NATIONAL COUNCIL OF PROVINCES WRITTEN REPLY QUESTION 11 INTERNAL QUESTION PAPER [No 1-2014] DATE OF PUBLICATION: 14 FEBRUARY 2014 11. Mr D B Feldman (COPE-Gauteng) to ask the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform: (1) Whether his department has any records of the percentage of land that is owned by the state in the Free State; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) what percentage of the State land contributes to food security for the (a) Free State and (b) national basket; (3) whether any land has been earmarked for governments’ reacquisition and redistribution for up and coming farmers; if not, why not; if so, (a) what is the status of the willing (i) buyer and (ii) seller negotiations and (b) what are the further relevant details? CW11E THE MINISTER OF RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND LAND REFORM: (1) Yes. The land audit conducted by the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform (DRDLR) indicates that the state (national government, provincial government, municipalities and state owned entities) owns approximately 7% of the land in the Free State province. (2) (a),(b) The land audit did not deal with matters relating to food security ie land use and productivity hence the contribution by state land in terms of food security is not available. However information on state land farms that are recapitalised, and contributing to food security in the Free Sate and nationally are attached as Annexures A and B respectively. (3) Yes. Since 2009 DRDLR took a decision to acquire land in terms of its Proactive Land Acquisition Strategy (PLAS) and allocate it to potential black farmers through farm leases, based on a screening and selection process. (a)(i),(ii),(b) Falls away. ANNEXURE A TO NCOP-QUES 11 OF 2014: FREE STATE PROVINCE Transfer date Programme/Gr ant type Production Type 1 Hectares Purchase Price Strategic Partner/ Mentor 29 January 2007 PLAS Livestock 616.2050 R 680 000.00 Service Provider Appointed 16 April 2008 PLAS Livestock 856.5320 2011/11/17 PLAS Livestock 476.5159 10 September 2008 PLAS Livestock 217.6998 R 700 000.00 Strategic Partner Two Roads 25 September 2008 PLAS Livestock 870.4235 R 1 730 000.00 Strategic Partner Two Roads 01 November 2007 PLAS Livestock 359.8191 R 780 000.00 Strategic Partner Two Roads 21 April 2009 PLAS Livestock 2 952.9320 R 16 200 000.00 Strategic Partner 20 November 2007 PLAS Livestock 232.2709 05 November 2008 PLAS Livestock 1 884.3704 11 June 2008 PLAS Livestock 299.6227 2011/11/08 PLAS Livestock 428.4193 R 27 500 000 Strategic Partner 31 March 2008 PLAS Livestock 1 184.1962 R 8 610 570.00 Strategic Partner 12 September 2011 PLAS Livestock 712.1284 R 4 569 000 Mentor Rhenosterrivier 2011/11/07 PLAS Livestock 678.1738 R 4 200 000 Mentor Rhenosterrivier 30 August 2011 PLAS Livestock 2 745.9534 R 9 540 917 TBC None 06 October 2008 PLAS Livestock 1 659.5927 R 3 748 121.00 Strategic Partner VKB 15 December 2008 PLAS Livestock 501.6123 R 1 650 000.00 Strategic Partner Dipalemo R 5 400 000.00 Strategic Partner R 4 850 000 Mentor R 480 000.00 Service Provider Appointed R 9 060 246.00 Strategic Partner R 1 050 000.00 Service Provider Appointed Name of Strategic Partner/ Mentor Thaba Nchu Drilling Two Roads Rhenosterrivier Bloemfontein Abattoir Independent Water Bloemfontein Abattoir Independent Water Agridelight Two Roads 25 September 2008 PLAS Livestock 327.2847 R 1 309 138.00 Service Provider Appointed 31 January 2008 PLAS Livestock 144.5084 R 800 000.00 Service Provider Appointed 01 October 2008 PLAS Livestock 893.2868 R 3 000 000.00 Service Provider Appointed 11 August 2008 PLAS Livestock 200.0689 R 600 000.00 Service Provider Appointed 24 December 2008 PLAS Livestock 2 422.2434 25 October 2007 PLAS Livestock 146.8124 R 630 000.00 TBC None 2012/05/25 PLAS Livestock 270.2396 R 39 500 000 TBC None 2011/11/04 PLAS Livestock 765.6456 2012/09/25 PLAS Livestock 1 149.66 08 September 2008 PLAS Livestock 463.3714 R 2 052 000.00 Service Provider Appointed 30 April 2009 PLAS Livestock 638.4665 R 2 553 866.00 Strategic Partner Shoani's General Trading VKB 11 March 2008 PLAS Livestock 649.9403 R 2 461 442.00 Strategic Partner VKB 16 October 2008 30 September 2008 PLAS PLAS Livestock Livestock 1 095.8330 751.9224 R 5 170 000.00 TBC R 2 950 320.00 Strategic Partner None Two Roads 17 November 2008 01 December 2008 PLAS PLAS Livestock Livestock 598.8358 679.2265 R 2 879 370.00 Strategic Partner R 3 016 900.00 Strategic Partner VKB VKB 28 July 2008 PLAS Livestock 782.1550 R 4 200 000.00 Strategic Partner Two Roads 10 September 2008 PLAS Livestock 352.1218 R 2 700 000.00 Strategic Partner Two Roads R 7 000 000.00 Strategic Partner R 9 000 000 Mentor R 16 000 000 TBC 3 Independent Water Tshwaraganang Go Dira Farmers Co-Operation Thaba Nchu Drilling CF & M Business Enterprise Dipalemo Rhenosterrivier None 06 May 2009 PLAS Livestock 1 106.1273 R 6 000 000.00 Service Provider Appointed 2011/11/07 PLAS Livestock 526.4707 25 September 2008 PLAS Livestock 241.7304 R 568 000.00 Service Provider Appointed 10 December 2010 PLAS Livestock 846.7190 R 13 500 000 TBC 10 September 2008 PLAS Livestock 687.8409 20 October 2006 PLAS Livestock 616.2041 21 November 2006 PLAS Livestock 4 027.9660 R 4 980 000.00 Strategic Partner Two Roads 28 August 2008 PLAS Livestock 856.5320 R 1 600 000.00 Strategic Partner Two Roads 02 August 2007 PLAS Livestock 1 047.2694 R 5 225 000.00 Strategic Partner Two Roads 2012/05/17 PLAS Livestock 483.4409 20 May 2008 PLAS Livestock 1 046.3685 R 7 060 000.00 Strategic Partner VKB 06 January 2012 29 August 2008 PLAS PLAS Livestock Livestock 1 005.7211 898.1452 R 8 800 000 TBC R 2 031 000.00 Service Provider Appointed 17 April 2009 PLAS Livestock 1 335.8788 R 8 350 000.00 TBC None Thaba Nchu Drilling None 03 November 2008 PLAS Livestock 517.3364 R 1 880 000.00 Mentor Grain SA 23 January 2008 PLAS Livestock 526.6843 R 3 551 100.00 Service Provider Appointed Independent Water 26 January 2009 PLAS Livestock 1 068.5560 R 3 000 000.00 Strategic Partner Two Roads 19 November 2007 26 September 2008 PLAS PLAS Livestock Livestock 1 680.8799 817.8624 R 1 848 000.00 TBC R 3 271 000.00 Strategic Partner None Dipalemo 23 December 2010 PLAS Livestock 1 730.3334 R 3 100 000 TBC R 2 700 000.00 Strategic Partner R 660 000.00 TBC R 12 400 000 TBC R 18 053 100 TBC 4 Independent Water None Thaba Nchu Drilling None Two Roads None None None 08 January 2008 01 October 2007 PLAS PLAS Livestock Livestock 184.1544 379.0910 R 329 500.00 Strategic Partner R 1 180 000.00 Service Provider Appointed 26 August 2008 PLAS Livestock 347.4880 R 855 000.00 Service Provider Appointed 04 June 2008 25 September 2008 PLAS PLAS Livestock Livestock 328.8255 241.7290 R 800 000.00 Strategic Partner R 723 000.00 Service Provider Appointed 07 December 2007 PLAS Livestock 951.0146 R 2 400 000.00 Service Provider Appointed 14 August 2008 PLAS Livestock 666.3818 R 2 000 000.00 Service Provider Appointed 17 October 2008 29 August 2008 PLAS PLAS Livestock Livestock 1 040.9626 1 324.9265 21 September 2011 PLAS Livestock 8 397.7210 19 January 2009 19 November 2008 PLAS PLAS Livestock Livestock 1 276.2327 382.2289 07 September 2011 01 December 2008 PLAS PLAS Livestock Livestock 155.7355 171.3064 22 January 2009 PLAS Livestock 1 834.0705 20 September 2010 PLAS Animals (and By-Products) 21 November 2008 PLAS Livestock 08 November 2007 PLAS Livestock R 2 600 000.00 Strategic Partner R 5 431 000.00 Strategic Partner R 34 500 000 TBC R 6 000 000.00 Strategic Partner R 3 823 650.00 Strategic Partner R 4 500 000 Mentor R 820 000.00 Service Provider Appointed R 24 300 000.00 Strategic Partner VKB Tshwaraganang Go Dira Farmers Co-Operation Tshwaraganang Go Dira Farmers Co-Operation Dipalemo Thaba Nchu Drilling Shoani's General Trading Thaba Nchu Drilling Two Roads Dipalemo None Dipalemo VKB Grain SA Tshwaraganang Go Dira Farmers Co-Operation R 4 700 000.00 Mentor Bloemfontein Abattoir Rhenosterrivier 1 111.8285 R 5 200 000.00 Strategic Partner Two Roads 859.6712 R 3 534 000.00 Strategic Partner Dipalemo 641.5939 5 09 April 2008 PLAS Livestock 4 414.7014 R 10 937 748.00 Strategic Partner 22 January 2008 10 September 2008 PLAS PLAS Livestock Livestock 1 064.2024 1 789.0854 R 9 462 000.00 Mentor R 7 000 000.00 Strategic Partner 25 September 2008 PLAS Livestock 784.3121 02 December 2008 PLAS Livestock 234.2460 R 787 304.00 Strategic Partner 18 January 2008 PLAS Livestock 174.4127 R 500 000.00 Service Provider Appointed 03 October 2007 PLAS Livestock 856.5320 R 1 630 000.00 Strategic Partner 16 November 2005 PLAS Livestock 6 547.3888 R 11 080 000.00 Strategic Partner 11 March 2008 TBC PLAS PLAS Livestock Poultry Production 898.8362 328.7223 R 2 750 000.00 Strategic Partner TBC Mentor TBC PLAS Sheep Production 376.2428 TBC PLAS Beef & Sheep TBC TBC TBC PLAS PLAS PLAS Crops Dairy Cattle Livestock R 1 750 000.00 Service Provider Appointed Bloemfontein Abattoir Grain SA Dipalemo Thaba Nchu Drilling Two Roads Independent Water Two Roads Bloemfontein Abattoir Two Roads VKB TBC Mentor Rhenosterrivier 1 773.0000 TBC TBC OVK 38.5952 624.8043 766.2392 TBC TBC TBC TBC TBC TBC Dipalemo None None 6 ANNEXURE B TO NCOP-QUES 11 OF 2014: NATIONAL Province District Municipality Project name Property Description Hectares EC Amatole Bloemhoff Farm no. 216 EC Chris Hani Cocklyn Family Farming Project Sugar Beet Project(Alfa & Sanctuary) 0(Rem Ext)Farm no. 201,Portion 11(Rem Ext)Brak Vallei no.59 EC EC Fred NZO Amathole Guanga Gonzana Farm No.47 Portion 4 of Farm No.950 FS Xhariep 616.2050 FS Lejweleputswa FS Fezile Dabi FS Lejweleputswa FS Xhariep Pro-Active Olifantsbeen Portion 1 (Olifantsbeen) of the farm Nantes No. 182 Pro-Active Berlyn Portion 1 of the farm Berlyn No. 1580 and Remaining Extent of the farm Berlyn no. 1580 Pro active Vergenoeg Portion 1 of the farm Vergenoeg No. 491 and Portion 4 of the farm VERGENOEG No 491 Pro-Active Olivine Portion 3 of The farm Olivine No. 249, Portion 2 of the farm Olivene No. 249 and Remaining Extent of the farm Olivine No. 249 Pro-Active Aasvogelkop Remaining Extent of the farm Aasvogelkop no. 1 FS Lejweleputswa Pro-Active Deelpan 78.0301 925.9233 TBC 53.0194 Remaining Extent of the farm Deelpan no. 194 7 856.5320 476.5159 Purchase Price Strategic Partner/ Mentor Name of Strategic Partner/ Mentor R1 650 000.00 TBC None R23 300 000.00 Strategic Partner TBC Mentor TBC Mentor R 680 000.00 Service Provider Appointed R 5 400 000.00 Strategic Partner R 4 850 000 Mentor ARDA Mr. Myeki Mr. Shaun Brown Thaba Nchu Drilling Two Roads Rhenosterrivier 217.6998 R 700 000.00 Strategic Partner Two Roads 870.4235 R 1 730 000.00 Strategic Partner Two Roads 359.8191 R 780 000.00 Strategic Partner Two Roads FS Thabo Mofutsanyana FS Thabo Mofutsanyana GP Sedibeng FS GP Thabo Mofutsanyana West Rand GP West Rand FS EC EC Thabo Mofutsanyana Cacadu Chris Hani EC EC Cacadu Chris Hani Pro-Active Kromelboog Remaining Extent of the farm Kromelboog No. 264,Portion 1 of the farm Kromelboog No. 264,Remaining Extent of the farm Pronklaagte No. 472,Portion 5 of the farm Gastvrij No. 795 and the farm Lappie Alleen No. 474 Pro-Active Hoek van Remaining extent of the farm Holland and Verdun Verdun No. 1753 and The farm Hoek van Holland no. 26 Uitkyk/ Nigel Caring RE of ptn 2 of the Farm Uitkyk 327 IR Pro-Active Roodebloem The farm Roodebloem No. 328 and, The farm Fairview no. 1032 Daba Ptn 30(Ptn of Ptn 17) of the Farm Elandsfontein 277 IQ Marcia Agri Project Ptn 64 of the Farm Hartebeesfontein 472 JQ Pro-Active Exelsior The remaining Extent of the farm Exelsior no. 1177 Rapsy Farm 390/4 Boschfontein BLAAWKRANTS Farm, blaawktrantz farm no. 523 and Vorentoe Farm (Sugar 600, remainder of portion 6, beet phase 2) remainder of portion 13, portions 14,15,30,32,36, farm no. 523, remainder of portion 31,34 and 58 of farm no.527 Ngqeza Family Trust Delportsrivier No 147 Jansenville Perldene and Surprise ERF 6145, ERF 37, Portion 18 of Farm farm DE RIETFONTYN 206 and portion 24 of farm DE RIETFONTYN 206 8 2 952.9320 R 16 200 000.00 Strategic