


Approved of the Department of Children and Youth 2001-07-01. Revised 2015-02-06

Pre-school Childcare Childcare for school children

Pre-schools, family day-care homes, open pre-schools Leisure-time centres, holiday play schemes


Children living in Sweden and permanently staying in the Municipality of Karlskrona have the right to the pre-school childcare or the leisure-time childcare.

Children are entitled to either the pre-school childcare or Leisure-time childcare since the month when they are one year old until they are 13 years old.

(Education Act 8 chapter, 3§, 14 chapter, 3§)

Childcare hours depend on parents* working or studying times including reasonable time for travelling to a workplace or school and back home.

Pre-school children whose parents are unemployed or on parental leave are entitled to 15 hours of the preschool childcare a week. School children whose parents are unemployed are entitled to maximum 5 hours of out-of-school childcare a week. It is up to a childcare facility to decide about a child’s schedule in such a case. (Education Act 8 chapter, 6§)

School children whose parents are on parental leave, are not entitled to leisure-time childcare.

Leisure-time childcare can be provided during school holidays and study days for schoolchildren who only have those needs.

A childcare fee must be paid for at least two months even if a child is enrolled in the childcare shorter than

2 months.

Children with special needs who require extra support and attention in their development are also entitled to the pre-school or out-of-school childcare if they are not provided with childcare in a different way.

It is the Department of Children and Youth that is in charge of childcare applications for children with special needs (Education Act 8 chapter 7§, 14 chapter


In case of multiple birth of siblings, an older child is entitled to have the same childcare hours during the first four months after younger brothers’ or sisters’ birth.

Parents may be requested to show an employment or study certificate by a person in charge of a childcare facility.


Apply for a childcare place as early as possible.

Nevertheless, mind it that the earliest registration date is nine months before requested enrolment. Parents


Childcare hours are based on parents’ working or studying hours plus reasonable travel time to a workplace / studying place and back home. In case of schoolchildren the time spent at school is subtracted from allocated childcare hours.

Childcare time is calculated on the basis of typical working hours during ordinary time. For example the demand for childcare should not be estimated on the basis of parents’ needs during holidays, breaks, weekends, etc. If your child has not been in childcare as much time as you pay for, still you cannot save the unused time for later. Application about changed childcare times should be made at least two weeks before a new schedule applies.


A child’s address is registered in accordance with the population register. In case of joint custody of divorced parents, both parents hold responsibility for their child’s enrolment in childcare.

In case of availability of places, pre-school children have a priority to be enrolled in the same pre-school as their brothers or sisters.

In case of children whose siblings finish pre-school and start in an after-school club in August, priority enrolment is valid up to April 30. Apply for childcare as early as possible. However, the earliest registered queue date can be nine months before requested enrolment. Income declaration and childcare schedule must be submitted before child’s enrolment.


In Municipality of Karlskrona there is a certain maximum fee for childcare established that cannot be exceeded. Consult our website

for more detailed information about the maximum fee and how childcare fees are calculated.

Parents are required to provide information about their income. Upon failure to do so, they will pay the maximum fee.


It is possible to apply for childcare both for pre-school and school children online on our website

One needs a e-ID to change a schedule, income declaration or cancel childcare enrolment.

can register their children online on the website of

Karlskona Municipality using the Internet services

( Selfservise) .

A childcare application can be also made on a separate form. If a child cannot be offered an enrolment in the requested facility, it can remain on a waiting list to an higher ranked request, with the same registration date.


Universal pre-school is not any particular type of preschool. The name universal refers to its availability.

Universal pre-school, 525 hrs a year, is free of charge and available from the fall term of the year a child turns three years old . These hours should be used between September and May except for a Christmas break. (Education Act 8 chapter, 4§)

Universal pre-school for children whose parents work or study.

Three, four and five year olds whose parents work or study also have a right to universal pre-school. Their right to universal pre-school is executed by 30 % discount on childcare fee from September to May.

There is no discount in June, July and August

Universal pre-school for children whose parents are unemployed or on parental leave.

525 hours of free universal pre-school are offered to 3 ,

4 and 5 –year olds from September to May. From June through August, the children are entitled to 15 hours a week. The fees for childcare during these months are calculated according to maximum fee rates. Child’s schedule from June through August depends on preschool activities.

Children enrolled only in universal pre-school

Basically the children who are enrolled only in universal pre-school are entitled to 525 hours of childcare a year from September through May.

Universal pre-school is free of charge. It is up to a particular pre-school to decide about the schedule for children attending only universal pre-school.



Two month notice is required in case of place cancellation. Written notice should be made by filling in a particular form or by reporting it online using the

Internet services. Childcare is chargeable during two month notice time. New applications for childcare can be made when a place cancellation comes into effect.

Exception is made when a child quits from a leisuretime centre and applies for childcare only during the holidays.

A headmaster can cancel a child’s enrolment giving one month notice if the place in childcare is not used. Enrolment can be terminated immediately without giving notice if monthly fee is not paid. The fee must be paid before enrolment is renewed.

Pre-school children are moved automatically to leisure-time centres when they start pre-school class if parents do not report any change.

* Legal custodians are meant when the word parents is used in the text.


Contact place in a pre-school gives a child possibility to keep their placement during parents’ parental leave despite taking a break. Families have possibility to keep in touch with their pre-school and children are guaranteed to retain their place in their pre-school, where they have been enrolled before their siblings were born when parents start working or studying again (place guarantee does not always mean enrolment in the same group). The place in childcare is free of charge during a break. Family day-care homes do not offer contact places. Taking a break has no influence on the sibling’s right to a priority enrolment. The guarantee is valid only for enrolments from August through September and the families having a contact place will be asked before this time when they wish their child to be enrolled again.

If the requested enrolment is in another month than

August/September, a child is registered in an ordinary queue and there is no guarantee that the enrolment will be in the same pre-school a child was enrolled previously.


There are different opening hours depending on local conditions. There is one childcare place open all night in the municipality; Torgbackens pre-school in

Trossö, which is open 24 hours a day all year round.

Night childcare is a service intended for the parents working the night shift.


Pre-schools and leisure-time centres can be closed for two working days a term to enable the childcare personnel to attend skills development . Parents should be informed about the days at least two months before and should be offered childcare in another place during this time if necessary. There is no fee reduction because of closing for two study days a year. During summer holidays and other bank holidays, the childcare can be organised by cooperation of some units, for example children from different groups can be placed in one unit for this time. Childcare organisation during holidays depends on the demand for childcare and local conditions.


In the municipality there are two pre-school units with groups for children with severe allergies : Torgbackens pre-school in Trossö and Grävlingens pre-school in

