simulation detailing the strengths and weaknesses of the algorithm and laying out plans for future work. 1. Introduction Ad-hoc sensor networks became popular because they were powerful, yet potentially self-sufficient and inexpensive. This combination presented a multitude of potential applications, many of them initially within the military realm as the government was the source of the majority of the initial funding. One of the most popular applications, due to its wide variety of potential uses, has been event detection. This involves detecting the presence of an object within the sensor network, tracking its location as it moves through the network, and also in certain instances classifying the object, such as whether it is a person, a vehicle, etc. One particular use for this technology is in a military environment, where a large network of sensor nodes is scattered in enemy territory where it can perform reconnaissance and relay this message back to military headquarters. More consumer-oriented applications include security and traffic monitoring systems. In an event detection application, the sensor nodes use their sensor readings to detect the presence of an object within their sensing radius. The difficulty is that the sensor nodes are not always 100% accurate, and so a major problem that often presents itself is how to reduce false alarms. A positive false alarm is when a sensor node’s reading leads it to detect an object that does not exist, and conversely a negative false alarm is when a sensor node fails to detect an object that does exist. Both of these are unwanted results, and so researchers are consistently trying to reduce the number of false alarms. One of the best methods has been to require a certain degree of aggregation in order to report an object, which means that multiple nodes have to detect it. This method presents new problems and complexities, but it does serve as the foundation for the confidence level algorithm presented in this paper. To date the majority of event detection research, and for that matter sensor network research in general, has focused on terrestrial applications. Many of the same principles hold in undersea environments, yet there are stark differences as well. To begin with, fundamental hardware items such as the sensor nodes themselves differ, and a completely different communication medium is used as well. In order to be able to proceed with undersea event detection research, the principle differences between the terrestrial and undersea environments have to first be understood. 2. Acoustic Undersea Sensor Networks In order to be able to effectively explore acoustic under sensor networks and compare them with their terrestrial counterparts, they have to be broken down into multiple parts. 2.1 Acoustic Undersea Communication The majority of sensor nodes use RF radio communication to communicate with one another. On the most recent MICA2 [1] motes, this allows for an approximately 100ft communication radius when the mote’s antenna is broadcasting at full power. For undersea environments, RF radio communication is infeasible because it can only be done at very low frequencies, which require large antennae and high transmission power [2]. Therefore, acoustic communications are used as they are a much better fit for undersea environments. As Table 1 shows, depending on the bandwidth they can provide a wide variety of ranges. A typical undersea modem provides a communication range of approximately 1000 meters with a bandwidth of 19kbps. This large communication range, coupled with the larger sensing radius discussed below, allows for a much more spread out and sparse network that is just as effective as dense terrestrial networks. Table 1: Acoustic Undersea Communication Range 2.2 Undersea Hardware and Conditions The equipment used in acoustic undersea networks is understandably much different than those used by terrestrial networks. First of all, undersea sensor nodes are much more expensive than a typical sensor node. They are generally much larger and more difficult to build, as they have to be able to handle a whole slew of new conditions, such as being in a liquid environment and also being susceptible to natural occurrences such as corrosion and fouling. The cost of the equipment and the general underwater conditions make it difficult to create dense undersea sensor networks, and as a result the sensor nodes are spread out much farther then they would be in a typical terrestrial environment. The larger sensing and communication range help to offset this, but the sparseness must still be taken into account when developing detection algorithms because it becomes much more difficult to use the degree of aggregation principle without experiencing an increase in negative false alarms. This is because due to the large distances between the sensors, there is very little spatial correlation and so often the degree of aggregation requirement will not be met since the target will only be within one node’s sensing radius. Although in our assumptions we have generally ignored this fact, undersea sensor networks require much higher power. This is because there is added complexity at the receivers, and also because communication is over much longer distances. Furthermore, solar energy can not be used as a power source. Depending on the duration that the network has to be left unattended, energy conservation techniques may need to be implemented. However, currently, the size of undersea sensor nodes has not been restricted and therefore battery life is not a current concern. 