Partner 232.2709 R 480 000.00 Service Provider Appointed 144.5726 Bloemfontein Abattoir Independent Water R 1 911 600.00 Mentor D.J. Groesbeek 1 884.3704 R 9 060 246.00 Strategic Partner 146.6748 R 2 100 000.00 Strategic Partner 19.5318 R 1 700 000.00 Strategic Partner 299.6227 43.2985 1109.9897 R 1 050 000.00 Service Provider Appointed R 2 500 000.00 TBC R 25 200 000.00 Strategic Partner Bloemfontein Abattoir Organic Farms Group Organic Farms Group Independent Water None ARDA 2 006.4000 304.6418 R 7 870 000.00 TBC R8 400 000.00 Strategic Partner None ARDA EC Amathole Swiss Valley and Doraine Sugar Beet Project (Cloverfields) EC Chris Hani EC EC EC Chris Hani Chris Hani TBC Sarnia Farm Visch Gat Farm Lidell Farm 454 and portion 2 of farm 186 Farm 552,known as Cloverfields, Portions 3,9 of Farm 552 known as Cloverfields,Portion 21 of Farm 554 known as Vrischgewaagd, Portion 18 of Farm 563 known as Das En Door farm no 574 portion 6 Sarnia farm no 66 portion 11 fortuin Farm No. 1323 EC Amatole Jericho Farm No. 1328 of Fortbeaufort 51.7007 EC Amatole Farm No. 649/5,6 (MAGQABI VEG PROJECT 48.4111 R 6 270 000.00 TBC EC EC Cacadu Chris Hani R 5 090 000.00 Strategic Partner R11 000 000.00 Strategic Partner Bono Holdings ARDA Amatole EC Chris Hani Bergendal(Mortimer 1(Sugar beet phase 2) EC Chris Hani Laetitia farm Nebraska 558/15,33 (Buck Kraal) Portion 1 and portion 11 farm Normanskop no: 139 portion 1 of farm no 413 known as philton and farm no 443 known as carlton Portion 1 of farm no: 606, Portion 10 of the farm Hales vlakte no: 358, Remainder of portion 9 9ruitherford) of the farm Vlakte No: 358, Remainder of portion 11 ( Die Krans) of the farm Hales Vlakte No: 358 Portion 19 and 18 of farm Onverwaght number 63 19.2720 182.679 EC Portion 5&6 of Hill View/ QUALO Hillview Farming Nebraska Baroda (Brookfield Farm) Philton and Carlton ARDA ARDA Riverside Advisory Services Riverside Advisory Services None 9 828.6677 R 5 000 000.00 TBC None 583.0085 R7 884 000.00 Strategic Partner ARDA 152.0406 58.3941 112.2426 R11 800 000.00 Strategic Partner R2 500000.00 Strategic Partner TBC Mentor 657.3462 TBC Mentor R6 400 000.00 TBC None 2739.1412 R17 500 000.00 Strategic Partner ARDA 1 542.4048 R 5 000 000.00 TBC None EC Amatole Portion 2 of Farm 169 Portion 2 of Farm 169 EC Joe Gqabi Delta Farm EC Amatole Portion 4 of Montra Farm No.597 EC Chris Hani Mortimer 2 (Helvitio/ Hillcrest/mountain) EC Alfred Nzo EC Cacadu EC EC Amathole Amathole Driefontein/ Vuyisa Mdlalo Sifanele Sugar Beet Project (Brakfontein) Grasslands farm Mjongile Family EC Chris Hani Modderfontein EC Joe Gqabi Rooival EC Cacadu Sugar Beet Project Portion 3 of the farm Delta 164, Remainder of farm Delta164, Portion 6 of the farm Delta 164. Portion 4 (A portion of portion 1) (Damado) of the Farm No. 597 in the Dvision of East London Portion 4 (mountain veiw of the loskop) remainder of portion 43 (Hillcrest) a portion of portion 1 of the farm lLoskop no: 492, Portion 2 (Helvitia) of the farm Loskop no: 492 Portion 4 OF DRIEFONTEIN FARM NO 145 Portion 4 of Farm 261 known as Brakfontein, Portion 4 of farm 47 Portion 4 of Farm number 1828 Rapid Creek Farm Portion 6(Diep Kloof) of the farm Sea Cow Gat no. 55. Portion 11(a portion of portion 10) of the farm Modderfontein no.58. The remainder of the farm Modderfontein no. 58. Portions 1, 5 and 6 of farm Nooitgedacht, remainder of portion 1 and portion 2 of the farm Rooival number 126, portion 2 of the farm Vogevalley Portions 5, 6,8,12,27, of Farm 10 387.7148 TBC TBC None 1 245.8167 R5 800 000.00 TBC None 54.0659 TBC Mentor 393.2732 R8 900 000.00 Strategic Partner 784.0588 352.0379 TBC TBC 8900000 Strategic Partner Andrew Emslie ARDA None ARDA 416.8249 403.8299 R 2 750 000.00 TBC R 3 700 000.00 TBC None None 1 795.6136 R5 400 000.00 TBC None 2 411.0105 R 19 500 000.00 TBC None 1 587.1232 R13 100 000.00 Strategic Partner ARDA (Krantzkloof) EC Amatole Siyavuselela Agricultural CO-OP EC Amatole Tia Family Project EC Amatole Mdodana Family EC Amatole EC Amatole Somila Poultry & Vegetable COOperative LTD Farm Beacon Hill EC Amatole EC EC Amatole Cacadu EC Cacadu Sxowen Trading Enterprise Butshingi Family Westondale Mvabayezibele CoOperative known as Muisvlakte and Farm 400 Ptn 0 Farm 745 FARM 745 and Ptn 7 Farm 746 FARM 746 (Ernst Draai) Ptn 0 Farm 2 KYBER; Ptn 0 Farm 8 STONE FELL; Ptn 1 Farm 10 THE BUSHES and Ptn 0 Farm 7 THE DEEPS Ptn 0 Farm 248 FARM 248; Ptn 0(rem) & 1 Farm 251 FARM 251 and Ptn 0 Farm 1458 Ptn 0 Farm 426 FARM 426 (Gonubie Drift) Ptn 0 Farm 48 FARM 48; Ptn 0 Farm 49 FARM 49; Ptn 0(rem) Farm 51 FARM 51; Ptn 0(rem)Farm 52 FARM 52 and Ptn 2 Farm 52 FARM 52 Ptn 0 Farm 659 FARM 659 and Ptn 0(rem) Farm 667 FARM 667 Ptn 0 Farm 8 Farm 8 Ptn 0 Farm 92 FARM 92; Ptn 0(rem) Farm 93 MONTE BELLO; Ptn 0(rem) Farm 96 BEISJES FONTEIN; Ptn 3 Farm 113 SMITSKRAAL and Ptn 1 Farfm 123 WESTONDALE Ptn 0(rem) Farm 100 CRESS FARM 11 22.5788 R 9 800 000.00 Mentor Frans Van Aardt 3 996.9610 R 10 300 000.00 TBC None 415.1649 R 3 700 000.00 TBC None 473.3369 R 3 600 000.00 TBC None 145.9332 R 1 955 000.00 TBC None 82.5893 R 7 750 000.00 TBC None 1 056.9184 6 398.1146 R 5 800 000.00 TBC R 12 800 000.00 TBC None None 247.5947 R 1 605 000.00 TBC None EC Cacadu Phambili Livestock Farmers Association EC Cacadu Sugar Beet Project (Weltevrede) EC Amatole EC Cacadu Mabontle Tinyane Tomato Project Radiesvley Project EC Chris Hani Sherwood Farm EC Cacadu EC Amatole Meyers Family Farming Project Jordaan EC Cacadu Zonke Izizwe Women's EC EC Amatole Amatole EC EC Amatole Chris Hani Ptn 0(rem) Farm 123 BOSCH RUG; Ptn 0 Farm 132 NEWKLIP; Ptn 0 Farm 133 NEWKLIP; Ptn 2(rem), 3(rem), 4(rem), 5 & 6 Farm 134 BREEDE LAAGTEF; Ptn 5(rem) Farm 135 ZWART RIVIER and Ptn 10(rem) & 17 Farm 194 KLIPFONTEIN Ptn 0(rem) Farm 161 GEZHIRET and Ptn 0(rem) Farm 292 WELTEVREDE Ptn 0(rem) Farm 747 FARM 747 (Wattle Groove) Ptn 0(rem), 2 & 3 Farm 8 RADIES VLEY (Honeyvale) and Ptn 2(rem) Farm 9 PERCIVAL (Sportsvale) Ptn 1 Farm 312 SHERWOOD FOREST and Ptn 0(rem) Farm 313 WELTEVREDEN Ptn 2 Farm 247 SPIOENKOP 2 270.4200 810.1677 R 4 000 000.00 TBC None R 8 900 000.00 Strategic Partner ARDA 15.2720 R 11 875 000.00 TBC None 1 882.2175 R 1 920 505.00 TBC None 1 309.9089 R 6 800 000.00 TBC None 299.7866 R 3 500 000.00 TBC None Ptn 2 of the Farm Jordaan No. 897 Ptn 24 Farm 110 WAGGIE 185.0000 R 3 921 600.00 TBC Shaun Edrien Brown None Portion 3 of Farm 54 Great Place (Ripplemead) Ptn 3 Farm 54 FARM 54 Ptn 4 of 5 of Farm Great Place 356.7456 86.2662 R 3 470 000.00 TBC TBC Mentor None Mr. Shaun Brown BN Nzuma/SEAVIEW Belmont Property Ptn 6 Farm 652 FARM 652 Ptn 7 Farm 160 BEESTE KRAAL and Ptn 1(rem) Farm 124 RIET POORT 23.7259 1 252.5371 R 7 000 000.00 TBC R 3 600 000.00 TBC None None 12 61.6499 TBC Mentor EC Chris Hani Rynlands (Sugar beet phase 2) EC Cacadu Gorah Farm EC Chris Hani Steenbok Trust EC Chris Hani Sugar Beets Phase Two: Steenboksvlakte EC Cacadu Klipfontein Remainder of portion 1 (RYNLANDS) of the farm RETREAT no. 362 Remainder of Portion 1 Gorah Farm 398 Barthurst Remainder Of portion 4 (Redlands) of farm Hurstly no. 360, remainder of portion 5 (steenboksvlakte) of farm Die steenbokvlakte no. 357, Rem and ptn 3 of farm Hurstley no. 360, Rem of farm HALES OWEN 356, Rem ext of farm LIME RESERVE No. 361, Ptn 2 and 3 of farm RETREAT No. 362 Remainder of portion 4 (Redlands) of farm Hurstley No.360, Remainder of portion 5 (Steenblokvlakte) of farm De Steenbokflakte No.357, Remainder of farm Hurstley No.360 Remainder of the farm BOSCH RUG no 123,portion 4 and 5 of the farm PAMPOEN KRAAL no.128, remainder and portion 1 of the farm PLATKRAAL no. 129, Remainder of the farm NEWKLIP no 130, portion 11,20 and 22 ( remainder to be subdevided) of the farm KLIPFONTEIN no:194, Remainder of the farm KOPKRAAL 196 and portion 9 and 11of the farm KALK GAT 13 293.9821 R 7 100 000.00 Strategic Partner ARDA 146.6105 R 6 600 000.00 TBC None 1055.9963 R 17 600 000.00 Strategic Partner ARDA 1075.3804 R7 400 000.00 Strategic Partner ARDA 2304.8151 R5 180 000.00 TBC None no.198 EC Chris Hani Baroda (Avalon Farm) EC Amatole EC Amathole Woodbury Farm/Ilitha farming Riversdale Farming Project/ Xamesi family EC EC Cacadu Cacadu Rockhurst Farm Sugar Beet Project (Sut Vleij) FS Lejweleputswa Pro active Gelukspan FS Xhariep Pro-Active Riet River FS Fezile Dabi FS Fezile Dabi Pro active Olivenfontein Pro active Benoni Remaining extent of portion 1 of the farm no. 69, Remaining extent of portion 5 ( BORADO)of the farm HET FORTUIN no 69, Remaining extent of portion 5 ( Borando) ( a portion of portion 3) of the farm DOORN RIVER no. 123, Farm no 597, portion 6 ( a portion Remaining Extent of the farm no. 282. Riversdale farm number 1 Rockhurst Farm 42.R,3,5,45,46 The farm Hoenders Hoek No. 235. The Farm Sout Vleij No.233. The Farm No. 234. Portion 1 of the remaining extent of the farm Gelukspan No. 328 Agricultural Holding no. 230 Riet River Settlement East Portion 0 (remainder) of the farm Olivenfontein No.96 Portion 0 of the farm Benoni No. 662 14 227.3717 R11 200 000.00 Strategic Partner ARDA 213.5734 3 900 000.00 TBC None 1113.4916 R 6 800 000.00 TBC None 4 125.6217 2 334.0497 R 13 000 000.00 TBC R 21 212 800.00 Strategic Partner None ARDA 428.4193 R 27 500 000 Strategic Partner Agridelight 1 184.1962 R 8 610 570.00 Strategic Partner Two Roads 712.1284 R 4 569 000 Mentor Rhenosterrivier 678.1738 R 4 200 000 Mentor Rhenosterrivier FS Motheo Pro active Hamokatiba FS Xhariep Pro-Active Donovanskop FS Motheo Pro-Active Eaton FS Thabo Mofutsanyana Pro-Active Groot Dam FS Fezile Dabi Pro-Active Spioenkop FS Xhariep Pro-Active Springbokdam Portion 1 of the farm Donkerhoek No. 468,the farm Holywell No. 42,Remaining Extent of the farm Excelsior No. 378,Remaining Extent of Goldamnn's Rust No. 320,the farm Warwick No. 334,the farm Ontevrede No. 236, the farm Bloemhof No. 322,the farm Paradys No. 321, the farm Annex Paradys No. 437,the farm De Beers No. 104 and the farm Bultfontein No. 195. Portion 1 of the farm Donovas Kop no. 210, Remaining Extent of the farm Tweefontein no.508 and The farm Waterval no. 159 Portion 1 of the farm Eaton no. 226 and the farm Welldone no. 655 Portion 1 of the farm Rondebult No. 917 and Remaining Extent of the farm Rondebult No. 917, Portion 3 of the farm Stoffeline No. 1247, The farm Erfdeel No. 919 and The farm Groot Dam No. 918 Portion 1 of the farm Spioenkop No. 236 2 745.9534 Portion 1 of the farm Springbokdam no.481, The farm Rondebult no. 303, Portion 2 of 15 R 9 540 917 TBC None 1 659.5927 R 3 748 121.00 Strategic Partner VKB 501.6123 R 1 650 000.00 Strategic Partner Dipalemo 327.2847 R 1 309 138.00 Service Provider Appointed Independent Water 144.5084 R 800 000.00 Service Provider Appointed 893.2868 R 3 000 000.00 Service Provider Appointed Tshwaraganang Go Dira Farmers Co-Operation Thaba Nchu Drilling the farm Standhouwdam no. 988 and The farm Konings Fontein no. 41 FS Fezile Dabi Pro-Active Sterkwater FS Xhariep Pro-Active Brandewynskuil FS Lejweleputswa Pro-Active Langverwacht FS FS Mangaung Metro Fezile Dabi Pro active Wildealskloof Pro active Witte Kopje FS Motheo Pro active Georgina FS Fezile Dabi Pro-Active Groenpan FS Thabo Mofutsanyana Pro-Active Bronkorsfontein Portion 1 of the farm Sterkwater no. 2334 Portion 1 of the Remaining Extent of the farm Brandewynskuil no.116, Portion 2 of the farm Sandymount Park no. 109 and Portion 4 of the farm Sandymount Park No. 1126 Portion 1 of the Remaining Extent of the farm Langverwacht No.35 Portion 1, 2, 3 of the farm Wildealskloof no 1205 Portion 1of the farm Witte Kopje No. 118, Remaining Extent of the farm Eleventh Street A No. 984,Portion 2 of the farm Eleventh Street A No. 984,Portion 3 of 1 of the farm Eleventh Street A No. 984 Portion 2 of the farm Georgina 2150, Potion 5 of the farm Georgina no. 2150 and the farm Rosarum no. 2982 Portion 2 of the farm Groenpan No. 794 Portion 5 of the farm Brokhorstfontein No. and Portion 8 of the farm Bronkhortsfontein No. 16 200.0689 2 422.2434 R 600 000.00 Service Provider Appointed R 7 000 000.00 Strategic Partner CF & M