Methodological and Ethical Issues in Conducting Social Psychology

Methodological and Ethical Issues in Conducting Social Psychology
Research via the Internet
Michael H. Birnbaum
Department of Psychology and Decision Research Center, Fullerton
File: methodology14.doc
Prof. Michael H. Birnbaum
Department of Psychology
P.O. Box 6846
Fullerton, CA 92834-6846
(714) 278-2102
(714) 278-7653
(714) 278-7134
Acknowledgements: This research was supported by grants from the National Science
Foundation to California State University, Fullerton, SBR-9410572, SES 99-86436, and
Index terms:
Between-subjects design, cross-cultural research, debriefing, deception, demographics of
participants, ethics of experimentation, experimental control, experimental drop-outs,
experimenter bias, external validity, generality of results, informed consent, internal
validity, methodology, multiple submissions (participation), pilot research, privacy and
confidentiality, random assignment, random response technique, recruitment of participants,
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risks of research, sample size, sampling, web versus lab research, web-based research,
within-subjects design, World Wide Web, WWW.
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When I set out to recruit highly educated people with specialized training in decision
making, I anticipated that it would be a difficult project. The reason I wanted to study this
group was that I had been obtaining some very startling results in decision making
experiments with undergraduates (Birnbaum & Navarrete, 1998; Birnbaum, Patton, & Lott,
1999). Undergraduates were systematically violating stochastic dominance, a principle that
was considered both rational and descriptive, according to Cumulative Prospect Theory and
Rank Dependent Expected Utility Theory, the most widely-accepted theories of decision
making at the time (Luce & Fishburn, 1991; Quiggin, 1993; Tversky & Kahneman, 1992).
The results were not totally unexpected, for they had been predicted by my
configural weight models of decision making (Birnbaum, 1997). However, I anticipated the
challenge that my results might only apply to people who lack the education required to
understand the task. I wanted to see if the results I obtained with undergraduates would hold
up with people highly trained in decision-making, who do not want to be caught behaving
badly with respect to rational principles of decision making.
From my previous experiences in research with special populations I was aware of
the difficulties of such research. In previous work, my students and I had printed and mailed
materials to targeted participants (Birnbaum & Stegner, 1981; Birnbaum & Hynan, 1986).
Each packet contained a self-addressed and stamped envelope as well as the printed
materials and cover letter. We then sent by mail reminders with duplicate packets
containing additional postage out and back. As packets were returned, we coded and
entered data, and then verified the data. All in all, the process was slow, labor-intensive,
expensive, and difficult.
I had become aware of the (then) new method for collecting data via the Web
(HTML Forms), and I decided to try that approach, which I thought might be more efficient
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than previous methods. I knew that my targeted population (university professors in
decision making) could be reached by email and would be interested in the project. I thought
that they might be willing to click a link to visit the study and that it would be convenient
for them to do on-line. I was optimistic, but I was unprepared for how successful the method
would prove.
Within two days of announcing the study, I had more than 150 data records ready to
analyze, most from people in my targeted group. A few days later, I was receiving data
from graduate students of these professors, then from undergraduates working in the same
labs, followed by data from people all over the world at all hours of the day and night.
Before the study ended, I had data from more than 1200 people in 44 nations (Birnbaum,
1999b). Although the results did show that the rate of violation of stochastic dominance
varied with gender and education, even the most highly educated participants had
substantial rates of violation, and the same conclusions regarding psychological processes
would be drawn from each part of the sample. That research led to a series of new studies
via the Web, to test new hypotheses and conjectures regarding processes of decision-making
(Birnbaum, 2000a; 2001b; Birnbaum & Martin, in press).
My success with the method encouraged me to study how others were using the Web
in their research, and to explore systematically the applicability of Web research to a variety
of research questions (Birnbaum, 1999b; 2000b; 2000c; 2001a; 2002; Birnbaum &
Wakcher, 2002). The purpose of this essay is to review some of the conclusions I have
reached regarding methodological and ethical issues in this new approach to psychological
The American Psychological Society page of On-line research, maintained by John
Krantz, is a good source for studying online research
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( In 1998, this site listed 35 studies; by 1999,
the figure had grown to 65; as of December 9, 2002, there were 144 listings, including 43 in
social psychology. Although not all Web studies are listed in this site, these figures serve to
illustrate that use of the method is still expanding rapidly.
The Internet is a new medium of communication, and as such it may create new
types of social relationships, communication styles, and social behaviors. Social
psychology may contribute to understanding characteristics and dynamics of Internet use.
There are now several reviews of the psychology of the Internet, a topic that will not be
treated in this chapter (Joinson, 2002; McKenna & Bargh, 2000; Wallace, 2001). Instead,
this chapter will discuss some of the critical methodological and ethical issues in this new
approach to psychological research.
Minimum Requirements for On-line Experimenting
The most elementary type of Internet study was the email survey, in which
investigators sent text to a list of recipients and requested that participants fill in their
answers and send responses by return email. This type of research saved paper and mailing
costs. However, it did not allow easy coding and construction of data files, it did not allow
the possibility of anonymous participation, nor could it work for those without email. It also
annoyed people by clogging up their email folder with unsolicited (hence suspicious)
Since 1995, a superior technique, HyperText Markup Language (HTML) forms, has
become available; this method uses the WWW, rather than the email system. HTML forms
allow one to post a Web page of HTML, which automatically codes the data and sends them
to a CGI (Common Gateway Interface) script, which saves the data to the server. This
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method avoids clogging up mailboxes with long surveys, does not require email, and can
automatically produce a coded data file ready to analyze.
Anything that can be done with paper and pencil and fixed media (graphics,
photographs, sound, or video) can be done in straight HTML. For such research, all one
needs are a Web site to host the file, a way to recruit participants to that URL, and a way to
save the data.
To get started with the technique, it is possible to use one of my programs, (e.g.,
surveyWiz or factorWiz), which are available from the following URL:
These free programs allow a person to create a Web page that controls a simple
survey or factorial study without really knowing HTML (Birnbaum, 2000c). Readers are
welcome to use these programs to create practice studies, and even to collect pilot data with
nonsensitive content. The default CGI included saves the data to my server, from which you
can download your data.
To go beyond the minimal requirements, for example, to learn how to install server
software on your lab’s computer (Schmidt, Hoffman, & MacDonald, 1997), add dynamic
functionality (present content that depends on the participant’s behavior), or measure
response times (Birnbaum, 2000b; 2001a; McGraw, Tew, & Williams, 2000b), see the
resources at the following URLs:
Potential Advantages of Research via the WWW
Some of the advantages of the new method are that one can now recruit participants
from the entire world and test them remotely. One can test people without requiring them to
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reveal their identities or to be tested in the presence of others. Studies can be run without
the need for large laboratories, without expensive dedicated equipment, and without
limitations of time and place. On-line studies run around the clock anywhere that a
computer is connected to the WWW. Studies can be run by means of the (now) familiar
browser interface, and participants can respond by (now) familiar methods of pointing and
clicking or filling in text fields.