3. Real-World Experiment In 2003, a group of research scientists set up a research experiment for testing out an acoustic undersea sensor network. The test was performed in Port Everglades, FL, using DADS (Deployable Autonomous Distributed System) sensor nodes [3]. The purpose was to attempt to analyze the effectiveness of the DADS sensor nodes in detecting surface movement of boats and ships, as well as detect the presence of underwater submarines. Two different sensor node clusters were deployed, and each cluster contained three sensor nodes in a straight line. Each of these sensor nodes was equipped with a three dimensional magnetometer, or magnetic sensor, that would be used to collect data. The two clusters were on average approximately 1500m apart, far enough from each other so that they would never sense an object at the same time. The data could not be monitored in realtime. Instead, the data were stored on the nodes themselves, and when the nodes were recovered, the data were downloaded onto a computer in order to be analyzed. The main goal was to see whether the developed trend analysis method could accurately identify objects based on the raw sensor data. During the simulation, video surveillance was used so that the accuracy of the analysis could be determined. Overall, 330 hours of data was gathered for surface area detection, and nine hours of data was gathered for submarine detection. Because of discontinuities in the data, only the xaxis data from the magnetometer was analyzed [4]. I could not solely use this data for testing the confidence level algorithm since I needed data for more than two clusters. However, I used the data as a foundation to analyze the frequency of false alarms, and also to determine for how many contiguous reports the sensor node would report a false alarm. 4. Confidence Level Algorithm As mentioned before, one of the main problems in event detection applications is the occurrence of false alarms. This is dealt with by using multiple sensor node reports in order to increase accuracy. A confidence level is simply a way to quantify that anticipated level of accuracy, based on a wide variety of factors. The foundation for the confidence level algorithm used in this paper was originally designed by Jingbin Zhang at the University of Virginia [5]. The algorithm calculates a confidence value based on two factors: temporal data, or spatial correlation, and historical data, in terms of the history of information on this specific target by the sensors. In order to calculate the temporal aspect of the data, I made the assumption that although the sensor nodes do not precisely know the location of the target, they are aware of their own location. The algorithm uses a weighted scheme in which a sensor node predicts the position of the target based on the number of its neighbors who also detect the target, their location, and its own location. sub-areas, much like expanding concentric circles. Each sub-area is assigned a weight, where the sum of the weights must be one. The closer the sub-area is to the target, the higher the weight. For the summation term, n is the numbers of sub-areas for the given target. p(i) represents the percentage of nodes in a sub-area that detect the target, and w(i) represents the given weight of the sub area. It also makes sense that the longer a target is detected by sensor nodes, the greater the confidence value should be. As a result, figure 2 shows the equation used for determining the historical aspect of the confidence value. h(history ) 2 arctg ( f (t )) Figure 2: Historical Equation This function can never exceed one. f(t) is a function of that t that is meant to increase as the length of time that a target is detected increases. Both of these equations are put together in order to be able to compute the confidence value at any given point in time. Confidence j h( j g (temporal)) Figure 3: Confidence Value Initially n Confidence j Confidence j 1 (1 ) h( j g (temporal)) i 1 Figure 4: Confidence Value Subsequently g (temporal) p(i ) * w(i ) Figure 1: Temporal Equation Figure 1 shows the equation used to calculate, g(temporal), the temporal aspect of the confidence value. The way that the algorithm works is that the area around the target is divided into multiple Figure 3 shows how to compute the confidence value the first time that the target is reported (j = 1), and Figure 4 shows how to computer the confidence value for the target for all subsequent reports (j > 1). The number of time slots since the target has been detected is signified by j, where j = 1 means the first report after the target has been detected. α is also a measure of how much the confidence value should depend on the previous confidence value, in order to minimize drastic fluctuations. There were some assumptions that were made when running the simulations, including those that made the simulations a little bit easier, as well as just assigning values to certain parameters. The confidence level algorithm uses various parameters that need to be set experimentally, such as the number of sub-areas, the size of the sub-areas, the weight of the sub-areas, and also α. Simulations need to be used where these parameters are tuned in order to be able to determine the most appropriate values. To begin with, I assumed that there would only be one target in the sensor network at the same time. Obviously, this will not always