2010 Annual Report - University of Vermont

FY 2010
Annual Report
Department of Family Medicine
Family Medicine Health Care Service
Fletcher Allen Health Care
There were many highlights for the Department of Family Medicine in 20092010. Dean Frederick Morin appointed Thomas Peterson, MD, as Professor
and Chair of Family Medicine following a national search. Dr. Peterson brings
longstanding experience as a clinician, educator, and organizational leader to
the position. The department implemented our electronic health record
(PRISM), and acquired a rural family practice and teaching site in Hinesburg,
Vermont. This year marked our 34th Annual Family Medicine Review Course
and 9th Annual Cultural Awareness Workshop.
New faculty include Tavis Cowan, MD, and Nellie Wirsing, MD, who bring expertise in acute
care and residency education. Department faculty with new roles include Alicia Jacobs, MD,
Dan Weinstein, MD, and Dale Stafford, MD, as medical directors; Charlotte Reback, MD,
directs the Generations Course, Candace Fraser, MD, the Third Year Clerkship, and Brian Flynn,
ScD, is Interim Director of Research.
Faculty and staff support the community through activities such as free clinics, wilderness
rescue, boards and foundations service, and invited lectures on topics from lactation to palliative
The Department has substantial achievement in medical student education through its third-year
clerkship, elective offerings, course leadership, and advising programs. Our graduating students
enter family medicine exceeding national trends and generate superlative reviews from residency
programs. The department has written or co-written multiple educational innovation grants,
every proposal funded or otherwise has led to enhancement. Our faculty have been recognized
with national curriculum and teaching development leadership roles.
Our residency program thrives with record applicant numbers, innovative curriculum, and
commitment to rural and underserved health, patient- centered medical home development, and
community medicine. Fifty percent of recent residency graduates elected to practice in
Vermont—a program goal.
Faculty scholarship is expanding with projects in farm worker care, breast and ovarian cancer
screening, patient education using media and graphical decision aids, lactation education,
behavioral motivation for self-care of chronic conditions, lead screening, and prevention of
health professional fatigue and error.
Family Medicine faculty receiving awards include Laura McCray, MD, as a Frymoyer Scholar,
Michael Sirois, MD, as Faculty Teacher of the Year, and Melanie Lawrence, MD, and Kerry
Crowley, MD, with UVM COM Alumni Awards.
Thomas C. Peterson, MD
The Department of Family Medicine and Family Medicine Health Care Service of Fletcher Allen
strives to provide high quality, primary, and family-oriented care and to provide leadership in
improving the health of the people and communities we serve. We do this through:
High quality, innovative teaching programs for pre-doctoral, residency, continuing
medical education learners, and encouraging the selection of Family Medicine careers
Research and scholarship to advance the science of Primary Care and the specialty of
Family Medicine
Patient-centered quality care and service delivery, providing value to our patients
Community service and outreach
The Department is committed to continuous improvement of the quality of its programs, the
development of its faculty, and the provision of its services. The Department will assure the
efficient and cost-effective utilization of its resources and management of its programs and
activities. The Department is committed to the development of excellent faculty who will serve
as role models for learners, both in their specialty and their communities.
Tavis Cowan, MD, and James Ulager, MD, have joined our clinical faculty, Dr. Cowan at Walk-InCare and Dr. Ulager as medical director at the new Family Medicine site, Hinesburg Family Health.
Among faculty accomplishments: Thomas Peterson, MD, was named one of the Best Doctors in
America, 2009-2010; Michael Sirois, MD, was named Faculty Teacher of the Year; and Karen
Richardson-Nassif, PhD, received the Outstanding Service Award from the Northeast Group on
Educational Affairs in 2010.
Dr. Candace Fraser took the reins of the clerkship in October and the transition has been extremely
Dr. Thomas Peterson and resident Dr. Heather Stein, as part of the residency grant, attended a threepart conference in 2010 titled “Addressing the Health Needs of the Underserved,” presented by the
University of California San Diego School of Medicine.
The department is delighted to contribute to UVM’s overall excellence in primary care education. Our
faculty teaches in the Family Medicine Clerkship and Acting Internship, Doctoring in Vermont,
Doctoring Skills, Medical Student Leadership Groups, Palliative Care, and Health and Human
Ecology electives. Counter to national trends, overall interest in family medicine is substantially
increased, and nine members of the UVM COM 2010 graduating class matched in Family Medicine.
Our family practice clinics participate in Vermont’s Blueprint for Health and seek qualification as
Patient-Centered Medical Homes. All of our sites have implemented the electronic health record
Faculty scholarship projects include improving early detection and treatment of ovarian cancer in
Vermont, assessment of program impact on trends in choice of practice in a rural state, seasonal and
weather influences on bicycle commuting, and input on a mother/baby breastfeeding study. The
department actively collaborates with the Palliative Care Service, VCHIP, the Vermont AHEC
Program, and the Office of Health Promotion Research.
The 36th Annual Family Medicine Review Course was held at the Sheraton Hotel and Conference
Center in June. There were over 200 attendees on "Vermont Day". Anya Koutras, MD, directed this
very successful CME program. The Department also organizes a Primary Care Sports Medicine
Conference (led by Robert Luebbers, MD) and an Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics Conference
(led by Anya Koutras, MD).
Faculty presented their academic work at AAFP, STFM, North American Primary Care Research
Group, Regional STFM meetings, and international educational conferences.
The Department sponsored the Ninth Annual Cultural Competency Workshop at UVM under the
leadership of Monica Romanko, MD. This year’s topic was “Crossing the Divide: Understanding the
Impact of Culture and Diversity on Grieving and End of Life.”
The Department continues to enjoy a close collaborative relationship with the Vermont Academy of
Family Physicians.
The FM clerkship will be expanding to 6 weeks beginning March 2011, thanks to the hard work of
Drs. Candace Fraser and David Little.
John King, MD, and Laura McCray, MD, Residency Director and Associate Residency Director
respectively, presented a well-attended workshop titled “Competency-Based Criteria for
Advancement: Setting Expectations to Create Success,” at the program directors’ workshop held June
6-8 in Kansas City.
Our Residency Program has an outstanding reputation. Half of our recent graduates accepted practice
positions in Vermont. Our entering residency class is top-notch; the Residency is excited to welcome
UVM College of Medicine graduates Michelle Cangiano, Amy Savoy, and Elena Simon. Curriculum
improvements include office procedural training, chronic care modules, and gynecologic training
Our HSRA Residency Training Grant for 2007-2010 continues to focus on health issues for
Vermont’s farm workers and provides educational and clinical models for training.
The Family Medicine Service has provided a popular and highly educational acting internship
experience for students and has enhanced the quality of the program. Laura McCray, MD, has led the
educational curriculum for the FMS.
The program fully matched (6/6) in June 2010, with excellent residents from throughout the country,
reflecting well on the curriculum, service, and recruiting changes implemented over the past years.
There were 346 applicants to the Family Medicine residency program, a more than 34% increase
from 2008-09.
Resident Community and Prevention projects have continued to improve the health of the community
and patient care at Milton Family Practice. Current projects include: development of a community
garden to teach children about nutrition; Tar Wars, a smoking prevention program geared towards 4th
and 5th graders; Helmets on Heads Program, a head safety program; published health-related articles;
health-related posters displayed in patient exam rooms; presentations to high school students on
health careers in collaboration with AHEC (Area Health Education Centers); ski helmet safety
program to the Milton Ski and Ride Club co-sponsored by Community Health Improvement; and
the mobile farm workers clinic.
The Residency Teacher of the Year for 2010 was awarded to Michael Sirois, MD. The 2010
Community Teaching Award went to David Hobbs, MD; Michael Rappaport, MD; Jennifer
Willingham, MD; Patti Fisher, MD; Paul Reiss, MD; and David Adams, MD. The 2009 Family
Medicine Teaching Awards were presented to Hinesburg Family Health, Hinesburg, Vermont, and
Family Medicine Associates, Springfield, Vermont. (Presented at the Review Course in June 2010)
The 9th Annual Cultural Awareness Workshop, Crossing the Divide: Understanding the Impact of
Culture and Diversity on Grieving and End of Life was held in June, with about 140 in
attendance. This workshop was presented by the Residency Training in Primary Care Grant in
conjunction with the Office of Multicultural Affairs. The course director was Monica Romanko, MD,
Assistant Clinical Professor and Director of Program on Cultural Awareness.
Doctoring Skills continues as a successful introduction to clinical skills. Family Medicine faculty
includes Anya Koutras, MD, John Saia, MD, and Candace Fraser, MD. The course is co-directed by
family medicine faculty member Cate Nicholas, EdD, MS. Doctoring Skills introduces first-year
students to the physical exam, interviewing skills, and advanced skills training.
The Family Medicine Clerkship continues as one of the highest-rated clerkships by students. Candace
Fraser, MD, and Martha Seagrave, PA-C, continue their dedicated efforts to bring excellent training
for the students.
Anya Koutras, MD, serves as Director of the fourth-year and acting internship programs and helps
support the advisee program.
The Acting Internship in Family Medicine has received excellent evaluations from fourth-year
students; we anticipate strong interest and participation from students over the coming year.
Three senior course selections are available. Charles Hulse, MD, PhD, developed and teaches a
course in Ecosystem Change and Human Health, and Omar Khan, MD, designed and leads a seminar
in Global Health. Both of these offerings have been extremely popular. Family Medicine also offers
an Underserved Rotation where students work with underserved communities anywhere within the
United States.
Faculty members Karen Burke, MD, and Charlotte Reback, MD, are active teachers in the Medical
Student Leadership Group course.
Allyson Bolduc, Clinical Associate Professor; Rob Luebbers, Clinical Associate Professor; and
Thomas Peterson, Professor and Chair, are working on an initial proposal entitled, “Improving Early
Detection and Prevention of Ovarian Cancer in Vermont.”
Hurowitz L, Flynn, Brian, Research Professor, Reardon M: Assessment of program impact on
trends in choice of practice in a rural state. Peer-reviewed presentation to Sixth Annual
American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC) Physician Workforce Research
Conference, Alexandria VA, May 2010.
Flynn, Brian, Research Professor, Dana GS, Dorwaldt AL. Seasonal and weather influences on
bicycle commuting: design and preliminary results of recruitment. Poster presented at the
annual UVM Transportation Research Center Exposition, May 2010.
King, John, Associate Professor; McCray, Laura, Clinical Assistant Professor: "Competency Based
Advancement Criteria: Setting Expectations for Success." Family Medicine Program Directors
Workshop, Kansas City, Missouri. June 4-6, 2010, workshop presentation.
Seagrave, Martha, Research Associate Professor
 Author, Family Medicine Computer-Assisted Simulations for Educating Students (fmCASES)
virtual patient case: 20. 28 year-old female with abdominal pain-Ms. Bell.
 Peer Reviewer, Family Medicine Computer-Assisted Simulations for Educating Students
(fmCASES) virtual patient case: 6. 57-year-old female presents for diabetes care visit -Ms.
