Objectives - Pearson Schools and FE Colleges

Year 2
Block E Unit 1
2 weeks
Use the symbols , -, , and to record
and interpret number sentences involving
all four operations; calculate the value of
an unknown in a number sentence (e.g.
2 6, 3024)
Use the symbols , -, , and to record
and interpret number sentences involving
all four operations; calculate the value of
an unknown in a number sentence (e.g.
2 6, 30 24)
Use the symbols , -, , and to record
and interpret number sentences involving
all four operations; calculate the value of
an unknown in a number sentence (e.g.
2 6, 30 24)
Represent repeated addition and arrays
as multiplication, and sharing and
repeated subtraction (grouping) as
division; use practical and informal written
methods and related vocabulary to
support multiplication and division,
including calculations with remainders
Use the symbols , -, , and to record
and interpret number sentences involving
all four operations; calculate the value of
an unknown in a number sentence (e.g.
2 6, 30 24)
Identify and record the information or
calculation needed to solve a puzzle or
problem; carry out the steps or
calculations and check the solution in the
context of the problem
Represent repeated addition and arrays
as multiplication, and sharing and
repeated subtraction (grouping) as
division; use practical and informal written
methods and related vocabulary to
support multiplication and division,
including calculations with remainders
Use the symbols , -, , and to record
and interpret number sentences involving
all four operations; calculate the value of
an unknown in a number sentence (e.g.
2 6, 30 24)
Represent repeated addition and arrays
as multiplication, and sharing and
repeated subtraction (grouping) as
division; use practical and informal written
methods and related vocabulary to
support multiplication and division,
including calculations with remainders
Use the symbols , -, , and to record
and interpret number sentences involving
all four operations; calculate the value of
an unknown in a number sentence (e.g.
2 6, 30 24)
Understanding addition and
subtraction 1
Understanding addition and
subtraction 4
Mental calculation strategies
(+ and -) 7
Understanding multiplication
and division 1
Understanding multiplication
and division 2
Understanding multiplication
and division 3
Block E Unit 2
Derive and recall multiplication facts for
the 2, 5 and 10 times-tables and the
related division facts; recognise multiples
of 2, 5 and 10
Understand that halving is the inverse of
doubling and derive and recall doubles of
all numbers to 20, and the corresponding
Derive and recall multiplication facts for
the 2, 5 and 10 times-tables and the
related division facts; recognise multiples
of 2, 5 and 10
Find one half, one quarter and three
quarters of shapes and sets of objects
Find one half, one quarter and three
quarters of shapes and sets of objects
Present solutions to puzzles and
problems in an organised way; explain
decisions, methods and results in
pictorial, spoken or written form, using
mathematical language and number
Solve problems involving addition,
subtraction, multiplication or division in
contexts of numbers, measures or pounds
and pence
Solve problems involving addition,
subtraction, multiplication or division in
contexts of numbers, measures or pounds
and pence
Identify and record the information or
calculation needed to solve a puzzle or
problem; carry out the steps or
calculations and check the solution in the
context of the problem
Rapid recall of multiplication
and division facts 5
Counting, properties of
numbers and ordering 10
Fractions 1
Fractions 2
Using and applying 2 (N&C)
Using and applying 5 (N&C)
Using and applying 8 (N&C)
Using and applying 19 (N&C)
2 weeks
Use the symbols , -, , and to record
and interpret number sentences involving
all four operations; calculate the value of
an unknown in a number sentence (e.g.
2 6, 30 24)
Identify and record the information or
calculation needed to solve a puzzle or
problem; carry out the steps or
calculations and check the solution in the
context of the problem
Solve problems involving addition,
subtraction, multiplication or division in
contexts of numbers, measures or pounds
and pence
Solve problems involving addition,
subtraction, multiplication or division in
contexts of numbers, measures or pounds
and pence
Solve problems involving addition,
Understanding addition and
subtraction 10
Understanding addition and
subtraction 11
Place value and ordering 8
Place value and ordering 11
Place value and ordering 12
subtraction, multiplication or division in
contexts of numbers, measures or pounds
and pence
Represent repeated addition and arrays
as multiplication, and sharing and
repeated subtraction (grouping) as
division; use practical and informal written
methods and related vocabulary to
support multiplication and division,
including calculations with remainders
Use the symbols , -, , and to record
and interpret number sentences involving
all four operations; calculate the value of
an unknown in a number sentence (e.g.