be a realistic condition, but having multiple targets adds a whole new set of complexities that I was not ready to handle before I was sure the algorithm worked for a single target. The one thing that has to be noted is that this scheme requires a leader node that gathers the reports from all the sensor nodes and computes the confidence value. The node needs to also store historical information for each target in order to be able to calculate the historical aspect of the confidence value. As mentioned earlier, power consumption was not taken into consideration, and so no form of energyefficient sensing was performed. There are many different potential scenarios for using leader nodes. They can gather sensor data in addition to performing their leader duties, or only handle the task of computation. Furthermore, they can be elected dynamically to stay with a target, such as in EnviroTrack [6], or they can be elected statically. 4. Simulation Details For this paper, I used a simulator that had been custom-made for this particular confidence algorithm, and tweaked it a little bit to reflect changes in the algorithm as well. 4.1 Assumptions One of the main points that is critical to the algorithm is that it does not assume that the nodes can detect the distance to the target based on sensor readings. This is a reasonable assumption, as in some cases, including the 2003 DADS experiments, the nodes are not able to estimate the distance to a detected target. In this algorithm, as mentioned earlier, a node uses information about the location of other neighboring nodes that also detect the target in order to predict that target’s position. The problem with this algorithm is that if all the nodes are on one side of the target, as happens when only one cluster detects the target, the predicted position of the target is incorrect. It is estimated to be closer to the node than it actually is. As a result, the confidence value is higher than it should be, leading to additional false positive reports. Future work will examine the effects on the algorithm when nodes can accurately determine the distance to a detected object. In this simulation, the assumption is that there are infinite sub-areas, and each is weighted by (1 / distance to the target). Figure 5 shows the complete equation for determining the temporal value portion of the confidence value equation. n D ) SR i 1 a D 1 ER * ( ) SR i 1 1 ER * ( Figure 5: Adjusted Temporal Value Equation The numerator is meant to calculate the weights for all the nodes that detect the object. ‘n’ is indeed the set of all objects that detect the target, and ‘a’ is the set of all nodes that are within the sensing radius of the target. ER is the error miss rate, or how often the node causes a negative false alarm. D is the distance from the specified node to the target, and SR is the sensing radius. This temporal value will always result in a value that is less than one. The false-positive rate is assumed to be 0.01, and the false negative rate is assumed to be 0.01 as well. There is no precise estimate for these values, but these values are based on reported rates in various experiments, both aquatic and terrestrial. These rates will not affect the relative confidence levels, only the absolute confidence levels. Therefore, based on the false report rate, the confidence threshold for determining if an object really exists can be adjusted. Two other variables set are the number of time periods these false reports continue for. I based this value on the data gathered from the DADS simulation. Although the contiguous report length varied, and it was difficult to determine without the ground truth, the various spurts seemed to last for six time slots, on average. Therefore, I used this value for both the false-positiveduration and false-negative-duration variables. The leader scheme used in the simulation is one in which a cluster of nodes is set up (four by default), with three of the nodes acting as normal sensor nodes, and sending their reports to the fourth node, the leader node. The leader node does not itself gather sensor data, and is selected statically at run time. For the purposes of the simulation, I needed only four clusters set up in a square formation. I have included in the future work section plans to run the simulation for a longer period of time and use more than four clusters. The last assumption regards the sensor and communication ranges, as well as the bandwidth. Based on current acoustic sensing technology, the sensing radius is set to be 250m, while the communication radius is 1000m, and the bandwidth is 19kbps. My plans to test variations in these parameters are included in the future work section. 