 Co-presenter “Case Description Papers - Utilizing a New Scoring Rubric” National Predoctoral
Education Meeting of the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine, Jacksonville, FL.
The Family Medicine Department is actively engaged in the Vermont Blueprint for Health. This
project is a Vermont legislative directive through a grant to FAHC designed to explore how we can
better manage chronic diseases in Vermont. Patient-care teams from each of the FAHC family
medicine practices have been trained in and are actively pursuing micro-system practice
improvements to enhance the care of their patients with chronic diseases like diabetes.
Each of the clinical sites continued to be busy with over 107,674 total office visits in FY 2010.
The Family Medicine Service expanded resident coverage for a larger portion of the community
family physicians, providing quality interactions amongst them.
Physician additions: At South Burlington Family Practice –Whitney Calkins, MD; at Milton Family
Practice – Nellie Wirsing, MD.
Hinesburg Family Health will become a family medicine clinical site this fall under the medical
directorship of James Ulager, MD.
Predoctoral Education ...............................................................................
Resident Education.....................................................................................
Continuing Medical Education..................................................................
Berlin Family Health .................................................................................
Colchester Family Practice.........................................................................
Milton Family Practice ..............................................................................
South Burlington Family Practice ............................................................
Walk-In Care Center .................................................................................
GRANTS ...............................................................................................................
DEVELOPMENT /AWARDS..........................................................................
MAINE MEDICAL CENTER ........................................................................
FORMAL PRESENTATIONS ........................................................................ 26-27
2009-10 TEACHING CONTRIBUTIONS .................................................... 28-31
COMMITTEE SERVICE ................................................................................. 32-34
FACULTY / PROVIDERS................................................................................
RESIDENTS & 2010 GRADUATES .............................................................
VERMONT PART-TIME FACULTY...........................................................
MAINE PART-TIME FACULTY...................................................................
Martha Seagrave, PA-C, BSN, is the Predoctoral Programs Director. Candace Fraser, MD, was selected
to be the Family Medicine Clerkship Director beginning in October 2009, replacing David Little, MD.
Kathryn Beaudry serves as the Predoctoral Education Coordinator. Anya Koutras, MD, leads the
Advanced Integration programming and the FM Acting Internship.
David Little, MD, co-led the Predoctoral Directors Institute, a national leadership program sponsored by
the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine and serves on the STFM Education Committee.
There was a successful continuation of the FOCUS curriculum, emphasizing programming to support and
encourage care of underserved populations. Programming included brown bag sessions on rural and
international health, panels and discussions on care of underserved populations, preceptorships in
federally qualified health centers and other underserved settings, as well as student community projects.
Family Medicine faculty teach throughout all the foundations level courses as guest lecturers in all core
classes in addition to their roles as preceptors in Doctoring Skills and group leaders in Medical Student
Learning Groups. They provide the clinical perspective in the basic science curriculum key to the goal of
the Vermont Integrated Curriculum.
Doctoring Skills is a course which begins in the first semester, first year, and seeks to introduce each
student to the basic skills of clinical medicine. It comprises a portion of the curriculum called “Human
Structure and Function” during which students study gross and microscopic anatomy and the
fundamentals of physiology as they learn and acquire the skills of performing a physical examination and
building a coherent medical history. Students learn by working in small groups with standardized
patients under the direct supervision of a physician preceptor in order to develop their professional
interactive skills. This curriculum is directed by Dr. Cate Nicholas and Dr. Alan Rubin. Many of our
Family Medicine faculty participate in the precepting for this course by providing highly experienced
direct supervision of students while they learn and practice their clinical skills.
Doctoring in Vermont is a Foundations level course with both a spring (March-June) and fall (SeptemberDecember) session. Each session consists of four afternoons (total of 8 sessions for the course) spent in
the office of an assigned community preceptor recruited from among the primary care physician
community within a one-hour drive of Burlington. Students travel to their preceptor’s office and practice
examination and interviewing skills under direct supervision. Students complete two “complete” history
and physical examinations, one with their preceptor and one with a standardized patient at the campus
Assessment Center, complete a clinical correlation presentation and maintain clinical logs. FM physicians
comprise the majority of these community-based preceptors.
The Medical Student Leadership Groups (MSLG I and II), are designed to introduce and support the
development of the capacities, attitudes, and behaviors critical to medical professionalism. This course
focuses on the practice of leadership and professionalism in daily interactions with peers, mentors,
colleagues, and families as the foundation of medical practice. FM clinicians and faculty participate as
small group leaders and presenters for this course.
The Standardized Patient Program at the College of Medicine is directed by Dr. Cate Nicholas. This
program provides students with physical exam training, medical interviewing skills, and evaluation with
specific and thorough feedback on their application of skills and knowledge. This is done through the use
of skilled and knowledgeable actors playing the roles of patients in predetermined clinical scenarios. This
program showed significant foresight and is invaluable for the preparation of our students for clinical
work and the newer clinical skills segment of the Boards.
This advising program assists students in selecting and planning for residency training in Family
Medicine. Students work with Dr. Anya Koutras and other Family Medicine faculty advisors.
This program, under the direction of Candace Fraser, MD, and Martha Seagrave, PA-C, is a required
four-week office-based rotation in the Clerkship year. The responsibility for teaching the clerkship is
shared with the Department of Family Medicine at the Maine Medical Center (Peggy Cyr, MD). Over
one hundred and fifty part-time faculty in Vermont and Maine participate in the teaching at their offices.
Programs include web-based learning modules on prevention, domestic violence, and musculoskeletal
disorders. Our clerkship faculty also provides leadership and teaching for the Collaborative Bridge in
Family Medicine / Internal Medicine/ Pediatrics, including a clinical performance assessment exercise.
A one-month acting internship for fourth-year students led by Dr. Anya Koutras had a very successful
year as part of the Family Medicine Inpatient Service. The service receives consistently high praise from
the participating fourth-year students. Our Maine colleagues offer a similar AI at Maine Medical Center.
Both programs include a directed learning experience with course competencies and basic science
Family Medicine now offers eight different fourth-year electives for students to choose from. In addition
to the Acting Internships, we offer FM Preceptorships at our Milton Practice, and other Vermont and
Maine outpatient practices. Students can also sign up for a month at a rural site working with a family
doctor or an underserved rotation anywhere in the United States. Dr. Charles Hulse has created an
extremely popular distance-learning course on Ecosystem Change and Human Health and Dr. Omar Khan
returns to Vermont four times a year from his new home in Maryland to teach his Seminar in Global
Health to our Vermont students. Twenty-eight students elected to participate in Dr. Khan’s Global
Health elective and 38 students participated in Dr. Hulse’s Ecosystem Change elective. Students can also
choose to do a supervised reading or research in the FM month.
FMIG is a very active student-run organization which brings together students interested in Family
Medicine under the leadership of a faculty advisor, Martha Seagrave, PA-C, and staff advisor Kathryn
Beaudry. The group is active within the medical school promoting Family Medicine. They host
procedural workshops including injection, suturing, casting, and vital signs and are also involved in
service projects within the community. Throughout the year, FMIG hosts brown-bag lunch discussions
geared toward Family Medicine showcasing family physicians from throughout the state. In addition,
student members participate at the statewide Vermont Academy of Family Physicians annual meeting and
board meetings, regionally at the STFM regional meetings, and nationally at the National Congress for
Residents and Students.
The Department of Family Medicine hosts three events throughout the year for our Family Medicine
students. During the month of February, we host a celebration for the students who have selected Family
Medicine as their career choice. Partners are included as we celebrate the end of the clerkship year with
our third-year students and the upcoming graduation of our fourth-year students. Shortly before
graduation, we host a dinner meeting geared toward students who have selected Family Medicine as a
career choice and who will soon begin the residency application process. Fourth-year students and
residents are invited to share their experiences with the third-year students. During the month of
September, we host a dinner meeting for our fourth-year Family Medicine students. This meeting focuses
on the residency interview process. The members of the faculty as well as Family Medicine residents are
available to provide information and to answer any questions.
Our Maine colleagues also run an FMIG under the guidance of Dr. Peg Cyr. It has been active with
faculty and current FM residents presenting on topics of interest to the students rotating in Maine.
John King, MD, MPH, is the Residency Program Director. Monica Romanko, MD, and Laura McCray,
MD, are Associate Directors. Jennifer Wilson serves as Residency Coordinator assisted by Lise Vance,
Education Coordinator. For 2009-2010, Sarah Davies, MD, and Mick Graham, MD, serve as Chief
Residents in Family Medicine. Teaching is provided by eighteen full-time faculty members and many
volunteer and part-time providers.
The residency continues with the HRSA grant entitled "Family Medicine Residency Training in High
Quality Accessible Rural Primary Health Care." This grant expands on quality improvement projects
in Milton and provides experiential rural experiences including home and farm visits at Keeler Bay
Family Practice in South Hero and NOTCH clinics in Franklin County, Vermont. The grant is
complete in June 2010.
Strong patient and financial numbers at Milton provided a model practice and population for resident
Graduation of six residents in June 2010: three in Vermont—Norwich, Middlebury, and Berlin; one
in Ontario, Canada; one to rural New York; and one to Louisiana.
The 2009-2010 recruiting season showed an increased interest with a more than 34% increase in
applications received from 2008-09 and 52% more applicants interviewed. The overall academic
strength was higher as well.
Dr. Omar Khan continues to direct the International Medicine didactic curriculum.
Dr. John King, with Lise Vance’s assistance, is overseeing the Community Medicine Projects. The
residents have been working on the following:
 Uninsured Farm Worker Health Care
 Youth Garden and School Nutrition
 Intimate Partner Violence
 Breastfeeding Education and Support
 Nutrition and Healthy Body Image for Girls on the Run participants
 Cooking and Nutritious meal planning for parents of kids K-2 at Milton Elementary School
 AED placement in the Milton Schools
 Tar Wars - smoking prevention program
 Helmets on Heads - head safety program
 Rural Health Modules presented during Education Sessions
The Blueprint for Health local staff team is working with residents and focusing on quality
improvement activities including patient education, message and prescription refills, immunizations,
and chronic pain management.
Dr. McCray continues to direct the education on the Family Medicine Service with the well-received
"chalk talks" on Friday afternoons.
The residency continues 1:1 TA sessions with residents and faculty members in order to increase
accessibility and continuity among chronic care patients.
Sarah Davies, MD
Alaska: Frontier Medicine - Triaging in a Remote Setting, including Adult, Pediatric, and OB Cases
Craig Sillick, MD, and Meera Ramachandran, MD
AED program implementation in schools / the Uninsured Farm Worker clinic
Justin Karlitz-Grodin, MD
Colorectal and Prostate Cancer Screening and Medical Malpractice
Jessica Rouse, MD
Annual 2009 STFM: Northeast Region Conference
"Uninsured Farm Worker Clinic: Reducing Barriers to Care for Farm Workers in Northwestern Vermont"
October 2009
Michael Graham, MD
Attacking Obesity in Just 15 Minutes
The 36th Annual Family Medicine Review Course was held at the Sheraton Hotel and Conference Center
from June 8-11, 2010. There were over 200 attendees on "Vermont Day". The course faculty was drawn
almost exclusively from Fletcher Allen Health Care / University of Vermont College of Medicine medical
staff, once again highlighting the incredible depth of talent at our institution.
