Unit: 4 Describe and compare measurable attributes Grade Level/Course: Kindergarten Teacher: Mrs. McCants Complex Simple Preview Museum Walk Objects sorted by measuring attributes Picture WalkBig BookThe Three Billy Goats Gruff The Three Bears Predict Six Step Vocabulary • shorter • longer • taller • full • empty • lighter • heavier Learning Goals (Question 1) The student will understand or be able to: Describe measurable attributes of objects, such as length or weight. Describe several measurable attributes of a single object. Directly compare two objects with a measurable attribute in common, to see which object has “more of”/“less of” the attribute, and describe the difference. For example, directly compare the heights of two children and describe one child as taller/shorter. The student will understand or be able to: Know measureable attribute words to describe objects. (length or weight) Know measureable attribute words that compare two objects. (taller/ shorter, bigger/smaller, etc.) Planning for Question 2 Critical Input Chunk Shared ReadingBig BookThe Three Billy Goats Gruff The Three Bears Discuss Show videos (Safari Montage) Peep: Peep Feet Observe teacher doing a graphic organizer comparing two objects (model skill and process using vocabulary) Predictable BooksI Can Make It! I Can Read It!-Mailbox Measuring Up p.63 Light Animals, Heavy Animals p.73 Actively Process Actively ProcessUse manipulatives to understand “measuring” vocabulary ( Small Groups) Links Unifix Cubes Classroom items (pencils, stapler, crayons, etc…. Mimio Connection Measurement Body Balance Comparing length and size Comparing Weight Website Order by Length Planning for Question 3 Classifying TSW create ways to classify objects using “measuring” vocabulary Using the Measurement Center, TSW compare objects using measuring vocabulary How many different ways can you think of classifying these objects “measuring” vocabulary Assessment (2.0) Given two items at a time, TSW describe items using measurable attributes (lighter,heavier) Assessment (3.0) Using “measuring Planning for Question 4 Constructing SupportAssessment (4.0) Given assorted items, TSW will sort items. TSW describe their category using measurable vocabulary. Why? Unit: 4 Describe and compare measurable attributes Grade Level/Course: Kindergarten Teacher: Mrs. McCants Sight Word Books-Creative Teaching Press I Am pp.19-22 vocabulary”, TSW compare two objects l Resources: Everyday Mathematics Sand and Water Play p.p.58 Body Height Comparisons p.70 Everyday Mathematics (Math Center Cards) Sorting Coins Silver Burdett Ginn-Sorting and Comparing by Length Chapter 2&3 T.E. pp.324-331 Worksheets Trade book Three Billy Goats Gruff The Three Bears Resources: RVT Library Books Time to Dance, We Can Use a Balance by Kelly Doudna How You Measure Length and Distance by Thomas K. Adamson Measuring by Sally Hewitt I Can Make It! I Can Read It!-Mailbox Measuring Up p.63 Light Animals, Heavy Animals p.73 Sight Word Books-Creative Teaching Press I Am pp.19-22 Websites: http://www.sadlier-oxford.com/math/mc_practice.cfm?grade=k&sp=student