Once the programming is perfected, data are automatically coded and saved by a
server, sparing the experimenter (and his or her assistants) from much tedious labor.
Scientific communication is facilitated by the fact that other scientists can examine and
replicate one’s experiments precisely. The greatest advantages are probably the
convenience and ease with which special samples can be recruited, the low cost and ease of
testing large numbers of participants, and the ability to do in weeks what used to take
months or years to accomplish.
On the other hand, these new methods have limitations. For example, it is not yet
possible to deliver stimuli that can be touched, smelled, or tasted. One cannot deliver drugs
or shocks, nor can one yet measure Galvanic Skin Response, PET scans, nor heart rates. It is
not really possible to control or manipulate the physical presence of other people. One can
offer real or simulated people at the other end of a network, but such manipulations may be
quite different from the effects of real personal presence (Wallace, 2001).
When conducting research via the Web there are issues of sampling, control, and
precision that must be considered. Are people recruited via the Web more or less “typical”
than those recruited by other means? How do we know if their answers are honest and
accurate? How do we know what the precise conditions were when the person was being
tested? Are there special ethical considerations in testing via the Web?
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Some of these issues were addressed in “early” works by Batinic (1997), Birnbaum
(1999a;1999b), Buchanan and Smith (1999), Petit (1999), Piper (1998), Reips (1997),
Schmidt (1997a; 1997b; Schmidt, Hoffman, & MacDonald, 1997), Smith and Leigh (1997),
Stern and Faber (1997), and Welch and Krantz (1996). Over the last few years, there has
been a great expansion in the use of the WWW in data collection, and much new has been
learned or worked out. Summaries of more recent work are available in a number of recent
books and reviews (Birnbaum, 2000b; 2001a; Janetzco, Meyer, & Hildebrand, 2002; Reips,
2001, 2002). This chapter will summarize and contribute to this growing body of work.
Examples of Recruiting and Testing Participants via the Internet
It is useful to distinguish the use of the WWW to recruit participants from its use to
test participants. The cases of four hypothetical researchers will help to illustrate these
distinctions. One investigator might recruit participants via the Internet and then send them
printed or other test materials by mail, whereas another might recruit participants from the
local “subject pool” and test them via the Internet. A third investigator might both recruit
and test via the Web, and a fourth might use the WWW to recruit criterion groups who will
allow investigation of individual differences.
In the first example, consider the situation of an experimenter who wants to study
the sense of smell among people with a very rare condition. It is not yet possible to deliver
odors via the WWW, so this researcher plans to use the WWW strictly for recruitment of
people with the rare condition. Organizations of people with rare conditions often maintain
Web sites, electronic newsletters, bulletin boards, and other means of communication. Such
organizations might be asked to contact people around the world with the desired rare
condition. If an organization considers research to be relevant and valuable to the concerns
of the organization, the officers of the organization may offer a great deal of help in
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recruiting its members. Once recruited, participants might be brought to a lab for testing,
visited by teams traveling in the field, or mailed test kits that the participants would
administer themselves or take to their local medical labs.
The researcher who plans to recruit people with special rare conditions can be
contrasted with the case of a professor who plans to test large numbers of undergraduates by
means of questionnaires. Perhaps this experimenter previously collected such data by paper
and pencil questionnaires administered to participants in the lab. Questionnaires were typed,
printed, and presented to participants by paid research assistants, who supervised testing
sessions. Data were coded by hand, typed into the computer, and verified.
In this second example, the professor plans to continue testing participants from the
university’s “subject pool.” However, instead of scheduling testing at particular times and
places, this researcher would like to allow participation from home, dorm room, or wherever
students have Web access. The advantages of the new procedure are largely convenience to
both experimenter and participants and in cost savings for paper, dedicated space, and
assistants for in-lab testing, data coding, and data entry. This hypothetical professor might
even conduct an experiment, randomly assigning undergraduates to either lab or Web, in
order to ascertain if these methods make a difference.
In the third example, which describes my initial interest in the method, the
experimenter plans to compare data from undergraduates tested in the lab against other
populations, who could be recruited and tested via the Web. This experimenter establishes
two Web pages, one of which collects data from those tested in the lab. The second Web
page contains the same content but receives data from people tested via the WWW. The
purpose of this research would be to ascertain whether results observed with college
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students are also obtained in other groups of people who can be reached via the Web
(Birnbaum, 1999b; 2000a; 2001a; 2001b; Krantz & Dalal, 2000).
In the fourth example, a researcher compares criterion groups, in order to calibrate a
test of individual differences or to examine if a certain result interacts with individual
differences (Buchanan, 2000). Separate Web sites are established, which contain the same
materials, except people are recruited to these URLs by methods intended to reach members
of distinct criterion groups (Schillewaert, Langerak, & Duhamel, 1998). One variation of
this type of research is cross-cultural research, where people who participate from different
countries are compared (Pagani & Lombardi, 2000).
Recruitment Method and Sample Characteristics
Although the method of recruitment and the method of testing in either Web or lab
are independent issues, most of the early Web studies recruited their participants from the
Web. Similarly, studies conducted in labs typically use the university’s “subject pool” of
Because the “subject pool” is finite, at some universities there is competition for the
limited number of subject-hours available for research. In addition, the lab method is
usually more costly and time-consuming per subject compared to Web studies, where there
is no additional cost once the study is on the WWW. For these reasons, Web studies usually
have much larger numbers of participants than lab studies.
Participation in psychological research is considered an important experience for
students of psychology. Web studies allow students at universities that conduct little
research and students in “distance” learning (who take courses via TV or Internet) to be able
to participate in psychological studies.
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Table 1 lists a number of characteristics that have been examined in comparisons of
participants recruited from subject pools and via search engines, email announcements, and
links on the Web. I will compare “subject pool” against Web recruitment, with arguments
why or where one method might have an advantage over the other.
Insert Table 1 about here.
College students who elect to take psychology courses are not a random sample of
the population. Almost all have graduated high school and virtually none have college
degrees. At many universities, the majority of this pool is female. At my university, more
than two thirds are female, most are between 18 and 20 years of age, and none have
graduated college. Within a given university, despite efforts to encourage diversity, the
student body is often homogeneous in age, race, religion, and social class. Although many
of these students work, most are supported by their parents, and the jobs they hold are
typically part-time jobs.
Those who choose to take psychology are not a random sample of college students.
At my university, they are less likely to be majors in Engineering, Chemistry, Mathematics,
or other “hard” subjects than to be undeclared or majoring in “soft” subjects. This is a very
specialized group of people.
Aside from focused interest in this specific population, there are three arguments in
favor of sticking with the “subject pool.” The first is that this pool is familiar to most
psychologists, so most reviewers would not be suspicious of a study for that reason. When
one uses a sample that is similar to those used by others, one hopes that different
investigators at similar universities would find similar results. Second, it is often assumed
that processes studied are characteristic of all people, not just students. Third, the
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university’s subject pool consists of a homogeneous group. Because of this lack of
diversity, one expects that variability of the data due to individual differences will be small.