Business Enterprise Dipalemo 146.8124 R 630 000.00 TBC None 270.2396 R 39 500 000 TBC None 765.6456 1 149.66 463.3714 638.4665 R 9 000 000 Mentor R 16 000 000 TBC R 2 052 000.00 Service Provider Appointed R 2 553 866.00 Strategic Partner Rhenosterrivier None Shoani's General Trading VKB Fs Thabo Mofutsanyana Thabo Mofutsanyana Pro-Active Langverwag Fs Lejweleputswa Pro-Active Korrelkop FS Pro-Active Lourentia Fs Thabo Mofutsanyana Lejweleputswa FS Fezile Dabi Pro-Active Schoonvlakte Pro-Active Brakfontein Fs Lejweleputswa Pro-Active Gannapan FS Thabo Mofutsanyana Pro-Active Heidelberg FS Lejweleputswa FS Xhariep FS Lejweleputswa FS Lejweleputswa Pro active Helderfontein Pro-Active Inkruiper'sFontein Pro-Active Joubertspark/ Dabula Manzi Pro-Active Kroomspruit FS Pro-Active Spyoenkop Portion 5 of the farm Langverwag No. 1075 Remaining Extent of farm Davidsfontein no. 209, The farm Spyoenkop no. 1417, The farm Leyden no. 1401 and Portion 3 of the farm Kraalpunt no. 1759 Remaining Extent of the farm Korrelkop no. 781, Portion 1 of the farm Nooitgedacht no. 64 and Portion 2 of the farm Nooigedacht no. 64 Remaining Extent of the farm Lourentia no.395 Remaining Extent of the farm Schoonvlakte no. 596 Remaining Extent of the farm Brakfontein no. 532 Remaining Extent of the farm Gannapan no. 912 Remaining Extent of the farm Guarrihoek No. 111,the farm Winderpan No. 1917 and Portion 1 of the farm Heidelberg No. 1242 Remaining Extent of the farm Helderfontein No. 642 Remaining Extent of the farm Inkuiper's Fontein no. 21 Remaining Extent of the farm Joubertspark No. 894 Remaining Extent of the farm 17 649.9403 R 2 461 442.00 Strategic Partner VKB R 5 170 000.00 TBC None 751.9224 R 2 950 320.00 Strategic Partner Two Roads 598.8358 R 2 879 370.00 Strategic Partner VKB 679.2265 R 3 016 900.00 Strategic Partner VKB 782.1550 R 4 200 000.00 Strategic Partner Two Roads 352.1218 R 2 700 000.00 Strategic Partner Two Roads 1 106.1273 R 6 000 000.00 Service Provider Appointed Independent Water 1 095.8330 526.4707 241.7304 R 3 100 000 TBC None 846.7190 R 568 000.00 Service Provider Appointed R 13 500 000 TBC Thaba Nchu Drilling None 687.8409 R 2 700 000.00 Strategic Partner Two Roads Kroomspruit No. 421 FS Xhariep Pro-Active Nantes FS Xhariep Pro-Active Middelkraal & Pantfontein FS Xhariep FS Fezile Dabi Pro-Active Steenbokvlakte Pro-Active Zandfontein FS Lejweleputswa Pro active Zeebrugge FS Thabo Mofutsanyana Pro-Active Sterkfontein FS FS Lejweleputswa Xhariep Pro active Kouter Pro-Active Welgemeend Remaining extent of the farm Nantes No. 182 Remaining extent of the farm Pantfontein No. 401 and The farm Middelkraal No. 400 Remaining extent of the farm Steenbokvlate no. 771 Remaining extent of the farm Zandfontein No. 382; Portion 2 of the farm Zandfontein no.382, Portion 3 of the Zandfontein no.382, Portion 4 of the farm Zandfontein no. 382 Remaining Extent of the farm Zeebrugge no. 552 Subdivision1 of the farm Lourentia no. 3951, Subdivision2 of the farm Lourentia no.395, Subdivision 3 of the farm Lourentia no. 395 and Subdivision 1 of the farm Sterkfontein no. 396 The farm Kouter No. 537 The farm Welgemeend No. 30 and the farm Welgemeend Zuid No. 809 18 616.2041 R 660 000.00 TBC None 4 027.9660 R 4 980 000.00 Strategic Partner Two Roads 856.5320 R 1 600 000.00 Strategic Partner Two Roads 1 047.2694 R 5 225 000.00 Strategic Partner Two Roads 483.4409 R 12 400 000 TBC None 1 046.3685 R 7 060 000.00 Strategic Partner VKB 1 005.7211 898.1452 R 8 800 000 TBC R 2 031 000.00 Service Provider Appointed None Thaba Nchu Drilling FS Fezile Dabi Pro-Active Aberdeen FS Thabo Mofutsanyana Pro-Active Astoria,Bosplaat FS Thabo Mofutsanyana Pro-Active De Hoogte FS Xhariep Pro-Active Enon FS Fs Xhariep Lejweleputswa Pro-Active Excelsior Pro-Active Fonteinloop FS Thabo Mofutsanyane Pro-Active Gastvrij FS Motheo Pro-Active Gelukshoek The farm Aberdeen No. 1433,the farm Palma No. 1762,Remaining Extent of the farm De Rust No. 582 (Senekal),Portion 1 of the farm Modderbult No. 305 and Portion 2 of the farm Modderbult No. 305 The farm Middlebult No. 650 (Senekal) Remaining Extent of the farm Blaauwbank No. 422 Remaining Extent of the farm Bloemhoek No. 105. The farm Astoria No. 1179, Portion 1 of the farm Bosplaat No. 57,Portion 2 of the farm Bosplaat no. 57 The farm De Hoogte No.1350, Portion 1 of the Remaining Extent of the farm Zwaartfontein No.138 The farm Enon no. 1072 and the farm Novo no. 562 The farm Excelsior No.349 The farm Fonteinloop No. 1325, The farm Rogelfontein No. 1327, Portion 1 of the farm Bonvenvlei No. 1329 and Portion 1 of the farm Ceres No. 1040 The farm Gastvrij No. 795 and Portion 4 of the farm Gasvrij No. 795 The farm Gelukshoek No.688 19 1 335.8788 R 8 350 000.00 TBC None 517.3364 R 1 880 000.00 Mentor Grain SA 526.6843 R 3 551 100.00 Service Provider Appointed Independent Water 1 068.5560 R 3 000 000.00 Strategic Partner Two Roads 1 680.8799 817.8624 R 1 848 000.00 TBC R 3 271 000.00 Strategic Partner None Dipalemo 1 730.3334 184.1544 R 18 053 100 TBC None R 329 500.00 Strategic Partner VKB FS Lejweleputswa Pro-Active Grieselsdeel The farm Grieselsdeel No.992 379.0910 R 1 180 000.00 Service Provider Appointed FS Lejweleputswa Pro-Active Heen and Wees Drift 347.4880 R 855 000.00 Service Provider Appointed FS FS Lejweleputswa Xhariep Pro-Active Japie Pro-Active Kanada The farm Heen and Wees Drift no. 575 and the farm Geluk no. 729 The farm Japie no. 355 The farm Kanada no. 1030 328.8255 241.7290 FS Lejweleputswa Pro-Active Kruidfontein The farm Kruidfontein No. 524 951.0146 FS Xhariep Pro-Active Nieuwejaarskraal 666.3818 FS Lejweleputswa Pro-Active Krompsruit The farm Nieuwefaarskraal no.74, The farm Damleegte no. 137 and Remaining Extent of the farm Kruidfontein no. 135 The farm of Kromspruit no. 1648 R 800 000.00 Strategic Partner R 723 000.00 Service Provider Appointed R 2 400 000.00 Service Provider Appointed R 2 000 000.00 Service Provider Appointed Tshwaraganang Go Dira Farmers Co-Operation Tshwaraganang Go Dira Farmers Co-Operation Dipalemo Thaba Nchu Drilling Shoani's General Trading Thaba Nchu Drilling 1 040.9626 R 2 600 000.00 Strategic Partner Two Roads FS Xhariep Pro-Active Ongegund 1 324.9265 R 5 431 000.00 Strategic Partner Dipalemo FS Xhariep Pro active Oudefontein The farm Ongegund no. 811,the farm Brakleegte no. 1056 and Remaining extent of the farm Ongengund no. 810 The farm Oudefontein No. 29, Portion 2 of the farm Oudefontein No. 29, Portion 3 of the Remaining Extent of the farm Oudefontein No. 29, Portion 4 of the farm Oudefontein No. 29, Portion 1 of the farm Begintzel No. 265, Portion of the farm Wildebeestdam No. 263, The farm Driehoek No. 269, The farm Hartebeestnek No. 270, The farm Heimwek No. 267, 20 8 397.7210 R 34 500 000 TBC None Fs Lejweleputswa FS FS Thabo Mofutsanyana Lejweleputswa Fs Pro-Active Palmietfontein Pro-Active Roodekrans The farm Palmietfontein no. 140 1 276.2327 R 6 000 000.00 Strategic Partner Dipalemo The farm Rooddekrans no. 144 382.2289 R 3 823 650.00 Strategic Partner VKB Pro active Rosemead The farm Rosemead No. 883 155.7355 Lejweleputswa Pro-Active Schemashoek The farm Schemashoek no. 1168 171.3064 R 820 000.00 Service Provider Appointed FS Motheo Pro-Active Smokkeldraai 1 834.0705 R 24 300 000.00 Strategic Partner FS Fezile Dabi Pro active Tot Hier Toe The farm Smokkeldraai no. 405, The farm Kopje No. 403, Portion 1 of the farm Wilgedraai No. 226, Remaining Extent of the farm Wilgedraai No. 226 and Portion 3 of the farm Wilgedraai No. 226 The farm Tot Hier Toe No. 1127 Fs Lejweleputswa Pro-Active Tweefontein FS FS Lejweleputswa Xhariep Pro-Active Uitkyk Pro-Active Valhope FS Motheo Pro-Active Vergezocht The farm Tweefontein no.141, The farm Skaapskraal no.173 and the farm Wolvegaten no. 15 The farm Uitkyk No.509 The farm Valhope No. 1072, Remaining Extent of the farm Alma No. 1133, The farm Berglangs no. 165, Portion 1 of the farm Wolvekloof no. 501,Portion 1of the farm Alma no. 1133 and Remaining Extent of the farm Vaalhoek No. 495 The farm Vergezocht No.467 1 064.2024 R 9 462 000.00 Mentor Grain SA FS Xhariep Pro-Active Vlakwater The farm Vlakwater no. 541 and the farm Quartette no. 998 1 789.0854 R 7 000 000.00 Strategic Partner Dipalemo 21 641.5939 R 4 500 000 Mentor Grain SA Tshwaraganang Go Dira Farmers Co-Operation Bloemfontein Abattoir R 4 700 000.00 Mentor Rhenosterrivier 1 111.8285 R 5 200 000.00 Strategic Partner Two Roads 859.6712 4 414.7014 R 3 534 000.00 Strategic Partner R 10 937 748.00 Strategic Partner Dipalemo Bloemfontein Abattoir FS Xhariep Pro-Active Voorwaarts The farm Voorwaarts no. 549 784.3121 FS Lejweleputswa Pro-Active Waterplaas 234.2460 FS Thabo Mofutsanyana Pro-Active Zandlaagte FS Xhariep Pro-Active Zandmartins FS Motheo Pro-Active Lower Malaika The farm Waterplaas no. 977, the farm Koornlande no.284,Portion 1 of the farm Mafikeng no. 314 and the farm Middelplaas no.580 The farm Zandlaagte No.522, The farm Landhoek No.362,Remaining Extent of the farm Zandfontein No.183 The farm Zandmartins Drift No.383 The remaining extent of the farm Lower Malaika No. 512and Portion 1 of the farm Lower Malaika no. 512,Remaining extent of the farm Mieliespruit No. 703,Portion 12 of the farm Mieliespruit No. 703,Portion 13 of the farm Mieliespruit No. 703,Portion 10 of the farm Mieliespruit No. 703,Portion 11 of the farm Mieliespruit No. 703,Portion 9 of the farm Mieliespruit NO. 703,Portion 7 of the farm Mieliespruit No. 703,Portion 8 of the farm Mieliespruit NO. 703,Portion 3 of the farm Mieliespruit No. 703 and Portion 2 of the farm Mieliespruit no. 703,Portion 1of the farm Kronmspruit no. 1962,Portion 0 of the farm 22 R 1 750 000.00 Service Provider Appointed R 787 304.00 Strategic Partner Thaba Nchu Drilling Two Roads 174.4127 R 500 000.00 Service Provider Appointed Independent Water 856.5320 R 1 630 000.00 Strategic Partner 6 547.3888 R 11 080 000.00 Strategic Partner Two Roads Bloemfontein Abattoir FS Motheo Pro-Active Verzamelkop GP Sedibeng Holfontein 405h (Mamabolo Raphesu) GP Sedibeng Monzai Eggs GP Sedibeng Kashlim Production GP TBC Ilitha Lomso Farming Annex Eensgevonden no. 465,Portion 1 of the farm Eensgevonden no. 2521( Swartkoppies),Remaining Extent Portion and 3 of the farm Cecilia no. 1641,Portion 1 of the farm Te Vrede no. 2592,The remainder of the farm Te Vrede no. 2592,The Farm Vaalkop no. 2091,The farm Rooyport no. 106,The farm Magdalenas Rust no. 2093,the farm Liefde no. 2090,the farm Klein Kareefontein no. 2089,the farm Driefontein no. 1123, the farm Kleinplaats no. 2092 The remaining extent of the farm Verzamelkop No. 68, Potion 2 of the farm Verzamelkop No. 68,The farm Gedagtenis No. 985, Potion 1 of the farm Saaihoek No. 378 Farm Holfontein 672 IQ Holding 33 of Rosahof Agricultural Holdings Holdings 52 & 53 of Schoongezicht Agricultural Holdings IR Patriotsfontein 558 IQ & Holfontein 556 IQ 23 898.8362 R 2 750 000.00 Strategic Partner Two Roads 405.4307 R 1 830 000.00 TBC None 2.1493 R 300 000.00 TBC None 25.2991 R 1 800 000.00 TBC None 643.6549 TBC TBC None GP Sedibeng Hartbeesfontein 1123H GP Sedibeng Rietpoort 589H GP Sedibeng GP Sedibeng GP Sedibeng Zivuseni Poultry Cooperative Ltd Langzeekoegat portion 19 Unathi GP Metsweding Omiyo Zimile GP Sedibeng Letsholo Poultry GP Metsweding GP Sedibeng Phaphamang MaAfrika Pfano GP Metsweding Mabuza/Masilela GP Metsweding GP Sedibeng Boekenhoutskloof (Fresh Gold Co-op) Vlakplaats Ptn 12 GP Sedibeng GP GP Sedibeng Sedibeng Masetoni Farming Ventures Vlakplaats portion 53 Koolfontein 68H Portion 10 of the Farm Hartebeesfontein 366 IQ; R/E of ptn 18, ptn 8 of the Farm Kalbasfontein 365 IQ portion 12, 24 and 26 Rietpoort 193 IR Portion 17 of Farm Langzeekoegat 325 IR Portion 19 Langzeekoegat 325 1 121.8383 R 5 376 000.00 TBC None 138.0143 R 2 200 000.00 TBC None 186.7191 R 1 400 000.00 TBC None 214.1330 R 1 900 000.00 TBC None Portion 20 of the Farm Klipkop 530 IQ Portion 31 of the Farm De Wangindrift 417 JR Portion 35 (a ptn of ptn 4) of the Farm Kaalfontein 529 IQ Portion 42 & 43 of the Farm Klopperbos 128 JR Portion 44 Farm