4.2 Simulation Scenarios The various simulations that were run did not involve any modifications to the actual algorithm itself, but rather configuration parameters for the simulation. The parameters break down into two categories. The first set involves parameters that can not be controlled and which fluctuate, such as target speed and target route. A wide variety of values for these two parameters had to be tested in order to ensure that the algorithm works well under various likely scenarios. Another goal for this simulation was to determine what the optimal set up was to maximize the accuracy of the confidence level algorithm. As a result, during the simulation I varied two main set-up parameters: the level of cluster overlap and the number of nodes in a cluster. For the speed of the target, I chose the parameter values of 1 m/s, 3 m/s, 5 m/s, and 10 m/s. The aim of this simulation is to replicate the submarine tracking portion of the DADS experiment. Therefore, the chosen speeds are appropriate values for submarine speeds. The amount that the sensing radius of each clusters overlaps is referred to as the cluster overlap variable. I have set up three different scenarios for this variable. In the first scenario, the sensing radius of two clusters can overlap by 50m, or in other words two different clusters can detect an object simultaneously. In the second scenario, the radii of two clusters are touching, but not overlapping. Finally, the last scenario lays out the clusters in a fashion such that there is a 100m gap between the sensing radii. As a result, it is theoretically possible for the target to pass between the two clusters unidentified. The last parameter that I modified was the number of nodes in a cluster (including the leader node). I will set the values to 4, 6 and 8 to see the marginal benefit of additional nodes in the cluster. 5. Simulation Results For the route of the target, I created three different options. For the first option, the target simply moves straight through the sensor network. For the second option, the path of the target resembles a horseshoe on its side in which the target comes in and then turns around and leaves. The last option is to proceed in a straight path until the target reaches the center of the sensor network and then turn and proceed due north. These various scenarios are meant to test the performance of the confidence level algorithm as the target passes through the different clusters’ sensing ranges in various ways. Screenshots of all three paths are included at the end of this paper. There were 81 total simulations, as there were four values for target speed, three values for target route, three values for cluster overlap, and three values for nodes in a cluster. For each scenario, I graphed the confidence value history for each cluster leader node over time. I have included a few of the more conclusive graphs at the end of this paper, and will refer to them in this analysis. Success was judged by looking at the percentage of time that at least one of the leader nodes reported a confidence value higher than the threshold, which in this case was set to be 0.7. This parameter can be adjusted experimentally. The algorithm was definitely successful in the sense that the cluster that could sense the target almost always had a confidence value of nearly one, and so therefore the most important period was when the target moved between two different clusters. The goal was to minimize the time that no leader’s confidence level was above the threshold, at least while the target was still moving through the network. The reasoning is that the leader nodes can communicate with each other, and so even if a node does not detect the target yet, it could theoretically have a confidence level greater than 0 as it anticipates the arrival of the target. By far the variable that had the least effect on the confidence values was the number of nodes in a cluster. The difference between four nodes in a cluster and eight nodes in a cluster was minimal. The main reason seemed to be that with the false alarm rate only being 0.01, additional nodes were not needed. With four nodes in a cluster, while the target was within the sensing radius, the confidence value was almost consistently one, and therefore additional nodes would have no effect. This simulation did assume that nodes in a cluster were packed very tight together, almost to the point that they had the exact same sensing radius. In future work this restriction may be relaxed to see if there is a significant effect on the confidence value during handoffs. However, this would be almost equivalent to eliminating clusters and just creating a dense undersea network, which is not currently a desirable outcome. The only effect that the speed of the target had was that it reduced the length of the handover period because the target moved between two clusters faster. Therefore, in cases like Graph 7, you see a significant gap between two different leader nodes reporting a confidence value above the threshold because the slow speed of 1m/s makes the transition period a lot longer. Generally, a faster target would affect the confidence level algorithm because a specified cluster might not be able to get the required degree of aggregation. However, in this case the fastest speed of the target is still relatively slow, and also the sensing radius of the nodes is quite large. The cluster overlap variable had a significant effect on the performance of the algorithm. This is because the farther apart the nodes were, the larger the non-sensible area in the network became. Consequently, the handoff periods were prolonged, and the algorithm has been shown to perform weakly during these transitions. This was especially apparent when the target’s route was a straight line, since it ran exactly between all the sensor nodes, exposing the areas that were outside all of the clusters’ sensing radii. When the overlap was set to touching, only twice did the confidence value go above the threshold. When the overlap was set to be a gap in between, the confidence value never made it above the threshold. Graph 4 shows the effect of the straight line path. Even with overlapping clusters, the confidence level algorithm did not perform too well. The last variable, target route, had expected results. The route that had the best results was the horseshoe route, because for nearly the entire time it stayed within the sensing radius of a cluster and minimized the time that was spent in transition periods. This can be seen in Graph 6, where there are only small intervals when no leader reported a confidence above the threshold, and this is consistent with the occurrence of the handover period. Meanwhile, the straight line and upwards hook paths were both equally bad because in both situations the target spent a good proportion of time in areas that were outside of all sensing radii and so the algorithm obviously suffered. Graph 5 shows that the hook path caused a lot of gaps in the data where no leader node reported a confidence value greater than the threshold. 