This homogeneity should afford greater power compared with studies with equal sized
samples that are more diverse.
Web Participants do Not Represent a Population
When one recruits from the Web, the method of recruitment will affect the nature of
the sample obtained. However, even with methods intended to target certain groups, one
cannot control completely the nature of the sample obtained via the Web. For example,
other Webmasters may place Web links to a study that attract people who are different from
the ones the experimenter wanted to recruit. A study designed to assess alcohol use in the
general population might be affected by links to the study posted in self-help groups for
alcoholics, for example. Or links might be posted in an up-scale Wine tasting club, which
might recruit a very different type of participant. There are techniques for checking what
link on the Web led each participant to the study, so one can compare results as a function
of the link that led each person to participate (Schmidt, 1997a). Nevertheless, at the end of
the day one must concede that the method of recruitment is not controlled in the same way
possible in lab research.
I think it would be a mistake to treat samples recruited from the Web as if they
represented some stable population of “Web users”. First, the populations of those who
have access to the Web and those who use the Web are (both) rapidly changing. (Those
with access could potentially get on the Web; however, the population of people who use
the Web at any given time is a nonrandom sample of those with access). Second, those who
receive an invitation to participate are not a random sample of all Web users. Third, those
who agree to complete a study are not a random sample of those who see the invitation.
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Fourth, there is usually no real control of who will receive the invitation, once it has been
placed in a public file on the Web.
Researchers who have compared data from the Web against students have reported
that participants recruited via the Web are on average older, better educated, more likely
male (though females are often still in the majority), and more likely employed in full time
jobs. Layered over these average differences, most studies also report that the variance, or
diversity, of the samples is much greater on the Web on all characteristics than one usually
finds in the subject pool. Thus, although one finds that the average years of education of a
Web sample is greater than the average number for college sophomores, one also finds
adults via the Web who have no high school diploma, which one does not find in college
Effect of Diversity on Power and Generality
The theoretical problem of diversity is that it may produce greater error variance and
therefore reduce power compared to a study in which participants are homogeneous.
However, in practice, the greater diversity in Web samples may actually be a benefit for
three reasons.
First, demographic characteristics have rarely been shown to have large correlations
with many dependent variables, so diversity of demographics does not necessarily generate
much added error variance. Second, sample sizes in Web studies usually outweigh any
added variance due to heterogeneity, so it is usually the Web studies that have greater power
(Musch & Reips, 2000; Krantz & Dalal, 2000). Third, with very large samples, one can
partition the data on various characteristics and conduct meaningful analyses within each
stratum of the sample (Birnbaum, 1999b; 2001a). When similar results are found with
males and females, with young and old, with rich and poor, with experts and novices, and
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with participants of many nations, the confidence that the findings will generalize to other
groups is increased.
In the case that systematically different results are obtained in different strata, these
can be documented and an explanation sought. If results do correlate with measures of
individual differences, these can be better studied in samples with greater variance. Web
samples are likely better for studying such correlations precisely because they do have
greater variation. For example, if a person wanted to study correlations with education, a
“subject pool” sample would not have enough variance on education to make the study
In contrast, there are cases where demographic characteristics have been shown to
correlate with the dependent variable. One example is a survey intended to predict the
proportion who will vote Republican or Democratic in the next election. Here the interest is
not in examining correlations but in forecasting the election. Neither surveys of college
students nor large convenience samples obtained from volunteers via the WWW would
likely yield accurate predictions of the vote in November (Dillman & Bowker, 2001). It
remains to be seen how well one might do by statistically “correcting” Web data based on a
theory of the demographic correlates. For example, if results were theorized to depend on
gender and education, one might try to weight cases so that the Web sample had the same
gender and education profile as those who vote. It remains to be seen how well this
approach works in practice.
The failure of the famous 1936 Literary Digest Poll, which incorrectly predicted that
Alf Landon would defeat Roosevelt for president, is a classic example of how a self-selected
sample (even with very large sample size) can yield erroneous results (Huff, 1954). Bailey,
Foote, & Throckmorton (2000) review this topic (self-selected samples) in the area of sex
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surveys. In addition, these authors also discuss the conjecture that people might be less
biased when answering a questionnaire on sex conducted by a researcher in a far away place
via the Internet than they would when responding in person or on paper to a researcher who
is close by.
Some survey researchers use the Web to collect data from what they believe is a
representative sample, even if it is not random. These researchers establish a sample with
proportions of various characteristics (gender, age, education) that match those in the
general population (much like the Nielsen Families for TV ratings) and then return to this
group again and again for different research questions. See the URL:
Baron and Siepmann (2000) describe a variation of this approach, in which a fixed
list (of 600 selected volunteers) is used in study after study. A similar approach has also
been adopted by several commercial polling organizations who have established fixed
samples that they consider to be representative. They sell polling services in their fixed
sample for a price.
No method yet devised uses true random sampling. Random digit dialing, which is
still popular among survey researchers, has two serious drawbacks: First some people have
more phone numbers than others, so the method is biased to reach relatively more of such
people. Second, not everyone telephoned agrees to participate. I am so annoyed by calls at
home day and night from salespeople who pretend to be conducting surveys, that I no longer
accept such calls. So, even though the dialing may be random, the sample is not.
Because no survey method in actual use employs true random sampling, most of the
arguments about sampling methods are “arm-chair” arguments that remain unresolved by
empirical evidence. Because experiments in psychology do not employ random sampling of
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either participants or situations, the basis for generalization from experiments must be based
on proper substantive theory, rather than on the statistical theory of random sampling.
Experimental Control, Measurement, and Observation
Table 2 lists a number of characteristics of experiments that may differ between lab
and Web studies. Some of these distinctions are advantages or disadvantages of one method
or another. The issues that seem most important are experimental control of conditions,
precision of stimulus presentation, observation of behavior, and the accuracy of
measurement. All of these favor lab over Web studies.
Insert Table 2 about here.
Two Procedures for Holding an Exam
To understand the issue of control, consider the case of a professor who plans to give
an exam intended to measure what students learned in a course. The exam is to be held with
closed books and closed notes, and each student is to take the exam in a fixed period of
time, without the use of computers, calculators, or help from others. The professor might
give the exam in a classroom with a proctor present to make sure that these rules were
followed. Or the professor might give the exam via the Internet.
Via the Internet, one could ask the students if they used a computer or got help from
others, for example, but one cannot be sure what the students actually did (or even who was
taking the exam) with the same degree of certainty as is possible in the classroom. This
example should make clear the lack of control in studies done via the WWW.
Precision of Manipulations and Measurements
In the lab, one can control the settings on a monitor, control the sound level on
speakers or headphones, and control the noise level in the room. Via the Web, each user has
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a different monitor, different settings, different speakers or earphones, and a different
background of noise and distraction.
