1. Irrigation instructions The irrigation instructions for each county and corps (Wang 2006) list the irrigation schedule and quota for 13 kinds of crops and landscapes which are irrigated by the river water. They are winter wheat, maize, sequential cropping maize, rice, cotton with flood irrigation, cotton with drip irrigation, beet, oil plant, other economic plants, orchard, vegetable, forest and grassland. For example, in the county Wushi, winter wheat is planed to be irrigated 5 times a year. The five irrigation periods are 15th Aug. – 5th Sep. (before sowing), 20th Oct. – 10th Nov. (planting), 10th Apr. – 20th Apr. (tillering stage), 10th May – 25th May (jointing-booting stage) and 1st Jun. – 9th Jun. (maturity) with irrigation quota of 1500, 1050, 1050, 1050, 1050 m3/ha, respectively. In total, 5700 m3 water is needed to irrigate one hectare of winter wheat per year. Combined with the crop area in each irrigation unit, such irrigation instructions serve as a good basis of estimating the annual and monthly water use for scenarios. As there is no detailed information about the irrigation practices, we assumed that the irrigation quota is evenly distributed in each irrigation period. Given the irrigation area (Area: ha) and the daily irrigation quota (Quota: m3/ha) for each crop or landscape, the daily irrigation demand of each irrigation unit (D: m3) can be calculated using equation 1: 13 D j ( Areai , j * Quotai , j ) (1) i 1 where j indicates the irrigation unit, i means the 13 crops and landscapes. Then the monthly (MDj) and annual irrigation demand (ADj) for each irrigation unit j can be summed by the daily values. The monthly share is obtained by the ratio of MDj to ADj. Finally, the annual water use (AQj) is calculated using equation 2: AQ j AD j / c j , where c is the irrigation efficiency coefficient of irrigation unit j. (2) 2. Tables Table 1: irrigation units in the studied area Administrative Irrigation area Irrigation unit department Water source in 1998 (ha) Yuejin Wushi couty Toshkan R. 4670 Qiugeer Wushi couty Toshkan R. 20130 Lianhe Wushi couty Toshkan R. 12000 Xiehela Wensu couty Kumarik R. 3170 Qiagelake Wensu couty Kumarik R. 7500 Arele Wensu couty Toshkan R. 9320 Geming Wensu couty Kumarik R. 15750 Duolang Aksu city Kumarik R. 35470 Situan FAD* Kumarik R. 8730 Liutuan FAD Duolang 6930 * the First Agricultural Division under Xinjing Production and Construction Corps