Vriesgewaag 501 IR and Portions 25, R/E 42,44 & 53 R/E Uitkyk 327 IR Portion 47 of the farm Boekenhoutskloof 286 Portion 50 of Farm Oog Boekenhoutskloof 288 Portion 50 of Farm Vlakplaats 555 IQ Portion 52 Farm Frisgewaag 501 IR Portion 53 Vlakplaats 555 IQ Portion 77,78,80,81,82,83,84 and 85 of farm Koolfontein 431 IR 21.4133 R 107 000.00 TBC None 21.4133 R 1 700 000.00 TBC None 109.0872 R 420 000.00 TBC None 42.8369 R 3 500 000.00 TBC None 25.7003 R 1 750 000.00 Mentor Joovan Bornman 23.4689 R 2 000 000.00 TBC None 55.7101 R 3 500 000.00 TBC None 44.7096 R 700 000.00 TBC None 78.1164 R 1 149 000.00 TBC None 89.4190 68.5224 R 1 368 000.00 Mentor R 2 650 000.00 TBC Amos Njoro None 24 GP Sedibeng Katboslaagte/ PENNY MBHELE GP Metsweding GP Westrand GP TBC Modderfontein/ Miriam Mlungu Ptn 0 Elandsfontein 277 IQ (Tirisano Farming) Simon Sello Teffo Doornfontein-PLAS 554 GP Sedibeng GP GP Sedibeng Sedibeng Langzeekoegat 146h (Ext) Riviersdraai/Vika Langzeekoegat 103h H GP GP City of Tshwane West Rand Kodumela Moepathutse Mathysen GP Sedibeng Mokhele GP GP Metsweding Metsweding GP METSWEDING GP Sedibeng Lipuru project Portion 14 of Leeuwfontein 487 NDINISA DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS Male Khulu GP SEDIBENG VAALFONTEIN 25H/ Portion4,2,14, of farm Katboslaagte no.532& portion 31 Klipkop530:Katboslaagte Boerdery Vereeniging(PTY) Limited Portions 6,16 & remaining ptn 5 of farm Modderfontein 490 JR Ptn 0 (rem Ext) of Elandsfontein 277 IQ 980.4046 R 3 357 000.00 TBC None 173.8104 R 2 500 000.00 Mentor Mirriam Molugu 338.3884 R 3 900 000.00 TBC None Ptn 0 remaining of the farm Doorfontein 47 IQ 323.2309 TBC TBC None Ptn 1 (Rem ext) The Farm Langzeekoegat 325 IR Ptn 1 of Farm Riviersdraai 416 IQ Ptn 11 of the farm Langzeekoegat 325 IR Ptn 119 Bultfontein 107 JR 146.4772 R 1 350 000.00 TBC None 192.1487 103.6263 R 1 295 500.00 TBC R 830 000.00 TBC None None 8.5653 R 1 700 000.00 TBC None 93.6104 R 475 000.00 TBC None 21.4133 R 700 000.00 TBC None Ptn 12(a ptn of ptn 2) of the Farm Waterpan 292 IQ Ptn 13 of the Farm Klipkop 530 IQ Ptn 14 Farm 238 FAIRFIELD Ptn 14(rem) Farm 487 LEEUWFONTEIN PTN 15(7)/ONSPOED 500 Ptn 17 of Farm Kaalfontein 529 IQ PTN 174/VAALFONTEIN 579 25 33.4904 340.3346 R 1 900 000.00 TBC R 4 300 000.00 Strategic Partner None Mac cain 21.4158 R 5 400 000.00 Strategic Partner Dipalemo 70.0862 R 2 510 000.00 Mentor Amos Njoro 25.6960 R 1 650 000.00 TBC None Moonstone GP SEDIBENG GP WEST RAND GP TBC GP Metsweding GP Sedibeng GP GP Sedibeng SEDIBENG GP GP City of Tshwane Metsweding GP GP Uitkyk 188 H Ptn 19(8), 29(18), 40(6), 52(rem), 63(52) & 64(52) Farm 327 Uitkyk GURUMBIRI Ptn 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29 & 30 Farm 46 SLUIS and Ptn 11, 12 & 13 Farm 155 Witstinkhoutboom Blesbokfontein ptn 14& Ptn 20 Farm 580 20 BLESBOKFONTEIN Nobelungu/ Thelma Ptn 21 of the Farm Stemmer Hartebeesfontein 123 JR Holfonteing (Ntsing) Ptn 26 (a ptn of ptn 22) of the Farm Holfontein 556 IQ Eve's Farming Ptn 3 of Farm Kaalfontein 529 IQ Lungile Mazibuko Ptn 31 (26) of the farm Zeekoefontein 573 IQ Kromdraai portion 38 Ptn 38 Farm 115 KROMDRAAI 187.6117 R 4 218 000.00 Mentor 967.4355 R 9 849 701.96 Strategic Partner Ptn 4 Hartebeestfonein 484 JR Westrand 21.4133 21.4136 76.1159 R 1 850 000.00 Mentor R 760 000.00 TBC None Lucky Mandla Chawane None R 6 000 000.00 Mentor R 3 000 000.00 Mentor Amos Njoro Jacobus Botha 8.5653 R 1 400 000.00 TBC None Ptn 4 Hartebeestfontein 269 JR 685.2256 5500000 TBC None Ptn 4 of Modderfontein 345 IQ / Bambanani Ptn 4 of Modderfontein 345 IQ 493.1718 Mbotheni Family Project Veronica Moos R 1 500 000.00 TBC None 21.4134 R 1 500 000.00 TBC None GP Tswane Metro 533.5415 R 7 400 000.00 TBC None GP West Rand Ptn 47 Brandbach 471 JR Sethuloa/ Sekhutlong Ptn 41 (34) of the farm Tamboekiesfontein 173 IR Ptn 42 (ptn of ptn 7)of the Farm Yzervarkfontein 194 IR Ptn 47 Brandbach 471 JR 74.5129 GP Ekurhuleni Metro Metsweding R 4 000 000.00 Strategic Partner Agridelight GP Sedibeng De Kuilen R 1 110 753.00 TBC None Ptn 49 (ptn of ptn 2)) of Farm Weltevreden 517 JQ Ptn 5 (ptn of ptn 3) of the Farm 26 539.9516 81.3554 R 900 000.00 TBC Groesbeek Dawid Johannes Senwes 23.4494 214.1330 R 16 400 000.00 Strategic Partner Kgokagano Trading GP GP METSWEDING Sedibeng KNEW ASSOCIATES Mofokengfamily/Vaalfo ntein 579 ptn 68 Dintsu Co-op TCC woman Kuiltjie/ Bronkhorstfontein GP GP GP West Rand West Rand Sedibeng GP GP WEST RAND West Rand Ramphore Aldabri GP Sedibeng Vaalfontein/Moeketsi GP Metsweding Nkwe-Maimela GP TBC GP Metsweding Qoqhoboshane CC PLAS 356 Nolufefe Maqubela GP Sedibeng Kaalfontein Ptn 2,24,26 GP Sedibeng Langzeekoegat 905H/ Khanyile GP Sedibeng Kalbasfontein 320h GP Sedibeng Sebeso Mohapi De Kuilen 460 IR PTN 61(7)/ONSPOED 500 Ptn 68 (a ptn of ptn 14) of Vaalfontein 579 Ptn 8 Farm 256 RIETFONTEIN Ptn 84 Farm 261 BRANDVLEI Ptn 86 & 88 (ptns of ptn 85) of the Farm Bronkhorstfontein 566 IQ Ptn 94 (7) Doornkloof 393 Ptn 96 & RE of ptn 6 (ptn of ptn 2) of the Farm Doornkloof 393 JQ Ptn 97 & 101 of Vaalfontein 579 IQ Ptns 10,11 & 12 of the Farm Sluis 46 IQ and Ptn 64 of the Farm Kaalfontein 44 IQ Ptns18, 22 of the farm Onverwacht 532 JR R/E of Ptn 17 (a ptn of ptn 2) of the Farm Modderfontein 490 JR R/E of ptn 2 and ptns 24 & 26 of the Farm Kaalfontein 529 IQ R/E of ptn 2, ptn 9,24 and 25 of the Farm Laangzeekoegat 3258 IR R/E of ptn 3,15,16,22 abd R/E of ptn 63 & 64 of Farm Kalbasfontein 365 IQ R/E of ptn 4 (a ptn of ptn 3) of the Farm Kaalfontein 529 IQ 27 27.3460 9.0298 R 4 700 000.00 TBC R 1 200 000.00 TBC None None 136.5569 17.1306 52.0111 R 2 100 000.00 Strategic Partner R 750 000.00 TBC R 3 550 000.00 Mentor Dipalemo None A.J. Jenkinson 55.4840 458.1123 R 1 500 000.00 TBC R 4 031 841.00 TBC None None 19.2238 R 1 500 000.00 TBC None 521.9342 R 4 250 000.00 TBC None 13.9272 TBC TBC None 38.1126 R 1 000 000.00 Mentor B.C. Craford 248.2708 R 2 450 000.00 TBC None 921.6802 R 6 390 000.00 TBC None 320.7555 R 2 900 000.00 Mentor Amos Njoro 109.0876 R 1 430 000.00 TBC None GP Balemi Ba Kopane GP Ekurhuleni Metro Sedibeng R 1 735 000.00 TBC None 412.2398 R 3 363 000.00 Mentor Amos Njoro GP Sedibeng Blesbokfontein 309H 309.7073 R 2 200 000.00 Mentor Amos Njoro GP Sedibeng Patriotsfontein 367h 367.9332 R 1 560 000.00 TBC None GP Metsweding GP Sedibeng Manonga Farming Enterprise Phambili Project/ Nkosi Family (Leeukop) 77.3839 R 2 000 000.00 TBC None 780.5577 R 2 300 000.00 TBC None GP Westrand 259.0499 R 2 500 000.00 TBC None 342.0000 294.1597 TBC TBC R 1 630 000.00 TBC None None 305.0965 R 2 300 000.00 TBC None 163.3060 R 1 800 000.00 TBC None Zeekoefontein 745 h Rem Ext of Ptn 6 (ptn of ptn 2) of Kraalkop 147 IQ Rem Farm 509 Onverwacht Remaining Ext of Ptn 3 Farm Spitskop 533 JR Remaining Extent of Ptn 1, R/E of Ptn 10 and R/E of Pnt 23 of Farm Kalbasfontein 365 IQ Remaining Extent of Ptn of Ptn 35 (a ptn of ptn 13) & Ptn 83 (a ptn of ptn 35) of the Farm Roodepoort 504 JR The Farm Zeekoefontein 673 IQ GP GP TBC Metsweding GP Sedibeng Kalbasfontein Ptn 1,10,23 GP Metsweding Qinisani GP Sedibeng KZN Uthungulu Needmore Farm needmore No. 11386 453.0424 KZN Zululand Ntonga Small Farmers Association 558.5767 KZN Umkhanyakud e Lonsdale Farm Pongola No. 61(portion 393, 394 and 391 of the farm pongola no. 61) Farm U240 No. 15911 Kalbasfontein 412H Kraalkop ptn 6 (Molebaleng) Masophane Trust Buda Sun R/E of Ptn 59 (a ptn of ptn 5) of theFarm Bultfonterin 192 IR R/E of ptn 66 & 67 of the Farm Kalbasfontein 365 IQ RE of Portion 26 of farm Blesbokfontein, 380,IQ RE of ptn 1 & ptn 5 of the Farm Patriotsfontein 558 IQ RE of Ptn 4 (2) of the farm Tweefontein 288JR Rem ext of Portion 3 (a ptn of ptn 1) of Farm Leeukop 299 IR 67.4928 745.9678 88.0066 28 4400000 Mentor R 9 151 100.00 Strategic Partner R 12 800 000.00 TBC R 4 884 000.00 Strategic Partner Josiah Karabo Peele Tongaat Hullett Sugar None Umfolozi Sugar Mill KZN Umkhanyakud e Dehaas KZN Uthungulu Dubazana / Dubazana Family / PIR KZN Ugu Olympus KZN Uthungulu Mthonjaneni Cluster KZN Amajuba Klipspruit/ Ngodini Lot U 205 No. 15233, Lot Green Hill C No. 16381, Lot Green Hill D No. 14242, Lot Green Hill E No. 14345, Green Hill F No. 16382 Portion 1 & the Remainder of the farm 149B No. 9500 (Nooitgedacht) Portion 1 of the Farm Olympus No. 11778 Portion 1 of the farm waterval no. 9144, Portion 4 (of 3) and Portion 5 (of 2) of the Farm Schuilhoek No. 6142, farm Morgenzon B 6729, Rem and portion 1 of the farm Morgenzon A No. 6126 Portion 11 (of 5) of the Farm Klipspruit No. 178, Portion 13 (of 4) of the Farm Klipspruit No. 178, Remainder of Portion 14 of the Farm Klipspruit No. 178, Portion 18 of the Farm Klipspruit No. 178, Portion 5 of the Farm Kalk Krans No. 313, Portion 6 (of 2) of the Farm Kalk Krans No. 313, Portion 18 (of 3) of the Farm Waterval No. 157, Portion 7 (of 1) of the Farm Klipspruit No. 178, Portion 8 (of 1) of the Farm Klipspruit No. 178, Remainder of Portion 10 (of 5) of the Farm Klipspruit No. 178, Portion 4 of the Farm Kalk Krans No. 313, Remainder of Portion 1 of the 29 114.4781 R 13 409 000.00 Strategic Partner Umfolozi Sugar Mill 1 600.5986 R 4 788 000.00 TBC None 86.6551 R 1 700 000.00 TBC None 2 444.8692 R 0.00 TBC None 4 454.1863 R 25 000 000.00 TBC None KZN Sisonke Dawn Valley KZN Uthukela Bester Cluster No. 2 (Pro-Active) KZN Sisonke Panderosa KZN Zululand Umgebisa/WATERVAL Farm Klipspruit No. 178, Portion 6 (of 4) of the Farm Baroveldt No. 121, Remainder of the Farm Jericho C No. 413, Portion 1 of the Farm Jericho C No. 413, Portion 4 (of 1) of the Farm Jericho A No. 414, Portion 6 of the Farm Klipspruit No. 178, Portion 9 of the Farm Klipspruit No. 178, The Farm Margin No. 420, Portion 22 of the Farm Waterval No. 157, The Farm Waterval No. 18040 Portion 16 (of 15) , Remainder of Portion 15 (of 9), Remainder of Portion 9, Portion 4, Remainder of Portion 5, Portion 11, Portion 3, Portion 12 of and Remainder of Farm Doorn Vlakte No. 1034, Portion 2 of Farm Klipgat No. 1110 and Portion 1 of Farm Inh Portion 16, Remainder of Portion 18 (of 16), Portion 5, Portion 7 (of 6), Portion 11 (of 9), Portion 126 (of 16), Portion 87 (of 18) & Portion 13 of Quaggas Drift No. 1258 and Remainder of Portion 11 (of 5) of Spitzkop No. 1071 Portion 18 (of 6), Portion 19 of Farm Doorn Vlakte No. 1034, Portion 36, and Portion 12 (of 2) of Farm Vaal Krans No. 1035 Portion 2 (of 1) of the Farm Waterval No. 337 30 2 138.6593 R 12 880 000.00 TBC None 1 312.4635 R 7 050 900.00 TBC None R 8 000 000.00 Strategic Partner Tongaat Hullett Sugar 770.9140 157.9130 R 400 000.00 TBC None KZN Umkhanyakud e Umkhanyakud e Suzie's Place KZN TBC Ferney Sugar Estate KZN Uthungulu Tedford / Nkwalini KZN Amajuba Boscobel Community KZN Uthungulu Odendaal KZN Umkhanyakud e Mokana KZN Sisonke Vielsalm - PLAS KZN Zululand Isivumo Agricultural Co-operative KZN uMgungundlo vu Samvula 2 KZN Umkhanyakud Bingelela KZN Tasma Portion 2 and Portion 3 of the Farm Suzi's Place No. 15958 Portion 2 of farm Lot 68 umfolozi No.13568, Portion 2 (of 1) and Remainder of the Lot 71 of farm Umfolozi No.13567, Portion 2 of the farm Pearston No.16773 Portion 20 (of 7) of the Farm Riet Vallei No. 1128 Portion 26 of the farm Nkwalini Settlement No. 12785 Portion 3 (of 1) of the Farm Boscobel No. 3320 Portion 4 of Lot K77 No. 13005, Lot 217 of Umfolozi No. 13749, and Lot 0 of Umfolozi No. 14840 Portion 4 of the Farm Lot K 67 No.13550, Farm Mokana Cane No.16298 Portion 4 of the farm Vielsalm No. 47; Portion 5 of the farm Vielsalm No. 47 Portion 48, Portion 47, Portion 226, Portion 422, Portion 423, and Portion 424 of the Farm Pongola No. 61 Portion 5 (of 1) of the Farm Aasvogel Krans No. 1233, Portion 8 (of 1) of the Farm Aasvogel Krans No. 1233, Remainder of Portion 9 of the Farm Aasvogel Krans No. 1233 Portion 5 of the Farm Lot U 203 31 138.5975 R 9 096 000.00 Strategic Partner Umfolozi Sugar Mill Umfolozi Sugar Mill 238.5168 R 17 400 000.00 Strategic Partner 161.8744 TBC TBC None 198.7588 R 4 689 732.00 TBC None 296.5577 R 2 925 000.00 TBC None 131.5103 R 7 600 000.00 Strategic Partner Umfolozi Sugar Mill 