In addition to better control of conditions, the lab also typically allows more precise
measurement of the dependent variables as well as affording actual observation of the
The measurement devices in the lab include apparatus not currently available via the
Web (e.g., E.E.G., fMRI, eye-trackers, etc.). In addition, measurement of dependent
variables such as response times via the WWW face a variety of problems due to the
different conditions experienced by different participants. The participant via the WWW,
after all, may be watching TV, may have other programs running, may decide to do some
other task on the computer in the middle of the session, or may be engaged in conversation
with a room mate. Such sources of uncertainty can introduce both random and systematic
error components compared to the situation in the lab. Krantz (2001) reviewed additional
ways in which the presentation of stimuli via the WWW lacks the control and precision
available in the lab. Schmidt (2001) has reviewed the accuracy of animation procedures.
McGraw, Tew, and Williams (2000a) discuss timing and other issues of cognitive
psychology research.
At the user’s end there may be different types of computers, monitors, sound cards
(including no sound), systems, and browsers. It is important to check that the Web
experiment works with the major systems (e.g., Windows, Mac, Linux, etc.) and different
browsers for those systems (Netscape Navigator, Internet Explorer, etc.). Different
browsers may render the same page with different appearances, even on the same computer
and system. Suppose the appearance (such as, for example, the spacing of a numerically
coded series of radio buttons) is important and is displayed differently by different browsers
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(Dillman & Bowker, 2001). If so, it may be necessary to restrict which browsers participants
can use, or at least keep track of data that are sent by different browsers.
Because the ability to observe the participant is limited in WWW research, one
should do pilot testing of each Web experiment in the lab before launching it into
Cyberspace. As part of the pilot-testing phase, one should observe people as they work
through the on-line materials and interview them afterwards to make sure that they
understood the task from the instructions in the Web page.
The Need for Pilot Work in the Lab
Pilot testing is part of the normal research process in the lab, but it is even more
important in Web research, due to the difficulty of communicating with participants and
observing them. Pilot testing is important to ensure that instructions are clear and that the
experiment works properly. In lab research, the participant can ask questions and receive
clarifications. If many people are asking the same question, the experimenter will become
aware of the problem. In Web research, the experimenter needs to anticipate questions or
problems that participants may have and to include instructions or other methods for dealing
with them. The best way to handle this problem is through pilot testing in the lab.
I teach courses in which students learn how to conduct their research via the Web.
By watching participants in the lab working on my students’ studies, I noticed that some
participants click choices before viewing the information needed to make their decisions.
Based on such observations, I advise my students to place response buttons below the
material to be read rather than above it, so that the participant at least has to scroll past the
relevant material before responding. It is interesting to rethink paper and pencil studies,
where the same problem may have existed, but where it may have been more difficult to
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A student of mine wanted to determine the percentage of undergraduates who use
illegal drugs. I recommended a variation of the random response method (Musch, Broeder
& Klauer, 2001), in order to protect participant anonymity. In the method I suggested, the
participant was instructed to privately toss two coins before answering each question. If
both coins fell “Heads”, the participant was to respond “yes” to the question, if both were
“Tails”, the participant was to respond “no.” When the coins were mixed (Heads and Tails)
the participant was to respond with the truth. This procedure allows the experimenter to
calculate the proportions in the population, without knowing for any given participant
whether the answer was produced by chance or truth.
For example, one item asked, “have you used marijuana in the last 24 hours?” From
the overall percentages, the experimenter should subtract 25% “yes” from the “yes”
percentage (those who got two heads) and multiply the difference by 2 (since only half of
the data are based on truth). For example, if the results showed that overall 30% said “yes,”
then 30% – 25% = 5% (of the 50% who responded truthfully said “yes”); so, 5% times 2 =
10%, the estimated percentage who actually used marijuana during the last 24 hours,
assuming that the method works.
The elegance of this method is that no one (besides the participant) can ever know
from the answers whether or not that person did or did not use marijuana, even if the
participant’s data were by identified by name! However, the method does require that
participants follow instructions.
I observed 15 pilot participants who completed my student’s questionnaire in the
laboratory. I noticed that only one participant took out any coins during the session.
Indeed, that one person asked, “it says here we are supposed to toss coins, does that mean
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we should toss coins?” Had this study simply been launched into cyberspace without pilot
testing, we might never have realized that most people were not following instructions.
I suggested that my student add additional instructions emphasizing the importance
of following the procedure with the coins and that she add two questions to the end of the
questionnaire: “Did you actually toss the coins as you were instructed?” and “If not, why
not?” About half of the participants responded that they had not followed instructions,
giving various reasons, including “lazy”, “I had nothing to hide,” and “I don’t mind telling
the truth.” Still, even among those who said they had followed instructions, one can worry
that either by confusion or dissimulation, these students still had not followed instructions.
And those who say they followed instructions are certainly not a random sample of all
Clearly, in the lab, one could at least verify that each student had coins, tossed the
coins for each question, and gave at least the superficial appearance of following
instructions. In the lab, it might also be possible to obtain blind urine samples, for example,
against which the results of the questionnaire method could be compared. Questions about
the procedure would be easy for the participant to ask, and easy for the experimenter to
answer. Via the Web, we can instruct the participant, and we can ask the participant if he or
she followed instructions, but we can not really know what the conditions were with the
same confidence we have when we can observe and interact with the participant.
The Need for Testing of HTML and Programming
One should also conduct tests of Web materials to make sure that all data coding and
recording are functioning properly. When teaching students about Web research, I find that
students are eager to upload their materials to the Web before they have really tested them.
It is important to conduct a series of tests to make sure that the materials function properly,
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for example, that each radio button functions correctly, and that each possible response is
coded into the correct value in the data file (see Birnbaum, 2001a, Chapters 11, 12, and 21).
My students tell me that their work has been checked, yet when I check it, I detect
many errors that my students have not discovered on their own. It is possible to waste the
time of many people by putting unchecked work on the Web. In my opinion, such waste of
people’s time is unethical; it is a kind of vandalism of scientific resources and a breech of
trust with the participant. The participants give us their time and effort on the expectation
that we will do good research. They do not intend that their efforts will be wasted. Errors
will happen because people are human; knowing this, we have a responsibility to check
thoroughly to ensure that the materials work properly before launching a study.
Testing in both Lab and Web
A number of studies have now compared data collected via the WWW with data
collected in the laboratory. Indeed, once an experiment has been placed on-line, it is quite
easy to collect data in the laboratory, where the experimenters can better control and
observe the conditions in which the participants completed their tasks. The generalization
from such research is that despite some differences in results, Web and Lab research reach
much the same conclusions (Batinic, Reips, & Bosnjak, 2002; Birnbaum, 1999b; 2000a;
2000b; 2001a; 2002; Birnbaum & Wakcher, 2002; Krantz, Ballard, & Scher, 1997; Krantz
& Dalal, 2000; McGraw, Tew, & Williams, 2000a, 2000b). Indeed in cognitive psychology,
it is assumed that if one programs the experiments correctly, Web and lab results should
reach the same conclusions (Francis, Neath, & Surprenant, 2000; McGraw, et al. 2000a).
