High/Middle Goal Bank - Coweta County Schools

Sample Goals
After the desired skill, include the criteria for mastery and duration.
Examples of criteria for mastery:
TSW do something with 80% accuracy 80% of the time
TSW do something with an average of 80%
TSW do something with 80% accuracy 4 out of 5 trials or opportunities
Examples of duration:
. . .for two consecutive 9 week data collection periods. (meaning that the student’s progress
updates for 2 nine week periods show mastery of the criteria)
. . .for 18 consecutive weeks
Taking reading goal #1, this is how it could be put all together:
Given information, TSW recall the information and arrange events in sequence 4 of 5
opportunities with 80% accuracy for two consecutive 9 week data collection periods.
Desired Reading Skills
Given information, TSW recall the information and arrange events in sequence
The student will correctly answer implicit and explicit questions
Given a variety of presentations, TSW interpret the information presented by answering
comprehension questions
Given a graph or map, TSW locate necessary information to solve problems or answer questions
Given information, the student will analyze and make comparisons
Based on presented data, TSW determine reasonable conclusions
Given information, TSW collect, organize, and record data using appropriate tools and methods
Discriminate between fact and fiction
Predict what happens next in a story
Identify sequence of events, main ideas, and details or facts in literary and informational text
Identify and use reference materials and nonfiction sources
Use newspapers and magazines as sources of information for research
Identify similarities and differences among various genre, (e.g., mystery, fantasy, historical fiction,
science fiction, etc)
Identify similarities and differences between two genre
Identify the social and historical context and point of view in pieces of literature
Will increase reading accuracy and fluency to wpm.
Review text to locate information and clarify meaning by skimming, scanning, reading carefully,
and using other reading strategies
Return to text to locate information, support conclusions, and answer questions
Use information from illustrations, table of contents, glossaries, indexes, headings, graphs,
charts, diagrams, and/or tables to assist in comprehension of text
Identify sequence of events, main ideas, and details or facts in literary and informational text
Restate, paraphrase, and summarize what is read to monitor understanding when reading or
listening to others read in a variety of texts
Form and support opinions and conclusions with specific evidence from the text
Choose to read for enjoyment and/or information
Desired Writing Goals
Given a grade level writing task, TSW clearly state a fully developed main idea and include
supporting details
Given a graphic organizer, the student will complete it as part of the writing process in literature
Student will write sentences with correct grammar, capitalization, and punctuation
Student will write sentences with a subject and verb
Given a grade level writing activity, TSW edit for punctuation, capitalization and spelling errors
Research and write to convey understanding of a topic using at least one resource
Write clear, focused ideas and supporting details on a topic
Write a multi-paragraph passage to develop a topic using details, examples, and/or illustrations
Demonstration organization by developing an introduction, body of text, and conclusion with clear
sequencing of ideas and use of transitional words and phrases
Edit writing to use correct capitalization and ending punctuation
Correct grammar errors in context of writing, using a variety of sources (e.g., peers, adults, other
written materials, etc)
Edit writing to correct punctuation, grammar, and subject-verb agreement
Demonstrate correct use of grammar and punctuation in writing
Recognize and demonstrate control over conventions of written English (e.g., capitalization,
spelling, grammar, punctuation, and paragraphs)
Use a variety of written forms (e.g., journals, essays, poems) to express ideas
Desired Skills for Math
TSW solve equations by selecting appropriate strategies, tools, and formulas
Given a calculator, TSW solve equations that relate to real life situations
Given a calculator, TSW independently solve simple equations
Given a calculator, TSW solve multi-step equations
Give a formula, TSW use the formula to solve problems
Use patterns, functions, and algebraic operations to represent and solve problems
Model situations and solve problems using linear, quadratic and exponential functions
Use and analyze simple relationships shown on graphs and tables
Recognize and use relationships and logical thinking skills to make predictions and solve
Represent mathematical relationships using tables, graphs, patterns, generalizations, variables,
and equations
TSW increase the ability to reason about geometric figures and properties and use models,
coordinates, and transformational geometry to solve problems
TSW increase ability to design, use, and communicate a variety of mathematical strategies to
solve problems
Review solutions to see if they are accurate and reasonable
Accurately compute and/or apply models to solve problems
Solve one step/multiple step word problems
Compute with whole numbers, fractions, decimals, and integers using paper and pencil,
calculators, and computers
Select and use appropriate operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to
solve problems of rational numbers
Know when and how to use calculators to solve problems
TSW increase the ability to collect, organize, display, interpret, and analyze facts, figures, and
other data
Create charts, tables, graphs, and use statistics to summarize data, draw inferences, and make
Collect, record, organize, interpret, display, and describe data using number lines, bar graphs,
line graphs, circle graphs, and picture graphs
Construct, interpret, and analyze displays summarizing collected data in tables, graphs, and plots
(include: number lines, bar graphs, circle graphs, stem, and plots)
Desired Skills for Social/Emotional/Study Skills Goals
(When writing social/emotional/study skill goals, keep in mind that interventions must be in place
to help the student master the goal)
Example: For a student that has a homework goal, what is being done to help him get
assignments completed and turned in on time? (positive reinforcement, communication with
parents, tutoring) It’s not enough to identify a weakness, write a goal, and expect that a student
will make progress on his own. Intervention is the key!
Given a multi-step direction, TSW follow directions in the proper sequence
TSW complete an assigned task within the specified amount of the time
Given a homework assignment, TSW complete the task and submit it by the due date
During transition and unstructured school times, TSW respond appropriately to inappropriate
behaviors of other students
In all school settings, TSW follow staff directions
Given a conflict situation, TSW respond appropriately to staff directions
Given the expectation, TSW arrive where scheduled at the designated time
Given course work, TSW organize materials in a self-selected system
Given an organized lecture, TSW take and organize accurate notes
Given course work, TSW complete reading/study guides accurately
Given missed or unacceptable assignments, TSW redo the task and submit work by the due date
Given difficulty on a class assignment, TSW request and/or accept assistance in an appropriate
TSW attend to a classroom speaker and/or activity
In the classroom and during transitions, TSW use appropriate language
Given the opportunity, TSW engage in appropriate interactions with peers
Identify situations that may lead to conflict (e.g., hurtful teasing, name calling)
Constructively deal with situations that may lead to conflict
Identify appropriate ways of dealing with conflict
Ignore classroom conflict by remaining in seat, not getting verbally involved, and practicing selfmanagement
Adapt effectively to change (e.g., assemblies, fire drills, schedule changes, seat assignments,
new students, or exiting students)
Keep accurate record of classroom and homework assignments in a self-selected system of
Follow directions promptly without the need for verbal reminders
Comply with teacher requests within reasonable time span
Ignore distractions in environment by continuing to focus on own work
Attend to lectures and discussions using eye contact, head nodding, hand raising, and/or verbal
Attempt to independently resolve problems with an assignment before asking for help
Participate in a discussion led by the teacher by listening, raising hand, and waiting to be
Express anger appropriately by using words to state feelings
Name alternative, appropriate ways to express emotions (pleasure, anger, and/or frustration)
Act respectfully toward an individual with different qualities and characteristics (i.e., accepting the
person without derogatory comment, hurtful teasing or actions)
Identify appropriate means to gain attention or affection
Read and follow directions for completing assignments