2 6, 30 24)
Identify and record the information or
calculation needed to solve a puzzle or
problem; carry out the steps or
calculations and check the solution in the
context of the problem
Solve problems involving addition,
subtraction, multiplication or division in
contexts of numbers, measures or pounds
and pence
Solve problems involving addition,
subtraction, multiplication or division in
contexts of numbers, measures or pounds
and pence
Solve problems involving addition,
subtraction, multiplication or division in
contexts of numbers, measures or pounds
and pence
Derive and recall multiplication facts for
the 2, 5 and 10 times-tables and the
related division facts; recognise multiples
of 2, 5 and 10
Solve problems involving addition,
subtraction, multiplication or division in
contexts of numbers, measures or pounds
and pence
Derive and recall multiplication facts for
the 2, 5 and 10 times-tables and the
related division facts; recognise multiples
of 2, 5 and 10
Understand that halving is the inverse of
doubling and derive and recall doubles of
all numbers to 20, and the corresponding
Derive and recall multiplication facts for
the 2, 5 and 10 times-tables and the
related division facts; recognise multiples
of 2, 5 and 10
Find one half, one quarter and three
quarters of shapes and sets of objects
Find one half, one quarter and three
quarters of shapes and sets of objects
Understanding multiplication
and division 4
Using and applying 1 (N&C)
Using and applying 14 (N&C)
Rapid recall of multiplication
and division facts 4
Using and applying 11 (N&C)
Mental calculation ( and ) 3
Counting, properties of
numbers and ordering 13
Fractions 3
Fractions 4
Block E Unit 3
2 weeks
Present solutions to puzzles and
problems in an organised way; explain
decisions, methods and results in
pictorial, spoken or written form, using
mathematical language and number
Solve problems involving addition,
subtraction, multiplication or division in
contexts of numbers, measures or pounds
and pence
Present solutions to puzzles and
problems in an organised way; explain
decisions, methods and results in
pictorial, spoken or written form, using
mathematical language and number
Represent repeated addition and arrays
as multiplication, and sharing and
repeated subtraction (grouping) as
division; use practical and informal written
methods and related vocabulary to
support multiplication and division,
including calculations with remainders
Use the symbols , -, , and to record
and interpret number sentences involving
all four operations; calculate the value of
an unknown in a number sentence (e.g.
2 6, 30 24)
Solve problems involving addition,
subtraction, multiplication or division in
contexts of numbers, measures or pounds
and pence
Solve problems involving addition,
subtraction, multiplication or division in
contexts of numbers, measures or pounds
and pence
Present solutions to puzzles and
problems in an organised way; explain
decisions, methods and results in
pictorial, spoken or written form, using
mathematical language and number
Use the symbols , -, , and to record
and interpret number sentences involving
all four operations; calculate the value of
an unknown in a number sentence (e.g.
2 6, 30 24)
Present solutions to puzzles and
problems in an organised way; explain
decisions, methods and results in
pictorial, spoken or written form, using
mathematical language and number
Solve problems involving addition,
subtraction, multiplication or division in
contexts of numbers, measures or pounds
and pence
Use the symbols , -, , and to record
Using and applying 3 (N&C)
Counting, properties of
numbers and ordering 18
Understanding multiplication
and division 5
Using and applying 6 (N&C)
Using and applying 12 (N&C)
Using and applying 21 (N&C)
and interpret number sentences involving
all four operations; calculate the value of
an unknown in a number sentence (e.g.
2 6, 30 24)
Identify and record the information or
calculation needed to solve a puzzle or
problem; carry out the steps or
calculations and check the solution in the
context of the problem
Solve problems involving addition,
subtraction, multiplication or division in
contexts of numbers, measures or pounds
and pence
Identify and record the information or
calculation needed to solve a puzzle or
problem; carry out the steps or
calculations and check the solution in the
context of the problem
Derive and recall multiplication facts for
the 2, 5 and 10 times-tables and the
related division facts; recognise multiples
of 2, 5 and 10
Find one half, one quarter and three
quarters of shapes and sets of objects
Find one half, one quarter and three
quarters of shapes and sets of objects
Identify and record the information or
calculation needed to solve a puzzle or
problem; carry out the steps or
calculations and check the solution in the
context of the problem
Present solutions to puzzles and
problems in an organised way; explain
decisions, methods and results in
pictorial, spoken or written form, using
mathematical language and number
Solve problems involving addition,
subtraction, multiplication or division in
contexts of numbers, measures or pounds
and pence
Present solutions to puzzles and
problems in an organised way; explain
decisions, methods and results in
pictorial, spoken or written form, using
mathematical language and number
Present solutions to puzzles and
problems in an organised way; explain
decisions, methods and results in
pictorial, spoken or written form, using
mathematical language and number
Using and applying 22 (N&C)
Using and applying 23 (N&C)
Mental calculation strategies
( and ) 4
Fractions 6
Fractions 5
Using and applying 25 (N&C)
Using and applying 3
Using and applying 4