152.1540 R 10 691 000.00 Strategic Partner Umfolozi Sugar Mill 846.7050 R 7 500 000.00 TBC None 85.3557 R 6 131 000.00 TBC None 406.0742 R 3 317 209.00 Strategic Partner Illovo Sugar Mill 51.9936 R 4 100 000.00 Strategic Partner Umfolozi Sugar KZN KZN e Amajuba Jordaanstroom (Nizenande cc) Springvale (Ntuli Farm) KZN uMgungundlo vu Ugu KZN Zululand Liberty Farmers KZN Uthungulu Nefic Estate / Nkwalini Cluster KZN Umkhanyakud e Green Island Farm KZN Umkhanyakud e Umkhanyakud e Portion 2 of the farm Cotcane Lucky Star Farm Coctane Farm KZN Umkhanyakud e Uthungulu KZN Uthungulu Wonderhoek KZN KZN Boston Perseverance No. 13473 Portion 59 (of 21) of the Farm Jordaans Stroom No. 3310 Portion 88 (of 87) of the Farm Spring Vale No. 2170 Portion 9 (of 8) of the Farm Murchison No. 14911 Portions 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the Farm Potgieters Rust No. 530 Portions 62, 80, 36, 12, 31 and remainder of portion 54 of Nkwalini Settlement No. 12785 and portion 2 (of 1) of Lot 33 Umhlathuzi No. 10709. Ptn 1 Farm 13550 LOT K67; Ptn 2 Farm 13473 LOT U 203; Ptn 0 Farm 14344 LOT U 204 and Ptn 0(rem) Farm 14565 LOT 215 UMFOLOZI Ptn 2 Farm 16633 COTCANE Ptn 3(rem) & 14 Farm 13220 COMBINE and Ptn 0(rem), 4(rem) & 8 Farm 13473 LOT U 203 Remainder of Farm Coctane No. 16633 Remainder of Lot 241 Empangeni No. 11058 Remainder of Portion 1 and Portion 2 (of 1) of the Farm Kortbegrip No. 6121 32 40.0148 R 900 000.00 TBC Mill None 12.3323 R 1 800 000.00 TBC None 126.7894 R 3 200 000.00 TBC None 1495.7118 R 15 000 000.00 TBC None 505.6856 R 0.00 TBC None 263.3328 R 18 800 000.00 Strategic Partner Umfolozi Sugar Mill 95.3793 R 6 541 500.00 Strategic Partner 349.7753 R 24 000 000.00 Strategic Partner Umfolozi Sugar Mill Umfolozi Sugar Mill 494.6984 R 22 500 000.00 Strategic Partner 437.8029 R 8 812 200.00 TBC Umfolozi Sugar Mill None 338.9119 R 8 430 000.00 TBC None KZN Umgungundlo vu uMgungundlo vu Keeron Farm KZN Uthukela Sunnyside KZN Uthungulu Khandimpilo KZN Uthungulu Thorncreek KZN Uthungulu Harmony / Nkwalini (Pro-Active purchase) KZN KZN Sisonke Sisonke Harrison Farm Melville Park KZN Uthungulu Nkobela Estates KZN Uthungulu Isibusiso Project Shorragh KZN Samvula 1 Remainder of Portion 3 (of 1) of the Farm Keeron No. 1190 Remainder of Portion 3 of the Farm Aasvogel Krans No. 1226, Portion 16 (of 5) of the Farm Aasvogel Krans No. 1226, Remainder of Portion 21 of the Farm Aasvogel Krans No. 1226, Remainder of Portion 36 (of 21) of the Farm Aasvogel Krans No. 1226, Portion 55 of the Farm Aasvogel Krans No. 1226 Remainder of Portion 5 (of 1) of the Farm Paapkuils Fontein No. 819 Remainder of the Farm Lot 244 Empangeni No. 10574 Remainder of the Farm Thorncreek No. 11542 The farm Harmony No. 16388 252.6637 R 8 586 938.50 TBC None 365.0174 R 2 082 000.00 Strategic Partner Illovo Sugar Mill 261.6372 R 5 300 000.00 TBC None 440.4381 R 1 800 000.00 TBC None The farm Harrison No. 51 The farm Melville Park No. 32, Remainder of Portion 1 of the farm Beersheba No. 38 The Farm Pyramids No. 11425, and Lot 292 of Empangeni No. 13399 The farm Shorragh No. 14625 and the Remainder of Portion 3 of the Farm Wallenton No. 11582 591.0313 1 883.3120 R 2 954 880.00 Mentor R 5 800 000.00 TBC Mr. D.C. Ogilvie None 1 067.5337 R 7 944 660.00 TBC None 33 432.2172 R 10 464 545.00 Strategic Partner 352.5563 R 12 540 000.00 Strategic Partner 670.1043 R 11 400 000.00 Strategic Partner Tongaat Hullett Sugar Tongaat Hullett Sugar Tongaat Hullett Sugar KZN Umkhanyakud e Boardmans KZN Sisonke Carnduff Glen LP Waterberg Mohlale LP Waterberg Nelly & Hantam LP Capricorn Blouberg 7 LP LP Waterberg Mopani Babirwa Modderspruit Forestry LP Mopani Mopani 3/ Machimana LP Mopani Mopani 3 LP Mopani Makwala PLAS LP Mopani LP Waterberg Ptns 37,38,39 & 40 of Henley Mookopong PLAS3 (Phase 1) The Farm U236 No. 15907, The Farm U125 No. 14294, The Farm U126 No. 14279, Lot 212 of the Farm Umfolozi No. 13339, Portion 1 of Lot 211 of the Farm Umfolozi No. 13451, Portion 25 of Lot K81 No. 13512 and Portion 24 of Lot K81 No. 13512 The Remainder of the Farm Carnduff Glen No. 4663, Portion 2 of the Farm Carnduff Glen No. 4663 Farm Moddergat 281 MR and Portion 1 of the Farm Speculation 282 MR Portion 0 (R/E) of Hantam 114 LR & Portion 0(R/E) of Nelly 113 LR Portion 0 of the farm Liberton 298 MS Portion 1 Hard Times 162 LR Portion 1 of the farm Modderspruit 435 LT Portion 27, 32 and 33 of the farm Greystones Portion 4 and 40 of the farm Deerpark 459 LT Portion 48 & 49 (a portion of portion 12) of Broederstroomdrift 534 LT Portions 37, 38, 39 & 40 of the farm henley 734 LT Ptn 5(rem) Farm 855 PAPKUIL 34 199.8799 R 13 500 000.00 Strategic Partner Umfolozi Sugar Mill 344.0900 R 4 500 000.00 TBC None 1 884.5619 R 6 590 000.00 TBC None 2 153.8669 R10 769,335.00 TBC None 867.9624 4000000 TBC None 937.8815 243.8235 R 5 700 000.00 Mentor R12 200 000.00 Mentor Eloff MC Malatji 121.0000 R 6 000 000.00 Mentor Womiwu 159.0000 R 1 260 000.00 TBC None 35.5971 86.1414 738.2821 R859 265.13 Mentor Womiwu R 5 000 000.00 TBC None R 7 500 000.00 Mentor None LP Waterberg Bekend Valley LP TBC LP TBC POLOMANE/Polokwan e KIBI LP Mopani Makatleni LP Capricorn LP Waterberg LP Waterberg Capricorn PLAS/ Raboma Lephalale PLAS 10/NDILOMUTHATHE/ Modisa kgomo Plas Project Mashwahla LP MP Waterberg Ehlanzeni Lephalale 2 Boschoek MP ENHLANZENI KOFFIEPLAAS MP TBC SCHEEPERS R/E of Ptn 1 , Remaining Extent of Ptn 2,3 and 5 618 KR. Ptn 4 of Blinkwater 592 KR. R/E, Ptn 7 & 8 of of Bekend Valley 619 KR. Remaining Extent of Bekend Valley 803 KR, R/E of Uitkomst 620 KR,R/E of ptn 8 of, portion 10 and 15 opf Counterberg 665 KS, Portion 3 of Wilgeboomsdrift 380 KR and Remaining Extent of Magalakynsoog 201 KR R/E of the farm Blindefontein 570 KR Remaining Extent of Kalkpan 237 LR Remaining Extent of Portion 1 of Greystones 469 LT Remaining Extent of the Farm Grootvallei 273 Tamahas 485 LQ The Remaining Extent of the Farm Zondagfontein 300 MR Welgelegen Boschoek rem Extof BOSCHOEK 36JT, KGOKAGANO TRADING Ermelo: Gert Sibande, Msukaligwa , Parma trust PORT 0 OF THE FARM KOFFIEPLAS 635 JT Portion 0 of Richtershoek 599 JU 35 7137.0133 R 93 100 000.00 TBC None 328.2987 TBC TBC None 1 279.9229 TBC Mentor None 105.1597 R 3 570 000.00 Mentor None 942.0000 R 3 600 000.00 TBC None 950.3794 R 5 950 000.00 Mentor Eloff 876.0000 R 2 970 000.00 Mentor Eloff R 3 500 000.00 Mentor TBC Strategic Partner Eloff Kgokagano Trading R5 800 000.00 TBC None 824.0000 2138.6896 208.744 772.4375 TBC Mentor Tsb Sugar MP TBC Mahamba Portion 1 of the farm Mahamba 7 HU Portion 10 of Esperado Annex 222 JU 342.0000 TBC Service Provider Appointed TBC Mentor None MP TBC ESPERADO ANNEX 222 JU (Belton Trading) MP TBC Sihanahana por 2 & 9 Portion 2 & 9 of the farm Sihanahana 391 IT 599.5753 TBC Service Provider Appointed None MP TBC Oja (Krogshoop) Portion 2 of Kroghshoop 213 IS 256.9596 TBC Service Provider Appointed None MP TBC Sunnyside Ptn 3 Portion 3 (Manywaters) of the farm Sunnyside 126 IT Portion 3 of Krogshoop 213 IS 527.7011 TBC Service Provider Appointed TBC Service Provider Appointed None MP TBC Oja Botha (port 3 of Krogshoop) MP TBC Welgemmend Portion 3 of the farm Welgemeend 206 IS 330.6226 TBC Service Provider Appointed None MP TBC OJA Botha Ptn 4 Portion 4 of Kroghshoop 213 IS 278.3758 None MP TBC JGS Haulthauzen Portion 50,51, & 52 of Amerfoort Town & Townlands 57 HS 2 069.2612 TBC Service Provider Appointed TBC Service Provider Appointed MP Ehlanzeni Esperado Fontana 72.3166 TBC Mentor Tsb Sugar MP Nkangala MESSCHUFONTEIN MP MP Ehlanzeni EHLANZENI CAMELOT MIDDLETON Portion 8, 11 and 13 of Esperado 253 JU Ptn 0 ( Rem) of Messchunfontein98 JT Ptn 0 of the farm camelot 320 JU PTN 0 OF THE FARM MIDDLETON 155 JT,CONSOLIDATION OF PTN 3 OF THE FARM HANGINGSTONE 636 JT & PTN 1 OF THE MIDDLETON 630 JT 36 81.3558 477.2068 Tsb Sugar None None 368.0323 R 3 700 000.00 TBC None 111.3150 179.0461 R 3 500 000.00 Mentor R 8 000 000.00 Strategic Partner Tsb Sugar Kgokagano Trading MP EHLANZENI SUTHERLAND MP Gert Sibande MP Gert Sibande MP GERT SIBANDE SAND SPRUIT & ZAND SPRUIT KALKBANK 2/ MAQUABI AGRICULTURAL WASCHBANK MP EHLANZENI MP NKANGALA OORSCHOT (GB MASHILE) WONDERHOEK Ptn 1 MP GERT SIBANDE TWEEFONTEIN MP Ehlanzeni RYTON ESTATES MP Ehlanzeni ROUXVILLE MP Gert Sibande KLIPPATDRIEFT MP Gert Sibande WELGEMEEND Ptn 0 of the farm Sutherland 517 JT Ptn 0(rem) & 1 Farm 94 ZANDSPRUIT Ptn 0(rem) Farm 376 KALKBANK 464.0462 R 4 650 000.00 TBC None 269.4873 R 892 460.00 Service Provider Appointed R 4 500 000.00 TBC None PTN 0,2,6,& PTN 3 GOEDEMOED 373 IT , PTN 3 OF VAALPOORT 374 HT. PTN 1,3, 7 OF THE FARM WASCHBANK 1 HT & PTN 3 OF THE FARM OUDEHOUTKRAAL Ptn 1 of Oorschot 692 JT 3 499.4730 PTN 1 OF THE FARM WONDERHOEK 376 JS Ptn 1(rem) & 18 Farm 97 TWEEFONTEIN Ptn 1,17 of the farm Vlakplaats 476 JT, Ptn 9 of the farm Eerstegeluk 472 JT,Ptn 2,3,4 of REM 4 Vlakplaats,Ptn 1 of Elandshoek 339 JT and REM Rietspruit 473 JT Ptn 1,2,3 &4 of the farm Rouxville 309 JU Ptn 1,2,3,(rem) 6,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19 &23 of the farm Klipplaatdrift 504 IS Ptn 1,2,4 of the farm Welgemeend 206 IS 37 651.6154 63.2334 R 21 305 703.00 Mentor None Theo Smith None 192.7683 R 2 090 000.00 Service Provider Appointed R8 800 000.00 TBC 647.5511 R 4 500 000.00 Mentor Mrs Andrenet Wilhelmina Petrtson Vutsela Iglobhu Investment PTY (Ltd) 6 974.6523 R 75 550 000.00 Strategic Partner 314.9918 R 2 699 550.00 Strategic Partner 1 420.0000 882.7449 R 10 000 000.00 Mentor 2500000 Service Provider Appointed None TSB Sugar Tito Vorster None MP Nkangala GOEDEHOOP PTN 10 Ptn 10 (ptn of ptn 8) of the farm Goedehoop 244 JS 435.1406 R 1 500 000.00 Mentor MP Nkangala Ptn 11 of the farm Schoonoord 164 IS 290.0902 R 2 700 000.00 Mentor MP WITBANK SCHOONOORD/ TIMTHOK AGRIC PRIMARY COOP RIETVALLEI/ TWALA Maphala Technologies and Management S. Pieterson 1 156.0199 R 9 700 000.00 Mentor Mr. JF de Villiers MP NELSPRUIT LOGOGOTU & DE GAMA 679.6930 R 4 200 000.00 Mentor Mr Francis Ntim Awuah MP Ehlanzeni STENTOR PTN 18 OF THE FARM RIETVALLEI 195 IR PTN 19 OF THE FARM LOGOGOTU 30 JU & PTN 16 OF THE FARM DA GAMA 25 JU Ptn 2 of the farm Stentor 656 JU MP Gert Sibande NOOIGEDACHT 2 542.5287 MP Ehlanzeni MIDDLETON 630 JT MP WITBANK KLEINWATER MP Gert Sibande KALKBANK MP Gert Sibande DRIEHOEK MP Gert Sibande LAKE BANAGHER MP GERT SIBANDE BLESBOKSPRUIT MP TBC GRIMMAN MP EHLANZENI QUOTH QUAN 2 Ptn 2(Rem) 6,18,19,20 of farm Kranspoort 268 IS Ptn 2, 4 of the farm Middleton 630 JT Ptn 2, 8, 9, 11, 19, & 20 of the farm Kranspoort No. 249 IT Ptn 2,3,4,5 &6 of Kalkbank 376 IT,ptn 5 of Zoetfontein 4 IT,ptn 1(rem) of Grootfontein 8 HT Ptn 2,3,4,5,6&7 of the farm Driehoek 174 HT Ptn 2,7 of the farm Lake Banagher 102 IT PTN 22 OF THE FARM BLESBOKSPRUIT 90 IS Ptn 22 of the farm Grimman 193 JU Ptn 3 &5 of Quoth Quan 596 JT 38 53.3689 R 1 800 000.00 Service Provider Appointed R 11 471 379.15 TBC None R 11 200 000.00 Mentor Scott Gibbs 1 546.8761 R 15 500 000.00 Strategic Partner Agridelight 1 746.3233 R 22 500 000.00 Mentor Hendrik Bam 1 421.0078 R 14 433 000.00 Service Provider Appointed R 6 100 000.00 TBC None 411.3763 518.9089 143.4675 R 420 000.00 TBC 127.3928 TBC Strategic Partner 268.9930 R 4 420 000.00 Service Provider Appointed None None None Willie Johannes Roeloffze None MP Gert Sibande MP Gert Sibande PALMIETFONTEIN 3&10 RICCOR COMMUNITY MP Gert Sibande WELVERDIEND MP Gert Sibande SMUTSOOG MP PIET RETIEF PAARDEPLAAT MP MP Gert Sibande Ehlanzeni MP MP NKANGALA EHLANZENI COALBANK Simangwe Poultry/ Ubuhle bomusa RIETVLEI ESPERADO 4 MP PIET RETIEF WITKLIP MP Gert Sibande RENDELL MP PIET RETIEF KROMHOEK/ENON MP Nkangala Doornkop 246 JS Ptn 3 &rem of ptn 10 palmietfontein 64 HS Ptn 3 (rem) of farm Witbank 236 IS Ptn 3(ptn of ptn 1) of the farm welverdiend 174 IT Ptn 3,12(ptn of ptn 4) of the farm Smutsoog 214 IS PTN 3,6 & REM OF THE FARM PAARDEPLAAT 12 IT Ptn 3,6 of Coalbank 129 IT Ptn 38 (ptn of ptn27) of Grootvallie 258 JS PTN 4 OF RIETVLEI 397 JS Ptn 4 of the farm Esperado 222 JU PTN 4 OF THE FARM WITKLIP 464 IT. Ptn 4,(ptn of ptn 1),ptn 11(ptn