NSSI Information Exchange Workshop Breakout Session Worksheet 3 What inventory, monitoring and research projects and programs are you aware of that are ongoing and planned on the North Slope? 1. List 2. Note the temporal and spatial scales. Inventory Monitoring Research Projects: Projects: Projects: NOAA- Aerial surveys for markrecapture of bowhead whales NOAA- Acoustic monitoring (bowhead, ice seals) USGS- waterfowl, polar bear, sea ducks inventory/ monitoring; hydrologic & coastal processes USGS- Digital orthophotoquad NOAA- ice seal monitoring DNR- tundra opening criteria testing FWS- PRISM, methodology development for inventory of shorebirds Programs: NGOs- Opportunities for public comment on North Slope activities BLM/ USGS- change detection & image resolution study for NPRA (remote sensing, beginning as far back as possible) FWS/ USGS- population dynamics & nutritional ecology of muskox & caribou FWS- migration ecology of king eiders & long-tail ducks in the Beaufort Sea State Wildlife grants (ex.: loon surveys, non-game conservation projects) EPA/ NOAA- Mercury (5 year), air quality (decades) Programs: USGS – National oil & gas UAF Geophysical Institute- EPA- Mercury initiative assessment ADF&G- marine mammals, anadromous fish catalog database, etc. (Call Fairbanks office!) DNR/ DEC/ oil companies- Inventory contaminated sites & monitoring lake ice ALISON Permafrost network of sampling Snow sampling with army Aerosol tracking Rocket range across North Slope PBTs (Persistent Bioaccumulative Toxins) initiative Arctic Council- Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (physical, biological, human- out in draft for review) International level – oil & gas assessment sponsored under Arctic Council AMAP, NOAA chair, EPA & other agencies, first meeting end of January, 2004 IARPC- all federal agencies, SEARCH, looks at changes related to climate change, related to oil & gas development Programs: State wildlife grants EPA region 10- oil & gas team (ongoing, began last year) USGS- Global Climate Change Initiative, anadromous fisheries & polar bears (5 years), North Pacific Slope-wide USGS- contaminants in walruses (?) FWS- Annual North Slope waterfowl survey FWS- ecological monitoring on ANWR FWS- Numbers, reproductive success & contaminants of raptors in the Colville River UAF Geophysical Institute- SAR radar data, MODIS, AVHRR from satellites, databasing, GINA (Geospatial Info. Network of Alaska), geodata center, Mather library - well logs etc.) NOAA- contaminants work Arctic Council- CAFF (Conservation of Arctic flora & fauna) EPPR (Emergency Preparedness & response PAME & others NOTE: migratory species we need to study across their entire range, life history to really understand them – not only on North Slope – implications for funding (Are these good indicator species? Is there too much confounding?)