6. Algorithm Analysis The confidence level algorithm overall worked extremely well. When the target was within a cluster’s sensing radius, the leader node almost always reported a confidence value of one. The main problem came when the target moved between two clusters. Unless the overlap was quite large, due to the circular nature of the sensing radius, there were locations that the target passed through that were not within the sensing radius of any cluster. As a result, these periods often had no leaders reporting a confidence level above the threshold. There are three main suggestions that present themselves. First of all, there needs to be more communication between the leader nodes in terms of broadcasting the confidence values. However, this should only be done if the value is above the detection threshold in order to minimize the amount of network traffic. Second, the confidence values of neighboring clusters have to play a larger part in calculating the confidence value for a leader node in order to leverage the power of clusters. Lastly, confidence values need to be much more stable, especially when they are decreasing. Currently, when the target leaves a cluster’s sensing radius, the confidence value takes an immediate and drastic plunge. A more reasonable method would be to have the algorithm reduce the confidence level at a rate inversely proportional to the time that the target had stayed within the sensing radius. If within a set time period another leader did not broadcast a confidence value (which would by definition have to be above the threshold), then the confidence value could drop drastically. Using this method, the handoff period would be much smoother, and the false alarm rate would not be increased at all. Testing an improved algorithm that incorporates leader cooperation is left for future work. The last aspect that must be looked at is the assumption that the nodes can determine the distance to a target based purely on their own sensor readings. Although some sensor node hardware may be able to do this, a good deal of equipment, such as those used in the DADS experiment, can not. As described previously, nodes use neighbor information to predict the distance to the node and then calculate the confidence value based on this distance. The problem is that this algorithm, with the current cluster setup, creates a biased distance value, which causes the confidence level algorithm to be too high. Either there needs to be a more accurate way for calculating the distance to the target, which seems difficult, the algorithm needs to be changed to depend less on distance, or the nodes need to be given the ability to determine distances to objects precisely. One of the goals of this paper was to suggest an ideal set-up for implementing this algorithm. The number of nodes in a cluster should be set at 4 (including the leader node), because any additional nodes do not provide any real benefit. In terms of cluster overlap, having a little overlap worked the best in this simulation. However, either touching sensor ranges or small gaps are acceptable if the algorithm is modified to deal with the handover period more effectively. 7. Future Work During the course of this paper, I made a good deal of assumptions, and although they were educated ones based on real data, I would still like to gather more accurate statistics. For example, with parameters that can affect the confidence value significantly, such as the rate of positive and negative false alarms, I would prefer to gather more empirical evidence about what their true value should be. All of the scenarios tested for this paper had only four clusters since this was enough to create a boxed area through which the target could pass. However, I want to run longer simulations with more clusters because this will allow me to explore more complex target paths. Furthermore, because of the sensor node’s long communication radius, leader nodes can exchange data with leaders from non-adjacent clusters, and so having more than four clusters would allow me to test the effect of this capability. I also want to explore various acoustic undersea modems which have various sensing and communications radii. The hope is to discover which combination provides the best coverage and effectiveness with the least amount of equipment and cost. One of the main aspects that needs to be explored is how to eliminate the choppiness during handover periods between clusters. This paper has laid out a few suggestions, and so I would like to implement and simulate the changes in order to analyze their effectiveness. Either way, the current method should be redesigned to incorporate more leader communication and