of ptn 10) of Grassridge 278,ptn 1 of Shepstone 280,ptn 6(ptn of ptn 4),ptn 8(ptn of ptn 7) of the farm Sihanahana 391,ptn 2 (Nozika)of Riversdale 127,Rem of ptn 5(MINA) of Riversdale 127,ptn 9(ptn of ptn 1) of Sunnyside 12 PTN 4,7,10 OF THE FARM KROMHOEK 371 IT&PTN 2,3 OF THE FARM ENON 61 HT. ptn 40 (ptn of ptn 2) of doornkop 246 JS 39 505.7764 R 1 537 000.00 Service Provider Appointed R 1 536 150.00 Service Provider Appointed R 3 746 000.00 Service Provider Appointed 3870500 Service Provider Appointed R 9 500 000.00 Mentor None R 3 600 000.00 TBC TBC TBC None None 1 246.9625 81.3556 R16 900 000.00 Mentor R 4 750 000.00 TBC Joseph Matsheni None 43.7888 R 5 100 000.00 Mentor Louisa Reinetta 525.4526 1 248.8036 837.3058 1 598.8198 856.6298 8.4636 None None None Mr. Petrus Meyer 5 038.7450 R 11 292 051.32 Service Provider Appointed None 1 785.4829 R 12 700 000.00 Mentor None R 890 000.00 TBC None 22.1842 MP Gert Sibande PALMIETFONTEIN 5&9 MP PIET RETIEF GLENTYN(T.P Nkosi) MP Gert Sibande DONKERHOEK MP Nkangala KLIPPORT ptn 6 MP PIET RETIEF MP Ehlanzeni WELGEMEEND ptn 7 (Jeffrey Fuka Malemone) MADELIEFJE MP Gert Sibande BOSSIE ALLEN MP Ehlanzeni Goedehoop MP Nkangala KONTERDANSKLOOF MP Gert Sibande MP Gert Sibande INGELOSI TRADING/ ISIPHO SA BALIMI FARMERS CC PAMA TRUST MP PIET RETIEF ZOO ALS MP Gert Sibande RIETVALLEI & TWYFELAAR MP EHLANZENI QUOTH QUAN Ptn 5(rem),ptn 9 (ptn of ptn ptn 5) of the farm Palmietfontein 64 PTN 6 OF THE FARM GLENTYN 64 IT Ptn 6(rem) of Donkerhoek 172 HT Ptn 6(rem) of farm Klipport 277 JS PTN 7 (PTN OF PTN 1) OF THE FARM WELGEMEEND 206 IS 507.7507 203.5139 None Fransis Mtim Awuah None 231.4907 R 5 800 000.00 Service Provider Appointed R 1 770 000.00 Mentor 592.5388 R 4 500 000.00 Mentor Ptn 7 Farm 138 MADELIEFJE 23.7746 R 3 600 000.00 Mentor Ptn 7(ptn of ptn 2) of the farm Vaalbank 74, ptn 6(ptn of ptn 2) of the farm Bossie Alleen 72 HT Ptn 7(ptn of ptn4)of the farm Goedehoop 45 IT Ptn 8 of Konderdanskloof 223 JS 34.6424 R 750 000.00 Service Provider Appointed 171.3064 None 590.8566 TBC Service Provider Appointed R 8 135 000.00 Mentor Ptn 8 of the farm Caledonia 97 IT 643.2421 R 1 100 000.00 Mentor Mr. Thomas Dreyer Ptn 8(ptn of ptn 7),ptn 12 (ptn of ptn 2) of the farm Nooitgedacht 237,ptn 13 (ptn of ptn 1) of the farm Klipfontein 241 IS PTN 8, 9 OF THE FARM ZOO ALS HIJ LIJKT 478 IS Ptn of the farm Twyfelaar 298 IT &ptn of the farm Rietvallei 299 IT Ptn2 (rem)of farm Quoth Quan 596 JT 1 258.0000 40 1 142.0244 R 1 274 784.00 Service Provider Appointed R 2 200 000.00 Mentor 313.8174 1 348.7653 193.7296 R 12 168 000.00 Service Provider Appointed R 3 300 000.00 TBC 4720678.55 Service Provider Appointed R 2 300 000.00 TBC Agriesy Trading Abraham Johannes van der Aardt SAL Nkosi Company None None None None None None MP Ehlanzeni BOSCHOEK NO. 36 JT MP MP EHLANZENI Gert Sibande BOSCHFONTEIN BANKFONTEIN & KLIPFONTEIN MP Nkangala DOORNKOP MP ERMELO KLIPFONTEIN 326 MP WITBANK SYFERFONTEIN MP PIET RETIEF ENON MP Nkangala WELGEVONDEN (Khula Sithole) MP WITBANK MP Nkangala DOORNHOEK/ MASILWENENDLALA COOP SCHOONGEZICHT MP WITBANK MP GERT SIBANDE PAARDEPLAAT/Ngolob ane Dorofia SCHULPSPRUIT R/E of Boschoek 36 JT, R/E of ptn 1 of Boschhoek 36 JT, Ptn 3 of Boschhoek 36 JT, Ptn 4, 6, 13 of Frischgewaagd 20 JT R\e of Boschfontein 553JT R\e of ptn 2 of Klipfontein 241,R\e of ptn 10 (ptn of ptn 2) ,R\e of ptn 16 (ptn of ptn 2),ptn 22 (ptn of ptn 16) , ptn 23(ptn of ptn 10),ptn 24(ptn of ptn 16) of klipfontein 241 ,ptn 10(ptn of ptn 1)of Bankfontein 215 R\e of ptn 3 Doornkop 246 JS 3 187.8101 REM EXTENT OF PTN 1,2 AND 3 OF THE FARM KLIPFONTEIN 326 IT REM OF PTN 0 OF THE FARM SYFERFONTEIN 288 IR REM OF PTN 0 OF THE FARM THE FARM ENON 61 HS REM OF PTN 10 (PTN OF PTN 2) OF THE FARM WELGEVONDEN 215 JS REM OF PTN 11 , PTN 24 OF THE FARM DOORNHOEK 341 1 117.5393 REM of ptn 12 (ptn of ptn 1) of the farm Schoongezicht 347 JT REM OF PTN 33 &37 OF THE FARM PAARDEPLAAT 380 JT REM OF PTN 5, 7,11,14,18,25,26 OF THE FARM SCHULPSPRUIT 60 41 TBC Strategic Partner Willie Johannes Roeloffze 373.1203 935.3702 R 1 750 000.00 Mentor R 5 139 000.00 Mentor PP Lombard Encimanzi 482.1689 R 2 680 000.00 Service Provider Appointed R5 800 000.00 TBC None 247.1609 R 3 300 000.00 Mentor Mr. JF de Villiers 648.3463 R 3 050 000.00 TBC None 178.7210 R 1 700 000.00 Mentor 599.7724 R 2 000 000.00 Mentor Mposa Agricultural Consultant Cornelis Janse 154.5096 R 1 950 000.00 Service Provider Appointed R 1 500 000.00 Mentor None R 11 000 000.00 Service Provider Appointed None 47.4394 1 763.3937 None Mr. H.J Ligthelm HS & PTN 1 OF THE FARM ENON 61 HS MP GERT SIBANDE NOOITGEZIEN MP PIET RETIEF GROOTLAGTE MP TBC Schurwepoort MP TBC Barnard Community Witbank MP TBC Leeuwpoort MP TBC NC Francis Baard Barnard Community Tranedal Bells bank NC Siyanda NC NC REM OF PTN O & PTN 2,5 OF THE FARM NOOITGEZIEN 375 IT REM OF THE FARM SCHOON DER ZIGT 68 HT & PTN 1 OF THE FARM GROOTLAAGTE 70 HT Remaining Extent of Portion 1 & 2 Portion 5 & 6 (portions of portion 2), Portion 11 (portion of portion 1) & Portion 12 (portion of portion 9) of the farm Schurvepoort 63 HS, Remaining Extent of Portion 12 (portion of Portion 3) of Witbank 236 IS Remaining Extent of Portion 7 Leeuwpoort 283 JS Tranedal 231 IS 619.2526 R 4 000 000.00 Mentor Tito Vorster 568.9839 R 2 200 000.00 TBC None 3 175.6358 TBC Service Provider Appointed None 486.9720 TBC Service Provider Appointed None 111.0746 TBC Service Provider Appointed TBC Service Provider Appointed 64 059 259.48 TBC None NEW GROW FARMING(PTY)LT D(KARSTEN) GWK Beperk Limited None 330.1945 Ceres (Pienaarfontein No55, Remainder of Farm No.54, Farm No 83, Remainder of farm No.84, Remainder of farm No.85, Farm No.86, Remainder of farm No.87, Remainder of farm No.88 and Farm No 107) Farm Ceres No. 373 5 512.0075 11 024 015.00 Strategic Partner Pixley Ka Seme Van West family Farm Kleinbegin No. 315 2 450.0627 R 2 500 000.00 Mentor Namakwa JR Boerdery Farm No. 663 6 074.5672 R 2 077 501.80 TBC 42 33 007.3445 None None NC Siyanda Norokei (Marinda) 4 912.1122 Farm Shepton Farm Norokei No.317 portion 3 (a partion of portion 1) Farm Shepton No. 322 NC TBC NC 4 274.0947 TBC Strategic Partner TBC Farm Thurso Farm Thurso No. 310 5 551.7455 TBC Strategic Partner NC Frances Baard Vaalboschfontein Farm Vaalboschfontein No. 11 2 856.2230 R 7 997 424.40 Strategic Partner NC Frances Baard Vukani Bafazi 24.0692 2 104 997.00 Strategic Partner NC Frances Baard NC Pixley Jan Kempdorp Livestock Farmers Hoofkwatier NC Siyanda Vilander NC Siyanda Abiquas Puts Suid Plot 196 (a portion of Plot 1), Vaalharts Settlement B Agricultural Holding Plot 358, Vaalharts Settlement B (Farm VH1) Portion 1 and 2 of farm Ruigte Fontein no.15, Remainder of portion 1 of the Plessis Vlakte no 168, Remainder of farm Swanepoels Pan no.176 Portion 1 of Farm Vilander N0.318 Portion 1 of the farm Abiquas Puts South 227 NC TBC Concordia 8 (Timados) NC Siyanda Springbokvlei NC John Taolo Gaetsewe Farm Pender Portion 1 of the farm Timas-Dos No. 217; Remainder of the farm Timas-Dos No. 217 and Portion 1 of the farm Welgevonden No. 232 Portion 1 of the farm Verloren Rivier No. 240 and Portion 6 of the farm Springbok Vlei No. 239 Portion 1 to 34 of the farm Pender 104 IM 43 8 104 985.13 TBC None Bloemfontein Abattoir Bloemfontein Abattoir Bloemfontein Abattoir Dipalemo 541.8672 R 1 300 000.00 TBC None 5 275.9285 12 139 039.00 TBC None 6 650.1549 10 896 278.00 TBC None 3 663.1914 4 762 148.82 Strategic Partner 9 953.7295 TBC Strategic Partner 6 990.6931 8 738 366.38 Strategic Partner 33 936.8669 TBC Strategic Partner NEW GROW FARMING(PTY)LT D(KARSTEN) Dipalemo Dipalemo Agridelight NC VRYBURG Koeipan NC Siyanda Duinplaas NC Siyanda Tierkop NC John Taolo Gaetsewe Tom Brown NC Siyanda Karos Settlement (Phariri cc) NC Siyanda Farm Kheis NC Namakwa Bloubank Boerdery NC Pixley Ka Seeme Van Wykskloof Portion 112 of Farm Kalahari West No. 251 Portion 21 of the farm Kalahari West No. 251 Portion 23 (Tierkop) of the farm Kalahari West No 251 Portion 27 (Tom Brown) of farm No. 35, Portion 66 (Bergershoop) of farm No.35, Portion 5 (BellaVista) of farm No. 703, Portion 67 (Harvey) of Farm No.35, Portion 1 (Lady Brown) of farm De Dwaal. No. 5 Portion 34, 35, 36, 254, 255, 257, 609, 611, 612, 613, 614, 616, 704 and 705 Karos Settlement Portion 5 & 6 (a portion of Portion 2) of the farm Kheis No. 291; Portion 5 of the farm Rooisand No. 387; Portion 7 (a portion of Portion 2) of the farm Rooisand No. 387 and Remainder of Portion 1 of the farm Rooisand No. 387 Portion 5 of the Farm Leeuw-Klip No. 112; Portion 5 (a portion of Portion 2) of the Farm Bitterputs No. 111; Portion 6 (a portion of Portion 3) of the Farm Bitterputs No. 111; Portion 1 (Haasvlei) of the farm Leeuw-Klip 112 Portion 6 (A Portion of Portion 1)and Portion 7 of the farm 44 8 129.9467 R 13 414 412.06 TBC None 7 700.2061 R 13 600 000.00 Mentor KLK 8 076.0759 R 13 487 046.75 Strategic Partner Dipalemo 23 649.6929 72 652 762.49 TBC None 32.2523 R 1 596 000.00 TBC None R 1 850 000.00 Mentor GWK Beperk Limited 7 670.3448 R 2 690 400.00 TBC None 3 348.2491 448 526 806.60 TBC None 175.8754 VANWYKSKLOOF No. 39 NC Siyanda Gannapoort NC Siyanda Cnydas NC Kgalagadi Dickerson NC Pixley Ka Seme Rooi Dam NC Siyanda DeWittsville NC Siyanda Kanoneiland (Realeboga Boerdery) NC Namakwa Kaap Se Vlei Boerdery NC Pixley Ka Seme Bloomberg NC Siyanda Steenbokleegte NC Pixley Ka Seme Matthys Boerdery NC Siyanda Grootwitpan NC Siyanda District Municipality Loch Nagar Portion 6 (a portion of Portion 2) of the farm Rooipoort No. 315 Portion 6 of the farm Cnydas West No. 438 Portion 6 of the farm Dickerson No. 35 Portion1(Rooidam) of Jan Johnson's Kop No. 75 Portions 2 & 3 opf the farm De Witt's Ville No. 272 Portions 62, 192, 147, 236, 204, 165 and 177 Kanoneiland 2 997.8604 3 500 000.00 Mentor 4 569.8884 5 483 866.08 TBC Mr Charl Sonderson None 3 873.4219 R 9 272 972.03 Strategic Partner 2 217.4645 2 495.3906 2 660 000.00 Recruitment still on R 2 656 200.00 Mentor 49.8518 R 2 764 640.00 Strategic Partner Remainder of Portion 3 and 6 (portion of Portion 3), of the farm Kapsvlei No. 174 Remainder of the farm Bloomberg No. 58; Portion 2 (a portion of Portion 1) of the farm Englishmans Kraal No. 59 Remainder of the farm Eksteens Kuil No. 35 Remainder of the farm Erfdeel No. 57 Remainder of the farm Grootwitpan No. 327 4 652.0921 R 1 710 000.00 Recruitment still on None 6 324.2564 R 2 902 052.00 Mentor KLK 4 301.8328 R 3 420 000.00 Strategic Partner Remainder of the farm LochNagar No. 217; Portion 1 of the farm Loch Leven No. 215; Portion 6 of the farm Eenbeker N0. 