The course serves a broad cross-section of regional and national physicians, nurse practitioners, physician
assistants, residents and medical students with an emphasis on preparation for the Family Medicine Board
Certification Exam. Dr. Anya Koutras served as course director and again enjoyed expert support from
the Office of Continuing Medical Education at the College of Medicine.
The department co-sponsored an ALSO provider course July 16 & 17, 2009, in Concord, New
Hampshire. The two-day course is designed to review topics of importance in the management of
childbirth emergencies with an emphasis on hands-on practical skills such as forceps and vacuum assisted
delivery, delivery of malpresentation, monitory strip interpretation, shoulder dystocia, basic ultrasound,
and counseling in the setting of birth crisis. This year there were participants from the New Hampshire
Dartmouth Family Practice Residency, the University of Vermont Family Medicine Residency and the
University of Vermont OB Residency. Several faculty from Vermont and New Hampshire served as
instructors: Angela Yerdon McLeod, DO, Course Director; Patricia Glowa, MD, and Gail Fayre, MD,
Dartmouth Medical School, Department of Community & Family Medicine; Steve Genereaux, MD,
Advisory Faculty, Wells River Clinic; and Melisa Gibson, MD, University of Vermont Family Medicine
Residency Program.
The Ninth Annual Cultural Awareness Workshop, Crossing the Divide: Understanding the Impact of
Culture and Diversity on Grieving and End of Life was held June 2, 2010, with about 140 attendees
The agenda was:
 Disparities at the End of Life: The Impact of Race, Culture, and Socioeconomics on Advance
Directives and Access to Hospice and End of Life Care was presented by resident Debbie Lieber,
 Funerary Customs and Religious Traditions in Asian and Buddhist Cultures by Cuong Mai, PhD,
UVM Professor of Religion;
 Panel discussion: Religious and Cultural Perspectives on Illness and End of Life with resident
moderator Meera Ramachandran, MD; and panelists Rabbi Ira Schiffer; Allan Ramsay, MD;
Reverend Rick Neu; and Muhaideen Batah, from the Islamic Society of Vermont;
 Multicultural Perspectives on the Language of Grief and the Art of Consolation with Keynote
speaker Sandra L. Bertman, PhD, FT.
This workshop was presented by the Residency Training in Primary Care Grant in the Department of
Family Medicine and the Office of Multicultural Affairs.
The course director was Monica Romanko, MD, Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Family
Medicine, and Director of Program on Cultural Awareness.
We particularly appreciated Dr. Tim Burdick’s involvement in preparing for PRISM. As site leader, I am
grateful for the time and energy that all of our staff have expended to make the transition to electronic
Our dynamic practice group has matured even more in the past few years with a very steady group of multitalented physicians. Our group continues to deliver the full spectrum of Family Medicine including
obstetrical care, gynecologic and orthopedic procedures, hospital coverage, nursing home care, and health
care for all ages.
Along with active clinical practices, our faculty providers have other leadership roles. Dr. Allan Ramsay
continues his lead role as the Director of the Palliative Care team. Dr. Tom Peterson is the Interim Chair of
Family Medicine. Dr. Anya Koutras is the Director of 4th year programs and is also a certified lactation
consultant. Dr. Candace Fraser will transition to become the Family Medicine Clerkship Director and
Dr. Alicia Jacobs will step up to the position of Medical Director. We continue to be a busy clinical office
with our other clinicians being Dr. Marga Sproul, Joanne Hunt (ANP), Deborah Thompson (PA), Heather
Holmes (PA), Nancy Morris (NP – per diem), and Dr. Stephanie Kehoe (per diem). Angela Paoli (LicSW)
continues to provide mental health counseling for our patients. During some busy times, we have additional
providers who also work per diem including Dr. John Saia.
We continually pursue quality initiatives to ensure the highest quality of practice. In this regard, we are
active participants in the state’s Blueprint for Health, Chronic Care initiative, primarily focusing on diabetes.
We are keenly anticipating our newest transition which is the implementation of PRISM – our new Electronic
Health Record.
This year we have continued writing a monthly health article for the local papers, The Colchester Sun and The
Essex Reporter. We are in the process of updating and further developing our website as well as making
efforts to go green in our building.
All of our clinicians share in the clinical teaching that we do at the office for all four years of medical school
and for the nurse practitioner program. The MD’s are also extensively involved in teaching at UVM and in
The Family Medicine Residency program (including Grand Rounds, didactics, Family Medicine hospital
service, teaching attending at residents’ continuity clinics), doing service through committee work, and
multiple leadership endeavors. Everyone also takes an active role in quality improvement projects and often
participates in clinical research projects. We represent a very dynamic professional group of the highest
standard. We are supported here at the office by a wonderful staff of nurses, medical assistants, practice
support specialists, referral specialists, transcriptionists, health information management, and our dedicated
site supervisor Donna Kaynor.
Milton Family Practice remains the home of the Family Medicine Residency Program at the University of
Vermont College of Medicine. At present, 19 resident physicians have their clinical practices at Milton
Family Practice. Drs. Sarah Davies and Mick Graham are the 2009-2010 chief residents. The department of
Family Medicine did well in the Residency Matching Program and the 6 incoming residents will be a strong
addition to the program. In addition to residency-focused education, first through fourth year medical
students from the University of Vermont College of Medicine, as well as other schools of medicine, receive
training in Family Medicine at the MFP clinical site.
Milton Family Practice continues to grow and to provide quality health care to the people of Milton and the
surrounding areas. We are excited that Milton Family Practice will now host a Pharmacist from the new
Vermont campus of the Albany College of Pharmacy. Several pharmacy doctoral students will spend clinical
time at Milton, and we expect a great deal of collaboration with our resident teaching program.
A few changes in the last year are worth noting. Dr. Kevin Rodgers has returned from time away
working for the Indian Health Service. He will continue here on a part-time basis as a regular Teaching
Attending and as a proceduralist and non-continuity provider. Dr. Lewis Holmes, Dr. Liz Schneider, Dr.
John Saia, Dr. Steve Mann, and Dr. Rachel DiSanto are per diem providers helping to fill in when needed.
A Baird Pediatric Clinician, Manon Tenny, is replacing Ryan Mebust who is moving to Ohio where his
wife is starting a psychiatry residency. Our newest proud mother, Dr. Melisa Gibson, will be returning to
practice after a brief maternity leave. Nellie Wirsing, MD, is joining the staff in August.
Milton Family Practice continues to be active in promoting a variety of community outreach and
educational activities. Activities include the school-based Tar Wars, the Helmets on Heads programs, and
many in-school teaching programs, as well as volunteering for H1N1 vaccination clinics, Respite Care
activities, and VNA Adult program activities. We continue to collaborate with the State of Vermont on
the Blueprint for Health and have been making many changes to improve the delivery and management of
chronic care.
A FAHC-wide change at Milton Family Practice is the adoption of PRISM, the Fletcher Allen Health
Care electronic medical record. This is a major change in practice work flows, and we expect to see
increasing advantages in the delivery of patient care.
We are also excited to have achieved NCQA recognition status for Physician Practice Connections –
Patient-Centered Medical Home (PPC-PCMH). We are Recognized as a Level 2, with 74.25 points out of
100 and just .75 points below a level 3 (the highest scoring). Milton Family Practice has worked very
hard for this accomplishment, and we have hired a Medical Assistant to help with the next steps of further
developing the Patient-Centered Medical Home.
South Burlington Family Practice has been serving the South Burlington community and surrounding
areas since 1997. Dr. Norman Ward continues his practice there in addition to serving as Medical
Director Case Management at FAHC. Dr. Robert Luebbers continues to serve as medical director for the
site. Drs. Allyson Bolduc, Whitney Calkins, David Lisle, Laura McCray, Karen Burke, Caroline
Slimovitch and Anne Pelkey, PA-C, continue their busy practices. Dr. Wendy Libby has also joined us as
a per diem provider. Charleen Tuthill does an excellent job as our site supervisor. Also, several new
nurses and staff have joined the practice and have contributed much to its success. Physical therapy and
mental health continue to be offered on site. South Burlington Family Practice continues to strive toward
providing the best medical care possible for its patients and the community.
In 2009, the Walk-In Care Center at the Fanny Allen Campus completed its 9th year under the leadership
of the Family Medicine Health Care Service.
We had yet another year of growing numbers of patients seeking care walk through our doors. With
patients coming from as far away as Smuggler's Notch and Jay Peak in the winter and the islands in the
summer, our urgent care practice is succeeding in its outreach to the greater community. At the same
time, the clinic continues to serve the patients at our primary care practices by keeping the doors open to
them during evening hours and weekends. Our “pre-operative clinic,” run by Elissa Close, FNP, has
continued its success with clinics being full on most days. Our infusion center has been as busy as ever,
with our dedicated nurses working to provide individualized care to this varied group of patients.
To meet the needs of our growing clinic, our provider staff was expanded this year. Drs. Dan Weinstein,
Charlotte Reback, Charles Schmitt, Vivian Esparza, Rachel Inker, and Marc Kutler were joined by Drs.
Jean Anderson-Swayze and Rebecca Winokur, both graduates of our own residency program in Milton,
and by Drs. Tavis Cowan and Steven Mann. Our mid-level staff grew with the addition of Jessica
Sarinelli, PA, who came to us from New Jersey with experience in both pediatric and adult emergency
medicine, Karen Hibbard, PA, and Kim Schmitt, PA. They joined the mid-level team of Betsy EllisKempner, NP; Anne Marie Gleeson, NP; and Tonya Howard, NP. Charlotte Reback remained as medical
director while Christina Hamel stepped down as practice supervisor, being succeeded by Tammy Yohn.
Joyce Guillemette continued to serve as our clinical nurse specialist.
We are fortunate to have many very experienced nurses and front desk staff on our team. They all work
extremely hard to make our clinic the successful open access practice that it is.
Looking forward, with our ever-growing numbers, we are hoping to expand our staff and our exam space
to allow for efficient and seamless care of the patients who seek our services.
Calkins, Whitney, MD
 Academic Detailing-Evidence-Based Prescription Drug Education Program for Health Care
Professionals. Co-investigator with Amanda Kennedy. 07/01/2009 – 06/30/2010, $300,000.
Carey, Peggy, MD, and Thomas Peterson, MD
 Boston Children’s Hospital, Screening and Brief Advice will Reduce Teen Substance Abuse. Funded
by: National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Children’s Hospital Boston - $241,919 (2004-2009)
Cichoskikelly, Eileen, PhD
 University of Vermont College of Medicine Office of Admissions: Assessment and Advancement of
Humanism in Medical School Admissions and Beyond. Arnold P. Gold Foundation Grant. 07/01/09 –
Flynn, Brian, ScD
 Special Research Grant for Child Obesity and Nutrition. Co-investigator with J Harvey-Berino as PI.
Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 9/039/11
 Seasonal Impacts on Bicycle Transportation. Principal Investigator. UVM Transportation Research
Center/USDOT, 07/01/07 – 06/30/11.
 Special Research Grant for Child Obesity and Nutrition. Co-investigator with J Harvey-Berino as PI.
Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 9/039/09, $104,637.
Geller, Berta, EdD
 Vermont Breast Cancer Surveillance System (VBCSS). This cooperative research project links data
from all breast imaging procedures performed in Vermont with pathology data and cancer registry
data to provide a general description of mammography quality, participation levels, and breast cancer
patterns, in addition to providing feedback to radiologists and research opportunities for a variety of
potential investigators. The VBCSS is part of a five-member national consortium funded by the
National Cancer Institute. Two other studies have been funded using the VBCSS data. Factors
Affecting Variability of Radiologists is a four-site study funded by NCI and AHRQ, and Assessing
and Improving Mammography Interpretive Skills is a six-site study co-funded by NCIs Breast Stamp
funds and the American Cancer Society. There are also several supplemental studies through the
VBCSS. We have two studies using quantitative measurement of breast density, one on the general
screened population to better understand the role that density plays in predicting the risk of breast
cancer, the other, which is also collecting buccal and blood samples, and fresh and frozen tissue
samples is trying to elucidate the micro-environment of breast density. We have also been comparing
mammography performance between Vermont, an opportunistic screening program, and Norway, an
organized screening program. Funded by: The National Cancer Institute renewed for two additional
five years periods, August 2000 - July 2010. Total direct cost support for the first five years was
$1,397,608, with an additional $1,845,531 for the second five years, and $1,222,499 for the third fiveyear period.
 Improving Breast Cancer Outcomes for Older Women Through Effective Use of Screening
Mammography. Co-investigator with Pamela Vacek as principal investigator. We will study the
relationship of co-morbidity, treatment and mortality to screening benefit using Medicare and
VBCSS data. Susan Komen Foundation. September 2009- September 2011. $202,837.
GRANTS (continued)
Accuracy of Breast Pathology and the Impact of Technology & Double Reading. Co-investigator
working with principal investigators, Drs. Donald Weaver (UVM) and Joann Elmore (University of
Washington). We will evaluate the extent of variability, its sources and its impact on women
undergoing breast biopsy and also evaluate possible techniques to improve accuracy, such as digital
transmission of slide images and double reading. National Cancer Institute, 09-14, $303,480.
Comparative Effectiveness of Breast Imaging Strategies in Community Practice. Co-principal
investigator. The overall goal of this project is to conduct comparative effectiveness research on
breast cancer imaging modalities and strategies to inform evidence gaps on how to optimize breast
cancer screening in community practice. ARRA Grand Opportunity grant, National Cancer Institute,
09-11, $280,793
Hulse, Charles, PhD, MD
Vermont Statewide Public and Private Partnership to Improve Maternal and Child Health. CoInvestigator with Judith Shaw. 07/01/2009 – 09/30/2010.
Kessler, Rodger, PhD
R-24 AHRQ. Collaborative National Network Examining Comparative Effectiveness Trials CoInvestigator.
Patient-Centered Medical Home Collaborative. A Survey of NCQA certified PCMH practices to
determine response to mental health and substance abuse problems. Principal Investigator.
R-13 AHRQ 1R13HS018318-01. Conference to develop a national agenda for Collaborative
Behavioral Health in the Patient Centered Medical Home. Co-Principal investigator. 2009.
King, John, MD, MPH
 Residency Training in Primary Care. Additional Investigators: Monica Romanko, MD; Michael
Sirois, MD; David Little, MD. Family Medicine Residency Training in High Quality, Accessible
Rural Primary Care Health: HRSA Primary Care Residency Training Grant. Funded by: Department
of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) - $436,171
(Year July 2007-June 2010)
Seagrave, Martha, PA-C
 Student/Resident Experiences and Rotations in Community Health (SEARCH) Program, “VT
SEARCH Program”, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), 9/2009-8/2012,
$500,000, co-investigator.
E.L. Brownell Fund: The market value reached $1,715,111 with a working balance of approximately
$82,802. This has allowed us to continue developing family medicine through supporting salaries and
purchasing new office equipment to meet our expanding needs.
Daniel G. Fischer Fund: This fund has a market value of $17,587 with a working balance of
approximately $850 to further develop the medical library at Milton Family Practice.
2010 Edward E. Friedman Award: Presented to the graduating fourth year student best exemplifying
the ideals of Family Medicine - Presented to Amy Savoy MD. (May)
2010 John P. Fogarty Leadership Award: Presented to Justin Smith, MD and David Longstroth,
MD (May)
2010 Resident Teacher of the Year Award: Presented to Michael Sirois, MD. (June)
2010 Faculty Appreciation Award: Chosen by residents and presented to Paul Rosenau, MD. (June)
2010 Community Teaching Award: David Hobbs, MD; Michael Rappaport, MD; Jennifer
Willingham, MD; Patti Fisher, MD; Paul Reiss, MD; and David Adams, MD
2009 Family Medicine Teaching Awards: Presented to Hinesburg Family Health, Hinesburg, VT, and
Family Medicine Associates, Springfield, Vermont. (Presented at the Review Course in June 2010)
Thomas Peterson, MD, Best Doctors in America, 2009-2010
1. Burdick T. Improvisation techniques for prehospital medicine. East Montpelier Rescue Service training. East
Montpelier, VT. 2010.
2. Burdick T. Wilderness trauma: case studies from Vermont search and rescue operations. Vermont Emergency
Medical Services Conference. Burlington, VT. 2010.
3. Burdick K and Burdick T. IUD counseling and insertion techniques. Family Medicine Board ReviewCourse.
Burlington, VT. 2010.
4. Burdick T. (accepted). High altitude medicine. Wilderness Medical Society Community Education
Series. Salt Lake City, UT.
5. Burdick T. (in press). Musculoskeletal injuries. Wilderness Medical Society Community Education
Series. Salt Lake City, UT.
6. Burke Karen - Dartmouth COOP, 2/09 Farm Injuries "Aging Farmers and Their Injuries," Vermont
Farm Health Task Force 8/09
7. Primary Care Follow-up Plans for Adolescents With Substance Use Problems, Areej Hassan, Sion
Kim Harris, Lon Sherritt, Shari Van Hook, Traci Brooks, Carey Peggy, Robert Kossack, John Kulig
and John R. Knight. Pediatrics 2009;124;144-150, 2009.
8. Adolescents’ Preferences for Substance Abuse Screening in Primary Care Practice, John R. Knight,
MD, Sion K. Harris, PhD, Lon Sherritt, MPH, Shari Van Hook, MPH, Nobelani Lawrence, BS, Traci
Brooks, MD, Carey Peggy, MD, Robert Kossack, MD, John Kulig, MD, MPH. Subst Abus
2007;28:107-117, 2009.
9. Prevalence of Adolescents At-Risk by Riding in Cars with Intoxicated “Parents”, Celeste R. Wilson
MD1,2,3,4, Sharon Levy MPH, MD1,2,4, Lon Sherritt MPH1,2,4, Melissa A. Rappo BA1,2, Sion K.
Harris PhD1,2,4, John R. Knight MD1,2,4 and the New England Partnership for Substance Abuse
Research (NEPSAR), (NEPSAR Co-Authors: Traci Brooks MD, Suzanne Boulter MD, Carey Peggy
MD, Robert Kossack MD, John W. Kulig MD MPH, Nancy Van Vranken MD) 1Center for
Adolescent Substance Abuse Research, Children’s Hospital Boston (CHB); 2Division of
Developmental Medicine, CHB; 3Division of General Pediatrics, CHB; Department of Pediatrics,
Harvard Medical School. Supported by grant #R01 DA018848 from the National Institute on Drug
Abuse. Other support from #K07 AA0132980 (JK; National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and
Alcoholism) and #5T 71NC0009-10 (SKH; Maternal and Child Health Bureau Leadership in
Education for Adolescent Health)
10. Flynn BS, Worden JK, Bunn JY, Solomon LJ, Ashikaga T, Connolly SW, Ramirez AG: Mass media
interventions to reduce youth smoking prevalence. American Journal of Preventive Medicine
39(1):53-62, 2010.
11. Flynn BS, Wood ME, Ashikaga T, Stockdale A, Dana GS, Naud S: Primary care physicians’ use of
family history for cancer risk assessment. BMC Family Practice 11(1):45, 2010.
12. Jensen A, Geller BM, Gard CC, Miglioretti DL, Yankaskas B, Carney PA, Rosenberg RD, Vejborg I,
Lyng E. Performance of diagnostic mammography differs in the United States and Denmark. Intl J
Cancer. 2010 Jan 26. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 20104518.
13. Ichikawa LE, Barlow WE, Anderson ML, Taplin S, Geller BM, Brenner JR. Time trends in screening
mammography performance from the community-based Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium,
1996-2004. Radiology 10091881; Published online May 26, 2010, doi:10.1148/radiol.10091881v.
14. Yankaskas BC, Haneuse S, Knapp JM, Kerlikowske K, Geller BM, Buist DSM. Performance of First
Mammography Examination in Women under Age 40. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2010 May 19;102(10):692701. Epub 2010 May 3.PMID: 20439838.
15. Bowles EA, Geller BM. Understanding the best ways to provide feedback to radiologists on
mammography performance. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2009 Jul;193(1):157-64.
16. Miglioretti DL, Gard C, Carney PA, Onega TL, Buist DSM, Sickles EA, Kerlikowske K, Rosenberg
RD, Yankaskas BC, Geller BM, Elmore JG.. When Radiologists Perform Best: The Learning Curve
in Screening Mammography Interpretation. In press, Radiology.
17. Gallagher TH, Cook AJ, Brenner RJ, Carney PA, Miglioretti DL, Geller BM, et al. Disclosing
Harmful Mammography Errors to Patients., In press, AJR.
18. Jacobs A. - Colchester Sun, various medical columns, 2005-present; Essex Reporter, various medical
columns, 2005-present.
19. Kessler, R. The problem of integrating addiction in the medical home. Meeting on Addiction and the
Primary Care Medical Home: Developing a research agenda. NIDA, Rockville.
20. Kessler, R. With Benjamin Miller Psy.D. A Collaborative Care Practice Base Research Network.
AHRQ, Rockville.
21. Kessler R, 2010. What We Need to Know About Behavioral Health and Psychology in the PatientCentered Medical Home. Clinical Psychology Science and Practice 17: 215–217.
22. King J MD, and McCray L MD, Residency Director and Associate Residency Director respectively,
presented a well-attended workshop titled “Competency-Based Criteria for Advancement: Setting
Expectations to Create Success,” at the program directors’ workshop held June 6-8 in Kansas City.