more stable confidence values. One of the important aspects of the simulation that I wish to explore is the effect of giving nodes the ability to determine the distance between the target and themselves. Currently, the confidence level is biased upwards because of the target location prediction scheme, and therefore the rate of positive false alarms rises. The hope is that with this modified assumption, the algorithm will become more accurate and the level of false alarms will drop drastically. Lastly, I want to gather more real world undersea sensor network data. For this simulation I could only use the data from the DADS simulation as a foundation for generating my own data since it only had two sensors. If I could gather data from simulations with more than two clusters, I could compare the trends in the data with the data generated by the simulator to ensure that they were similar. 8. Conclusion In recent years there has been a focus on event detection services in terrestrial sensor networks. This paper focused instead on acoustic undersea sensor networks, specifically proposing a confidence level algorithm to reduce the number of false alarms in event detection applications. The algorithm uses historical and temporal information in clusters in order to determine a confidence level that warrants a detection report when it is higher than a certain threshold. Simulations showed that the algorithm was quite effective when the target was within the sensing radius for a variety of different scenarios. The main difficulty lies in the handover period, or the period of time when the target moves from one cluster sensing radius to another one. Often, during this transition, no cluster has a confidence value above the threshold, even though the target has not left the network. The best way to deal with this is to foster more communication between leader nodes and allow confidence values from other neighboring clusters to be used in calculating the confidence value. In the end, the paper achieved its goal of proving that the algorithm was largely successful in a variety of different scenarios. The paper will also hopefully serve as the foundation for more research on event detection services in acoustic undersea sensor networks. 9. References [1] Crossbow Technology Inc., “MICA2 Data Sheet”, http://www.xbow.com/Products/Prod uct_pdf_files/Wireless_pdf/60200042-06_A_MICA2.pdf [2] I. Akyildiz, D. Pompili, T. Melodia, “Challenges for Efficient Communication in Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks”, ACM Sigbed Review, July 2004 [3] K. Rogers, V. Bana, J. Bekkedahl, R. Brannan, B. Creber, C. Fletcher, D. Ladd, R. Ricks, D. Sample, T. Sledzinski, R. Yumori, “Quick Look Report: DADS SEA TEST PFA-2”, July 2003 [4] Migma Systems, “Progress Report: A New Automated Undersea Sensor Detection and Fusion System”, November 2004 [5] J. Zhang, “How to Effectively Reduce False Alarms in Wireless Sensor Networks”, November 2004 [6] T. Abdelzaher, B. Blum, Q. Cao, Y. Chen, D. Evans, J. George, S. George, L. Gu, T. He, S. Krishnamurthy, L. Luo, S. Son, J. Stankovic, R. Stoleru, A. Wood, “EnviroTrack: Towards an Environmental Computing Paradigm for Distributed Sensor Networks”, International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, March 2004 Graph 1-3 Notes: Graphs 1-3 are meant to indicate the three different paths that the target could take. The dotted blue line indicates the path of the target. The large blue circle has a radius of 250m, equal to the sensing radius of one of the sensor nodes. It indicates that any node that falls within this circle should detect the target. The numbers that can not be read are the ids of each of the individual nodes, but they are not important in this case as the subsequent graphs refer to clusters by their location. Lastly, the purple line between two black dots (the leader nodes) indicates that both leader nodes detected the target and have communicated this fact to each other. Graph 1: Target with a Straight Path Graph 2: Target with Hook Path Graph 3: Target with Horseshoe Path 10 m/s - Straight - Overlap - 4 Nodes 1 0.9 0.8 Confidence Value 0.7 0.6 Top Left Top Right Bottom Left Bottom Right 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 1 7 13 19 25 31 37 43 49 55 61 67 73 79 85 91 97 103 109 115 121 127 133 139 145 Time Graph 4: 10 m/s Target Speed, Straight Path, Sensing Radius Overlap, 4 Nodes per Cluster 10 m/s - Hook - Touching - 4 Nodes 1 0.9 0.8 Confidence Value 0.7 0.6 Top Left Top Right Bottom Left Bottom Right 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 1 7 13 19 25 31 37 43 49 55 61 67 73 79 85 91 97 103 109 115 121 127 133 139 145 Time Graph 5: Target with 10m/s Speed, Hook Route, Touching Sensing Radii, and 4 Nodes per Cluster 5 m/s - Horseshoe - Touching - 4 Nodes 1 0.9 0.8 Confidence Value 0.7 0.6 Top Left Top Right Bottom Left Bottom Right 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 1 23 45 67 89 111 133 155 177 199 221 243 265 287 309 331 353 375 397 419 441 463 485 507 529 551 573 595 Time Graph 6: Target with 5m/s Speed, Horseshoe Path, Touching Sensor Radii, and 4 Nodes per Cluster 1 m/s - Horseshoe - Gap - 4 Nodes 1 0.9 0.8 Confidence Value 0.7 0.6 Top Left Top Right Bottom Left Bottom Right 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 1 143 285 427 569 711 853 995 1137 1279 1421 1563 1705 1847 1989 2131 2273 2415 2557 2699 2841 2983 Time Graph 7: Target with 1m/s Speed, Horseshoe Path, Sensing Radii Gap, and 4 Nodes per Cluster