220 Gordonia RD 8 444.4117 13 573 092.12 TBC 45 1 591.7667 6 900.4974 2 149 128.00 Strategic Partner 2553000 Mentor Bloemfontein Abattoir None GWK Beperk Limited KLK Dipalemo KLK NEW GROW FARMING(PTY)LT D(KARSTEN) None NC Namakwa Nombies NC Namakwa Wit Kalks Kolk NC Siyanda Poortjies NC TBC Sas Boerdery NC Siyanda Elandsvlei NC NC Namakwa Frances Baard Diergaardt Springfield NC Siyanda NW Remainder of the farm Nombies No. 185 Remainder of the farm Wit Kalks Kolk No. 318 and Portion 1 of the farm Wit Kalks Kolk No. 318 Remaining extent of the farm Poortjies No 317 Restant van Farm Witfontein No. 93, Parcel 3 (Seskoppies) The farm Elandsvlei No. 339 4 045.4344 R 1 496 810.73 TBC None 13 149.9247 7 889 954.82 TBC None 6 259.4551 R 3 853 320.56 TBC None 6324.2564 TBC Mentor 12 121.8693 17 819 147.87 Strategic Partner 8 796.7892 957.3715 R 4 574 330.38 Strategic Partner R 1 771 137.00 TBC Plezier Hoogte The farm Gous Zyn Kolk No. 324 The farm known as Springfield: Portion 6 (Annex Springfield) of the farm Doornfontein No. 12, Remaining portion of Portion 4 of the farm Doornfontein No. 12, Remaining portion of Portion 1 Doorn Aar of the Farm Doornfontein No. 12 The farm Plezier Hoogte No. 278 4 378.1006 11 406 461.56 Strategic Partner TBC - Barkop 949 KP Barkop 949 KP 1 117.0000 TBC Strategic Partner NW Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati Vorstershoop Farm 73(Vorstershoop) the Remaining Extent of Block C 2nd Railway Grant NR1 NW Dr Kenneth Kaunda MORGENZON Morgenzon 9(prt 10 &remain prt),Bovenste-Oog 68(prt 22,17,19 and remain 46 844.2404 R 2 382 877.12 TBC 6 008.8973 R 37 000 000.00 TBC KLK NEW GROW FARMING(PTY)LT D(KARSTEN) Dipalemo None NEW GROW FARMING(PTY)LT D(KARSTEN) Ms. M.D. Motsatsi We have use Supply Chain Management process We have use Supply Chain Management 20),Nooitgedacht 69(prt 123 &69),klipgat 18 (prt 1 &2) and Elandsfontein 21 IQ NW Bojanala Koorfontein 385 NW Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati Dr Kenneth Kaunda Lalapanzi NW Buffelsvallei 222 IP/ Mogwere Simon Makhutle Ontario NW Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati NW Ngaka Modiri Molema Kliplaagte NW Ngaka Modiri Molema Schoongezicht 1/ J. Mbaba Portion 01 and 17 of the Farm Koornfontein 385 JP and Portion 9,10,11,12,16,17 and 20 of the Farm Brakspruit 402 JP Portion 1 of farm ALNWICK 287 JM & portion 3 (LALAPANZI of farm BATLEY 288 IL Portion 111 of the Farm Buffelsvallei 222 IP Portion 119(a portion of Portion116) OF FARM EXTENT ,PORT 63 SWERWERS END (PORT OF PORT 2) ,THE PORT 1 OF (ONTARIO) AND PORT 23(CALLOWAY) OF BLOCK C2nd Railway Grant nr1 Portion 12 AND 13(a portion of Portion 10) OF FARM KLIPLAAGTE52 Portion 13 (a portion of portion 12) of the farm Schoongezight 120 and portion 16 (a portion of portion 14) of te farm Vaalplaats 108 IQ 47 process 1560.2298 R 12 800 000.00 TBC None 4 434.0587 R 9 754 800.00 Strategic Partner Bloemfontein Abattoir 117.5104 R 1 600 000.00 Strategic Partner Grain SA 8 005.9861 R 12 409 278.45 Strategic Partner 513.9192 R 4 251 250.00 TBC 434.8113 R 1 800 000.00 Strategic Partner SALES TALK 127 t/a STANFORD HOLDINGS We have use Supply Chain Management process Grain SA NW Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati Arizona NW Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati Montana NW Ngaka Modiri Molema Expath 385C2/ Badukane NW Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati Rochelle Portion 13 the remainder of the farm Arizona Block C 2nd Railway Grant nr 1, and Portion 92 (Portion of Portion 13)of the remainder of farm Arizona block 2nd Railway Grant nr1 Portion 14(Portion of Portion 2) of the farm Kleinwater/Esperance) Section 2,Block C 2nd Railway Grant No 3, Portion 50 of the farm (Montana) Remaining extent of Block 2nd railway Grant 1, Portion 48 of the farm (Jeannette) Remaining Extent of Block 2nd Railway Grant 1, Portion 48 of the farm (Lucy) Remaining Extent of Block 2nd Railway Grant 1, Remaining Extent of the Portion 46 of the farm (Finland) Remaining Extent Of Block 2nd Railway Grant 1, And Portion 135 of the farm (Ella) Remaining extent of Block 2nd Railway Grant 1 Portion 2 of Holmes Rest of the farm Expath 158 JO 4 282.6600 R 3 426 128.00 Strategic Partner Bloemfontein Abattoir 9 169.3990 R 11 177 449.38 Strategic Partner Bloemfontein Abattoir Portion 22(Rochelle) of the Remaining Extent of Block C, 2nd Railway Grant NR 1and Portion 61(Stillewoning) of the farm Remaining Extent of Block C 2nd 11 639.1400 48 856.5320 R 2 650 000.00 TBC R 36 950 000.00 Strategic Partner We have use Supply Chain Management process Bloemfontein Abattoir Railway Grant NR 1 NW Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati Reilvilo/ G.K Gasekoma NW Bojanala Rondavelskraal 280 JP & Modderfontein 256 JP Portion 3 of the farm Quaggablatt 781, Portion 1 (noodshulp) of the farm Quaggablatt 781, Remaining extent of the farm Quaggablatt 781, Remaining extent of the farm Kadeafing 910, The farm Bruintjiesfontein 909, Remaining extent of Portion 2 (Vergenoeg) of the farm Klein Quaggablatt 782, Portion 4 of the farm KleinQuaggablatt 782, Portion 5 of the farm Klein Quaggablatt 782 Portion 34(a portion of Portion),Portion 51(a portion of Portion 2),Portion 51(a portion of portion 25),Remaining Portion 43(a portion of Portion 2 8),Remaining portion 25(a portion of Portion 2),Portion 80(a portion of Portion 49),portion 54(a portion of Portion 25),Portion 53(a portion of Portion 25),Remaining Portion of portion 28(a portion of Portion 2),Portion 44(a portion of Portion 43),Remaining portion 81,portion 88(a portion of portion 81),Portion 95 (a portion 49 4 494.3254 1 152.0000 R 8 063 700.00 Strategic Partner R 12 684 000.00 TBC Bloemfontein Abattoir We have use Supply Chain Management process NW Bojanala Zoutpansdrift NW Dr Kenneth Kaunda Hartebeestfontein/ UBUNTU SELAMI POULTRY JV of Portion 33),Portion 59( a portion of Portion 39 ),Portion 99 (a portion of portion 32),Portion 58( a portion of Portion 38),Portion 60(a portion of Portion 38),Portion 86(a portion of Portion 40),Remaining portion of Portion 40(a portion of Portion 3),Portion 85(a portion of Portion 40),Portion 98(a portion of Portion32),Portion 96(a portion of Portion2),portion 84( a portion of Portion 40), portion 45( a portion of Portion 25),portion 55(a portion of Portion 25)of the Farm Rondavelskraal 290 JP and Portion 15( a portion of Portion 2)Portion 14 ( a portion of Portion 2 )of the farm Rondavelskraal 290 JP;Portion 14,Portion15 of the farm Modderfontein 256 JP and Portion 2( Remaining Extent) of the Twyfelspoort 412 JP. Portion 358 of the farm Zoutpansdrift 415 Portion 380 & 381 of the Farm Hartebeestfontein 297 IP 50 13.4090 R 1 000 000.00 Strategic Partner 66.8028 R 15 000 000.00 Strategic Partner SALES TALK 127 t/a STANFORD HOLDINGS Ubuntu Development & Construction PTY NW Ngaka Modiri Molema Trekdrift 360 Portion 4 of the farm Trekdrift 360 JP 932.2037 R 7 200 000.00 Strategic Partner NW Ngaka Modiri Molema Twee Buffels Geschiet (S.M. Motswenyane) 348.5367 R 2 387 000.00 Strategic Partner NW Brits Hartebeestpoort E 215JQ 33.5960 R 2 623 375.00 Strategic Partner NW Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati Ngaka Modiri Molema Toronto Portion 5,6,19,37 and 48 of the Farm Twee Buffels Geschiet No. 42 Portion 534 & 1/4th share in Portion 538 (R/E) of the farm Hartebeespoort E215 JQ Portion 67 Remaining Extent of Block C 2nd Railway Grants NR 1, the farm Toronto. Portion 7,8,9,11 and remainder portion 5 of the farm Dwaalkraal 291 IO 2 385.6342 R 5 964 085.50 Strategic Partner 1 070.3928 R 6 800 000.00 TBC NW Dr Kenneth Kaunda Klipplaatdrift NW Dr Kenneth Kaunda Bojanala KLIPKUIL NW NW NW NW Dr Kenneth Kaunda Dr Kenneth Kaunda Dwaalkraal 02 166 Hartebeespoort Sepipi K.C/ Peu ya Balemi Itumeleng Taje Ptn 4 Rooipan 96 IQ Portion 79(a Portion of Portion 7), Remainder Portion of Portion 1, Portion 11 (a Portion of Portion 1), Remainder Portion of Portion 7 (a Portion of Portion 1) of the farm Klipplaatdrift 214 IP Portion of Portion 1 of the farm klipkuil 65 reg div HP PTN 166 of the farm Hartebeespoort C419 Ptn 27 (of ptn 26) of the farm Elandsfontein No. 21 IQ Ptn 4 Rooipan 96 IQ SALES TALK 127 t/a STANFORD HOLDINGS Bloemfontein Abattoir We have use Supply Chain Management process SALES TALK 127 t/a STANFORD HOLDINGS 1 182.0712 R 24 500 000.00 Strategic Partner 366.0605 R 750 000.00 Strategic Partner Agridelight 12.4097 R 345 000.00 Strategic Partner 329.9958 TBC Strategic Partner SALES TALK 127 t/a STANFORD HOLDINGS Grain SA 492.5059 51 SALES TALK 127 t/a STANFORD HOLDINGS Grain SA R 3 600 000.00 TBC We have use Supply Chain Management process NW Bojanala PTN 780 of Hartebeestpoort C 419 JQ 876 Hartebeespoort Raphulo M.A PTN 780 of Hartebeestpoort C 419 JQ 29.0000 R 2 100 000.00 Strategic Partner NW Bojanala NW PTN 876 of farm Hartebeespoort C419 22.0138 R 573 000.00 Strategic Partner Dr Kenneth Kaunda MELVILLE 175 R/E and portion 1 of farm MELVILLE 175 NW TBC R/E of Ptn of Ophir 133 KP R/E of a Ophir 133 KP 687.0000 TBC Strategic Partner NW TBC R/E of Ptn 1of Ophir 133 KP R/E of Ptn 1of Ophir 133 KP 988.0000 TBC Strategic Partner NW Dr Kenneth Kaunda Mariendale & others 4 254.8771 R 27 000 000.00 Strategic Partner NW Dr Kenneth Kaunda Farm Zwartpan Rem Ext, Ptn 1 of farm Mariendale 430, Rem Ext of ptn 5, Ptn 12(ptn of ptn 10) , Rem ext ptn 11(ptn of ptn 5)of farm Swartkopjes 431, Ptn 4 farm Elandslaagte 427, Ptn 12(ptn of ptn9), Rem ext of ptn6(ptn of ptn2),Rem ext of ptn5(ptn of ptn2)of farm Nooidgedacht 429 Rem Portion of Portion 5 (Ptn of Ptn 3) of the Farm Zwartpan 209 55.6921 R 232 000.00 TBC NW Kenneth Kaunda Dr Kenneth Kaunda Arrendar/ Dirang Diphetogo Mmogo Opraap Remainder Extent of Arrendar 545 IP remainder Portion 6 (Ptn of Ptn 2) and Portion 8 ( Ptn of ptn 6) of 491.8085 R 5 500 000.00 TBC We have use Supply Chain Management process None 136.5398 R7 300 000.00 Strategic Partner Agridelight NW 2 625.2335 52 R 15 750 000.00 TBC SALES TALK 127 t/a STANFORD HOLDINGS SALES TALK 127 t/a STANFORD HOLDINGS We have use Supply Chain Management process SALES TALK 127 t/a STANFORD HOLDINGS SALES TALK 127 t/a STANFORD HOLDINGS Bloemfontein Abattoir farm Opraap 335 IP NW Dr Kenneth Kaunda Ngaka Modiri Molema Wolverand Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati Ngaka Modiri Molema Soetasbes NW Dr Kenneth Kaunda Drylands 64 IQ NW Ngaka Modiri Molema Dr Kenneth Kaunda Nooitgedacht 131 IP (Mr. K.D. Mocwiri) Varkenskraal 93 IQ Ngaka Modiri Molema Vaalbank NW NW NW NW NW Schoongezicht PLAS 2 La-rey-Stryd Remainder portion of the farm Wolverand 425 IP Remainder ptn of ptn 4 (ptn of ptn 3) and remainder ptn of ptn 5(ptn of ptn 1) of the farm Schoongezicht 120 IO REMAINIG EXTENT OF THE FARM SECTION 1 BLOCK C2th 163.8824 R 7 500 000.00 Mentor 371.8479 R 1 600 000.00 TBC 15 214.6430 R 33 472 214.06 Strategic Partner Remaining extent of portion 5 and the extent of portion 1 FARM LA REY STRYD 53 IO Remaining extent of the farm Digby Plain 63 IQ and remainder of portion 7,10,11 of the farm Bovenster Oog Van Mooiriver no 68. and farm Somerville no 62 and the remainder of the Farm Drylands no 64 IQ Remaining Extent of the farm Nooitgedacht 131 IP Remaining of Portion of portion 3 and Remaining of Portion 24 (ptn of ptn 3) of Varkenskraal 93 IQ Remaining portion 3,6,11,22 of Farm VAALBANK and portion 20,21,25,34,35,47,48,56 57and 58 OF FARM VAALBANK 110 IP 614.3055 R 4 800 000.00 Strategic Partner 53 6 150.2452 1 091.0691 R 39 000 000.00 TBC R 8 728 000.00 Mentor 394.2537 R 5 600 000.00 Strategic Partner 1 316.1580 R 6 520 000.00 Strategic Partner Mr. J.G. van Heerden We have use Supply Chain Management process Bloemfontein Abattoir SALES TALK 127 t/a STANFORD HOLDINGS None Mr. J.G. van Heerden Grain SA SALES TALK 127 t/a STANFORD HOLDINGS NW Dr Kenneth Kaunda Wildebeeskuil Remaining portion of the farm wildebeeskuil 59 HP 257.2226 NW Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati Radnor/ Baicumedi/ P.F. Moagi/ O.A. Lekwene 13 588.6451 NW DR R S M MR G Mosenene The Remaining Extent and Portion 1 of the farm Chesham No 289, The WellsNo 304 and Portion 2 of the farm Radnor 305 Portion 1 of Farm Wells 304 NW Bojanala Dawie Swart Familie Trust WC Eden Haarlem WC City of Cape Town Colenso Schaapkraal WC West Coast Klipdrift PLAS WC West Coast Rietfontein PLAS The Remaining of the farm Wedge 486 JP, Remaining Extent of the farm Kraal 491 JP & PTN 3 of the farm Goede Hoop 490 JP Farm 454(Nocturne),1/2 share of Portion 4 (Vygekraal) of the Farm Welgelegen AnnexNo 231, Portion 2 (Vygekraal North) Of the Farm Vygekraal No 233 and Remaining Extent of the Farm Holledrift No 149 and Portion 3 of the Farm Gold Diggings No 148 Farm No 1448 Cape Farms in the Cape Registration Division; Farm No 1449, Cape Farms in the Cape Registration Division Portion 1 of Farm No 486 in Malmesbury Registration Division Portion 1 of Farm No.30, Bookram in Piketberg Registration Division 54 3 136.0000 R 1 028 890.00 TBC R 38 156 023.48 Strategic Partner Mentor 267.6804 R 2 430 000.00 TBC 1 176.2291 R 0.00 TBC 48.1711 R 22 000 000.00 TBC 450.5358 1 152.3624 We have use Supply Chain Management process Bloemfontein Abattoir Agridelight We have use Supply Chain Management process None None R 8 250 000.00 Strategic Partner CILLIE AND ASSOCIATES CC R 2 200 000.00 TBC None WC West Coast Drommelvalley WC West Coast Middelpos WC Central Karoo Murraysburg PLAS WC West Coast Goedehoop PLAS WC West Coast Rietkloof 2 PLAS WC Cape Winelands Nirwarda WC WC Eden West