However, one should not expect Web and Lab data to agree exactly for a number of
reasons. The typical Web and Lab studies differ in many ways from each other, and each of
these variables might make some difference. Some of the differences are as follows:
Issues in Web Research 22
Web versus Lab studies often compare groups of participants who differ in
demographic characteristics. If demographic characteristics affect the results, the
comparison of data will reflect these differences (e.g., Birnbaum, 1999b; 2000a).
WWW participants may differ in motivation (Reips, 2000; Birnbaum, 2001a). The
typical college student usually participates as one option toward an assignment in a lower
division psychology course. Students learn about research from their participation. Because
at least one person is present, the student may feel some pressure to continue participation,
even though the instructions say that quitting is at any time permitted. Participants from the
Web, however, often search out the study on their own. They participate out of interest in
the subject matter, or out of desire to contribute to scientific progress. Reips (2000) argues
that because of the self-selection and ease of withdrawing from an on-line study, the typical
Web participant is more motivated than the typical Lab participant.
Analyses show that Web data can be of higher quality than lab data. For this reason,
some consider Web studies to have an advantage over lab studies (Reips, 2000; Baron &
Siepmann, 2000; Birnbaum, 1999b). On the other hand, one might not be able to generalize
from the behavior of those who are internally motivated to people who are less motivated.
When we compare Web and Lab studies, there are often many confounded variables
of procedure that might cause significantly different results. Lab studies may use different
procedures for displaying the stimuli and obtaining responses. Lab research may involve
paper and pencil tasks, whereas WWW research uses a computer interface. Lab studies
usually have at least one person (the lab assistant), and perhaps many other people present
(e.g., other participants). Lab research might use dedicated equipment, specialized
computer methods, or manipulations, whereas WWW research typically uses the
participant’s self-selected WWW browser as the interface. Doron Sonsino (personal
Issues in Web Research 23
communication, 2002) is currently working on pure tests with random assignment of
participants to conditions to examine the “pure” effect of Web versus Lab conditions.
Drop-Outs and Between-Subjects Designs
Missing data, produced by participants who quit a study, can ruin an otherwise good
experiment. During World War II, the Allies examined bullet holes in every bomber that
landed in the UK after a bombing raid. A probability distribution was constructed, showing
the distribution of bullet holes in these aircraft. The decision was made to add armor to
those places where there were fewest bullet holes.
At first, their decision may seem in error, perhaps misguided by the gambler’s
fallacy. In order to understand why they made the right decision, however, think of the
missing data. The drop-outs in this research are the key to understanding the analysis. Even
though drop-outs were usually less than 7%, the drop-outs are the whole story. The missing
data, of course, were the aircraft that were shot down. The research was not intended to
determine where bullets hit aircraft, but rather to determine where bullet holes are in planes
that return. Here, the correct decision was made to put extra armor around the pilot’s seat
and to strengthen the tail because few planes with damage there made it home. This correct
decision was reached by having a theory of the missing data.
Between-Ss designs are tricky enough to interpret without having to worry about
drop-outs. For example, Birnbaum (1999a) showed that in a between-Ss design, with
random assignment, the number 9 is rated significantly “bigger” than the number 221. It is
important to emphasize that it was a between-Ss design, so no subject judged both numbers.
It can be misleading to compare data between subjects without a clear theory of the response
scale. In this case, I used my knowledge of range-frequency theory (Parducci, 1995) to
devise an experiment that would show a silly result. My purpose was to make people worry
Issues in Web Research 24
about all of those other between-subjects studies that used the same method to draw other
dubious conclusions.
In a between-subjects design, missing data can easily lead to wrong conclusions.
Even when the drop-out rate is the same in both experimental and control groups, and even
when the dependent variable is objective, missing data can cause the observed effect (in a
true experiment with random assignment to conditions) to show the opposite conclusion of
the truth.
Birnbaum and Mellers (1989) illustrated one such case where even if a treatment is
harmful, a plausible theory shows how one can obtain equal dropouts and the harmful
treatment appears beneficial in the data. All that is needed is that the correlation between
dropping out and the dependent variable be mediated by some underlying construct. For
example, suppose an SAT review course is harmful to all who take it; for example, suppose
all students lose 10 points by taking the review. This treatment will still look beneficial if
the course includes giving each student a sample SAT exam. Suppose those who do well on
the sample exam go on to take the SAT and those who do poorly on the practice test drop
out. Even with equal drop-out rates, the harmful SAT review will look beneficial, since
those who do complete the SAT will do better in the treatment group than the control.
In Web studies, people find it easy to drop out (Reips, 2000; 2001a; 2001b; 2002).
In within-Ss designs, the problem of attrition affects only external validity: can the results
be generalized from those who finish to the sort of people who dropped out?
For between-Ss designs, however, attrition affects internal validity. When there are
drop-outs in between-Ss designs, it is not possible to infer the true direction of the main
effect from the observed effect. Think of the bullet holes case: dropouts were less than 7%,
Issues in Web Research 25
yet the true effect is opposite the observed effect, since to protect people from bullets, places
with the fewest bullets holes should get the most armor.
Because of the threat to internal validity of missing data, this topic has been one that
has received some attention in the growing literature of Web experimentation (Birnbaum,
2000b, 2001a; Reips & Bosjnak, 2001; Frick, Baechtiger, & Reips, 2001; Reips, 2002;
Tuten, Urban, & Bosjnak, 2002). An idea showing some promise is the use of the “high
threshold” method to reduce drop-outs (Reips, 2000; 2002). The idea is to introduce
manipulations that are likely to cause drop-outs early in the experimental sessions, before
the random assignment to conditions. For example, ask people for their names and
addresses first, then present them with a page that loads slowly, then randomly assign those
who are left to the experimental conditions. It is hoped that those who might drop out will
do so early, leaving only people who will complete the rest of the study. If successful, this
method preserves the internal validity of the experiment at the cost of external validity
(generalization to those who drop out).
Experimenter Bias
A potential advantage of Web research is the elimination of the research assistant.
Besides the cost of paying assistants, assistants can bias the results. When assistants
understand the purpose of the study, they might do things that alter the results in the
direction expected. There are many ways that a person can reinforce behaviors and interfere
with objectivity, once that person knows the research hypothesis (Rosenthal & Fode 1961;
Rosenthal, 1991).
A famous case of experimenter bias is that of Gregor Mendel, the monk who
published an obscure article on a genetic model of plant hybrids that became a classic years
after it was published. After his paper was rediscovered, statisticians noticed that Mendel’s
Issues in Web Research 26
data fit his theory too well. I do not think that Mendel intentionally faked his data, but he
probably did see reasons why certain batches that deviated from the average were “spoiled”
and should not be counted (
He might also have helped his theory along when he coded his data, counting medium sized
plants as either “tall” or “short”, depending on the running count, to “help” his theory along.
