NAME: ________________________
Thank you for researching and preparing the posters for today’s Gallery Walk.
Please visit at least _____ displays (in any order) and respond to the corresponding questions.
#1 – F. Scott Fitzgerald (Mikko) - Please visit display area for questions to answer
#2 – Prohibition & Speakeasies (John)
1. What was the temperance movement? What was it about? What were its goals?
2. What were the National Prohibition Cases?
3. Describe a way speakeasies were kept under cover.
#3 – Prohibition (Nick) - Please visit display area for questions to answer
#4 – Jazz (Alexandra T.-J.)
1. What inspired the spread of jazz music?
2. What is the difference between new Orleans’ and Chicago’s sound?
#5 – Jazz Musicians (Isaac)
1. What instrument did Louis Armstrong start out on?
2. What made Louis Armstrong’s music different or special?
3. How did Louis Armstrong get his start in music? Why did he start?
NAME: ________________________
#6 – Advertisement and its Effect on Consumers (Alexandra C.)
1. What were some of the tactics used by advertisers to persuade you to purchase their products?
2. What new developments brought about the surge of advertising in the 1920’s?
3. Why were advertisements targeted toward women?
#7 – Ernest Hemingway (Jason)
1. What is Hemingway’s connection to The Great Gatsby?
2. What happened to Hemingway towards the end of his life?
#8 – Artists of the Harlem Renaissance (Yohanna) - Please visit display area for questions to answer
#9 – Baseball (O’Neal)
1. In what ways did baseball change overtime?
2. How did baseball in the 1920’s affect people?
#10 – Fashion (Kim) - Please visit display area for questions to answer
#11 - Immigration Restrictions (Bessena)
1. What is eugenics and what does it have to do with immigrants coming to America?
NAME: ________________________
2. What caused the uprising or overwhelming number of immigrants to the U.S.?
#12 – Prohibition Wars (Alexandra A.)
1. What is prohibition and how was it enabled in the 1920’s?
2. How did Al Capone become the most infamous gangster in Chicago of his time?
3. How are prohibition and Al Capone related?
#13 – Birth / Development of the Film Industry (William)
1. What were some of the new forms of technology that came out of the 1920’s?
2. What were some problems Hollywood directors had to face when switching from silent to talkie films?
3. What was the first cartoon to be in color and have sound? When was it made?
#14 – Charlie Chaplin (Jordan)
1. How did Charlie Chaplin’s early life affect his work in film?
2. How did Charlie Chaplin help shape the period?3.
#15 – Dance (Nankey)
1. What were the different types of dances that were popular?
2. How and from what particular people did these dances mostly originate?
3. How did dancing influence everyday life? Society? Younger people?
NAME: ________________________
#16 – Trends in Entertainment & Games (Peter)
1. Name two fads from the 1920’s and explain how they came about.
2. How do these fads show the increased consumerism and fun-loving nature of the 1920’s?3.
#17 – Automobiles (Edlyn)
1. How did automobiles change the way of life for people?
2. How did society change?
3. What were the negative effects of automobiles?
#18 – Role of Women (Fredeline)
1. Explain how women’s roles have changed during the 1920’s.
2. What were some of the restrictions on women before the 1920’s.
3. What was the major thing that affected the change in women’s role in the 1920’s?
#19 – Isolationism (Elliott) - Please visit display area for questions to answer