Industrial Catalysis

Industrial Catalysis
Credit code:13170310
Duration: 30 class hours
Preceded courses : Inorganic chemistry, Organic chemistry, Analytical
chemistry, Physical chemistry, Chemical engineering,
Chemical engineering thermodynamics
Teaching materials:Industrial catalysis, ed. Huang Zhongtao, Chemical
Industry Press, 2000
College: School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
1. Objectives
Industrial Catalysis is set by the recommendations of National Chemical
Technology Committee, which can be used as the compulsory or elective courses
of chemical engineering, applied chemistry, industrial catalysis, chemical
engineering and process, petrochemical and other related professional.
2. Requirements, contents and progress
(1) Requirements
Master the basic laws of catalysis, understanding the chemical nature of catalytic
processes, familiar with industrial catalytic technology.
(2) Topics and elements
Topic 1:Catalysis and catalyst
Functional Objectives:
Discusses the basic principles and characteristics of catalysis, the basic
requirements for industrial catalysts. Figure out the selectivity roles of catalysis
in chemical reactions, and the restrict roles of thermodynamic equilibrium theory
on catalytic.
Design requirements:
Grasp the principles of catalysis
Topic 2 Adsorption and heterogeneous catalysis
Functional Objectives:
Describe the physical adsorption and chemical adsorption in the catalyst and
applications of catalysis.
Design requirements:
Grasp the principles of heterogeneous catalysis in the adsorption.
Topic 3:Various types of catalysts and catalytic
Functional Objectives:
Describe the various types of catalysts and catalytic in details, including
acid-base catalysis, molecular sieve catalysts, metal catalysts, catalytic complex,
oxide and sulfide catalysis.
Design requirements:
Master the principles of various types of catalyst and catalytic.
Topic 4:Preparation and using of industrial catalysts
Functional Objectives:
Introduce the preparation and using method of industrial catalysts. Preparation
methods are including precipitation, impregnation, mixing method and the ion
exchange method.
Design requirements:
Master the preparation method of industrial catalysts.
Topic 5:Evaluation of catalytic activity
Functional Objectives:
Introduce laboratory evaluation methods of catalyst, and catalytic reactor types
and conditions of use.
Design requirements:
Grasp the Laboratory evaluation methods of catalyst.
3. Schedule
Theory Hours
1. Catalysis and catalyst
2. Adsorption and heterogeneous
Practice Hours
Machine Hours
3. Various types of catalysts and
4. Preparation and using of industrial
5. Evaluation of catalytic activity
4. Syllabus description
It requires students have abilities in analyzing a specific catalyst, and discussing the
development and industrialization process of the topic catalytic. Propose ideas of
designing new catalyst. And further discussed in class.
5. References:
Heterogeneous Catalysis, ed. G. C. Bond, Oxford, 1986