Such little biases as verbal and nonverbal communication, flexible procedures, data
coding, or data entry are a big problem in certain areas of research, such as ESP or the
evaluation of benefits of “talk” psychotherapies, where motivation is great to find positive
effects, even if the effects are small. Indeed, these two areas of research usually show
effects at the individual study level that are not significant and yet small and positive. These
yield significant positive effects in meta-analysis, where the effects of “talk” therapy are
found to be about a third as effective as meta-analysis of ESP studies. Meta-analysis, in
these cases, is probably measuring the small experimental biases inherent in such studies
rather than the “true” effects.
The potential advantage of Web experimentation is that the entry and coding of data
are done by the participant and computer, and no experimenter is present to possibly bias the
participant or the data entry in a way that is not documented in the materials that control the
study. Studies of probability learning can be viewed as tests of a type of ESP
(“precognition”), in which the participant attempts to predict the next event created in a
computer. Conducted via the Web, people do worse than they would by chance, by simply
picking the most frequent event all of the time, and no evidence emerges of any ESP effect
(Birnbaum, 2002; Birnbaum & Wakcher, 2002).
Issues in Web Research 27
Multiple Submissions
One of the first questions any Web researcher is asked is “how do you know that
someone has not sent thousands of copies of the same data to you?” This concern has been
discussed in many papers (Birnbaum, 2001a; Schmidt, 1997a; 2000; Reips, 2000), and the
consensus of Web experimenters is that multiple submission of data has not been a serious
problem (Musch & Reips, 2000).
When sample sizes are small, as they are in lab research, then if a student (perhaps
motivated to get another hour of credit) participated in an experiment twice, then the
number of degrees of freedom for the error term is not really what the experimenter thinks it
is. For example, if there were a dozen students in a lab study, and if one of them
participated twice, then there were really only 11 independent sources of error in the study.
The consequence is that statistical tests need to be corrected for the multiple participation by
one person. [See the chapter in this volume by Gonzalez and Griffin.]
On the WWW, sample sizes are typically so large that a statistical correction would
be miniscule, unless someone participated a very large number of times. There are several
methods that have been proposed to deal with this potential problem.
The first method to avoid multiple submission is to analyze why people might
participate more than once and then take steps to correct for those effects. Perhaps the
experiment is interesting and people don’t know they should only participate once. In that
case, one can instruct participants that they should participate only once.
If the experiment is really enjoyable (e.g., a video game), perhaps people will repeat
the task for fun. In that case, one could provide an automatic link to a second Web site
where those who have finished the experiment proper could visit and continue to play with
the materials as much as they like, without sending data to the real experiment.
Issues in Web Research 28
If a monetary payment is to be given to each participant, there might be a motive to
be paid again and again. Instructions might specify that each person can be paid only once.
If the experiment offers a chance at a prize, there might be motive to participate more than
once to give oneself more chances at the prize. Again, instructions could specify that if a
person participates more than once, only one chance at the prize would be given, or they
could even specify that a person who submits multiple entries will be excluded from any
chance at a prize.
A second approach is to allow multiple participation, but ask people how many times
they have previously completed the study. Then analyze the data of those who have not
previously participated separately from those who already have. This method also allows
one to analyze how experience in the task affects the results.
A third method is to detect and delete multiple submissions. One technique is to
examine the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the computer that sent the data and delete
records submitted from the same IP. (One can easily sort by IP or use statistical software to
construct a frequency distribution of IP). The IP does not uniquely identify a participant
because most of the large Internet Service Providers now use dynamic IP addresses, and
assign their clients one of their IPs as users come on-line. However, if one person sent
multiple copies during one session on the computer, the data would show up as records from
the same IP. (Of course, when data are collected in a lab, one expects the same IP to show
up again and again as that same lab computer is used repeatedly).
A fourth method that is widely used is to request identifying information from
participants. For example, in an experiment that offers payments or cash prizes, participants
are willing to supply identifying information (e.g., their names and addresses) that would be
used to mail payments or prizes. Other examples of identifying information are the last four
Issues in Web Research 29
digits of a student’s 9-digit ID, email address, a portion (e.g., last four digits) of the Social
Security Number, or a password assigned to each person in a specified list of participants.
A fifth method is to check for identical data records. If a study has a large number
of items, it is very unlikely that two will have exactly the same responses.
In my experience, multiple submissions are infrequent and usually occur within a
very brief period of time. In most cases I see, the participant has apparently pushed the
Submit button to send the data, read the thank you message or debriefing, and used the Back
button on the browser to go back to the study. Then, after visiting the study again, and
perhaps completing the questionnaire, changing a response, or adding a comment, the
participant pushes the submit button again, which sends another set of data. If responses
change between submissions, the researcher should have a clear policy of what to do in such
cases. In my decision making research, I want each person’s last, best, most considered
decision. It is not uncommon to see two records that arrive within two minutes in which the
first copy was incomplete and the second copy is the same except the second copy shows
responses for previously omitted items. Therefore, I always take only the last submission
and delete any earlier ones by the same person. There might be other studies where one
would take only the first set of data and delete any later ones sent after the person has read
the debriefing. This issue should be decided in advance.
If this type of multiple submission is considered a problem, it is possible to
discourage it by an HTML or JavaScript routine that causes the Back button not to return to
the study’s page. Cookies, in this case data stored on the participant’s computer indicating
that the study has already been completed, could also be used for such a purpose. Other
methods, using server-side programming are also available (Schmidt, 2000) that can keep
track of a participant and refuse to accept multiple submissions.
Issues in Web Research 30
I performed a careful analysis of 1000 successive data records in decision making
(Birnbaum, 2001b), where there were chances at cash prizes and one can easily imagine a
motive for multiple submission. Instructions stated that only one entry per person was
allowed. I found 5% were blank or incomplete (i.e., they had fewer than 15 of the 20 items
completed), and 2% contained repeated email addresses. In only one case did two
submissions come from the same email address more than minutes apart. These came from
one woman who participated exactly twice, about a month apart, and who interestingly
agreed on 19 of her 20 decisions. Less than 1% of remaining data (excluding incomplete
records and duplicate email addresses) contained duplicate IP addresses. In those cases,
other identifiers indicated that these were from different people who were assigned the same
IPs, rather than from the same person submitting twice. Reips (2000) found similar results,
in an analysis done in the days of mostly fixed IP addresses.
Ethical Issues in Web and Lab
The institutional review of research should work in much the same way for an online study as for an in-lab study. Research that places people at more risk than the risks of
everyday life should be reviewed to ensure that adequate safeguards are provided to the
participants. The purpose of the review is to determine that the potential benefits of the
research outweigh any risks to participants, and to ensure that participants will have been
clearly warned of any potential dangers and clearly accepted them. A comparison of ethical
issues as related to lab and Web is presented in Table 3.
Insert Table 3 about here.