23. Koutras A. , "Interview Process" - for medical students; Sept 2009
24. Koutras A., "Exercise and Pregnancy" presented at the UVM Sports Medicine Conference in Sept
25. Koutras A. - “The 5-Minute Clinical Consult 2010-18th Edition, and 2010-18th Edition, Frank J.
Domino, MD Editor, Chapter on Breast Abscess. March 2010.
26. Little DN, Hatch RL Proceedings of the 2009 Annual Predoctoral Education Conference of the
Society of Teachers of Family Medicine. Teaching and Learning in Medicine 22:1, 60-67, 2010.
27. Peterson T. - has authored health information articles for the Colchester Chronicle
28. Romanko M. Course organizer and instructor: "Building Capacity for Agricultural Heath and
Safety", held in Lake Morey, VT, April 2010.
29. Ward N. World Research Group seminars for Physician Advisors - - topics - "Front End" Case
Management, Reducing Readmissions, Implementation of an Electronic Health Record. Las Vegas
April 2010
1. Peterson, Thomas. 2009 - Association of Departments of Family Medicine, 2010 Annual Program
Planning Committee Member.
2. Peterson, Thomas. 2008, 2009 - American Academy of Family Physicians, Vermont Delegate to
National Congress of Delegates.
3. Boland, K. Drug Utilization Review Board, Member, Pharmacy Benefits Management Program,
Office of Vermont Health Access (appointed by Governor of Vermont) 2007-Present.
4. Burke, Karen. Annual medical service trip to Bilwaskarma, Nicaragua. January 2010.
5. Eyler, Evan. Member of the Task Force on Gender Identity Disorder for the American Psychiatric
Association, and as an APA Transformational Leadership Fellow.
6. Geller, BM, Healing Legacies, Burlington, VT: Board member, 1999- present; chair, 11/01- present.
7. Khan OA. Led workshop on Mentorship in Developing Country National Institutes of Health. 4th
annual meeting of the International Association of International Public Health Institutes (IANPHI),
Johannesburg, South Africa, Oct. 2009.
8. Khan OA. Travel to Bangladesh as part of student Global Health abroad elective (FM1130), 2008
and 2009.
9. King, John. Committees: University of Vermont Family Medicine Residency Education committee,
chair; Blue Print for Health, Vermont, Provider Practice Committee; Family medicine leadership;
Department of Family Medicine Quality assurance and improvement; Fletcher Allen Health Care
Graduate Education Committee; Family medicine OB committee, Obstetrics/L&D operations
10. King, John. National Ski Patrol, 1973-present.
11. King, John. Special Olympics Vermont Volunteer 2004-present.
12. Nicholas, C. College of Medicine Admission Committee- full member 2007-present
13. Nicholas, C. Ex-Officio member of the College of Medicine Advancement Committee- 2007-present
14. Nicholas, C. Assocation of Standardized Patient Educators:2006-present: Elected to Vice President
of Operations for ASPE; Executive Committee Member; Grants and Research Committee member;
International ASPE Committee member
15. Nicholas, C. Faculty Senate- senator for Family Practice 2004-present
16. Richardson-Nassif, K. Chair-Outstanding Service Award at the Northeast Group on Educational
Affairs (NEGEA) meeting in Farmington, CT, March 2010. The inscription reads “In Recognition of
your outstanding leadership and contributions to the Northeast Group on Educational Affairs.”
17. Romanko, M. Vermont AHEC Board Member and member of the AgriSafe Network (national
agricultural health organization).
Kligler, B. Lebensohn, P. Koithan, M, Schneider, C et al. Measuring the “whole system” outcomes
of an educational innovation: experience from the integrative family medicine program. Fam Med,
2009; 41(5):342-9.
Schneider, C. Segre, T. Green tea: potential health benefits. American Family Physician. 2009;79(7)
Schirmer, JM, Montegut, AJ. (eds.) Behavioral Medicine in Primary Care: A Global Perspective.
Radcliffe Publishers. October, 2009.
Schirmer, JM, Ninh, L.H. Behavioral medicine: principles and practices. In Schirmer JM, Montegut
AJ, (eds.) Behavioral Medicine in Primary Care: A Global Perspective. Oxford, UK: Radcliffe
Publishers.October, 2009.
Schirmer JM, Thuy B. The mind body connection: patients with somatic complaints with no organic
cause. In: Schirmer JM, Montegut AJ, (eds.) Behavioral Medicine in Primary Care: A Global
Perspective. Oxford, UK: Radcliffe Publishers. October, 2009.
Schirmer JM, Green K, Huy NVQ. Behavioral change. In: Schirmer JM, Montegut AJ, (eds.)
Behavioral Medicine in Primary Care: A Global Perspective. Oxford, UK: Radcliffe Publishers.
October, 2009.
Schirmer JM, Phong ND. Counseling in primary care. In: Schirmer, JM, Montegut, AJ, (eds.)
Behavioral Medicine in Primary Care: A Global Perspective. Oxford, UK: Radcliffe Publishers.
October, 2009.
Schirmer JM, Holt C, Chuc NTK, Dung PH, Montegut AJ. Advancing behavioral medicine in
primary care settings. In: Schirmer JM, Montegut AJ, (eds.) Behavioral Medicine in Primary Care: A
Global Perspective. Oxford, UK: Radcliffe Publishers. October, 2009.
Morrow, C., Schirmer, J. M., Nguyen, V. S. Provider well-being in primary care settings. In
Schirmer, JM, Montegut, AJ. (eds.) Behavioral Medicine in Primary Care: A Global Perspective.
Oxford, UK: Radcliffe Publisher. October, 2009.
Lorenz, A., Schirmer, JM, Nguyen, KC, Nguyen, VH. Family systems in behavioral health in
primary care settings. In: Schirmer, JM, Montegut, AJ. (eds.) Behavioral Medicine in Primary Care:
A Global Perspective. Oxford, UK: Radcliffe Publishers. October, 2009.
Meyer, DL, Schirmer, JM, Nguyen, MT. Social and cultural influence on health in primary care
settings.In: Schirmer, JM, Montegut, AJ. (eds.) Behavioral Medicine in Primary Care: A Global
Perspective. Oxford, UK: Radcliffe Publishers. October, 2009.
Braden, Colianni, Dexter and Schneider, Counterstrain in Family Medicine: a workshop. Maine
Medical Center Family Medicine Residency Program. Portland, ME. January 2009.
Botler J. Geriatric Grand Rounds- Transitional Care, January 2009
Dreher G. Elder Substance Abuse Psychiatry Grand Rounds Jan 27, 2009
Botler J. Medicine Grand Rounds, Care Transitions, February 2009
Schneider C. It’s only natural. Group facilitator. Maine Medical Center/University of Vermont
College of Medicine Bridge Curriculum. Portland, ME. February 2009.
Drher G. Treating Pain in the Patient with Addiction – Palliative Care monthly seminar and
Outreach Education Conference Plenary, March 2009
Schneider C. Botanicals and Dietary supplements in psychiatry. Maine Medical Center Psychiatry
Residency Program/Child Psychiatry Residency Program. Portland, ME March 2009.
Schneider C. Integrating CAM Intro Your Practice: Reliable Resources. American Academy of
Pediatrics, Maine Chapter. Sunday River, ME. May 2009.
Schneider C. Integrative Medicine. University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine,
Clown Patch Club. April 2009
Dreher G. Educating Maine Physicians in Better Chronic Pain Management - workshop at
Federation of State Medical Boards annual meeting in Washington DC.
Dreher G. PRISM plenary talk on Practical Motivational Interviewing
Schirmer J. Share Your Work and Build Community Using STFM’s Family Medicine Digital
Resources Library (FMDRL), STFM Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, May, 2009, J. Schirmer, R.
Usatine, S. Burge, C. Richardson, T. Nolte
Schirmer J. Core Principles of Behavioral Science: From Basics to Beyond, STFM Annual Meeting,
Denver, CO, May, 2009, J. Schirmer, D. Taylor and R. Zylstra
Schirmer J. Facilitation and Group Medical Visits, STFM Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, May 2009,
J. Schirmer, C. Strickland, E. Shahady, and M. Talen,
Schirmer J. Group Medical Visits for Patients with Chronic Pain, Maine Medical Center PRISM
Conference, Freeport, ME, May, 2009, J. Schirmer and M. McDonough
Bouchard M. ACSM annual meeting - Panel for Lower Extremity injuries. June 2009.
Howe A. Pediatric Obesity, Obesity Symposium, Uniformed Services Academy of Family
Physicians, Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, April 2009.
Howe A. Examination of the Throwing Athlete: Moving Beyond the Shoulder American College of
Sports Medicine, Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington June 2009.
Schirmer, JM, Social Work in Health Settings: Best Practices, National Conference on the
Development of Social Work in Viet Nam, DaNang, Viet Nam, November, 2009
Schirmer, JM, Cross Cultural Health Care, Collaborative Family Health Care Association Annual
Meeting, San Diego, CA, October, 2009
Seymour, D., Schirmer, JM, Wilson, C., Ivbijaro, G. Integration of Mental Health and Primary
Health Care in Global Projects, Collaborative Family Health Care Association Annual Meeting, San
Diego, CA, October, 2009
Dreher G. Ethics training with UVM students in surgery rotation; MMC Clinical Ethics Retreat copresentation on Health Care Reform issues; and Mind-Body talk with COM-CAM program
(September 2009)
Dreher G. “Brief Interventions” plenary session at Maine Health PRISM session; “Chronic Pain
Management Addiction Issues” plenary session in Auburn with CMMC primary care physician group
at request of MMA / Gordon Smith; and “Drug testing” with Michael Blanchard COO NorDx at
Mercy Pain Seminar (October 2009)
Schneider C. Integrative Medicine and Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation
of America and Maine Medical Center Patient & Family IBD Symposium. Portland, ME. November
Howe A. What Adolescents are Taking and Not Telling You: Performance Enhancing Substance Use
in Teenagers. American Academy of Family Physicians Annual Assembly, Boston Massachusetts,
October 2009.
Howe A. Pediatric Sports Injuries: Challenges of the Growing Athlete. American Academy of
Family Physicians Annual Assembly, Boston Massachusetts, October 2009.
MacQueen A, McAteer T, O'Neill D, Howe A. How to Get Injured Athletes Back in the Game:
Extending Beyond the Physical Recovery. American College of Sports Medicine, New England
Chapter, Providence, Rhode Island, November 2009.
Glazer JL and McAteer T. Immersion in Tepid Water as a Superior Treatment for Exertional Heat
Exhaustion, MMC MRC Grant, $7,644. June 2009.
Schneider, C. Osteopathic Heritage Fund 2009 $13,000 for Osteopathic Manual Medicine Precepting
in for Integrative Family Medicine Project.