Coast Forest Hall Colenso Klein Morgenwacht WC WC Central Karoo Eden Matjieskloof Ongelegen Portion 20 of Farm No.123, Drommelvalley in the Piketberg Registration Division; Portions 24 of Farm No.123, Drommelvalley in the Piketberg Registration Division Portion 3 (a portion of portion 2) of the farm Middelpos no. 611 Portion 3 of the Farm Beldevere No.3 1 769.0000 R 3 400 000.00 TBC None 60.0115 R4 100 000.00 TBC None R 2 650 000.00 Strategic Partner Portion 48 (A Portion of Portion 14) of Farm No 758, Goedehoop in Malmesbury Registration Division Portion of the Farm Rietkloof No. 144 Portions 53 in extent measuring 16, 2071ha & 71 in extent measuring 22, 8760ha of the Farm De La Haye No. 92, in extent Remainder of Erf 562 Kurland Remainder of Farm No 882 Klein Morgenwacht in the Malmesbury Registration Division Remainder of Farm No.421 Remainder of Portion 1 (Ongelegen Berg) of the farm South Ongelegen No. 280, & Portion 21 of the farm Ongelegen No. 219 18.1102 ETHICS AND LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE CC None 55 3 519.0000 319.7534 R 4 800 000.00 TBC R 47 500 000.00 Strategic Partner BONO HOLDINGS 39.0831 R 19 000 000.00 TBC None 86.0074 316.9396 R 4 600 000.00 TBC R 9 840 000.00 TBC None None R 5 403 486.00 Strategic Partner R 3 000 000.00 TBC BONO HOLDINGS None 4 739.9000 326.7188 WC Eden Ruiterbos WC Cape Wineland Mooikelder Farm WC Bellevue WC Cape Winelands West Coast WC Central Karoo Swartrivier PLAS WC Eden Plateau Farms WC West Coast Caledonia PLAS EC Cacadu Amabamba Project EC Alfred Nzo Colembert/ Mzoli Phakade EC Amathole High Heaven Middelpos Remainder of Portion 41 of portion 60 of the Farm Ruiterbosch Remainder of Ptn 5 ( a ptn of ptn 2) of the farm Mooikelder No 501 Remainder of the farm Bellevue no. 455, Paarl Remainder of the farm Middelpos no 946, Size 266. 4177Ha, Malmesbury RD, Swartland Municipality, Western Cape Remainder of the Farm Wolvekraal No.211 The Farms Dassiesfontein , Rondawel, Melrose & Willemskraal The Remaining Extent of Farm No 143, Caledonia in Malmesbury registration Division Portion 3 of the Farm bridgewater No. 205 49.9410 R 2 300 000.00 TBC None 21.3706 R 8 640 000.00 TBC None 94.0152 R 6 750 000.00 TBC None 266.4177 R4 150 000 TBC None 3 647.6702 R 5 000 000.00 Strategic Partner 734.5470 R 14 734 547.00 Strategic Partner BONO HOLDINGS 1 617.5023 R 12 920 000.00 Strategic Partner CILLIE AND ASSOCIATES CC 392.5344 TBC Mentor The Remainder of Colembert Farm No. 180 and Ptn 2 of Farm Alingthun No. 181 709.0000 R 6 214 000.00 Mentor Portion 4 of Farm High Heaven Farm No. 308 68.9622 56 R 13 796 600.00 Strategic Partner ETHICS AND LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE CC Umnga Farmers Training Mr. Mark Elliot Nonezile Trading Enterprise EC Joe Gqabi Kalkfontein/ Lilimosa Trade Ptn 3, 6, 9 & 10 of of farm No. 53 EC Cacadu Sidwell Mantile family portion 1 of the Farm Zwartefontein No. 136 and Rem of the Farm No. 135 EC Chris Hani Mzini EC Chris Hani Mutton Destiny EC Amathole Gwevana Farm Flats No. 74 and Uitkyk No. 75 Rem of the Farm Kriegars No. 83 and Farm LeeuwKop No. 72 Portion 2 of Farm gwevana No. 3 EC Amathole Bushside Farm EC Amathole EC 1 950.0000 R 5 000 000.00 Mentor 903.6812 R 4 500 000.00 Mentor 1 768.0619 TBC Strategic Partner 1 003.4630 TBC Strategic Partner 243.0000 TBC Mentor Portion 1 of Farm No. 27 301.3670 R 2 000 000.00 Mentor Kingsdale Dairy Farming Kingsdale Farm No. 272 201.1394 R 15 500 000.00 Mentor Cacadu Stokwe Family Remainder of Farm Landsdowne No. 168 374.7645 EC Amathole Bristol Farm Farm 170 385.4394 TBC Mentor FS Fezile Dabi Berlin 328.7223 TBC Mentor FS GP Fezile Dabi Sedibeng Kroonheuwel Ntlele's Farmers Paradise Portion 2, 3, 5 and the Rem ext of the farm Berlin No. 1054 Farm Kroonheuwel No. 1801 Ptn 2 of the farm Rietkuil 554 IQ 376.2428 619.5963 TBC Mentor 2867000 Mentor 57 R 3 500 000.00 TBC Mr. Frederick Douw Coetze of ATS Consulting Management Services Umnga Farmers Training Mr. Mickey Phillips Mr. Mickey Phillips Mgudlwa Farming & Consulting Ms. Kolisa Nokoyo Agricon Mzansi Farming PTY Ltd None Mr. Mathemba Mapuma VKB Rhenosterrivier Jacobus Johannes Janse Van Rensburg GP Sedibeng Male Khulu Ptn 20 and 22 of Farm Kaalfontein 529 IQ 173.2769 6000000 Mentor KZN Ugu Clothier 294.0000 TBC Mentor KZN Sisonke Tafelkop/ Cezula Slexel ptn 1,ET,No 4558 in extent of 294.6762 hectares Portion 0 of farm Tafelkop No. 165, ES 774.7574 TBC Mentor LP Mopani Nghatsane Portion 15 (R/e) of the Farm Greystones No. 469 LT LP Waterberg Witkopie (Holy Trinity) Portion 2 of the Farm Witkopie 596 KR LP Mopani A.V. Khomanani Project Portion 39 of the Miami No. 732 LT LP Waterberg Phasha PLAS The remaining Ext of Portion 6 of the Farm Olifantsklip No. 336 KR LP Mopani Mapheto Trust Portion 5 (R/E) of the Farm Deerpark No. 459 LT MP Nkangala Bitline SA MP Gert Sibande Harambe Farming Coop Portion 3 and 7 of the Farm Weltevreden 324 JS and the Rem Ext of Portion 4 of the Farm Tweefontein 328 JS for Zbitline SA 427 Portion 0 of the Farm Vlakfontein 569 IR, Portion 13 of the farm Tweefontein 560 IR, Portion 5, 13, 20, Rem ext of Portion 8 and 11 of the Farm Rietfontein 561 IR 58 Amos Njoro Baker Farming Trust Gregory Braithwaite TBC Mentor Mr. Mark De jonge 385.4394 TBC Mentor A.T. Du Plessis 21.4134 TBC Mentor Mr. De Beer TBC Mentor Mr. Antony Madzibanyika 77.1907 TBC Mentor 453.0180 TBC Mentor Mr. Hermann Richard Felten Wernich Agriesy Trading 1 287.4603 TBC Mentor Mr. Gert Diederik Jakobus Botha MP Gert Sibande Mngomezulu Family Trust (Pama trust) Vogelstruisfontein (Izidonga Ze-Africa) Sithewukele Business Enterprise (Daniel Stemmer) Mr. Kubhayi (Vlakfontein Uthembekile (Vlakfontein) MP Gert Sibande MP Nkangala MP Gert Sibande MP Gert Sibande MP Nkangala MP Nkangala MP Gert Sibande Mr. Naughtyboy Dhlamini MP Gert Sibande Mana Umsoco transport Cc MP Gert Sibande Mr. Samuel Mikael Mahlangu/ Klipfontein Vukuzenzele Training Farm Khethile Primary Coop (Hartebeeslaagte) Portion 0 of the Farm elim 247 IS 516.7181 TBC Strategic Partner Portion 0 of the Farm Vogelstruisfontein No. 593 IR Portion 24 of farm Hartebeestspruit 281 JS 426.4344 TBC Strategic Partner Kgokagano Trading Agridelight 404.1576 TBC Mentor Jimmy Nkabinde Rem Ext of Portion 3 of the Farm Vlakfontein No. 448 IR Portion 5 of the Farm Rietbult Estate 505 IR and Rem Ext of Portion 11 and Portion 28 of the Farm Vlakfontein 558 IR Portion 3, 8 and 9 of the Farm Leeuwpoortjie No. 267 JS Portion 5, 6, 9 and 36 of the Farm Hartebeeslaagte No. 325 JS 336.7713 TBC Mentor 1 369.0202 TBC Mentor Ignitius Nicholas Mdaka Mr. Jabi Johannes Simelane 901.1889 TBC Mentor Agriesy Trading 748.7495 TBC Strategic Partner SAKGARI Pty LTD 940.6774 TBC Mentor Mr. Stephanus George Goodwin TBC Strategic Partner Encimanzi TBC Mentor Mr. Emmanuel Nicolus Mahlangu Portion 1 (Rem Ext), 2 (Rem Ext), 6 (Rem Ext), 6, 7, 11, 12 and 13 of the Farm Zoetendansvlei No. 125 HS Portion 0 (Rem Ext) of the Farm Orpenskraal 238 IS, Portion 8 and 12 of the Farm Nooitgededacht 237 IS The Rem Ext of portion 5 (a portion of portion 3), Portion 4, (a portion of portion 1), Portion 9 (a portion of portion 6), Portion 10 (a portion of portion 8) and Portion 14 (a portion of portion 3) of the Farm Klipfontein No. 621 IR 59 1 014.1763 608.1130 MP Nkangala Siphosethu transport CC (Mr. Joseph Coka) Portion 2, 15 and 16 of the Farm Hartebeestspruit No. 281 JS 404.1576 TBC Mentor Mr. Jimmy Nkabinde MP Enhlanzeni portion 1 of the Farm Two Sisters No. 594 JT 256.9596 TBC Mentor Mr. Bruce Andrews MP Nkangala TBC Strategic Partner Agriesy Trading Siyanda 14 288.2150 TBC Mentor Mr. Nicolas Celliers NC Siyanda Uitspanskop Portion 3, 4 and 17 of Farm Sybrandskraal No. 244 JR Portion 1 of Farm Vley Kolk No. 276 and Portion 1, 2, 3 and the remaining ext of farm Vorentoe Zyn Kolk No. 277 The Farm Uitspanskop No. 246 849.1368 NC Two Sisters (Asikahlalingetanda Agric Coop Paradise Farming Services Vorentoe Zyn Kolk 8 288.2092 TBC Mentor NW Ngaka Modiri Molema Schaapplaats No. 14 IP and Klippan No.15 1 324.3800 TBC Strategic Partner NW Dr. Kenneth Kaunda Dr. Kenneth Kaunda DR KENNETH KAUNDA Schapplaats and Klippan (Basha Balemirui CC) Eenheid and Tarantal Mr. Nicolas Celliers Matiti Trading and Projects Portion 5 and 7 of Farm Rooipoort No. 202 IP Portion 4 of the Farm Rooipoort 202 IP ROOIPAN 96 IQ, PTN 4 1 169.3920 TBC Mentor Agridelight 584.6958 TBC Mentor 492.5059 TBC Strategic Partner Matiti Trading and Projects AGRIDELIGHT Portion 33 of the Farm Trekdrift No. 360 JP The Rem of the Farm Uitsig NO. 364 IP Schaalpkraal Farm No. 1449 647.4792 TBC Mentor 319.8133 TBC Mentor 22.0525 TBC Mentor NW NW NW NW WC EC B.J. Njengela ROOIPAN FARM Ngaka Modiri Molema Dr. Kenneth Kaunda Cape Metro Mr. K.A. Rakate Great Fish River Valley Mr Mehlo and Mr Gxotiwe Mr. Shomolekae Schaalpkraal Sugar Beet Core Estate Farms 5 617.0000 60 TBC Strategic Partner Mr. Lentikile Michael Makaota Reyalema Agric Consultancy cc Mr. Johannes Jacobus Teranche Arda EC Cacadu EC FS FS FS Joe Gqabi Xhariep Mangaung Xhariep Driefontein Agricultural Co-op/ Bazolele Trading Lenham Projectr Pro - Active Aloekop Pro - Active Helena Mrs K Jacobs Remainder of Farm Driefontein no 94,95,96 1 972.8207 TBC Mentor Dale Cunningham Portion 1 of Farm Lenam no 153 The farm Aloekop No. 662 The farm Helena No. 1492 Farm Fortuna no 363, portion of farm Elizabethfontein no 124 and farm Politiek no 394 Farm Spitskop no 330 and Fonteinje no 208 Portion 04 of the farm Onverwaght 50 JR 882.3822 1 773.0000 38.5952 624.8043 TBC TBC TBC TBC Andre Cloete OVK Dipalemo None FS Xhariep Mr Erc Beans GP GP City of Tshwane Metropolitan Sedibeng Super grand Agric Feed ( Animal Feed Milling Plant) Rose Lilly Orphans and Handcapit NPC Project KZN Sisonke Farm Lucknow Portion 3 of Middelfontein no 229 ES ,the Farm Lucknow no 230 ES, portion 1 of far Bounaprtes fontein no 230 KZN Sisonke Incalu nProject KZN Zululand Lofika lelolanga project KZN Uthungulu Zondamavila Farming KZN Amajuba Time 2 Strive Project KZN Amajuba MAG CC 766.2392 Mentor TBC TBC TBC TBC TBC None 409.8393 9 800 000.0000 Mentor Johann Steenkamp 28.2273 1 500 000.0000 Mentor 1 807.0000 TBC Mentor Amandla Fresh Fresh Produce Cooperation ( Mr. Gert Veljion) MR S Bishop Lot 11 of Incalu no 7844 196.0000 TBC Mentor Mr TMS Kubheka Portion 1 of farm Broedersrust no 144 and porton 3 of the farm Landeverwagcht no 493 Portion 4 of farm Schuilhoek no 6142 portion 3 and 4 of Farm Scuurberghoek no 30 Portion 10 of Geelhoutboom no 791.0000 TBC Mentor Bongani Xulu 348.5655 TBC Mentor N Harris 537.3603 TBC Mentor Carl Foord 541.2146 TBC Mentor P L Davel Portion 97 , 98, & 101 of the farm Vaalfontein509 JR 61 WC Ronald Van Schalkwyk 65 Portion 55,56.58 of farm Bergvallei no 408 Remaing extent of portion 26(portion of portion 10 of th farm Lemoenshoek no 24 Remainder of farm tulplegte no 357 and portion 1 of the farm tulpleegte no 357 REXT PTN 16 /KAFFERSKRAAL 218 IP WC Swellendam Romans Flora WC Beaufort West Bonke Zonke NW DR KENNETH KAUNDA MOHAPI FARM NW DR R S M Ms N I Gaoraelwe NW DR R S M Mr O Baraganye NW L.S Sekwenyane KZN Dr Kenneth Kaunda Cacadu &Chris Hani Uthungulu LP Waterberg (Seemola PLAS Project) Rem Of Portion 11 And 12 Of Zululand Coast No 9191 Farm Brak 350 KR LP Vhembe Mafela Project R/E of Hopetown 221 MS WC Mosselbay Southern Cape Agric Coop Matjiesdrift no 329, and remainder of farm Melkboom no 209 EC Waterways Portin 4 of Farm Quaggablat 782,Noodshulp Farm Section 1 Block C Second Railway Grant 4 Portion 3, 4 and 36 of the farm welgegund 375 IQ Sugarbeet Farms 62 286.3829 TBC Strategic Partner Bono Holdings 42.2642 TBC Strategic Partner Agri Mega Empowerment solutions Mr Francois J Nel 6 628.7725 TBC Mentor 490.1362 TBC Strategic Partner Matiti Trading and Projects 297.0000 TBC Strategic Partner Agridelight 3 350.0000 TBC Strategic Partner Agridelight 830.4970 TBC Strategic Partner Reyalema Agric Consultancy cc Arda TBC TBC 241. 5108 TBC Mentor 310.0000 TBC Mentor 1 033.6257 TBC Mentor Thulamani Moodley MR A Mazibanyika P.J Kok 806.4206 TBC Mentor Mr Johan Max