Risks of Psychological Experiments
For the most part, psychology experiments are not dangerous. Undoubtedly, it is
less dangerous to participate in the typical one-hour psychology experiment than to drive
Issues in Web Research 31
one hour in traffic, spend one hour in a hospital, serve one hour in the armed forces, work
one hour in a mine or factory, participate one hour on a jury, or shop one hour at the mall.
As safe as psychology experiments are, those done via the Internet must be even safer than
lab research because they can remove the greatest dangers of psychology experiments in the
The most dangerous aspect of most psychology experiments is the trip to the
experiment. Travel, of course, is a danger of everyday life, and is not really part of the
experiment; however, this danger should not be underestimated. Every year, tens of
thousands are killed in the U.S., and millions are injured in traffic accidents. For example,
in 2001, Department of Transportation reported 42,116 fatalities in the U.S. and more than
three million injuries (
How many people are killed and injured each year in psychology experiments? I am
not aware of a single such case in the last ten years, nor am I aware of a single case in the
ten years preceding the Institutional Review Board (IRB) system of review. I suspect that if
this number were large, professionals in the IRB industry would have made us all aware of
The second most dangerous aspect of psychology experiments is the fact that labs
are often in university buildings. Such buildings are known to be more dangerous than most
residences. For example, many buildings of public universities in California were not
designed to satisfy building codes because the state of California previously exempted itself
from its own building codes in order to save money.
An earthquake occurred at 4:31 am on January 17, 1994 in Northridge, CA
( Several structures of the
California State University at Northridge failed, including a fairly new building that
Issues in Web Research 32
collapsed ( Had the earthquake
happened during the day, there would undoubtedly have been many deaths resulting from
these failures ( Some of those killed might have
been participants in psychology experiments.
The risks of such dangers as traffic accidents, earthquakes, communicable diseases,
and terrorist attacks are not dangers caused by psychology experiments. They are part of
everyday life. However, private dwellings are usually safer than public buildings to these
dangers, so by allowing people to serve in experiments from home, Web studies must be
regarded as less risky than lab studies.
Ease of Dropping Out from On-Line Research
On-line experiments should be more acceptable to IRBs than lab experiments for
another reason. It has been demonstrated that if an experimenter simply tells a person to do
something, most people will “follow orders,” even if the instruction is to give a potentially
lethal shock to another person (Milgram, 1974). Therefore, even though participants are
free to leave a lab study, the presence of other people may cause people to continue who
might otherwise prefer to quit. However, Web studies do not usually have people present,
so people tested via the WWW find it easy to drop out at any time, and many do.
Although most psychological research is innocuous and legally exempt from review,
most psychological research is reviewed anyway, either by a campus-level IRB or a
departmental IRB. It is interesting that nations that do not conduct prior review of
psychology experiments seem to have no more deaths, injuries, property damage, or hurt
feelings in their psychology studies than we have in the United States, where there is
extensive review. Mueller and Furedy (2001) have questioned if the IRB system in the
United States is doing more harm than good. The time and resources spent on the review
Issues in Web Research 33
process seems an expense that is unjustified by its meager benefits (if any). We need a
system that quickly recognizes research that is exempt and identifies it as such, in order to
save valuable scientific resources. For more on IRB review, see Kimmel [this volume].
Ehical Issues Peculiar to the WWW
In addition to the usual ethical issues concerning safety of participants, there are
ethical considerations in Web research connected with the impact of one’s actions on
science and other scientists. Everyone knows a researcher who holds a grudge because he
or she thinks that another person has “stolen” an idea revealed in a manuscript or grant
application during the review process. Very few people see manuscripts submitted to
journals or granting agencies, certainly fewer than would have access to a study posted on
the Web. Furthermore, a Web study shows what a person is working on well ahead of the
time that a manuscript would be under review. There will undoubtedly be cases where one
researcher will accuse another of stealing ideas from his or her Web site without giving
proper credit.
There is a tradition of “sharing” on the Web; people put information and services on
the Web as a gift to the world. However, Web pages should be considered published and
one should acknowledge credit to Web sites in the same way that one cites journal articles
that have contributed to one’s academic work.
Similarly, one should not interfere with another scientist’s research. “Hacking” into
another person’s on-line research would be illegal as well as improper, but even without
hacking, a person can do many things that could adversely affect another’s research
program. We should proscribe interference of any kind with another’s research, even if the
person who takes the action claims to act out of good motives.
Issues in Web Research 34
Deception on the WWW
Deception concerning inducements to participate would be a serious breech of ethics
that would not only annoy participants, but would affect others’ research as well. For
example, if a researcher promised to pay each participant $200 for four hours work and then
failed to pay the promised remuneration, such fraud would not only be illegal, it would give
a bad name to all psychological research.
Similarly, promising to keep sensitive data confidential and then revealing such
personal information in the newspaper would be the kind of behavior we expect from a
reporter in a nation with freedom of the press. Although we expect such behavior from a
reporter, and we protect it, we do not expect it from a scientist. Scientists should keep their
word, even when they act as reporters.
Other deceptions, such as were once popular in social psychology, pose another
tricky ethical issue for Web-based research. If Web-researchers were to use deception, it is
likely that such deceptions will become the source of Internet “flames,” public messages
expressing anger and disapproval. So, the deception would become ineffective, but worse,
people would doubt anything said by a psychologist. Such cases could easily give
psychological research on the Web a bad reputation. The potential harm of deception to
science (and therefore to society as a whole) is probably greater than the potential harm of
such deception to participants, who would be more likely annoyed than harmed.
Deception in the lab may be discovered and research might be compromised at a
single institution for a limited time among a limited number of people. However, deception
on the Web could easily create a long-lasting bad reputation for all of psychology among
millions of people. One of the problems of deceptive research is that the deception does not
work—especially on the Web, it would be easy to expose and publicize to a vast number of
Issues in Web Research 35
people. If scientists want truthful data from participants, it seems a poor idea to have a
dishonest reputation.
Probably the best rule for psychological experiments on the WWW is that false
information should not be presented via the Web.
I do not consider it to be deception for an experimenter to describe an experiment in
general layman’s terms without identifying the theoretical purpose or the independent
variables of a study. A rule against false information would not require that a person give
complete information. For example, it is not necessary to inform subjects in a betweenSubjects design that they have received Condition A rather than Condition B.
Privacy and Confidentiality
For most Web-based research, the research is not sensitive, participants are not
identified, and participation imposes fewer risks than those of “everyday life.” In such
cases, IRBs should treat the studies as exempt from review.
In other cases, however, data might be slightly sensitive and partially identifiable. In
such cases, identifiers used to detect multiple submissions (e.g., IP addresses) can be
cleaned from data files once they have been used to accomplish their purpose.