GRAND ROUNDS 2009-2010
September 14 ------------ The Older Shoulder
John King, MD
September 21 ------------ Child Sexual Abuse Exam
Karyn Patno, MD
September 28 ------------ Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Doris Strader, MD
October 5 ----------------- Keep it Simple – What Parents Need to Know or Not
Amy Spangler, MN, RN, IBCLC
October 12 --------------- Morbidity and Mortality Rounds
Charlotte Reback, MD, Yannis Felemegos, MD
October 19 ---------------- Basic EKG Interpretation and Clinical Management
Robert Lobel, MD
October 26 ---------------- State of Healthcare in Ethiopia
Rebecca Winokur, MD
November 2 -------------- Breast Masses and Common Breast Conditions
Ted A. James, MD, FACS
November 9 -------------- Options Counseling for Unintended Pregnancy
Linda Prine, MD
November 16------------- Interventional Therapies for Treating Chronic Low Back Pain
Clarence Ivie III, DO, MPH
November 23------------- Heel Pain
Stephen Merena, DPM
November 30------------- Perioperative Evaluation of Cardiac Risk – A Road to Nowhere
Friederike Keating, MD
December 7 -------------- Hand Injury Evaluation and Management
John G. King, MD, MPH
December 14 ------------- The Impaired Physician-Help is Available
David John Simmons, MD, FACP
December 21 ------------- Trauma from A to E
Stephen M. Leffler, MD
January 11 ---------------- Approaching Advance Care Planning Discussions with Seriously Ill Patients
Juliet Jacobsen, MD
January 25 ---------------- M & M Rounds
Heather Stein, MD
February 1 ---------------- The Evaluation of Hip Pain
Jennifer S. Weibel, DO
February 8 ---------------- Why Take the Plunge: The Benefits of Aquatic PT
Natalie Bradford, PT, & Sheila Reid, PT
February 22 -------------- Anemia Work-up
Neil Zakai, MD
March 1 ------------------- Questions and Answers about the Ambulatory PRISM Module
Peter Igneri, PA-C, MMSc
March 8 ------------------- M & M Rounds
Terry Stein, MD
March 15------------------ Adolescent Substance Abuse
John Koutras, MD
March 22------------------ Stress: Health and Healing
Stephen Mann, MD
March 29------------------ Medical Hazards of the Nuclear Age and the Necessary Changes in Human
Behavior to Stop Environmental Destruction
Helen Caldicott, MD
April 5 --------------------- Helping in Haiti – Perspectives from Family Medicine
Jean Andersson-Swayze, MD
April 12 ------------------- Alaska: Frontier Medicine
Sarah Davies, MD
April 19 ------------------- Hip and Knee Care 2010
David Halsey, MD
April 26 ------------------- Occupational Medical Issues for Farmers and Farmworkers
John May, MD
May 5 ---------------------- Innovations in Medical Education
Patricia Carney, PhD
May 10 -------------------- Anticoagulation in the Elderly
Nathan B. Adams MS, MT (ASCP)
May 17 -------------------- Health Care Policy in an Aging America
John B. Murphy, MD
May 24 -------------------- Colorectal and Prostate Cancer Screening and Medical Malpractice
Justin Karlitz-Grodin, MD
Attacking Obesity in Just 15 Minutes
Yannis Felemegos, MD; Michael Graham, MD;
June 7 ---------------------- Authentic Clinical Assessment for Medical Students: The Integrated
Standardized Patient Exam
Andrea Manyon, MD
June 14 -------------------- Influenza – What Happened, What to Expect?
Thomas Peterson, MD
June 28 -------------------- AED Program Implementation in Schools
Craig Sillick, MD
The Uninsured Farm Worker Clinic
Meera Ramachandran, MD
Allyson M. Bolduc, MD
 Residency Attending Faculty
 Doctoring in Vermont, Preceptor
 Faculty Mentor to Family Medicine Residents
 Co-Leader for Balint Group for Residents
 Residency Balint Group Coordinator
 Director, Annual Family Medicine Review Course
 CME Committee
Karen H. Burke, MD
 10 Geriatrics lectures to the residents/year.
 Supervise the Wake Robin portion of the 3rd year geriatrics rotation
 Resident Geriatric education coordinator.VIC Generations block, Senior Housing alternatives and
Geriatric interviewing.
 VIC International Health Bridge, evolution of my own medical volunteer work.
John C. Ferguson, MD
 Medical Director, Milton Family Practice
 Residency Attending Faculty
 Doctoring in Vermont, Preceptor
 Third and Fourth Year Clerkship Preceptorship
Candace L. Fraser, MD
 Teaching - clinical precepting for 1st - 4th year medical students at CFP as part of their DIV,
Clerkship and 4th yr elective rotations
 TA for all 3 years of FM residents at MFP
 Oct ’09 to present – Course Director for Clerkship FM Bridge Course on skin procedures/suturing
and musculoskeletal Exam
 Committee –Medical Director CFP 1/09 to 09/30/09 – which included Blue Print for Chronic
Care Committee, and the Quality Assurance Committee and the PRISM role out committee
 Clerkship Director for FM 10/09 to present
Kimberly A. Hageman, MD
 Residency Attending Faculty
 Doctoring in Vermont, Preceptor
 Coordinator/provider – MFP Women’s Health Procedure Clinic
 Residency Advisor Program
 Clerkship Preceptor
 OB Preceptor/Antepartum
 OB Audits presenter
Charles L. Hulse, MD, PhD
 Inpatient and outpatient (Milton) preceptor (medical students and residents)
 Ecosystem Change and Human Health 4th year medical student elective
MSLG 1 group project on Environmental Health
Community Medicine projects
Alicia Jacobs, MD
 Doctoring in Vermont Preceptor
 Third and Fourth Year Clerkship Preceptor
 Educational Sessions presenter
 Grand Rounds presenter
 Medical Director - Colchester Family Practice
Kristopher Jensen, MD
 Residency Attending Faculty
 Third and Fourth Year Clerkship, Preceptor
 Doctoring in Vermont, Preceptor
John G. King, MD, MPH
 Residency Program Director
 Residency Attending Faculty
Anya Koutras, MD
 Teaching Attending for the inpatient FMS
 Teaching Attending on OB (L&D)
 Weekly Preceptor at Milton Family Practice
 Monthly Didactic Lecturer on Maternal Child Health
 Advisor to 3 residents currently
 Lecturer in Generations Course (“Breastfeeding”)
 Small Group Facilitator in Attacks and Defenses
 Course Director for Family Medicine AI on FMS
 4th year Advanced Integration Director for Family Medicine (overseeing other 4th year electives in
Family Medicine, including Reading Month, Preceptorship)
 Core Faculty and Advisor for 4th year elective Lactation Management
 Medical Student Advisor to 14 medical students currently
 Faculty for 3rd year Family Medicine Clerkship
 Faculty for DIV
Lise Kowalski, MD
 Doctoring in Vermont, Preceptor
 Third and Fourth Year Clerkship, Preceptor
 Residency Attending Faculty
David N. Little, MD
 Third Year Clerkship Director through 9/09
 Residency Attending Faculty / Mentor
 Third Year/Fourth Year Advisor
 Predoctoral Committee
 FMIG, Faculty Advisor
Robert A. Luebbers, MD
 Medical Director, South Burlington Family Practice
 Third and Fourth Year Preceptor
 Residency Attending Faculty
 Faculty mentor to FP Residents
 Doctoring in Vermont, Preceptor
Laura McCray, MD
 Teaching- doctoring in Vermont
 Weekly inpatient chalk talk series every Friday
 Associate Director residency program
Thomas C. Peterson, MD
 Interim Chair, Department of Family Medicine
 Vice Chair for Clinical Operations
 Residency Attending Faculty
 Third Year Clerkship, Preceptor
 Fourth Year Preceptorship
 Hospital Rounding Instructor
Allan M. Ramsay, MD
 Third Year Clerkship, Preceptor
 Fourth Year Preceptorship
 Residency Attending Faculty
 Director, Family Medicine Inpatient Service, FAHC
 Medical Director at Palliative Care Service, FAHC
Charlotte Reback, MD
 Medical Director, Walk-In Care Clinic
 Physician and Society, Group Leader
 Medical Interviewing Skills, Group Leader
 Doctoring in Vermont
 Medical Student Leadership Group
 Residency Attending Faculty
 Course Director for Generations
Karen Richardson -Nassif, PhD
 Bridge Clerkship, Group Discussion Leader
 Family Medicine/Pediatrics/Internal Medicine Bridge – Intimate Partner Violence WorkshopCoordinator and Group Discussion Leader
 Foundations Advisor
 Medical Student Leadership Group
 Medical Student Scholarly Project
 Introduction to Clinical Decision Making
Martha P. Seagrave, PA-C, BSN
 Director of Predoctoral Programs in Family Medicine
 Associate Clerkship Director in Family Medicine
 Medical Student Advisor
Family Medicine Interest Group Faculty Advisor
Family Medicine Underserved Course Director--Advanced Integration Course
Medquest Advisor
Bridge Instructor
Fourth Year Preceptor
Clinician, UVM Center for Health and Wellbeing
Center for Health and Wellbeing Electronic Health Record Implementation Leader
Michael Sirois, MD
 Teaching attending
 TA in Milton
 Hospital attending
 Family Medicine Clerkship third year medical students – SBFP
 Doctoring in Vermont
Dale D. Stafford, MD
 Doctoring in Vermont, Preceptor
 Third and Fourth Year Clerkship, Preceptor
 Residency Attending Faculty
Norman S. Ward, MD
 Family Medicine Clerkship third year medical students – SBFP
Daniel Weinstein, MD
 Residency Attending Faculty
 DIV Student Mentor
Stuart E. Williams, MD
 Doctoring in Vermont, Preceptor
 Third and Fourth Year Clerkship, Preceptor
 Residency Attending Faculty
 Risk Management Committee at CVMC
 TA Milton Family Practice
Allyson M. Bolduc, MD
 1998-present Member, the UVM Medical School Admissions Committee (Interviewer and
 2003-present Member, QA&I Committee
Karen Burke, MD
 COM Faculty Advancement and Promotion (Faculty Standards)
 VNA Physician Advisory Council
 Vermont Farm Health Task Force
 Medical Volunteer work in Bilwaskarma, R.A.A.N., Nicaragua
David Lisle, MD
 Sports medicine and orthopaedic curriculum for the family medicine residents.
 Clearinghouse Committee for the FAHC faculty practice.
Brian S. Flynn, ScD
 1999-present. Director, Office of Health Promotion Research, College of Medicine,
University of Vermont.
 1999-present Program Leader for Cancer Prevention and Control, Vermont Cancer Center,
College of Medicine, University of Vermont
 2002- present Chair, State of Vermont, Tobacco Evaluation & Review Board
 2005-2010 Board of Directors and Vice-Chair, Vermont Public Health Association,
 2006-present Planning Committee, Center for Clinical and Translational Science, University
of Vermont
 2006-present Site visit review committee member, University of Minnesota Cancer Center
P30 renewal application, for the National Cancer Institute
Candace Fraser, MD
 1996-present Residency Candidate Review Committee
 1998-present Committee for Primary Care Teaching Awards
 2003 to present Medical Director, Colchester Family Practice
 2003-present Quality Assurance Committee
 2003-present Operations Committee
 2007-present Vermont Blueprint Team
Charles L. Hulse, MD, PhD
 1999-present Member, Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee, FAHC Committee Service
 Medication Safety Subcommittee (of P&T Committee)
 UVM Trans-disciplinary Research Initiative – Complexity Subcommittee
Alicia Jacobs, MD
 Committee Member - Vermont Practitioner Health Program - Vermont Medical Society
John G. King, MD
 2004-present Special Olympics Volunteer
 2004-present Member, Vermont Blueprint for Health Committee
 2004-present Member, FAHC Obstetrics Operations Committee
Anya Koutras, MD
Committee Service 2009:
 Newborn QA
 Breastfeeding Task Force
 Maternal Child Coalition
 Vermont Lactation Consultant Association Conference Committee
 Dept of Health Committee on Breastfeeding
David N. Little, MD
 1994-present UVM College of Medicine, Clerkship Course Directors Committee
 1995-present Family Medicine Clerkship Director
 2009 Board member, Vermont Academy of Family Physicians
 2006-present STFM Predoctoral Director Institute, Steering Committee
 2007-present STFM Education Committee
Robert A. Luebbers, MD
 Member, Family Medicine Credentials Committee
Thomas C. Peterson, MD
 Community Benefits Advisory Committee, Fletcher Allen Health Care
 1993-present Member, Anti-Infective Committee
 Volunteer Community Health Center Burlington during “Free Clinic Day”
Jon K. Porter, MD
 Current Task Force on Attention Deficit Disorders
 Current Alcohol and Drug Resource Team
 1998-present Co-Chair, Center for Health and Wellbeing Quality Improvement Committee
Allan M. Ramsay, MD
 1993-present
 1995-present
 1995-present
 1996-present
 1997-present
Medical Director, Green Mountain Nursing Home
Member, Dept. of Family Medicine, Credentials Committee
Member, Dept. of Family Medicine, Quality Assurance Committee
Member, FAHC, Wellness Committee
Member, Board of Directors, Community Health Center, Burlington, VT
Charlotte A. Reback, MD
 2001-present Chairperson FAHC Family Practice Health Care Service, Quality Assurance
and Improvement Committee
 2006-present Director Family Medicine Morbidity and Mortality Grand Rounds
Martha Seagrave, PA-C, BSN
 2000-present Member, UVM College of Medicine, Clerkship Course Directors Committee
2002-present Member, Primary Care Bridge Committee
2002-present Member, ADD Task force, Center for Health and Wellbeing
2003-present Member, ADRT Team, Center for Health and Wellbeing
2005-present Member and List Owner, Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Group on
On-line Cases
2005-present Member, Planning Committee Society of Teachers of Family Medicine
Northeast Regional Meeting
2007-present Project Leader for Selection and Implementation of HER at Center for Health
and Well-being
Norman S. Ward, MD
 FAHC Med Staff Credentials, Bylaws, Utilization Review, Quality Assurance and
Improvement, Medical Records
 FAHC RAC Work Team
 FAHC Education Subcommittee
 FAHC Plan of Care/Assessment Subcommittee
 FAHC Standards of Operation
 FAHC Quality Committee
 FAHC Safety Committee
 FAHC CMI Improvement Task Force
 FAHC Prism/Joint Commission Compliance Committee
 FAHC EDRS/PROD Implementation Committee
 FAHC Faculty Practice Orientation Task Force
 FAHC Organization Ethics Committee
 FAHC Touch Point Committee
 UVM COM Family Medicine Chair Search Committee
 State of Vermont - BISHCA Utilization Study Program
 State of Vermont - Medicaid Drug Utilization Review Board
 FAHC Prism Physician Advisory Committee
FAHC Plan of Care/Assessment Subcommittee
Kristopher Jensen, MD
 Member, Credentials Committee
Lise Kowalski, MD
 DSCU Committee (Intensive Care Unit Committee at CVH)
 Morbidity and Mortality Committee
Stuart E. Williams, MD
 President Elect, VT Chapter AAFP
 2002-present Member, Risk Management Committee, Central VT Medical Center
 2002-present Member, Physician Council, VM
 2006-present Co-Chair, Appropriate Care Committee, CVMC
Specific Roles/Location
Kathleen Boland, PharmD
Clinical Associate Professor
Milton Family Practice
Allyson M. Bolduc, MD
Clinical Assistant Professor
South Burlington Family Practice
Kristin Burdick, MD
Clinical Assistant Professor
Colchester Family Practice
Timothy Burdick, MD
Assistant Professor
Berlin Family Health
Karen H. Burke, MD
Clinical Associate Professor
Medical Director, Wake Robin
Life Care Retirement Community
South Burlington Family Practice
Whitney Calkins, MD
Assistant Professor
South Burlington Family Practice
Eileen CichoskiKelly, PhD
Research Assistant Professor
Instructional Designer, Office of Medical
Education, Vermont Integrated Curriculum
Robert Davidson, PA-C
Clinical Instructor
Berlin Family Health
John Ferguson, MD
Clinical Associate Professor
Milton Family Practice
Brian S. Flynn, ScD
Research Professor
Director, Office of Health Promotion Research
Candace L. Fraser, MD
Associate Professor
Director, Family Medicine Clerkship
Colchester Family Practice
Berta M. Geller, EdD
Research Professor
Office of Health Promotion Research
Melisa Gibson, MD
Clinical Assistant Professor
Milton Family Practice
Kimberly Hageman, MD
Clinical Assistant Professor
Milton Family Practice
Charles L. Hulse, MD, PhD
Associate Professor
Director, Vermont Program on Ecology and
Director, Research and Scholarship Program
Joanne Hunt, NP
Colchester Family Practice
Alicia Jacobs, MD
Clinical Assistant Professor
Medical Director
Colchester Family Practice
Kristopher Jensen, MD
Clinical Assistant Professor
Berlin Family Health
Director, Senior Selective Programs
John G. King, MD, MPH
Associate Professor
Director, Family Medicine Residency Program
Milton Family Practice
Anya Koutras, MD
Assistant Professor
Colchester Family Practice
Lise Kowalski, MD
Clinical Assistant Professor
Berlin Family Health
David Lisle, MD
Clinical Assistant Professor
South Burlington Family Practice
David N. Little, MD
Associate Professor
Director, Family Medicine Clerkship
Milton Family Practice
Robert A. Luebbers, MD
Clinical Assistant Professor
Member, Family Medicine Credentials Committee
Nancy Morris, PA
Clinical Instructor
Colchester Family Practice
Laura McCray, MD
Clinical Assistant Professor
Associate Director, Family Medicine Residency
South Burlington Family Practice
Catherine Nicholas, PA-C
Clinical Instructor
Director of Standardized Patient Program
Office of Medical Education
Charles Osler, NP
Clinical Instructor
Walk-In Care Center
Sahir Patel, MD
Clinical Assistant Professor
Colchester Family Practice
Anne Pelkey, PA
Clinical Instructor
South Burlington Family Practice
Thomas C. Peterson, MD
Interim Chairman, Department of Family Medicine
Family Medicine Health Care Service
Fletcher Allen Health Care
Maria Puglisi, RN, NP
Clinical Instructor
Berlin Family Health
Allan M. Ramsay, MD
Vice Chair of Academic Affairs
Colchester Family Practice
Charlotte Reback, MD
Clinical Assistant Professor
Medical Director, Walk-In Care Center
Fanny Allen Campus
Karen Richardson-Nassif, PhD
Research Associate Professor
Associate Dean for Faculty and Staff
Development Diversity
Monica Romanko, MD
Clinical Assistant Professor
Associate Director, Family Medicine Residency
Milton Family Practice
John J. Saia, MD
Associate Professor Emeritus
Milton Family Practice & Colchester Family Practice
Martha Seagrave, PA-C, BSN
Research Associate
Director of Predoctoral Programs in Family Medicine
Family Medicine Staff Clinician,
Center for Health and Well Being (UVM Student Health
Charles Schmitt, MD
Clinical Assistant Professor
Walk-In Care Center
Michael Sirois, MD
Clinical Assistant Professor
South Burlington Family Practice
Caroline Slimovitch, MD
Clinical Assistant Professor
South Burlington Family Practice
Laura Solomon, PhD
Research Professor Emerita
Office of Health Promotion Research
Marga Sproul, MD, MS
Associate Professor
Associate Dean for Student Affairs (Retired,
August 2004)
Colchester Family Practice
Dale Stafford, MD
Clinical Assistant Professor
Berlin Family Health
Deborah Thompson, PA-C
Clinical Instructor
Colchester Family Practice
Norman S. Ward, MD
Associate Professor
South Burlington Family Practice
Daniel Weinstein, MD
Clinical Assistant Professor
Walk-In Care Center
Stuart Williams, MD
Clinical Assistant Professor
Medical Director, Berlin Family Health