As is the case with sex surveys conducted via personal interview or questionnaire, it
is not usually necessary to keep personal data or to retain identifiers that link people with
their data. However, there may be such cases, for example, when behavioral data are to be
analyzed with medical or educational data from the same people. In such cases, security of
the data may require that data be sent or stored in encrypted form. Such data should be
stored on a server that is well-protected both from burglars who might steal the computer
(and its hard drive) and from hackers who might try to steal the electronic information. If
Issues in Web Research 36
necessary, such research might rely on the https protocol, such as that used by on-line
shopping services to send and receive credit card numbers, names, and addresses.
As we know from the break-in of Daniel Ellsberg’s psychiatrist’s office, politicians
and government officials at times seek information to discredit their “rivals” or political
“enemies.” For this reason, it is useful to take adequate measures to ensure that information
is stored in such a way that if the records fell into the wrong hands, they would be of no use
to those who stole them. Personal identifiers, if any, should be removed from data files as
soon as is practical.
A review of Web researchers (Musch and Reips, 2000) found that “hackers” had not
yet been a serious problem in on-line research. Most of the early studies, however, dealt
with tasks that were neither sensitive nor personal—nothing of interest to hackers.
However, imagine the security problems of a Web site that contained records of bribes to
public officials, or lists of the sexual partners of political leaders. Such a site would be of
great interest to members of the tabloid press and political opponents. Indeed, the U.S.
congress set a bad example in the Clinton-Lewinsky affair by publicly posting to the Web
testimony in a grand jury hearing that had not been cross-examined, even though posting
such information is illegal. But in most psychology research, with simple precautions, it is
probably more likely that information would be abused by an employee (e.g., an assistant)
on the project than by a “hacker” or burglar.
The same precautions should be taken to protect sensitive, personal data in both lab
and Web. Don’t leave your key to the lab around and don’t leave or give out your
passwords. Avoid storing names, addresses, or other personal information (complete Social
Security Numbers) in identifiable form. It may help to store data on a different server from
the one used to host the Web site. Data files should be stored in folders to which only
Issues in Web Research 37
legitimate researchers have password access. The server that stores the data should be in a
locked room, protected by strong doors and locks, whose exact location is not public.
In most cases, such precautions are not needed. Browsers automatically warn a
person when a Web form is being sent unencrypted with a message to the effect that “the
data are being sent by email and can be viewed by third parties while in transit. Are you
sure you want to send them?” Only when a person clicks a second time, assuming the
person has not turned this warning off, will the data be sent. A person makes an informed
decision to send such data, just as a person accepts lack of privacy when using email. The
lack of security of email is a risk most people accept in their daily lives. Participants should
be made aware of this risk, but not bludgeoned with it.
I don’t believe it is necessary to insult or demean participants by excessively lengthy
warnings of implausible but imaginable harms in informed consent procedures. Such
documents have become so wordy and legalistic in many cases that some people agree or
refuse without reading. The purpose of such lengthy documents seems to me (and to
participants) to be designed to protect the researcher and the institution rather than the
participant and society.
Good Manners on the Web
There are certain rules of etiquette on the WWW, known as “netiquette.” Although
these, like everything else on the WWW are in flux, there are some that you should adopt to
avoid getting in trouble with vast numbers of people.
(1) Avoid sending unsolicited emails to vast numbers of people unless it is reasonable to
expect that the vast majority WANT to receive your email. If you send such “spam,”
you will spend more time responding to the “flames” (angry messages) than you will
spend analyzing your data. If you want to recruit in a special population, ask an
Issues in Web Research 38
organization to vouch for you. Ask leaders of the organization to send the message
describing your study and why it would be of benefit to the members of the list to
(2) Do not send attachments of any kind in any email addressed to people who don’t expect
an attachment from you. Attachments can carry viruses, and they clog up mailboxes
with junk that could have been better posted to the Web. If you promised to provide
the results of your study to your participants, you should post your paper on the Web
and just send your participants the URL, not the whole paper. If the document is put on
the WWW as HTML, the recipient can safely click to view it. Suppose your computer
crashed after you opened an attachment from someone, wouldn’t you suspect that
attachment and its sender to be the cause of your misery? If you send attachments to
lots of people, odds are that someone will have a problem and hold you responsible.
(3) Do not use any method of recruiting that resembles a “chain letter” or “Ponzi scheme.”
(4) Do not send blanket emails with readable lists of recipients. How would you feel if
you got an email asking you to participate in a study of pedophiles, and you saw your
name and address listed among a group of registered sex offenders?
(5) If you must send emails, keep them short, to the point, and devoid of any fancy
formatting, pictures, graphics, or other material that belongs on the Web. Spare your
recipient the delays of loading and reading long messages, and give them the choice of
visiting your materials instead.
Concluding Comments
Because of the advantages of Web-based studies, I believe use of such methods will
continue to increase exponentially for the next decade. I anticipate a period in which each area of
social psychology will test Web methods to decide whether they are suitable to that area’s
Issues in Web Research 39
paradigm. In some areas of research, such as social judgment and decision making, I think that the
method will be rapidly adopted and soon taken for granted. As computers and software improve,
investigators will find it easier to create, post, and advertise their studies on the WWW.
Eventually, investigators will regard Web-based research as they now view using a computer
rather than a calculator to for statistics, or consider using a computer rather than a typewriter for
manuscript preparation.
Issues in Web Research 40
Bailey, R. D., Foote, W. E., & Throckmorton, B. (2000). Human sexual behavior: A
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Issues in Web Research 48
Table 1. Characteristics of Web-Recruited Samples and College Student “Subject
Pool” Participants
Recruitment Method
Subject Pool
Sample Sizes
Cross-Cultural studies
Recruit Rare Populations
Sample Demographics
Relatively homogeneous
12-14 years
8-20 years
Students, part-time work
Various, more full-time
Often homogeneous
More Varied
Depends on university
More Varied
Psychology students
Unknown factors; depends
on recruitment method
Mostly Female
More Equal, depending on
recruitment method
Issues in Web Research 49
Table 2. Comparisons of Typical Lab and WWW Experiments
Research Method
Control of Conditions,
Good Control
Less Control; observation
not possible
Easy to Observe
Measurement of Behavior
Sometimes Imprecise;
Pilot tests, lab vs. Web
Control of stimuli
A serious problem
A worse problem
Experimenter Bias
Can be serious
Can be standardized
Complete an assignment
Help out; interest;
Multiple Submission
Not considered
Not considered a problem
Issues in Web Research 50
Table 3. Ethical Considerations of Lab and Web Research
Experimental Setting
Ethical Issue
Risk of Death, Injury,
Trip to lab; unsafe public
No trip to Lab; can be done
buildings; contagious
from typically safer location
Participant wants to Quit
“Stealing” of Ideas
Human presence may
No human present: easy to
induce compliance
Review of submitted papers
Greater Exposure at earlier
& grant applications
Small numbers—concern is
Large numbers—risk to
damage to people
science and all society
Can (almost) guarantee
Cannot guarantee; free to
leave before debriefing
Privacy and Confidentiality
Data on paper, presence of
Insecure transmission (e.g.,
other people, burglars, data
email); hackers, burglars,
in proximity to participants.
increased distance