Jeri Wohlberg, NP
Clinical Instructor
Walk-In Care Center
John K. Worden, PhD
Research Professor Emeritus
Office of Health Promotion Research
First Year:
Medical School:
Ewa Dziewiecka
Karen Fromhold
Jennifer Kaufman
Michelle Paavola
Aaron Reiter
Jagiellonian University
University of Vermont
Saint-George’s University
University of Vermont
Sackler School of Medicine
Second Year:
Medical School:
Heather Doyle Stein
Alicia Guilford
Rachel Humphrey
Debbie Lieber
Ben Newton
Terry Stein
Marie Walsh
West Virginia University
University of Vermont
University of Vermont
University of Arkansas
Ross University
West Virginia University
University of Missouri
Third Year:
Medical School:
Sarah Davies
Yannis Felemegos
Mick Graham
Justin Karlitz-Grodin
Meera Ramachandran
Craig Sillick
Georgetown University
Windsor University
New York University
SUNY Downstate College of Medicine
Louisiana State University
University of Maryland
June 30, 2010 Graduates:
Practice Site:
Sarah Davies
Green Mountain Family Practice,
Norwich, VT
Community Health Center, Cornwall,
Addison Family Medicine in
Middlebury, VT
Central Vermont Primary Care in
Berlin, VT
VA primary locum tenens program in
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
F.F. Thompson Hospital, Canandaigua,
Yannis Felemegos
Mick Graham
Justin Karlitz-Grodin
Meera Ramachandran
Craig Sillick
Jean Anderson-Swayze, MD
Debbie Atkinson, MD
Lorne Babb, MD
Sheilla Bachelder, MD
Robert Backus, MD
Richard Baker, MD
James Bergmann, MD
Richard Bernstein, MD
Paul Bertocci, MD
Donald Bicknell, MD
Kathleen Boland, PharmD
Allyson Bolduc , MD
Kenneth Borie, DO
Marian Bouchard, MD
David Bourgeois, MD
Stephanie Briggs, MD
John Brooklyn, MD
Kimberly Bruno, MD
Karen Burke, MD
Joseph Capobianco, MD
Harry Chen, MD
C. Edward Clark, MD
David Coddaire, MD
John Conlon, DO
Francis Cook, MD
Timothy Cope, MD
Michael Corrigan, MD
William Cove, DO
Marcus Coxon, MD
William Craig, MD
Ruth Ann Crose, MD
Kevin Crowley, MD
Barbara Dalton, MD
Sarah Davies, MD
Pamela Dawson, MD
Laurel Decher, MD
Mary Dill, MD
Rachel DiSanto, MD
Joyce Dobbertin, MD
Jeffrey Dodge, MD
H. Daniel Donnelly, MD
Richard Dooley, PA
Marjorie Douglass, FNP
Therese Dranginis, MD
Robin Edelman, RD
Vivian Esparza, MD
Dorothy Federman, MD
Yannis Felemegos, MD
John Ferguson, MD
Jan Ferris, DO
William Fifield, MD
Sharon Fine, MD
Ann Fingar, MD
Patricia Fisher, MD
George Fjeld, MD
Angela Gatzke, MD
Argilla George-Reynolds,
Michele Gerin-Lajoie, MD
Maurice Geurts, MD
Cathleen Gleeson, PhD
Ann Goering, MD
Daniel Goodyear, MD
Mick Graham, MD
Alicia Guilford, MD
Kimberly Hageman, MD
John Hartmann, MD
John Hearst, MD
David Hobbs, MD
Mark Hoffman, MD
Cheri Holton, MSN
Rachel Inker, MD
Alicia Jacobs, MD
Yumi Jarris, MD
Kristopher Jensen, MD
Michael Johnson, MD
Andrew Kaplan, MD
Justin Karlitz-Grodin, MD
Richard Katzman, MD
Robert Keith, MD
Omar Khan, MD
Philip Kiely, MD
Dayle Klitzner, MD
Anne Knott, MD
Lise Kowalski, MD
Dana Kraus, MD
Lisa LaCarrubba-Blondin,
Erick Lavallee, MD
John Lawlis III, MD
Melanie Lawrence, MD
Yoland Lawrence, MD
Mark Lichtenstein, MD
Moss Linder, MD
Robert Luby, MD
Robert Luebbers, MD
Edd Lyon, MD
John Macy, MD
Stephen Mann, MD
Jeffrey Martin, PhD
John Matthew, MD
Laura McCray, MD
Louise McDevitt, FNP
Sharon McDonnell, MD
Michael McNamara, MD
John McPartland, DO, MS
Mark Messier, MD
Donald Miller, Jr., MD
Sarah Morgan, MD
Robert Murray, MD
Terence Naumann, MD
Elizabeth Newman, MD
Laura Norris, MD
Robert Orr, MD
Lee Orsky, PA
W. Mark Peluso, MD
Robert Penney, Jr., MD
Yvette Pigeon, EdD
Jon Porter, MD
S. Hannah Rabin, MD
Meera Ramachandran, MD
Barbara Raskin, MD
Mary Ready, MD
Charlotte Reback, MD
Andrea Regan, MD
Paul Reiss, MD
John Reynolds, MD
Diane Rippa, MD
Kevin Rodgers, MD
Paul Rogers, MD
Jessica Rouse, MD
Margaret Russell, PA-C
Toby Sadkin, MD
Susan Saferstein, MD
Linda Sanborn, MD
Charles Schmitt, MD
Elizabeth Schneider, MD
Clinton Seger, MD
Timothy Shafer, MD
Susan Shane, MD
Craig Sillick, MD
Michael Sirois, MD
Caroline Slimovitch, MD
Christine Staats, MD
Dale Stafford, MD
Daniel Steinbauer, MD
Miriam Sturgis, MD
Craig Sullivan, MD
Carol Thayer, MD
Deborah Thompson, PA-C
Robert Tortolani, MD
Mattie Towle, MD
Ronald Vallario, MD
Gary Waring, MD
Wayne Warnken, MD
Daniel Weinstein, MD
Joanna Weinstock, MD
Lee Weisman, MD
Lynn Wilkinson, MD
Stuart Williams, MD
Jennifer Willingham, MD
Rebecca Winokur, MD
Jeffrey Wulfman, MD
Maja Zimmerman, MD
Jeffrey Aalberg, MD
Douglas Aiken, MD
Peter G. Amann, MD
Steven Barter, MD
Charles Belisle, MD
Lisa Belisle, MD
Francis Bellino, MD
Michael Bither, MD
Laura Blustein, MD
Cameron Bopp, MD
Mark Bouchard, MD
Kathryn Bourgoin, MD
Donna J. Carr, DO
Phillip A. Carter, MD
Cynthia Cartwright, MS
Nichole Cherbuliez, MD
Patrick Connolly, MD
Catherine Crute, MD
Stephen Cummings, MD
Peggy Cyr, MD
Marcus Deck, MD
Joseph deKay, DO
Charles DeSieyes, MD
William Dexter, MD
Mary Dowd, MD
Rebecca Fried, MD
Daniel Friedland, MD
Christine Gates, MD
Pamela Gardiner, MD
James Glazer, MD
James Haller, MD
Louis Hanson, DO
James Harper, MD
Hugh Harwood, MD
David Haskell, MD
Victoria Hayes, MD
Christina Holt, MD
Wesley Johnson, MD
Stephan Kirsch, MD
Burton Knapp, MD
Neil Korsen, MD
David Loxterkamp, MD
Cydney Mahoney, MD
Scott Marr, MD
Richard Marino, MD
Stephen Martin, MD
Kathleen Mcgarr, MD
George McNeil, MD
Alain Montegut, MD
Kristy Murray-Pulsifer, DO
Jeffery Patch, MD
Stephen Paulding, MD
Daniel Pierce, MD
Jeffrey Ray, DO
Challa Reddy, MD
Usha Reddy, MD
Deborah Rothenberg, PhD
Jeffrey Saffer, MD
Allison Samitt, MD
Julie Schirmer, LCSW
Craig Schneider, MD
Kristen Silvia, MD
Ann Skelton, MD
Michael Stadnicki, MD
Meagan Staton, MD
Steven Stein, MD
David Strassler, MD
Frederick VanMourik, MD
Lisa Wendler, MD
Susan Weber-Flynn, Department Administrator
Emira Smailagic, Front Desk, Assistant to the Chair
Administrative/Financial Assistant
Kathryn Beaudry, Predoctoral Education Coordinator
Penilee Saulnier, Grant Coordinator
Randy Messier/David Serle, Director,
Family Medicine and PC/IM
Kathy Perez, Operations Specialist
Suzanne Lee, Executive Administrative Assistant
Nursing Staff
Office Staff
MaryHelen Bayerle, RN
Bonnie Benoit, RN
Heather Coletti, LPN
Cathy Craige, RN
Averil Dunham, LPN
Kelly Hanley, LPN
Lori Hoskins-Deharak, LPN
Chantelle Safford, RN
Sharon Williard, LPN
Mark Bailey, PSS
Manon Cote, HIM
Michelle Dickinson, PSS
Lesley Dinesen, PSS
Susan Duprey, PSS
Sheila Fraser, PSS
Diane Fusco, HIM
Ginny Himmelsbach PSS
Linda Kilburn, PSS
Tammy Lenentine, HIM
Donna Poitras, PSS
Ellen Young, Certified Professional Coder
Rhodelene Premont, OSS
Clinical Practice Supervisor
Patrick Clark
Nursing Staff
Office Staff
Cynthia Baranski, MA
Julie Bergeron, LPN
Kim Cronin, RN
Lynn Heffelfinger, LPN
Lauren Higgins, MA
Erica Lyons, MA
Jan Messina, LPN
Cheryl Rogers, LPN
Alyce Brouillard, PSS
Amy Bushey, Referral Specialist
Nicole Couture, PSS
Sue Groff, HIM
Margaret Kimball, HIM Clerk II
Jeannine Kneeland, HIM
Virginia Lawrence, PSS
Victoria Mitchell, PSS
Jamie Morrison, PSS
Nancy Morse, PSS
Shelley Pariseau, PSS
Kayleigh Shappy, PSS
Mental Health Counselors
Judith Gerber, PhD
Angela Paoli, LICSW
Clinical Practice Supervisor
Donna Kaynor
Nursing Staff
Office Staff
Shelley Billings, LPN
Laura Campo, RN
Dori Fredette, RTR/CMA
Carri Gale, LPN
Barbara Miller, RN
Kathy Reilly, RN
Theresa Sadlier, LPN
Monique Van Leuven, LPN
Cecile Vosburg, LPN
Michelle Wright, LPN
Holly VanWinkle, LPN
Patricia Armstrong, CPC
Jeanette Baylis, HIM Clerk II
Randi Beauchemin, PSS
Heather Hawkins, PSS
Holly Jamison, PSS
Kelly Lavery, PSS
Tara Libby, PSS
Sarah Maloney, PSS
Rose Myers, PSS
Jessica Ploesser, HIM Clerk II
Angela Rollins, PSS
Kim St. Hilaire, PSS
Valerie Tatro, PSS
Residency Program Coordinator
Mental Health Counselor
Clinical Practice Supervisor
Jennifer Wilson
Louise George, LICSW
Residency Education Coordinator
Research Project Assistant
Lise Vance
Amy Danielson
Nursing Staff
Mental Health Counselor
Heidi Bean, RN
Kristina Danaher, MA
Louise Greco, LPN
Paige Jipner, MA
Donna Langdeau, LPN
Joann Mogielnicki, RN
Victoria Provost, MA
Nancy Racine, LPN
Kate Morrissey, LCMHC
Office Staff
Jill Chagnon, PSS
Suzanne Cooper, PSS
Kim Laurie, PSS
Sonya Martin, PSS
Maureen Moffett, HIM
Lisa Thompson, Transcription
Wendy Tatro, PSS
Karen Trayah, PSS
Clinical Practice Supervisor
Charleen Tuthill
Nursing Staff
Office Staff
Adam Boise
Nancy Boutin, RN
Donna Butkus, RN
Geralyn Carpenter, RN
Leslie Goldring, Radiology
Joyce Guillemette, RN
Francine Hughes, RN
Julia Jacques, LPN
Judie Jerger, LPN
Mary Jane Lamare, LPN
Danielle Latreille, RN
Kasey Lyman, MA
Lisa Middleton, RN
Danielle Picarello, MA
Medora Plimton, RN
Cynthia Senical, RN
Judy Theoret, RN
Brian Thompson, Radiology
Carol Tifft, LPN
Claire Truso, RN
Danijela Vujanovic, MA
Judy Bailey-Relyea
Catherine Bombardier
James Cueto
Kathy Fernald
Allston Gilmond
Jeanne Gosselin, CPC
Patricia Martines, CPC
Sherri A Pierce
Kerry Rice
Wanita Weeks
Samuel Yanulavich
Clinical Practice Supervisor
Tammy Yohn/Keven Eriksen